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The surveying camp was conducted to

prepare the contour map of the mountain

at Ooty and to set a curve for the road to
access the nearby road for better access of
the roadway, etc.,
Surveying is an art of determining either
linear or angular measurements.
Levelling is the art of determining relative
height or elevations of different points on the
earth surface.
The elevation of a point has been defined as
its vertical distance above and below a given
reference level surface and usually a mean
sea level.
The levelling work can be carried out by using
direct method or indirect method.

The various method of surveying used during
the camp were,
Tachometric surveying,
Theodolite surveying
Compass surveying
Contouring, etc.

The following are the objectives of the
Survey camp:
To prepare contour maps for hills and
valleys of Ooty region
To determine the Longitudinal Section and
Cross Section of the proposed District Road
To determine the area of the polygon by
Open Traverse method using Tacheometer
To determine the area of the polygon by
Closed Traverse method using
To determine the distance and angles using
the method of Triangulation

In this chapter we discussed about area we
surveyed. We did survey camp in Ooty,
This hill station was selected because the
survey can be done with greater
understand like contouring of hill various lot
then a plan ground were the student can
be able to grasp the methodology and
procedures of surveying easily.
L/s and c/s of road survey the undulations
in a road varied more so that experimental
knowledge can be gained a lot.
From Coonoor it is 50 min drive of 20km
over a hill road with 36 hairpin bends in
Ooty road.

The location for which survey camp was
conducted is about 2240 meters above the mean
sea level.
Ooty is a hill station in Nilgiris district, Tamil nadu.
It located in the nilgiris range of hills in the Western
The name is derived from the mountain located at
its region in tamil nila means blue and giri means
mountain. It is also explained as nilgiris.
The latitude and longitude of ooty is
N, 76.6959
E ; ooty hill area is
called the nilgiris.
It is situated at an altitude of 2240 meters
(7350 ft) above sea level. The highest point
in nilgiris is the Doda Betta , at 2,637 meter
(8,652 ft).
The total extent of ooty area is 36
. Ooty generally features pleasantly mild
conditions throughout the year.
However, nighttime in the months of
January and February is typically chilly.
Generally, the town appears to be eternally
stuck in the spring season.
Temperatures are relatively consistent
throughout the year; with average high
between approximately 512 C (4154 F).
The highest temperature ever recorded in
Ooty was 25 C (77 F), which by South
Asian standards is uncharacteristically low
for an all-time record high temperature.

The lowest temperature was 2 C
(28 F). The city sees on average about
1,250 mm (49 in) of precipitation annually,
with a marked drier season from December
through March.

The location for which survey camp was
conducted is about 2240 meters (7350 ft)
above the mean sea level and latitude
and longitude of ooty is 11.411842
E ;
A contour is defined as an imaginary line of
constant elevation on the ground surface.
It can also be defined as the line of
intersection of level surface with the
ground surface.
For example, The line of intersection of the
ground surface of a still lake or pond with
the surrounding ground represents a
contour line

There are two methods of contouring:

For contouring a hill nearby thalaikuntha
and Lake Mountain there are the un-
uniform slopes running below to the lake.
For taking regular intervals with instruments
and for preparing contour map is possible.
The contouring of the hill was divided to 6
batches and each batch was located to
cover the entire area of the hill.
Each batch is with instruments to set up at
their advised location.

At first the theodolite was setup at the
location and the primary arrangements
were made.
The instrument was setup with the horizontal
and vertical angle at zero. Then the
horizontal angles and distance are
Same procedure was followed for the
remaining batches for measurement.
After the angle and distance of the other
batches were measured, the ranging rod was
kept at a distance along the downhill.
Then the leveling staff was kept at a distance
of 2m along the sight of the ranging rod, and
the vertical angle was measured and middle,
top, bottom readings were taken

The same procedure was followed for the
remaining downhill with the leveling staff at
2m intervals till the end of the hill.
Then with the help of all the readings of the
remaining batches the contour of the hill
was determined with the surface of the hill
Tape (for distance measurement)
Prismatic compass (for angle measurement)
Tachometer with Tripod
Transit theodolite
Dumpy Level
Leveling Staff
Ranging Rods
Electronic theodolite


The horizontal control in geodetic survey is
established either by triangulation or
precise traverse.
In triangulation, the system consist of
number of interconnected triangles in
which length of only one line called the
base line and the angles of the triangles are
measured very precisely.

Knowing the length of one side and the
three angles, the length of other two sides
of each triangle can be computed.
The apexes of triangles are known as
triangulation stations and the whole figure is
called the triangulation system or the
triangulation figure.

