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The business began in 2013, with a restaurant opened in

Seberang Jaya, Penang.
Weve been proud to serve some of its favourite food. And
along the way, weve managed not just to live history, but
create it: from drive-thru restaurants to Burger Dale credits
from Hamburger U and much more. Its been quite the
From the start, we've been committed to doing the right
thing. And we've got the policies, programs and practices in
place that allow us to use our size and scope to help make a
Because what's good for us, is good for us all.

It begins with delivering a great
restaurant experience every time. Our
owner/operators, suppliers and
employees work together to meet
customer needs in uniquely Burger
Dale's ways.
Branch Office
Regional Office

Head office

An organization is a social arrangement which pursues
collective goals, controls its own performance, and has a
boundary separating it from its environment
Organization process-related: an entity is being (re-
organized (organization as task or action).
Organization functional: organization as a function of how
entities like businesses or state authorities are used
(organization as a permanent structure).
The broad area is commonly referred to as organizational
studies, organizational behaviour or organization analysis.
Therefore, a number of different theories and perspectives
exist, some of which are compatible,

The relationship between Burger Dale's staff and Corporation is
merely limited to the use of the brand in addition to training and
Human resource decisions in this company are guided by formal
HR planning and linked to strategic plan and issues of the
company in very great extent.
Also, it keeps informed about the best human resource
management practices that are used.

The aims of Burger Dales:
Skills, talents and performance of staff matter; gender,
marital status, disability, race, colour, nationality or ethnic
origin do not providing a safe and secure working
environment they should be challenges and rewards
Staff pay based on qualification and job performance
there should be good communication with staff

Burger Dale focuses of the training and development of its
employees by focusing on Information System Training and
Company places emphasis on the training and development
of its employees. Its moderately allocates sufficient time and
money for training activities.
Training needs assessment is linked to the employees job
performance and training is leading to satisfying results
review in great extent.
The company aim to provide career opportunities for people
to achieve their potential. The firm offers both full and part-
time career opportunities, which helps staff to combine work
with family or educational commitments.

So using information system in Burger Dale's is very necessary
and important to continue their high level of performance
around the Penang.
Burger Dales has a large number of supplier to provide the raw
material that need to done its work.
Burger Dale's has a Transaction Processing System to record
each supplier information such as invoice amount and so on.
At the first stages of Burger Dale's when it was still a small
restaurant and thought about Keep pace with technological
Decision Support System worked on provides a wireless service
in their restaurants so gathered information about the
customers needs.
By these steps Burger Dale's reach a high level of customer
satisfaction and succeed with using technology in way that
benefit Burger Dales a lot.

Burger Dales is a large network of employees around the
The Burger Dale In Charge should monitor the performance of
his employees to decide if they deserve promotion or any
type of reinforcement or even if there are employees who
failing in their work, so Burger Dale's used Management
Information System to record all these information about the
Management Information System used to record all financial
operation in the restaurants such as, expense, budget and
So, by using Management Information System Burger Dale's
can identify what happened and what they should do, and
determine the direction of their working.

Burger Dale's have some special systems developed to provide
specific service, such as Made For You system, POS system,
Hyperactive Bob System and Nintendo DS system .Made for You
system summaries on when a customer order his order
immediately transfer to a monitor in the kitchen so the staff
working on his order after receiving it quickly.
POS system is used to ensure the quality of performance and the
speed of deliver the order for the customer. This system records
huge amount of information in seconds. By this system, each one
know what he should know, whether the cashier or the kitchens
Nintendo DS system is an e-learning training tool used for the
new employees in the staff, this system used to train the new
employees and put grades for their performance, so they
compare between the employees.
This system has many advantages such as using less paper and
provides such fun to the work environment for the employees
and also let the employees to get more experience.

Burger Dale's has a huge information about each
part participate in any operation related to , such
as the employees, supplier, financial operations
and competitors. For example, there is information
about the employees such as any contact
information or personal information and
background about the employee.
File used to keep the financial records contain the
profit, loss, expense and expenditure. About the
supplier there are information about what did they
provide bread, meat or any other resources.

Database in Burger Dale's is responsible from the database
administrator. According to the information in the database,
many reports are formed to serve particular goal or provide
certain information for a certain situation. For example, the
reports could involve information about the performance or
the working time of employees.
Type of software used
In 2013 Burger Dale's used Microsoft as software for their
database. Windows made a specific version to take the orders
of customers and provide them a multiple forms of payment.
By implementing Windows XP in stores, they bring an open
technology plat form which was the beginning of customer
service innovation for the next generation.

Using different information systems have many advantages such
1- Cost effectiveness: using Information systems technology in
Burger Dale's has lend a hand to computerize the business
process and make them simple. As a result, business become
really cost effective money which made by machines. This give
opportunity to rises productivity and profits, which means better
pay to employees and good working conditions.
2- More opening time: using IT in Burger Dales help him to be
opining business all days at the week all over the Penang. This
support the idea of opening anytime anywhere with fill serves.
3-Increase productivity: Using information system helps Burger
Dale to increase productivity and starts find its specific strength
and weakness through using the revenue reports, employees
performance records etc. This step will help in developing his
business procedure and identifying the appropriate IS.

