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The Purpose of the Good Knight

Program is to make children and

their families aware of the ten
basic psychological deceptions
that criminals use to lure them
into unsafe situations, such as
drug use, gang violence,
abduction, molestation and
sometimes to their death.
Background of the Network
Definition of a Criminal Predator
Useful Tools & Resources
Education and Prevention
Basic Program
Mentor Program
What it has evolved to at Good Knight Castle

The Good Knight Child Empowerment Network, Inc. (the "Network"),
a 501(c)3 non-profit public service organization, was founded in 1985 by a group of
retired law enforcement and military officers. The three co-founders were Edward Jagen
retired Washington, D.C. Police Major Crimes Investigator, Dennis V.N. Mac Carthy, retired
U.S. Secret Service (deceased) and Admiral Elmo R. Zumalt, Jr, retired U.S. Navy
(deceased) whose philosophy was If you want peace, prepare for war. The Network is
dedicated to empowering children and adults to become champions, active citizens and
protectors through education. Through the use of a multi-cultural knighthood theme, the
Program entrusts "Good Knights" with a quest to protect others by preventing crimes and
violence against children. Good Knights learn to protect themselves, their friends and
their families by learning the ten basic deceptions that negative individuals use to lure
children into gangs, drug use, abuse, crime and violence. These are the same deceptions
that are used on children through the internet, telephone or in person. The children are
then asked to go out and teach what they have learned to others within their community,
using a FREE copy of the Good Knight DVD or VHS program that can currently be
obtained through All children become mentors, teachers of others.
The progam may also be used by high school students to satisfy their community service
requirements for graduation. The Good Knight Program has been featured in Parade
Magazine and on America's Most Wanted, 48 Hours, the Today Show and many news
shows. The Network has received numerous awards and commendations including the
President's Service Award Silver Medal for Public Safety.
Identifying Child Sexual Offenders
Looks Are Deceiving
Child Sexual Predators can be anyone. Look for the deceptions not the stranger.
There are 10 psychological deceptions used by predators
on the internet, over the phone or face to face.
Criminal Predators Definition
The criminal predator is any individual, man, woman or child
who victimizes, plunders, or destroys, especially for one's own
Criminal predators gain the trust of their intended victims by
using one or a combination of ten basic psychological
These deceptions have successfully been used on the internet,
telephone and face to face to manipulate innocent children and
adults into abusive situations, gangs, drug use and crime and
SOLUTIONteach everyone these ten basic deceptions and you
expose the modus operandi of all predators.
U.S. Dept. of Justice Statistics
7 out of 10 girls and 3 out of 7 boys will be victimized before they
reach age 18
551,000 sexual offenders have been released and are registered
throughout America.
Only 10% of sexual offenders are ever caught and convicted.
90% of sexual offenders are never caught which means that over 7
million avoid detection and are seeking unaware victims.
Two out three violent sex offenders in jail victimized someone under
18 years of age
44% of all rape victims are under 18 years of age
Within 3 years of release, 8% of rapists are re-arrested for rape and
27% re-arrested for another violent offense
Crimes against children have gone up 444% since 1986
By the Numbers
100% of registered offenders have been
convicted of some type of sexual offense
97% of registered offenders are male
90% of child sex offenders had a relationship
with the victim prior to the offense
88% of victims of registered offenders are
female with nearly half being 12 to 14 years old
85% of sexual assaults on children occur in the
home of the victim or the attacker
76% of offenders are under age 50
Victim/Suspect Relationships
Parents (all)
Other Relative
Mother's Boyfriend
National Sex Offender Public
Map Sex Offenders
Sex Offender Compliance &
Enforcement in Maryland
Education & Prevention
The Department of Justice recommends that
community notification programs include an
education component
Registration and public awareness is just part of
the solution
Incarceration of offenders and monitoring post
release costs hundreds of thousands of dollars
per offender per year.
Education and prevention awareness save tax
Understanding Predator Psychology
National statistics indicate that 90% or more of
child sexual offenders make themselves known
to their victims prior to the offense being
committed. A survey of registered offenders in
one Maryland county indicates that the number
is 96%
The only way to beat the predator to the crime
scene is by educating all children with the ten
psychological deceptions predators use to gain
control over their victims.
Understanding Predator Psychology
Child sexual offenders try to control their victims through
the following psychological deceptions: Authority, Bribes,
Crisis, Danger, Ego, False Caring, Games, Help, Idol,
Jobs. The Good Knight ABCs of Protection film helps
parents, educators and children be aware of how an
individual will set up on them through live action
depiction of the deceptions and interactive animation.

