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Using Technology to Cheat.


University of Phoenix

Tybesha Bagby
Lisa Brown
Michelle Carter
Phillip Jones
Mohannad Khallouf

February 23, 2009

Cheating is accepted in most class
 The reason students cheat are a lack of preparation.

§Students lack time to do their own work

, §They don't care about the course material

§They are pressured into cheating by fellow students
Advancements in Technology.

 Media devices allows the average student to send large

quantities of information via wireless connection.

§Peer pressure is a leading cause most students are engaging in unethical behavior.

§Students are more likely to cheat using Technology.

Conveying your message.
 With Bluetooth Technology the end-user can send data to
other operators in a given area.

§“Civility in society at large is an ethical matter that includes courtesy,

politeness, manners, good citizenship. (Forni, 2002).
The bath room Technique.

Most cell phones or ipods can store many giga bytes of data;
photo and video cameras are standard on all new cell phones.

§“Faculty members complain that student behavior

has been going downhill in recent years”
Today's ipods can be passed around a class room unnoticed.

§Behavior issues in a class room can become an annoyance to others.

§”But more than merely unpleasant, classroom incivility can

hinder teaching and learning
The Short Message Service
 You can save your assignments in your cell phone or ipod:
You can share your files with other users.

§“Remedial programs in student behavior have been suggested for college

students .”(Benton, 2007).
Falling Prey to Plagiarism.

 Learning in an academic environment can tempt you to

copy someone else’s work.

* 8 2 % a d m it t e d t h e y lie d t o a p a re n t , a n d 6 2 % a d m it t e d
t h e y lie d t o a t e a c h e r a b o u t s o m e t h in g s ig n ific a n t .

* 3 3 % c o p ie d a n In t e rn e t d o c u m e n t .

* 6 0 % c h e a t e d d u rin g a t e s t a t s c h o o l.

* 2 3 % s t o le s o m e t h in g fro m a p a re n t o r o t h e r re la t ive ,
1 9 % s t o le s o m e t h in g fro m a frie n d , a n d 2 8 % s t o le
s o m e t h in g fro m a s t o re .
Making the right choices.
When you have the opportunity to cheat arises;

consider the long term negative effects it will have on

your character.

§“Students' behavior is influenced by their perceptions of others”

§“Educators have an opportunity to create teachable moments in the
Watch the company you keep.

 The choices you make in life: decides

your fate in the future.

§“Schools and teachers should educate for character, especially through teaching
respect and responsibility.”

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