Latest - Vietnam War Presentation 22 Nov 2013

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Vietnam War Timeline
1951 - Ho Chi Minh becomes in the North.
1954 - North Vietnamese begin helping South Vietnamese rebels fight South
May 1954 - he !attle of "ien !ien #hu.he Geneva Accords en$ the %rench &n$ochina 'ar.
(uly )1* 1954 - Vietnam signs the +ene,a -ccor$s an$ $i,i$es into t.o countries at the 1/th
parallel* the Communist-le$ North an$ 0.S.-supporte$ south.
1955 - South Vietnamese #remiere Ngo "inh "iem rejects +ene,a -ccor$s an$
refuses to participate in elections 1.ith 0S bac2ing3.
195/-1945 - North Vietnam an$ the Viet Cong fight South Vietnamese troops. he 0.S. sen$s more ai$ to
help the South Vietnamese go,ernment to stop the sprea$ of communism in Southeast -sia.
1946 - et 7ffensi,e an$ My 8ai Massacre inci$ent
(an )/* 19/5 - - cease-fire is arrange$ after peace tal2s.
Mac )9* 19/5-he last -merican groun$ troops lea,e. %ighting begins again bet.een North an$ South Vietnam*
but the 0.S. $oes not return.
-pril 59* 19/5- South Vietnam surren$ers to North Vietnam as North Vietnamese troops enter Saigon* no.
calle$ Ho Chi Minh City.
1.5 million - otal military $eaths for all countries in,ol,e$
1 to 5 million - otal $eath among ci,ilian an$ military from North an$
South Vietnam
56*))9 : otal 0S military
Cost of the .ar
;stimate$ cost of the .ar incurre$ amounte$ to 0S159 billion.
he So,iet 0nion an$ Communist China are estimate$ to ha,e pro,i$e$
about 0S5 billion .orth of ai$ to North Vietnam an$ the Vietcong.
<elate$ peace accor$s
he +ene,a Conference of 1954
he 0nite$ States refused to participate in the conference or recogni=e the accor$s.
he #aris #eace -ccor$s 1##-3 1946 -19/5
he agreement .as not ratified by the 0.S. Senate.
Vietnam War Who to blame?
Col$ 'ar
- state of political tension an$ military ri,alry bet.een
nations that stops short of full-scale .ar* e>iste$ bet.een
the 0nite$ States an$ So,iet 0nion 'orl$ 'ar &&
0S agen$a : imperialism
0S policy of e>ten$ing a country?s an$ influence
through $iplomacy or military force. struggles an$ i$eological battle in bet.een
South an$ North
Ma@or $isagreements an$ on .ho .ill ha,e
control o,er important areasA i$eology* political an$
economic aspects of a country to be the most po.erful3.
#H-S;S 7% H; N;+7&-&7N
PHAS !" P#PA#AT$%&
he ob@ecti,es areB

o create peace in Vietnam an$ to en$ the prolonge$


<eunification of Vietnam
PHAS ! 'C%&(T)
SH-"7' N;+7&-&7N - H; +<70N" 7% N;+7&-&7N
13 he goals
Ho. to create peace in Vietnam
Ho. to re-unite South an$ North Vietnam
)3 he interests for each parties an$ ho. to resol,e them
53 'here an$ .hen the negotiation ta2es place.
43 'ho .ill in,ol,e in the negotiationC
53 he agen$a of the negotiation
#H-S; 1 1C7ND3
S7C&-8 C7N<-C
Social Contract

!* Ho+ the ne,otiation +ill
he place of Negotiation - he negotiation
.ill ta2e place in +ene,a .hich pro,i$es a
neutral groun$ for the parties in,ol,e$

he -gen$a : to be $iscusse$ an$
prioriti=e$ accor$ing to its urgency

he time of negotiation : by 1945

'ho shoul$ in,ol,eC
he North Vietnam* South Vietnam* he
#<+* he 0S* &CCS an$ members of 0N.

