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Process Confirmation

Manage Accounting
and Control Data
Project XYZ Initiative
April 18
, 2008
Team Presentation Contents
Key Count Summary
Process Summary and Objectives
Leading Practices and Key Features
Process Optimization Opportunities
As-Is and To-Be Significant Process Changes
Identified Gaps
Policy and Board Rule Impacts
Change Impacts
Controls Framework
As-Is and To-Be Major System Changes
To-Be Application Architecture Overview
Key Development Objects
Support Required from Steering Committee
Implementation Challenges
Key Count Summary
Item Count
Processes: 5
Tasks: 58
Work steps: 175
Roles: 2
Potential Development Objects
(excluding reports):
SMAs: 8
Review Sessions: 30
Validation Sessions: 1
Process Summary and Objectives
The Manage Accounting and Control Data (GL) and Expenditures and
Expenses (CO) processes provide the framework for all business transactions.
They are recorded in a software system that is fully integrated with the other
operational areas such as procurement and payables, sales and receivables,
projects, fixed assets and others, ensuring that the accounting data is always
complete and accurate

Manage Accounting and Control Data (GL) is divided into three main Sub-processes:

Manage the General Ledger Master Data includes all of the activities related to
designing, implementing, and maintaining the accounting framework

Process Accounting Transactions involves the actual updates to the General
Ledger resulting from account postings generated from different sources
including scheduled recurring entries, manual postings, and system interfaces

Perform Closing finalizes financial data from subsystems, external systems
(interfaces), manual journal vouchers, adjustment postings and automated
processes, and to get them ready for reporting and financial analysis

Process Summary and Objectives (Cont.)
Summary (Cont.)

While Manage Accounting and Control Data (GL) provides a comprehensive picture
for financial accounting, Expenditures and Expenses (CO) facilitates coordination,
monitoring and optimization of all expenses in the organization

Controlling Expenditures and Expenses includes:

Maintain Cost Centers and other Expense objects provides functions to
administrate Cost Center/ Internal Orders and other expense objects where
the expenses are controlled

Report and Analyze Business Performance encompasses the Internal
Management reporting to analyze cost flows
Process Summary and Objectives (Cont.)

Maintain one single, global chart of accounts in accordance with Red Book policies

Support centralized, efficient and standardized processes for financial master data
creation, GL transactions and closing process to be utilized across Client X

Provide the necessary tools and methods to prepare, approve and post real time to
the general ledger electronically, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the

Establish a standardized and centralized process for closing to ensure proper
reconciliation functions and accurate financial reporting

Provide a comprehensive, flexible SAP information system which generates the
financial statements and budget reports online/real-time with a complete audit trail of
all the financial transactions

Leading Practices and Key Features
Leading Practices
Single, standardized set of financial master data across the district

Streamline General Ledger transaction and reporting process extending functionality
across district and schools

Key Features

A centralized maintenance of G/L accounts, established security control procedures
around the same reducing data redundancy and ensuring data consistency across all
SAP modules

Streamlined and controlled approval process for manual or automated GL document

Decentralized real-time integrated postings to GL from all the SAP modules, data
entry directly into SAP by personnel throughout the district and schools

Reconciliations are streamlined between central chart of accounts and other systems

Leading Practices and Key Features (Cont.)
Key Features ( Cont.)

Self serve online reporting functionality in SAP reducing the time invested in period
end closing process

Leverage dynamic configurable reporting: report selection can be adjusted using
accounting element groups and the output format can be edited at the time of the
execution without depending on IT resources

Current and Future Service Delivery Model
Decentralized master data maintenance

Manual paper based process for Journal
vouchers preparation, approval and

Centralized journal voucher preparation
and approval in accounting

Weekly batch jobs from ITS for Journal
voucher processing

Stand alone systems with the need of
extensive reconciliation

Centralized master data maintenance

Electronic journal vouchers approval and
posting process

Decentralized Journal voucher preparation
across district and schools

Journal vouchers in SAP will be either created
online or interfaced from the legacy sub

Integrated system with streamlined
reconciliations across all SAP modules

Current Service Delivery Model
Future Service Delivery Model
Current and Future Service Delivery Model (Cont.)

All the accounting entries entered into
MSAF using aged programmatic
accounting rules

Decentralized period-end closing process

Financial reporting processed in ITS for
the various departments in Client X

Repetitive\mass printing of reports leading
to excessive consumption of paper

Accounting rules replaced by automatic
account assignments and other SAP standard

Centralized period-end closing process

Self-serve real time/near time reporting across
district and schools

Reports can be displayed on screen and
printed only when necessary

Current Service Delivery Model
Future Service Delivery Model
Process Optimization Opportunities
Process Optimization
Increased efficiency and control resulting from:
Centralized maintenance of financial master data
Effective process to approve journal vouchers
Role/position based security
Ability to track and record master data/ GL document changes providing a
complete audit trail

Financial information availability as it is needed by the Client X personnel

Define and configure report variants to assist with the management of the reporting
system more efficiently mitigating the performance issues

Optimizes reporting process by reducing paper based reports and printing the reports
as and when needed online

Process Optimization Opportunities (Cont.)
Other Efficiencies

Minimizing manual data entry in the journal vouchers processing and analyzing reports
-Proactive prevention of errors surrounding GL document processing and report

Increased data integrity through defaults and systematic field validation

Retain all completed requests for auditing purposes, ensuring statutory and
management reporting requirements

Policies will help ensure that a consistent naming format is used for master data and
that the master data elements are used for the correct purposes

Real time integration among all modules of SAP with improved controls through
system checks and balances across all functions