4- Effort and time reduced: by using the information system in
Burger Dales the effort that the employees spend in
processing orders is less and time is reduced. So it will
increase the number of customers who orders.
5- Information system in Burger dales help in reducing the
time of waiting customers for their orders. Also, it cuts down
the errors that happen by the humans. Moreover, it limits the
routine use of the paper that creates some problems.
6- Faster response to the customers

On the other hand, we have also some disadvantages
for using different IS.
One of the huge issues is absence of security while
technology keeps on varying. This means that they
should have continues development secure network.
Furthermore, observed are built on one system and we
think that is wrong. If we consider that there is a
something wrong in the system power and there is no
backup system. As a result, the orders for sure will be
delay or cancel and they will lose their customers.
They should have standby plan and dont rely on system
all the time to avoid future problem with complex

I. office information systems
II. transaction processing systems
III. management information systems,
IV. decision support systems
V. expert systems.
An information system (IS) collects, processes, stores,
analyzes, and disseminates information for a specific
purpose. Like any other system, an information system
includes inputs (data, instructions) and outputs (reports,
calculations). It processes the inputs by using technology
such as PCs and produces outputs that are sent to users or
to other systems via electronic networks and a feedback
mechanism that controls the operation.

Burger Dales used many types of information systems to
have a high quality services and high profits. Information
systems are reducing the time that costumers used to waiting
in line. So if they reduce time of waiting, they will increase
number of costumers and reduce time cost.
Increase the quality of management and reduce human
errors. Burger Dales forward to control quality of
management by reducing the time of each process that they
are made. This step led him to be more effective and efficient
in operations.
In addition, Burger Dales used advanced IT in processing his
systems such as making a database and calculating time of

Using the information system helps McDonalds in many ways
such as:
McDonalds is able to identify its own strength and weakness
by using the revenue reports, employees performance
records etc.
By identifying their strength and weakness they will able to
improve their business process and operations
Using information system helps McDonalds to increase
The effort and time is reduced by using the information

Total Time In Line
Special systems that used in Burger Dales for measuring time that
customers wait in the line is named Total Time in Line (TTL). This
system calculates time from the customer came to order until he
receives his foods. TTL measurements are calculated the same way
whether the customer is eating inside or ordering through drive
through. As a result, the total time Burger Dales by TTL system is
90 seconds equal 1 minute and 30 seconds. In the same times
using many other systems and programs to speed up the service.
This system used the technology of Kitchen-Video-System (KVS) to
have speedy orders. The Made for You system allows customers to
customize his order and be satisfy with his order. The technology of
Kitchen-Video-System help worker who take order to enter or
delete the orders on a touch screen that lists burgers, as well as
individual condiments, in a way that eases the data entry process for
the worker.
Then, this order is showing in the screen of the kitchen. In the
kitchen the staff starts prepare the order and when they finish they
erase the order from the screen. As long as the order display in the
screen the time is calculated until the customers get his order.

Moreover, Burger Dales have a technology which is Customer
Order Display (COD).This technology give the customer a
chance for correcting his order and saving time. After
customer finishing order, the food display in the outside
screen to the customer. Then the customer can see his order
and correct it
On the other hand, Burger Dales use less technology
techniques to have a simple method to serve customers in
less time. They use the techniques of colored packages with
different wrapped colour for each type of food.
This system helps staff to remember the food types faster.
Also, they help customers to know his order easily. Instances,
a yellow colored paper wrap a cheese burger, while blue
paper rape a fish fillet and white paper wrap hamburger. Also,
Special ordered sandwiches without standard condiments
come in red and white paper, with a paper receipt attached
which details the items on the Burgers.

Additionally, Burger dales have a system which supports
people to order online and receive his home order from
nearest branch.
This happen through a screen that shows the customer place
when he/she order in the Burger Dale restaurant. Then they
deliver the order in less time.

We did a small survey of five close-end questions to establish
a quick study of Burger dales related to information system.

We used survey monkey website to do the survey. We
distributed it online and collect data from 100 respondents.

Then we analyze it using EXCEL program and did a pie chart
for each question.

In great extent, the performance evaluation criteria involve
employee traits such as honesty and dependability, while the
performance evaluation criteria involve that employee
behaviours such as punctuality and timely completion of
tasks, etc as well as objectively quantifiable results and
outcomes such as productivity or sales figures, etc in very
great extent by using the information systems.
Managers, supervisors and Non-managerial employees in this
organization receive a formal performance appraisal regularly
(at least once a year) and in great extent in the system, the
results of performance appraisal used to provide feedback
and improve their performance.

The income statement presents information on the
financial results of a company's Burger Dales activities
over a period of time. The income statement
communicates the increasing of revenue the burger
dales generated during a period and the cost it incurred
in connection with generating that revenue for year 2013.

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