Social Contract
Social Contract

.* Who has influence and

he 0N shoul$ be in of ensuring the success
of the negotiation an$ pressure all in,ol,ing parties
to negotiate accor$ingly.

/* What are the boundaries of
the ne,otiation?

7nly allo.s $iscussion pertaining the scope of the
negotiation. 7ther issues arise besi$e the
$iscussion on the scope on the negotiation .ill no
be entertaine$. !ear in min$ that our main ob@ecti,e
is to en$ the .ar.

#H-S; )B <;8-&7NSH&# !0&8"&N+
!ac2groun$ of the #arties
The &orth Vietnam South Vietnam P#G0&1F 2S

#ro : communist
pro>y to North
Colonist being
in,ol,e$ since
1ed b3 Ho Chi
Su--orted b3
Soviet and

but refuse to sign
the +ene,a
8e$ by Ngo "inh
Supporte$ by
in$epen$ence by
guerrilla an$
regular army units

<efuse the
;ach #arties &nterests
&orth Vietnam South Vietnam P#G0&1F The 2S
Pro7Communist -ime$ for
in$epen$ence of
Vietnam through
#ro-communist -ime$ for
through South
See4 to reunif3
Vietnam under
communist rule

-gree on the i$ea
of ha,ing one
presi$ent 1if they
are the party .ho
Helping North
Vietnam to en$ the
0S in,asion to

o stop communist
i$eology from
sprea$ing to South
;ast -sia

8isa,ree on the
involvement of
2S in the
establishment of
united Vietnam
-gree on the
in,ol,ement of 0S
because they are
in nee$s of the ai$
E assistance from
the 0S in
supporting the
"isagree on the
in,ol,ement of 0S
in the
establishment of
unite$ Vietnam
'oul$ li2e to
in,ol,e in the
agreement for their
o.n self-
#H-S; 5B &N%7<M-&7N +-H;<&N+
0S may not stop their
bombing an$ .ant to
procee$ helping
South Vietnam on
.inning the .ar
he #<+ may not .ant
to mo,e out from South
Vietnam an$ .ant
others to recogni=e$
their go,ernment
South Vietnam may
not agree on +eneral
;lection because
they are sure to lose
North Vietnam may
refuse to negotiate
because they are
sure enough to .in
the .ar an$ they $o
not .ant to
TH FAS$9$1$T: %F TH P%SS$91 STT16&T
Step 1B "onDt react
: go to the balcony
Step )B "isarm
hem : Step to
their si$e
Step 5B Ma2e it
Har$ to Say No :
!ring them to their
senses* not their
Step 5 B Change
the +ame : "onDt
re@ect* reframe
Step 4B Ma2e it
;asy to say Ges :
!uil$ hem a
+ol$en !ri$ge
To cater this thin, +e have to advise to all
-arties to follo+ 2r3(s brea4throu,h a--roach"
#H-S; 4B &N%7<M-&7N 0S&N+
9AT&A !
To arran,e for an immediate -eace ne,otiations bet+een &orth
and South Vietnam after the Geneva Accords failure Geneva
Accords .*
&orth and South Vietnam to adhere to the treaties as
outlined under Geneva Accords in the Geneva Conference of
!;<= +hich resulted in the division of Vietnam into t+o
5ones at the !>th -arallel? a northern 5one to be ,overned b3
the Vi t 6inh? and a southern 5one to be ,overned b3 the
State of Vietnam*
General election to be held +ithin a 3ear after conductin, a
-oll on +hich -art3 to lead the countr3*

