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erose Pharma

The power to heal

Psoriasis Diseases Treatment
Laboratory Examinations
Laboratory Examinations
Herose Treatment

Derma to pathology

Checked general thickening of the epidermis (acanthosis) and diminishing of
epidermis over lengthened dermal papillae Expanded mitosis of keratinocytes,
fibroblasts, and endothelial cells

Parakeratotic hyperkeratosis (cores held in the stratum corneum) Incendiary
cells in the dermis (lymphocytes and monocytes) and in the epidermis
(polymorph nuclear cells), structuring micro abscesses of Munro in the
stratum corneum

Serology Increased antistretolysin level I intense Guttate psoriasis with
forerunner streptococcal disease. Sudden onset of psoriasis may be connected
with HIV contamination. Determination of HIV serostaus is shown in at-danger
people. Serum uric corrosive is expanded in half of patients, generally
corresponded with the degree of the sickness; there is an expanded danger of
gouty joint pain. The levels of uric corrosive abatement as help is powerful.

Customary and natural immunosuppressants are normally utilized for the
medication of psoriasis. Specialists by and large treat psoriasis in 'steps',
focused around the seriousness of the ailment, size of the skin zones
included, kind of psoriasis, and the tolerant reaction to beginning
medicine. This is at times called the "1-2-3" methodology. In step 1,
solution is connected to the skin (topical medication). Step 2 utilizes light
medicine (phototherapy). Step 3 includes the ingestion of solution by
mouth or infusion: a process that addresses the entire safe framework
(called systemic help).

In this methodology, influenced skin can, over a time of time, get
impervious to medication, particularly when topical corticosteroids are
utilized. Additionally, a medication that works exceptionally well in one
man may have little impact in an alternate. In this way, specialists
frequently utilize an experimentation methodology to discover a
medicine that meets expectations.
Based on his rich clinical experience, Dr. Tang believes that what is
commonly known as a variety of cold syndromes (insufficiency of both
the Pi and the Shen) causes anomalies in the immune system function. To
address this in the case of psoriasis, he adopts the therapeutic method of
warming the yang and promoting blood circulation to enhance and
balance the immune system.

This treatment concept is diametrically opposed to Western-style
therapies that employ drugs to suppress the immune system.
Immunosuppression provides only temporary symptomatic relief, does
not correct the root problem, and can be accompanied by many
undesirable side effects over long term use.

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