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TOEFL Structure Test

Presented by group 2:
Muhammad Ikhsan H
Hendika Rajab
Nurmansyah Agus

Narwhals, small arctic whales, are interesting in that
they have single tusk, raher than two like most ot her
mammals having tusks.
A. Narwhals
B. in that
C. single tusk
D. Having tusk
While their name implication that they are
whales, pilot whales are actually dolphins.
A. While Their
B. Implication
C. That they
D. are
Another misnomer is t he so- called "sperm whale,"
______ the liquid contained in its head, called
A. whose name comes
B. Whose name come from
C. Which name comes from
D. Whose name come
This toot hed whale has a large, square head
with ______ t he so- c alled spermac eti.
A. cavity containing
B. cavity to contain
C . the cavity for containing
D. a cavity that contains
This waxy, pearly solid is ______ and was once
used as a fue
A. used chiefly in cosmetics
B. the chief cosmetic
C . chie fly cosmetic
D. using cosmetics
The so- called "sperm oil" is a water- insoluble
liquid that is used for a lubricant .
A. so -called
B. a
C . that is
D. for
Canaries used t o be used in mines t o detect
odorless, colorless, and poisonous
gas- - when t he canary died, ______ was present .
A. to m e a n po is o no us ga s
B. it meant that poisonous gas
C . meaning the poisonous gas
D. the poisonous gas meant it
Linguist s believe t hat t he clicking and squeaking of
porpoises ______ of larynxes is actually a form of
A. a re thinking indication
B. that once thought to be indicative
C . once think ing indica tio n
D. once thought to be indicative
Pilot whales have big, round, bulbous head and
are members of t he dolphin family.
A. have
B. bulbous head
C . are members
D. of
Also known for orcinus orca, t he killer whale is
a predatory member of the dolphin family.
A. known for
B. is
C . predatory member
D. the
The large- headed, toot hed, sperm whale has a large,
square head with acavity
A. to holding sperm oil
B. he ld s perm oil
C . that holds sperm oil
D. to hold a sperm oil
The remarkable progress made in the efforts to
eradicate polio from the face of the earth ______
because of cooperation among various nations.
A. largely is possible
B. being possible largely
C . been largely possible
D. has been possible largely
The kit c hens of many dormitories are common area
and can be used by all residents of the dormitory.
A. many
B. common area
C . can be used
D. by
Price of a new car can run any where from
around $11,500 to $1 million or more.
A. Price
B. can run
C . to
D. or more
Many mountain animals have hooves more ______
than similar animals living on land.
A. develop
B. developing
C . developed
D. to develop
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