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is an Indonesian state-owned oil and
natural gas corporation based in Jakarta.
created in August 1968 by the merger of
Pertamin (established 1961) and Permina
(established 1957).
currently (2013) the second-largest crude
oil producer in Indonesia behind the US-
based Chevron Pacific Indonesia.
Current CEO & President is Karen
Pertamina main products are fuels,
lubricants, petrochemicals
To Be World Class National Energy Company.

Pertamina EP has split its visionary aspirations
into a three-year strategic planning period:

Three-Year Development Plan I Vision (2006-
2008): "Respectable Cost Effectiveand Efficient
Oil & Gas Producer".

Three-Year Development Plan II Vision (2009-
2011): "No.1 Oil & Gas Producer inIndonesia".

Three-Year Development Plan III Vision (2012-
2014): "PEP World Class".
To carry out integrated business core in oil,
gas, renewable and new energy based on
strong commercial principles.

The Companys Mission focuses on running the
Companys core business in oil, gas, biofuels
development activities, exploration, production
and trade of new and renewable energy based on
strong commercial principles.

1957 The Independence
The Indonesia government authority began to inventory the
sources of state revenue, including oil and gas.

The Integration
However, in 1960, PT PERMINA was restructured into a state-
owned company known as PN PERMINA, as a realization of
Government policy, whereby the party entitled to oil and gas
exploration in Indonesia became the state.

Three-Year Development Plan III Vision (2012-2014): "PEP World Class".
The Golden Year
In order to strengthen this newly born company, the Indonesian government
issued Law No. 8/ 1971, which positioned Pertamina as the only state
owned enterprise tasked with managing the oil and gas business, from
processing and producing oil and gas from oil fields all over Indonesia and
processing them into various products, to providing and meeting the
demand for fuel and natural gas in Indonesia.

The Change Sphere
Subsequently, as a result of dynamic changes in both the national and
global oil and gas industries, the Indonesian Government passed Oil and
Gas Law No. 22/2001. With the passing of this law, Pertamina had the
same position as the other oil companies. The arrangement of the PSO
business will be subject to competition mechanisms that are reasonable,
fair, and transparent with appropriate pricing in accordance with the market.
The Transformation
On 10 December 2005, in response to business
competition, PT Pertamina (Persero), changed its
logo from a sea-horse into an arrow shape with
the 3 basic colors of green, blue and red. This
logo represents dynamism as well as an
environmental friendly attitude in the
implementation of the Companys business

Health, Safety, Security and

Mr. Joko Susilo
General Manager of Health, Safety and Environment

Pertamina with its managements and employees concern of safety
aspects in works and activities. Pertamina guarantees work
environment which is environmentally friendly, operation without
hazardous wastes and environmentally friendly, makes an effort to
reduce emissions towards environment, and improves energy
efficiency. Pertamina commits to improve employees abilities and
skills, particularly in HSE aspect which fulfills either local or
international requirements.
Pertamina guarantees all employees to work healthy with
healthy lifestyle.
Health is the most important aspect in works and
activities, so Pertamina holds programs to support
its employees health.

To prevent diseases because of work
To create health environment to work and to support
employees health optimally.
Pertamina guarantees all employees and partners to work
safely and to come back home safely.

Pertamina with its managements and employees concern of
safety aspects in works and activities. Safety is the main
priority that cannot be ignored, although other achievements in
terms of production and marketing are the company goals.
Production target and marketing achievements would be
useless if the safety aspects are ignored. Therefore, all
employees commits to support and to keep work safety.

Without incidents
Omitting the risk factors of workplace accidents

"Pertamina ensure Safety and Working Partners and
equipment against disturbances.

Safety in the Work environment is a key factor for the creation
of a conducive atmosphere Working thereby increasing
worker productivity and Work Equipment. Pertamina has
yng Security Management System is abbreviated by SMP
Integrated Security System compiled by the National Police
which carried out audit / verification routine basis by a team
from the National Police.

Without loss due to theft Asset.
Without interruption of operation due to interference

"Work environment Pertamina ensure an
environmentally friendly, non-hazardous waste
operations and environmentally friendly as well
as trying to reduce emissions to the environment
and increase energy efficiency.

Without Environmental Pollution, oil spills.
No hazardous waste.
Emission reduction commitments on the
Commitment in the use of Energy (Energy
"In terms of HSE competence development, Pertamina
is committed to improve capability and expertise
Workers, especially in the aspect that meet the
requirements of HSE Local and International.

Competence and expertise in the development of HSE aspects is
a priority in the management of Human Resources (HR) at
Pertamina, so that every worker shall undergo mandatory Safety
Training, HSE Training Module for Operations and HSE aspects
Leadership Training with International Standards.
To rise to the level of higher Position, then the worker must follow
the training module in accordance with title HSE to be achieved
within a certain time.

Skill and ability to have the appropriate HSE aspects and
job positions.


Pertamina has a commitment to implement the best standard
practices in the field of HSSE. It is stated in document Policy of
Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
signed by the President Director of Pertamina, as well as
Document of Management Policy - Implementation of
Sustainable Improvements for Better Environmental Quality,
signed by the President Director of Pertamina.
HSE Policy

Zero Incident

We, PT Pertamina (Persero) and its
subsidiaries/affiliates, have a commitment to the
protection ofanyone, the Companys assets,
environment, andneighboring communities
against the potentialdangers involved in PT
Pertamina (Persero)soperations.
Both the Line Management and workers will, with
earnest intent :
1. Give top priority to the aspects of Health, Safety and
Environment (HSE).
2. Identify the potential dangers and minimize the risks
for prevention of incidents
3. Use the best technology in order to reduce the
impacts of such operations on human beings, assets,
and the environment.
4. Make the performance of Health, Safety and
Environment (HSE) a component in
the evaluation and appreciation of all workers.
5. To improve awareness and competency level of
workers, in order to make their jobs done in a proper and
safe conduct.
6. Establish and maintain harmonious relations with the
stakeholders relative to operations for mutually profitable
Risk Assessment Form

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