D = KS cos + C cos
D = Distance from the point
K = 100 (constant)
S = Staff intercept (s) m

V = D tan
V = Vertical component
= Vertical angle
A = x AB x sin
A = Area of triangle
= angle between the two points

Tape (for distance measurement)
Prismatic compass (for angle measurement)
Tachometer with Tripod
Transit theodolite
Dumpy Level
Leveling Staff
Ranging Rods
Electronic theodolite

The instrument was placed at point A, and
the true north was fixed and was sight to
station S.
After those two points B & C were fixed on
the ground. From the station S the fixed
points B & C are focused.
The leveling staff was held at the fixed
points and the reading was noted.
After that the interior angles were
measured and each station observation
was recorded.
By using triangulation the vertical angles
between points are also measured, so that
heights can be calculated and sloping to
the horizontal plane.
Also calculations were made on the basis of
values recorded by observations

The triangulation diagram are shown in fig
Area of triangle ABE = 12,350 M

Area of triangle ABD = 24,624 M

Area of triangle ABE = 27,226 M

Traversing is the method of using lengths
and directions of lines between points to
determine positions of the points. Traversing
is normally associated with the field work of
measuring angles and distances between
points on the ground.
Closed traverses provide the primary
method used in checking surveying field


A closed traverse (polygonal, or loop
traverse) is a series of linked traverse lines
where the terminal point closes at the
starting point.
A closed traverse enables a check by
plotting or computation, with any gap
called the linear misclosure.
When within acceptable tolerances, the
misclosure can be distributed by adjusting
the bearings and distances of the traverse
lines using a systematic mathematical
method so the adjusted measurements
Closed traverse is useful in marking the
boundaries of wood or
lakes. Construction and civil engineers
utilize this practice for preliminary surveys of
proposed projects in a particular
designated area. The terminal (ending)
point closes at the starting point

An open, or free traverse (link traverse),
consists of a series of linked traverse lines
which do not return to the starting point to
form a polygon.
Open survey is utilized in plotting a strip of
land which can then be used to plan a
route in road construction.

The formula used for calculating the horizontal
distance (D) is given as,
D = Ks cos
+ C cos
D is the horizontal distance in m
K is the arithmetic constant
S is the difference between the top and
bottom hair reading in m

C is the multiplication constant
is the vertical angle in degrees

The formula used to calculate the vertical
distance (V) is given as,
V = D tan
V is the vertical distance in m
D is the horizontal distance in m
is the vertical angle in degrees

Tape (for distance measurement)
Prismatic compass (for angle measurement)
Tachometer with Tripod
Transit theodolite
Dumpy Level
Leveling Staff
Ranging Rods
Electronic theodolite

The true north direction was fixed with the
help of the compass and then the
instrument was set up,in that direction.
After the instrument was set up the first point
was held. Then telescope was focused and
the readings were noted.
The theodolite was fitted with stadia
diaphragm and the staff readings are
By adjusting the upper and lower screws
the telescope is focused in the required
direction and the corresponding horizontal
and vertical angles and readings are
noted. Similarly the staff was held at
different positions around the lake and
readings were noted.
When the leveling staff was not visible, the
instrument was changed to the point where
the staff was held last.
Then the horizontal and vertical readings
are noted and the distance (D) is
calculated using the formulas. Then the
change in angle is noted.
Thus all the points are marked in a paper
and the clear outline of the lake is drawn
and the total area of the lake is calculated.



The Table for the traversing are shown in the
Annexure A.4,A.5&A.6.
The traversing diagram are shown in Figures
6.1, 6.2 & 6.3
The close traversing ground area = 10,600

The close traversing valley area = 16,870 m

Leveling is a branch of surveying the object
which is used,
To find the elevations of given points with
respect to a given or assumed datum.
To establish points at a given elevation or at
different elevation with respect to a given
or assumed datum.


Tape (for distance measurement)
Prismatic compass (for angle measurement)
Tachometer with Tripod
Transit theodolite
Dumpy Level
Leveling Staff
Ranging Rods
Electronic theodolite

Establish the bench mark near the starting
point of the proposed profile by running
check levels. Fix intermediate points at less
than the chain (or) tape length.
Then pegmeric the points at equal intervals
say 10m on the proposed alignment.
Setup the leveling alignment instrument
on the side of the alignment such that it
will cover maximum? Take the back sight
on the benchmark to determine the HS of
Hold the staff at equal interval points and
determine the reduce level of the points
by heights of instrument method
If any point is not visible clearly, take the
change points on turning points and the
levelling is continued.
Complex the profile leveling with necessary
checks.Repeat the same procedure till end.
After finishing the leveling, calculate the
elevations by the rise and fall method and
apply necessary checks.

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