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The total sequence of
employment-related positions,
roles, activities and experiences
encountered by an individual.
(Jackson, !!!"
usually defined as a series of
positions occupied by an
individual durin# the course of a
is a lon# - term attempt to help
employees shape careers that are
satis#yin# to them.
$elpin# employess, especially hi#h-
performin# employees
%chieve a satisfyin#
career reduces turnover
and enables an
or#ani&ation to retain
valuable human
' The process of assessin#, ali#nin# and
balancin# or#anisational and individual needs,
capabilities, opportunities and challen#es
throu#h multiple approaches and methods.'

(t emphasi&es the person as an individual )ho
performs, confi#ures and adapts various )ork

(ts ma*or intervention is self-
assessment and developmental
processes that affect individual and
or#anisational abilities to #enerate
optimal matches of people and *obs
(Tracey, +,,+"
(n or#ani&ational development (or -D", the
study of career development looks at.

ho) individuals mana#e their careers )ithin

and bet)een or#ani&ations and,

ho) or#ani&ations structure the career

pro#ress of their members, it can also be tied into
succession plannin# )ithin most of the
Certain sta#es of careers
According to Judith Ross, 5 key actions
companies need to undertake to #ro)
mana#ers and keep them from leavin#.
A.12 Capitalize the name of a people, race, tribe,
or ethnic or linguistic group.
+. /rovide room to #ro)
. Continually enrich the experience
6. 1xpress appreciation
7. Counteract stress
8. Cement stress
is a statement of action that
commits mana#ement to a
definite plan or course of
Hiring and
9sed as #uidelines for
decision makin# by
reducin# ad hoc
decision makin#.
2ead to #reater
consistency and
continuity in an
The formulation of policy
is ultimately the
responsibility of the
1. Requires library
management to think
through the needs of
both employees and
the organization
. /rovide consistent treatment for
all employees. <ecause each
supervisor follo)s the same
policies, the equal treatment of each
employee is assured.
Clearly stated policies minimize both
favoritism and discrimination.
=uch policies assure continuity of action,
even durin# periods )hen mana#ers or
supervisors chan#e.
5e) mana#ers have a )ritten standard
to follo), and policy remains stable.
1mployees need not endure vacillations
in policies )hen supervisors resi#n or
(n addition to policies and procedures, or#ani&ations
also have a rules.
> is defined as a re#ulation or prescribed
#uide for conduct or behavior.
> are the minimum standards of conduct taht apply to
a #roup of people and should apply uniformly to
everyone in that #roup.
> =erve to ensure predictability of behavior so that
the or#ani&ation can achieve its #oals and function
)ithout undue disruption.
-bviously, the policies, procedures, and
rules of an or#ani&ation should be )ritten
and available to all. (f they exist only in the
mind of the director, they fail to serve the
purposes for )hich they are developed.
$o)ever, they must be more than )ritten?
they must be communicated to and
understood by all employees. /olicies
locked in the director@s desk are *ust as
ineffective as those that are un)ritten.
How are policies, procedures, and rules
communicated through an organization?
=pecial care must be taken to communicate these
documents to supervisors so that they can
administer them equitably and uniformly.
-r#ani&ations have special trainin# sessions to
acquaint supervisors )ith policies or to revie) them
5on supervisory employees commonly learn about
policies, procedures, and rules throu#h the employee
handbook or manual, )hich usually is #iven to each
ne) employee durin# orientation.
0ose 4arie %Aora 1balle
Bretchell <acalso Cuiron#
Career development is simple-- hire the right
person, develop the right person for the job, and
find the right job for the right person.

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