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Why are some people quiet & passive-

some are loud & aggressive?
Are certain Personality types better
suited to certain types of Jobs?
It is the dynamic concept of describing
growth & development of a persons total
Psychological system- not just the parts
but the whole- which is greater than the
sum of its parts.
Allport : The dynamic organization within
the individual of those psychological
systems that determine his unique
adjustment to his environment

Sum total of ways in which an individual
reacts to and interacts with others-
described in terms of measurable Traits
that he/she exhibits

Personality: derived from Latin word
Persona meaning mask or by extension
role as in Greek/ Roman theatre
Determinants of Personality
Factors that were determined at birth/
conception stage
height/ color of hair/ eyes
shyness/ fear
Influenced/ inherited from Parents/
grand parents
Factors like
-the Culture in which we are raised
-early conditioning
-Norms among our family & friends
social /religious groups
Issue of Nature v/s Nurture
Heredity provides us with in-born traits/
abilities but full potential is determined by
how well we adjust to demands of the
Influences the effects of Heredity &
Environment on Personality
Individuals Personality though generally
stable & consistent does change in
different situations
Different demands of different situations
manifest different aspects of ones
Logical that situation will influence
persons behavior
Same situation may influence different
persons personalities different so
different behavior
No neat classification on what situation
will affect different personality types &
Certain situations more relevant than
Certain Situations impose constraints on
our behavior. Ex. Religious places/
gathering/ Job Interviews
Certain others impose less constraints like
a Picnic
Some people may still be quiet even on a
Personality Traits
Enduring Characteristics that describe an
Individuals Behavior. Ex. Shy/Aggressive/
These Traits are exhibited in a large
number of Situations (not all)
The more Consistent the Characteristic-
the more frequently it occurs in diverse
situations- the more important that Trait
in describing that Persons Personality
What use in an Organization
Helps in employee Selection by Matching/
Fitting Persons to Jobs
Guiding Career Development Decisions
Personality Tests are used to screen
candidates & improve job performance
Some Tests used in Industry
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
100 Questions on how usually feel in
particular situations
Extroverted- Introverted
Sensing- Intuitive
Thinking- Feeling
Judging- Perceiving
Myers- Briggs Types contd.
E or I Extroverted are outgoing/
sociable/ outgoing. Introverted- quiet &
S or N Sensing are practical/ prefer
order/details. Intuitive rely on
unconscious/ see the big picture
T or F Thinking type use reason/ logic to
handle problems. Feeling types depend on
Values/ emotions
J or P- Judging type want control/order.
Perceiving types are flexible/ spontaneous
These Classifications combined to give 16
Personality Types
INTJ- Visionaries/ Original minds/ great
drive for their own ideas. Skeptical/
Critical/Independent/ Stubborn
ESTJ-Organizers. Realistic/Logical/
Analytical. Have a natural flair for
ENTP- Conceptualizer. Innovator/
Individualistic /Versatile. Resouceful in
problem solving
Big Five Model
Extroversion: Comfort level with relationships
Agreeableness: Propensity to defer to others
Conscientiousness: Reliability/ dependability
Emotional Stability: Ability to withstand Stress
Openness to Experience: Range of Interests.

Other Tests
16 PF : 16 Personality Factors
FIRO- B: Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation
DISC : Drive-Influence Steadiness Compliance
Thomas Profiling: Mapping Behavioral Aptitude
PAPI: Personality Assessment Preference Inventory

Major Personality Attributes
influencing Organizational Behavior
Locus of Control: Degree to which a person
believes that he/she is master of his/her own Fate
-Internals/ Externals
Machiavellianism: Degree to which a person is
pragmatic. Maintains Emotional Distance. Believes that
Ends can justify Means
Self Esteem
Self Monitoring
Risk Taking:
Some Personality Types
Type A: Aggressive involvement in
incessant struggle to achieve more & more
in less & less time- sometimes against
opposing efforts of other things/ persons
Type B: Rarely hassled by desire to obtain
a widely increasing number of things or
participate in endless series of events in
ever decreasing time available
Hollands Personality Types
Proactive Personality
Identify opportunities- show initiative-
take action- persevere until meaningful
change occurs
More likely to be seen as Leaders
As Change Agents- Challenge Status quo
Entrepreneurial initiative
Seek & develop contacts
Demonstrate persistence

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