9AT&A .
To amend several -roceedin,s involved in the Paris Peace
&e,otiators from &orth and South Vietnam to led the
ne,otiation on The Paris Peace Accords instead of 2nited
States* This +ill allo+ trans-arenc3 and clarit3 throu,hout the
ne,otiation -rocess*
Prohibit influences from an3 secret ne,otiation held
-ertainin, the PPA
To ensure involvement of all -arties in each series of the
To en,a,e a mediator from 2nited &ation '2&) in ensurin, fair
and e@uitable outcome of the ne,otiation
9AT&A /
&orth and South Vietnam ,overnment to re-licate the Peo-leAs
#e-ublic of China administrative s3stem that enable economic
reform +hich resulted in immense chan,es in Chinese econom3
and its societ3*
All -o+er +ithin the ,overnment of the Peo-leAs #e-ublic of
China is divided amon, several bodies"

the -olitical branch? the Communist Part3 of China
the eBecutive branch? the State Council
the le,islative branch? the &ational Peo-leAs Con,ress*
the judicial branch? the Su-reme Peo-leAs Court
the militar3 branch? Peo-leAs 1iberation Arm3 'P1A) via the
Central 6ilitar3 Commission

PHAS <" 9$88$&G

North Vietnam an$ N8%
o ha,e South Vietnam to be the main negotiator .ith North
Vietnam in the +ene,a -ccor$ )
South Vietnam an$ 0S
o urge imme$iate ceasefire by both si$es 1North an$ South3 at
once before the start of the negotiation.
he $iscussion conclu$e$ thatB
!oth parties agree$ on ceasefire an$ representation of North an$
South in +ene,a -ccor$ )
%rom the $iscussion* both parties shoul$ confirm their stan$ an$
$ecision .ithin 5 $ays from the first $iscussion.
PHAS C" C1%S$&G TH 8A1
The draft of agreement for Geneva Accord 2 need to be
prepared and finalize by representative from the parties
involved in Geneva Accord 2 negotiation.
PHAS >" $6P16&T$&G TH AG#6&T
The agreement will be carried out by both South and North
ietnam with the supervision of !""S and monitored by the #N.
#S troops should withdraw completely from South ietnam
while North must stop the military attac$s throughout ietnam.
General election is to be held within a year after conducting a
poll on which party to lead the country.
!* 8F$& TH $SS2S
0S in,ol,ement is belie,e$ to ha,e a hi$$en agen$a.
!oth parties refuse to ac2no.le$ge each other
7nly one official meeting* others are secret meetings
%inal $raft $i$ not consult the other party in,ol,e$
.* ASS691 TH $SS2S D 8F$&
TH 9A#GA$&$&G 6$E
1. 0S hi$$en agen$a
Col$ .ar .ith <ussia 1practice communism3
0S agen$a : imperialism. 0S policy of e>ten$ing a country?s an$
influence through $iplomacy or military force.
). !oth parties clearly refuse$ to ac2no.le$ge each other
North VietnamB strong belief of communist i$eology an$ authority 3
South VietnamB enhance nationality an$ patriotism to o.n country.
#erception* cogniti,e an$ emotional influences resulte$ in sentiment-
base$ $ecision.
.* ASS691 TH $SS2S D 8F$&
TH 9A#GA$&$&G 6$E
5. 7nly one official meeting* others are secret meetings
7fficial meetingB 19 May 1946 in #aris
%e. secret meetings starting 4th -ugust 19491 "r. Henry Hissinger .ith
8e "uc ho3
4. %inal $raft $i$ not consult the other party in,ol,e$
"i$ not in,ol,e$ South Vietnamese #resi$ent* Nguyen Van hieu
hieu become suspicious of North VietnamDs goo$ intention.
/* 8F$& :%2# $&T#ST
North ietnam South ietnam %&G'N() The #S
%ro*communist Anti*communist %ro*communist Anti*communist
Agree on the idea of
having one president
+if they are the party
who lead,

Agree on the idea of
having one president
+if they are the party
who lead,
Agree on the idea of
having one president
+if only North ietnam
is the party who

Agree on the idea of
having one president
+if only South
ietnam is the party
who lead,

-isagree on the
involvement of #S in
the establishment of
united ietnam
Agree on the
involvement of #S
because they are in
needs of the aid .
assistance from the
#S in supporting the
Saigon Government
-isagree on the
involvement of #S in
the establishment of
united ietnam
/ould li$e to involve
in the agreement for
their own self*
=* F&%W :%2# 1$6$TS

