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Chapter 1

Introduction to Communication
Introduction to Communication
Why is communication important?
What is communication?
Why is communication imperfect?
Why is communication important?
Important to human society and to
organization in general
Current business trends
Recent developments in the electroni
Personal satisfaction and succes
Higher the rank more will be

What is communication?
Communication may be defined with the
help of following theories
Electronic theory
Social environment theory
Rhetorical theory
Electronic theory
This idea emphasized the technical problems of transmitting a message fro
m a sender to a receiver
It is based on, and uses the language of, electronics
The message begins with an information source the mind of
the sender (writer or speaker), who encodes
a message into words and sentences.
The message is transmitted as signal (marks on paper or sound waves) thr
ough a channel, where it may be distorted
by noise (such as smudged typing or acoustical problems).
As a last step, thereceiver (listener or reader) decodes the message.
The electronic theory is helpful because it introduces the ideas of senders a
nd receivers and of
possible interference. It emphasizes one important aspect of
communication: accuracy.
Its usefulness is limited , people are not machines
a accurate electronic
communication system can be design but not a human one
ignores many other important dimensions of
the situation in which we communicate
Social environment theory
Social environment theory of
the social and behavioral scientists
We must consider the situation,
the social context in which we will work.
When we work and communicate together, we all part
icipate in a social situation
Within that situation, each agrees to assume certain r
oles such as "compromiser," "initiator," "or
"encourager" based on our part in the activity.
We each have a certain status prescribed officially, su
ch as our job title.
Social environment theory

Please refer book for diagrams
Rhetorical theory
is not linear, but circular; not just sending a message
to be received, but producing
a response; not static, but dynamic.
In fact, perhaps the most important difference betwee
n business communication and other forms of
communication is
this circular quality: your business communication eff
ectiveness depends on the result you achieve
Many people caught up in
the accuracy forget third crucial variable, producing th
e desired response form their audience.
This model is circular, not linear
Definition of Communication
The process of sharing by which
messages produce responses


Why is communication imperfect?
Loss of meaning- Noise
Distortion- Interference
Communication fall off

Psychological barriers
Semantic and physical barriers
Psychological barriers
Different perception of different people
Remember extreme and forget middle
Semantic and physical barriers
Semantic Blocks
The study of word choice
Physical Barriers
For writing
For speaking

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