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Archaeology in the Nigerian University:

Emerging Curriculum Issues

An Informal talk by Dr. Zacharys Anger Gundu to the

Faculty and Graduate Students of Rice University,
Houston. 3rd December, 2007.
Nigeria at a Glance.

 Over 140 million people.

 1 out of every 4 Africans is a Nigerian.
 10 largest proven reserves of oil in the world.
 4th largest exporter of oil to the US.
 Diversity includes 250 ethnic groups and 521
 Over 90 universities.
Archaeology in the Nigerian University.

 Three universities offer archaeology up to the

PhD level.
– University of Ibadan, Ibadan(1970).
– University of Nigeria, Nsukka (1981).
– Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria(2006).
 Inother universities, archaeology services
courses like history and anthropology.
Current Archaeological curriculum.

 Influenced by initial concerns with art history.

 Tilted towards discovery, recovery, documentation and
interpretation with excavations as central to field work.
 Area studies.
 Absence of a structured and regular review in all the
three universities.

 Out of date in many areas including-

– Public concerns in the production of archaeological
– Gender issues.
– Legal and ethical dimensions of studying the past.
– Archaeological science.
 Noattempts at developing national standards
especially in field work.
Shortcomings (Cont)

 Curriculum not supported by a viable infrastructure

– Books, journals and laboratories.
 Curriculum is not competitive.
 Curriculum does not promote self esteem of archaeology
as a discipline.
– Archaeology sits between science and arts in Ibadan.
– Sits with tourism in Nsukka.
– Sits as an offspring of history in Zaria.
Issues for consideration.

 Transformation in archaeology through-

 The changing foci.
– Public participation.
– Gender mainstreaming.
– CRM.
– Ethical and legal framework.
 Interdisciplinary
 New technologies (archaeological science).
Issues for consideration (Cont)
 These are impacting research design and
methodology and calling into question how we
educate and train archaeologists.
 How can we train and produce archaeologist
that are competitive and suitable for the non
academic market?
 How do we involve stakeholders in review and
redesign of archaeological curriculum.
Possibilities and way forward.
 Evolve structured (and regular steps) for
reviewing archaeological curriculum.
 Integrate basic philosophy (basic metaphysics,
epistemology and axiology) in the curriculum
as a way enhancing better understanding of
archaeological theory.
 Develop and strengthen thinking, questioning
and communication (TQC) .
Possibilities and way forward (Cont).

 Stakeholder involvement in curriculum

 Development and compliance with national

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