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Dr Vikas Saroch
• History

• Principle

• Parts & Working

• Applications

• In  analytical chemistry AAS is a 
technique for determining the
concentration of a particular metal 
element in a sample.
• The technique can be used to
analyze the concentration of over
70 different metals in a solution.
• In the nineteenth century.
• Modern form was largely developed
during the 1950s.
• A team of Australian chemists.
• By Alan Walsh.
• By  CSIRO (Common wealth Science
and Industry Research
Organization) Division of Chemical
Physics in Melbourne, Australia .

• Based on  Beer-Lambert law

• Use of absorption spectrometry to
assess the concentration of an
analyte in a sample.
• Electrons of the atoms in the
atomizer can be promoted to
higher orbital's for a short amount
of time by absorbing a set quantity
of energy (i.e. light of a given
• In this technique a light source
emitting a narrow spectral line of
characteristic energy  which is used
to excite the free atoms formed in
the flame or atomized.  The
decrease in energy (absorption) is
the measured by detector.  The
absorption is directly proportional
to the concentration of free atoms
in the flame or electrothermal
• This amount of energy (or
wavelength) is specific to a
particular electron transition in a
particular element, and in general,
each wavelength corresponds to
only one element.
• In order to analyze a sample for its
atomic constituents, it has to be
• Sample should then be illuminated
by light.
• Light transmitted is finally measured
• Radiation source / Light Source
• Focusing lens
• Wavelength Selector
• Detector
• Amplifier
• Signal Processor (Display)

Atomic absorption spectrometer
block diagram
Radiation Source / Light Source

• Light produced by a
hollow cathode lamp.
• Inside lamp there is a cylindrical
metal cathode containing the metal
for excitation, and an anode.
• When a high voltage is applied
across the anode and cathode.
• The metal atoms in the cathode are
excited into producing light with a
certain emission spectrum.

• Type of hollow cathode tube depends
on the metal being analyzed.
• For analyzing the concentration of
copper in an ore, a copper cathode
tube would be used, and likewise for
any other metal being analyzed.
• The electrons of the atoms in the flame
can be promoted to higher orbitals for
an instant by absorbing a set quantity
of energy (a quantum).
• 2 gm (solid sample) or 10-15 ml/element
( liquid sample) .
• Analysis of liquids:
• Normally turned into an atomic gas in three
Ø Desolvation (Drying) : liquid solvent is 
evaporated, and the dry sample remains.
Ø Vaporization (Ashing) : the solid sample
vaporises to a gas
Ø Atomization : compounds making up the
sample are broken into free atoms.

Video showing atomic
absorption spectrometer
S in g le -B e a m vs. D o u b le B e a m A A S p e ctro m e te rs

Source: Skoog, Holler, and Nieman, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th edition, Saunders College Publishing.
Source: Rubinson and Rubinson, Contemporary Instrumental Analysis, Prentice Hall Publishing.
Source: Rubinson and Rubinson, Contemporary Instrumental Analysis, Prentice Hall Publishing.
TRACE 500 Atomic
 TRACE 1200 Atomic

Absorption Absorption
Spectrometer Spectrometer
 

TRACE 1200 Flame

 TRACE 1200 Flame GF

 
TRACE 1300 Atomic
Absorption Spectrometer
 Key Features :
Ø Switchable single/true
double beam optics.
Ø Auto-switch and highly
efficient software
controlled process.
Ø Six (6) lamp turret with
auto-switch .
Ø Fast wavelength scan -
takes 30 seconds to
scan from 190-900nm
Ø Multi-element sequential
analysis improves
efficiency by allowing
the user to quickly scan
for multiple elements
within a single sample.
Ø Sample sizes are very
Advantages of AA
• Determination of 68 metals.
• Ability to make ppb determinations on major
components of a sample.
• Precision of measurements by flame are better
than 1% . There are few other instrumental
methods that offer this precision so easily.
• AA analysis is subject to little interference.
• Most interference that occurs have been well
studied and documented.
• Sample preparation is simple (often involving only
dissolution in an acid).
• Instrument easy to tune and operate.
• Cost effective .

Applications of A A S
• Water analysis (e.g. Ca, Mg, Fe, Si, Al, Ba
 food analysis
• Analysis of animal feedstuffs (e.g. Mn, Fe,
Cu, Cr, Se,
 Zn)
• Analysis of additives in lubricating oils and
greases (Ba,
 Ca, Na, Li, Zn, Mg)
• Analysis of soils
• Clinical analysis (blood samples: whole
blood, plasma,
 serum; Ca, Mg, Li, Na, K, Fe
Application in Rasashastra
• In Raw drug analysis (e.g. Ca, Mg, Fe,
Mn, Fe, Cu, Cr Si, Al, Ba content)
• In final product (Prepared Drug).



Thank You ………………….

Dr. Maha Daghestani

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