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CHAPTER 1- I Need a Tour Guide (Introduction to Visual Basic)

CHAPTER 2 - Do It Yourself Designing (Designing Interfaces)

CHAPTER 3 - The Secret Code (Assignment Statements)
CHAPTER 4 -Where Can I Store This? (Variables and Constants)
CHAPTER 5- Whats Wrong with It? (Syntax and Logic Errors)
CHAPTER 6-Decisions, Decisions, Decisions (Selection Structure)
CHAPTER 7 -So Many Paths . . . So Little Time (Multiple-Alternative
Selection Structures)
CHAPTER 8 - Testing, Testing . . . 1, 2, 3 (Selecting Test Data)
CHAPTER 9 - How Long Can This Go On? (Pretest Loops)
CHAPTER 10 - Do It, Then Ask Permission (Posttest Loops)
CHAPTER 11 - Let Me Count the Ways (Counter-Controlled Loops)
CHAPTER 12 - Im on the Inside; Youre on the Outside (Nested Loops)
CHAPTER 13 - I Hear You Are Breaking Up (Sub Procedures)
CHAPTER 14 - Talk to Me (Function Procedures)
CHAPTER 15 - A Ray of Sunshine (One-Dimensional Arrays)
CHAPTER 16- Building Your Own Structure (Structures)
CHAPTER 17-The String Section (String Manipulation)
CHAPTER 18 - I Love This Class (Creating a Class)
CHAPTER 19 - Getting Web-ified (Web Applications)

Visual Basic Course Outline
Introduction to Visual Basic
User interface - is what
appears on the screen, and
with which you interact,
while using a program. In
this book, you will create the
user interfaces for your
programs using the tools
available in Visual Basic
Integrated development
environment (IDE)- is an
environment that contains all
of the tools and features you need to
create, run, and test your programs.
Introduction to Visual Basic
To start Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Basic 2010 Express:
1. Click the Start button on the Windows 7 taskbar and then point to All Programs.
2. If you are using Visual Studio 2010, click Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 on the All
Programs menu and then click Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. If the Choose Default
Environment Settings dialog box appears, click Visual Basic Development Settings
and then click Start Visual Studio.
If you are using Visual Basic 2010 Express, you will need to either click Microsoft Visual
Basic 2010 Express on the All Programs menu or click Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Express on the All Programs menu and then click Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express.
3. Click Window on the menu bar, click Reset Window Layout, and then click the Yes
button. When you start Visual Studio 2010 Professional, your screen will appear similar
to Figure 3-1. When you start Visual Basic 2010 Express, your screen will appear similar
to Figure 3-2. As both figures indicate, the startup screen contains the Start Page
window, Toolbox window, and Solution Explorer window. The startup screen in Visual
Studio 2010 Professional also contains the Team Explorer window.
Start Page window Solution Explorer window
Toolbox windows tab
Team Explorer windows tab
Creating user interface
The Windows Form Designer window is where you create (or design) your applications
user interface. The designer window shown in Figure 3-8 contains a Windows Form object,
or form. A form is the foundation for the user interface in a Windows application. A form
automatically includes a title bar that contains a default captionin this case, Form1as
well as Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons. At the top of the designer window is a
tab labeled Form1.vb [Design]. [Design] identifies the window as the designer window.
Form1.vb is the name of the file on your computers hard disk (or on the device
designated by your instructor or technical support person) that contains the Visual Basic
instructions associated with the form.
Pet Application Output
Creating user interface
The Windows Form Designer window is where you create (or design) your applications
user interface. The designer window shown in Figure 3-8 contains a Windows Form object,
or form. A form is the foundation for the user interface in a Windows application. A form
automatically includes a title bar that contains a default captionin this case, Form1as
well as Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons. At the top of the designer window is a
tab labeled Form1.vb [Design]. [Design] identifies the window as the designer window.
Form1.vb is the name of the file on your computers hard disk (or on the device
designated by your instructor or technical support person) that contains the Visual Basic
instructions associated with the form.

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