No agreement achie,e$ if there are force or ,iolence

use$ or a bloo$she$ bet.een negotiating team from
South an$ North Vietnam in the time of establishing
5. HN7' G70< -8;<N-&V;S
9AT&A !
To arran,e for an immediate -eace ne,otiations bet+een &orth and
South Vietnam after the Geneva Accords failure Geneva Accords
&orth and South Vietnam to adhere to the treaties as outlined
under Geneva Accords in the Geneva Conference of !;<= +hich
resulted in the division of Vietnam into t+o 5ones at the !>th
-arallel? a northern 5one to be ,overned b3 the Vi t 6inh? and a
southern 5one to be ,overned b3 the State of Vietnam*
General election to be held +ithin a 3ear after conductin, a -oll
on +hich -art3 to lead the countr3*

9AT&A .
To amend several -roceedin,s involved in the Paris Peace Accords*
&e,otiators from &orth and South Vietnam to led the ne,otiation
on The Paris Peace Accords instead of 2nited States* This +ill
allo+ trans-arenc3 and clarit3 throu,hout the ne,otiation
Prohibit influences from an3 secret ne,otiation held -ertainin,
the PPA
To ensure involvement of all -arties in each series of the
To en,a,e a mediator from 2nited &ation '2&) in ensurin, fair
and e@uitable outcome of the ne,otiation
9AT&A /
&orth and South Vietnam ,overnment to re-licate the Peo-leAs
#e-ublic of China administrative s3stem that enable economic reform
+hich resulted in immense chan,es in Chinese econom3 and its
All -o+er +ithin the ,overnment of the Peo-leAs #e-ublic of China is
divided amon, several bodies"

the -olitical branch? the Communist Part3 of China
the eBecutive branch? the State Council
the le,islative branch? the &ational Peo-leAs Con,ress*
the judicial branch? the Su-reme Peo-leAs Court
the militar3 branch? Peo-leAs 1iberation Arm3 'P1A) via the Central
6ilitar3 Commission

4. S;&N+ H; -<+;
H-V; #;-C;
C7N&N0; H; +;N;V- -CC7<"S
Bistin, outcome &e+ outcome
Geneva Accords
!* A ceasefire +as si,ned*
.* France a,reed to +ithdra+ its troo-s from the re,ion*
/* $ndochina +as s-lit into three countries" 1aos?
Cambodia and Vietnam*
=* Vietnam +as tem-oraril3 divided into &orth and South
Vietnam until elections could be held to unite the

Paris Peace Accords
<* The settlement included a cease7fire throu,hout
C* Withdra+al all 2nited States troo-s alon, +ith the all
the forei,n troo-s from 1aos and Cambodia and the
dismantlin, of all 2*S bases +ithin CG da3s*
>* $n return? the &orth Vietnamese a,reed to release all
2*S and other -risoners of +ar*
H* #eunification of Vietnam
+ene,a -ccor$s )
1. Mo$ification of +ene,a -ccor$s.
*. Select representati,e for each parties.
*. "uring the agreement* ceasefire throughout the
*. ;lections to choose main parties that can running the

/. -ssessing Constituents an$ the Social Conte>t of the
!n the case0 the negotiators are #S representatives0
representatives from North ietnam and South ietnam0
representatives from #S and %rovisional &evolutionary
Government +%&G,0 members of #N and !""S as an
6. -naly=ing the 7ther #arty : .hy $o they .ant .hat they .antC
P()*+,- W(.* W/0
N1)*/V+,*.(2 &eunification of ietnam



&epublic of ietnam
Anti*communist 1wn
government with a president



&eunification of ietnam S,,3+.4,5,.4,.6,87*-7551)*



2elp South ietnam


9. #resent the issues to the other party
- 0se clarity* transparency an$ influence in presenting both
the principles an$ the issues
- -$opting an$ using 5 $ifferent strategic approaches to
negotiationB interest* rights an$ strategically.
!G* 8efine the -rotocol to be follo+ed
in the ne,otiation
- 'hat is the agen$aC
- 'here an$ .hen .ill the negotiation occurC
- 'ho .ill be thereC
Pete doc Fraer

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