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MAYO, 2, 2011
Harvard Method
Harvard Method
Each negotiation has its particularities, people and
interests evolved can be different, context can be
different or even the place in space and time can be
different, which makes, each negotiation, a unique
event. But, at the same time, we have some basic
elements that don't change.
Harvard Method
Harvard Method:
Have a methodology, or more, to develop the process
it is not only healthy but also essential.
This method is framed on four basic aspects:
People, Interests, Options and Standards
(objective criteria); and has the premise that the
negotiation should be conducted based on principles,
this means that each negotiator should focus on
objective criteria and legitimacy.
Harvard Method
Harvard Method:
Before start the negotiation, some work must be done
to prepare the process. A list of options should
already be made,:
Analyze yours and other part's interests.
Align both interests.
Invent option for mutual gain, be prepared to avoid
bargain positioning and to return to principles and
objective criteria.
Harvard Method
Harvard Method: PEOPLE
Separate people from problems.
Be aware that the valuable incentives may diverge from
one party to another, that what is fair allows different
interpretations; judgments of fairness are biased in an
egocentric and self-serving manner
Develop mutual understanding, trust and respect, and
sustain the negotiation within the reason field. Avoid that
emotions may generate noise and that arguments diverge
to the personal side. Have strategies to deal with
Harvard Method
Harvard Method: PEOPLE
Avoid fixed positioning, if comes up some divergence,
try to revise opinions, share information, clarify some
points by understanding the other party making questions
or asking help, and always keep the balance of reason
and emotion and seek to control the negotiation within
objective criteria and principles.
Emotionally intelligent negotiators plan for people
issues, analyze emotional traps, have strategies to deal
with emotions, have active listening, empathic actions,
develop perspective analysis and perspective testing

Harvard Method
Interests is what we want achieve with the
negotiation. Positioning is what you decided
according to the interests. For each interest we have
different positioning. As we negotiate to attend
interests, and as negotiation - one of its definitions -
is the use of power, time and information, though, it
should be optimized at the maximum the process of
Harvard Method
To accomplish it, we need to be precise on the negotiable
issues, must recognize the interests of the other party and
demonstrate it, maintain the process strictly in objective
criteria, standards and principles, however your should be
affable, polite, with a constructive spirit and a facilitator
but, at the same time, inflexible with principles and
In the case of impediments to develop further the
negotiation, try to identify the reasons, suggest
alternatives by asking "why not", discuss other options
with a "if we", try to evolve the other party with some
question like: "why should we do that way?".
Harvard Method
Before starting the negotiation, as we already said, some options
(alternatives) should already been studied. All evolved must be attended in
their interests, or at least tried to. The objective is to have a balanced
negotiation and, at the end, have all parties satisfied at the most, and no
one with hard feelings or a feeling of frustrationWhat makes harder the
search of options with mutual gain is the vision of a unique answer to the
problem, or a premature judgment, or to keep the focus on the interests of
only on party, or still believe in zero-sum games when someone wins and
someone loses..
The unique solution tends the negotiation to the impasse because the
absence of options. With the premature judgment, alternatives are
eliminated without the correct evaluation. Observing only the own
interests will provoke difficulties and delays on the process. The zero sum
games perspective diverge from the vision of mutual benefits.
Harvard Method
Standards (Objective Criteria):
The definition of objective criteria is fundamental to be able to
use the Harvard Method, because the method is based on
principles, clear values and impartiality. So, if that is not
followed the efficiency and efficacy will be harmed, as well
the possibility of an efficient, friendly and wise agreement
with future and interesting possibilities of unfolding in new
ones. One of the most common feelings is the sensation that
what is on the table is not fair. So, all issues must be clear and
don't have any doubts. The best is to have transparency,
impartiality and that the standards are accepted by all, that
they are easily understood and applicable.
Harvard Method
When defining them, it is interesting to have in mind
the balance of mutual interests and impartiality, to be
open to different forms and perspectives, to not give
up under pressure, when the matter is about
principles and objective criteria.
If the criteria are objective, clear and impartial, the
negotiation is facilitated, the stress is reduced, the
relationship is preserved and it will be opened to
possibility of new businesses in the future.


It teaches you how to win at the negotiating table but
leave the other person feeling that (he, she) won.
It raises the perceived value of what you are offering.
And it prevents deadlocking .
Start with your Maximum Plausible Position (MPP)
which is the most you can ask for, and still appear
Power Negotiation know that first offers seem extreme
but are only the begining, they know that they will work
they way toward a solution both sides can accept.
Why not? If you do , it triggers to negative thoughts
in your counterparts mind.

The thruth of the matter is that when people make a
proposal . They are watching for your reaction. A
concession always follows a flinch. If you dont
flinch, it makes the other person a tougher negotiator.

If the other side takes a position with which you
disagree, dont argue . That only intensifies their
desire to be proved right. Get in the habit of agreeing
initially and turning it around. This approach gives
you time to think, then you will have found what
you need to say.
Once you are in Negotiation, its always good to
postpone a decisin and plead , that we have to run
the deal by some outside person with Higher
Authority .
The other side will make more concessions to people
they dont see or know , than they will to you alone.

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