Child sexual abuse is not a result of a sudden impulse,
but is usually planned - this provides an opportunity for
intervention and education.

Predators seek opportunity and vulnerability. An
unaware child is an easy target.
Keep the Lines of
Communication Open
Teach all children the Good Knight ABCs of
Protection and that anyone can be a stranger.
Even someone you know.
Stranger = judge a person by his/her behavior,
not their appearance.
Discourage secrets.
Good touch, bad touch, no touch where a
bathing suit covers.
We cant be with our children 24/7 but what we
teach kids will protect them forever.
Develop a Safety Plan
Question your children about activities that
occur when you are not present
Its OK to say NO
Talk to your children everyday and keep the
lines of communication open
Be suspicious of unusually attentive adults
If something does not seem right about a
situation - trust your instincts
Develop a Safety Plan
Screen sitters, childcare providers, and

Understand the statistics and use them to make
good decisions regarding family safety

Use all tools available registry website for
neighborhood awareness and the Good Knight
Film reviewed together as a family every 6

American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendation

Teach your child the proper names
for body parts.
Teach your child about "private parts"
of the body and how to say "no" to
sexual advances. Give straight-
forward answers about sex.
American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendation

Discuss safety away from home and
the difference between being touched
in private parts of the body (parts
covered by a bathing suit) and other
touching. Encourage your child to talk
about scary experiences.
American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendation

Stress personal safety and give
examples of possible problem areas,
such video arcades, restrooms, malls,
locker rooms, and out-of-the-way
places outdoors. Start to discuss rules
of sexual conduct that are accepted
by the family.
American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendation

Re-stress personal safety and
potential problem areas. Discuss
rape, "date rape," sexually
transmitted diseases, and unintended
Registration Education - Awareness
Registration is just one tool among many
Predators are very mobile and will travel up to 100 miles to
seek a victim
Most child sexual predators have never been convicted and
are not registered
Keep a balanced perspective - avoid extremes. Most people
focus on the registered offenders and not the 90% of
offenders who are never caught be aware of behavior,
not a label!
The Good Knight ABCs of Protection forms an invisible
shield of awareness around children which lessens their
vulnerability to predators
Youth who use the Good Knight program to mentor other
children have double reinforcement from potential
Signs of Sexual Child Abuse
Unusual interest in or avoidance of all
things of a sexual nature
Sleep problems or nightmares
Depression or withdrawal from family or
Refusal to go to school
Aspects of sexual molestation in drawings,
games, fantasies

Signs of Sexual Child Abuse
Statements that their bodies are dirty or
damaged, or a fear that there is something
wrong with them in the genital area
Delinquency/conduct problems
Unusual aggressiveness
Suicidal behavior

If Abuse Occurs
Face the issue
Take charge of the situation
Discuss the problem with your pediatrician
who can provide support and counseling
Report abuse to your local child protection
service agency
Identification Use your information
resources to identify sexual offenders
Compliance Set up a compliance plan
that meets community expectations and
matches your resources
Education Provide the tools necessary to
develop a personal safety plan
Center for Sex Offender Management

Stop It Now

The Good Knight Child Empowerment Network

Basic Good Knight Program
The Good Knight Crime & Violence Prevention Program
has its roots in a multicultural knighthood as told in the
fairy tale book, A Good Knights Story
Fairy tales have been proven by psychologists to wake
up the imagination of children so that sensitive
information can be taught in a non-threatening manner.
This safety program is designed to enlighten individuals,
not frighten them
Adults and children respond readily to heroic tales or
myths that capture their attention and imagination which
allows them to identify with the champions of the tale
Basic Program Presentation
Review the materials in the kit prior to your
presentation. This will familiarize you with the ten
deceptions so you will be ready to answer questions that
youth may ask
Remember that this is a multi-cultural knighthood. When
setting the stage/room for your presentation feel free to
include clothing and props representative of your
culture, i.e. Knights of the Round Table dress in armor
and carry swords, Hawaiian and African protectors dress
in tribal wear, Oriental culture may dress in Samari garb,
Western American culture may dress as Davy Crocket or
Daniel Boone.
Always keep in mind that your imagination is your only
limitation! It helps to project that to the youth you are
teaching. If you are comfortable they will feel free to
open their minds!
Basic Program
For your first few presentations follow the Presenters
script found in the kit
The more you present, the more comfortable you will be
and your own pertinent ad-lib will come through making
the program yours
Talk about knights, their noble qualities, protection, etc.
The presenters script gives a good base to start with.
Use the script to segue into showing the film on DVD or
With young audiences of 3-6 it is helpful to stop the film
after every deception for discussion
Older audiences of 7 and up can watch it in its entirety
After film is over ask for a volunteer to come up and tell
what the A deception is. Have them say its name and
explain how it is used. Do this for every deception

Basic Program
With older audiences you may want to ask two or more
kids to break up into groups, assign a deception to that
group and then have them come up in front of the class
and act out the deception.
Always ask them How else could this trick be used? For
example, in the film the A trick depicts a man posing
as a security guard. Ask them what other types of
authority are there? Teachers, coaches, ministers, police
men, older kids, etc.
Make sure they understand the definition of the words
used - i.e., Ego, Whats ego mean?
Basic Program
You can use items such as lollipops or stickers
as incentives for them to watch the movie
carefully so that they can get up in front of the
class and tell one of the deceptions after the
movie to win a prize.
Always end with a knighting ceremony.
You dont need a sword to knight just touch
your hand to their shoulder and say Sir ___ or
Lady___. Do you promise to keep yourself safe?
Do you promise to teach what you have learned
to others to keep them safe also? You are now a
Good Knight. Congratulations!
Mentor Program
The Mentor Program requires an adult site coordinator that teaches
the program to a class of youth 5
grade through college. If you
can, a good base to start with is 50 kids. If you do not have that
many do as many as you can
Every youth in the class sits through a presentation by the site
coordinator and learns the program for themselves and becomes
Good Knight Youth Mentors.
Each youth mentor then goes out to present the program their way
and pledges to teach a minimum of 10 other children, peers or
Students accrue community service hours for every hour spent
learning, planning and implementing the Program
Example: we have groups of 50 fifth graders who learn the program
from a site coordinator then pair up to team teach others. Some
have gone on to teach their entire school one class at a time.
Mentor Program
The Good Knight Crime & Violence Program is a
grassroots initiative that counts on volunteers to
pass this lifesaving message of protection on,
and on, and on.
One site coordinator who follows the formula of
a base of 50 youth who promise to teach 10
others, will be responsible for getting this
message out to a minimum of 550 youth. That is
quite an accomplishment for approximately 3
hours of time invested
Presentations at the
Good Knight Castle & Museum in
Good Knights at the Castle bring the classics
and stories in current consciousness to life
For example: our volunteers dress as
characters from the Lord of the Rings
Trilogy, Knights of the Round Table, Fairy
Tale classics like Cinderella and Snow White,
Narnia, etc.
Our Newest Presentation Method
(and bestwe think!)
All volunteers at the Castle perform magic in various levels
from Master Magicians, Apprentice Magicians to our youngest
magician who is 4 years old (yes, anyone can do magic!)
We have found that magic is the very best segue into the
viewing the ABCs of Protection film Good Tricks to Bad
We perform 15-30 minutes of basic magic tricks and then ask
the kids How did you like those tricks? They were a lot of
fun, Right? Well, what is another word for tricks? If they
dont know youll tell them deceptions. Ask if theyve ever
watched TV and/or heard of a child who has become missing.
Explain that there are people in the world that use bad tricks
to lure children into dangerous situations and that they are
about to see just how that happens.
We then show the film and end the program with more magic
that the kids help with.

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