As-Is and To-Be Significant Process Changes (Cont.)
Master Data Administration
Decentralized financial master data
maintenance process focused mainly in

Inconsistent policy for financial master
data creation and maintenance

Informal approval process among various
departments and subsystems in
performing financial master data changes

Inconsistent communication channel of
data between all legacy subsystems

Master Data Administration
Centralized financial master data maintenance
in Accounting

Established policy for financial master data
creation and maintenance in SAP with roles
and responsibilities clearly defined

Establish a controlled approval process and
provide increased efficiency of financial master
data requests

Ensured communication channel between SAP
and other Client X sub systems for data
consistency and accurate cross walk between

As-Is and To-Be Significant Process Changes (Cont.)
GL Transaction Processing
Paper based journal voucher request
and approval

Entering of journal vouchers
concentrated mainly in Accounting

Upload of large journal vouchers to the
system centralized by ITS

Period end Closing Process
The closing schedule and
administrative activities performed by

ITS runs MSAF reports and provides
the downloads to all the departments
within Client X as requested

GL Transaction Processing
Electronic journal vouchers request and

Journal Vouchers are entered by the requestor
directly in the system

Large journal vouchers can be uploaded by the

Period end Closing Process
Closing schedule and administrative activities
managed by accounting

Extensive self serve online reporting available
to all departments minimizing time delays in
analyzing financial information during closing to
a great extent

As-Is and To-Be Significant Process Changes (Cont.)
Period end Closing Process (Cont.)
Time consuming reconciliation processes
required to ensure accuracy of financial

System downtime during closing process

Only one period/year open at any point of
time for posting in MSAF

Reporting Maintenance Process
Generation of reports are requested to

Period end Closing Process (Cont.)
Automated reconciliation between Sub
ledgers/procurement/Payroll and Accounting

No downtime during closing process

Multiple periods/years open at any point of time
for posting in SAP

Reporting Maintenance Process
All the reports are available online and updated
real time to provide accurate information and
analysis at any point of time. Drilldown
capabilities provide a complete audit trail of
accessing the original document from the report

As-Is To-Be
Identified GAPS
Initial requirement Gap description Suggested Solution Decision
None None None None
Policy Impacts
Establish policies and procedures for the following:

Guidelines and criteria for the creation, block and deletion of the financial master data,
including operating chart of accounts

Centralized master data request approval process, defining the roles of originators and
approvers, and establish the procedure for additional data update and validation

Maintenance tasks required to support legacy sub-systems (i.e., G/L master data
required to support legacy sub-systems)

Appropriate authorization roles and management of GL document requests

Detailed guidelines and policies on new process which includes the interface results
verification, other daily activities, opening and closing periods, period end adjustment
postings into SAP, report analysis and reporting the final financial information after the
closing process completion

New process of decentralized preparation of GL transactions and centralized approval
in Accounting

Change Impacts
Provide training to the appropriate Client X users on the following:
System processes and integration
Personnel in the accounting department to administrate financial master data
needs to understand the system functionality across the different modules
Personnel to enter accounting documents will need to get training the basic
accounting and system functionality
New coding block for accounting
New closing process in accounting
Report capabilities across district and schools

Shifting responsibilities from ITS to controllers office

Shifting responsibilities from budget to controllers office

New function of financial master data maintenance in controllers office

Personnel throughout the district and schools enter journal vouchers online directly in

Change Impacts (Cont.)
More sophisticated management of authorization to create, approve, post and display all
postings to GL. All the journal vouchers, transfer of expenditures, charge backs will be
approved and entered into SAP system using GL transactions for document entry

Centralized master data administration within the accounting department with a complete
audit trail

Self serve real time reporting providing accurate financial information at any point of time

Sub-processes will primarily lead to consolidation of expense object master data, provide
approval controls and changes in policy for creation of location codes and object codes in
Controllers office

Change Impacts (Cont.)
Required fields mandated prior to entering documents

Audit capabilities at the document/line item, master record level

Multi year and additional accounting periods possible

Accounting documents cannot be posted unless budget rules are met

Drill down capabilities from Summarized reports to the document that originated the

New tools required at district and schools to enter documents and attach supporting

Accounting rules replaced by SAP account determination and other standard functions.

Controls Framework
Key Controls

Application security restrictions on maintaining master data, processing journal
vouchers with or without workflow approvals and generating financial statements

System restrictions on deleting financial master data that have postings against

Validation rules will be used to preserve data integrity (Accounting string valid

Custom workflow developed to facilitate journal vouchers approval process

Audit trails for tracing financial master data changes and accounting document
postings including the date, time and user who performed the activity
Controls Framework (Cont.)
Period End closing process centrally administered in SAP by the accounting
department and authorized roles would be permitted to post period end adjustment
entries providing an accurate financial reporting results

Role/position based security will be utilized to prevent unauthorized updates
Segregation of duties
Audit controls
Mitigating controls

Role/position based security will be utilized to report financial information by school

As-Is and To-Be Significant System Changes
Accounting/budget master data is
defined in a single system

Informal policy for master data
creation, maintenance and data across
the subsystems

Search for transaction that generated
financial figures is manual and time

Reporting downloads provided by ITS
to departments from MSAF

Mainframe oriented processing (using
PF keys, and non-graphical
menus/commands) that requires
memorization of transaction codes and
other functions

Financial master data must be defined across
all SAP modules

Standardized enterprise structure definitions

Drill down capability from summarized reports
to the transaction that originated financial

Self Serve online reporting available to all
Client X users

Graphical user interface enabled point and click
navigation. Selectable drop down menus for
data accuracy and usability

To-Be Application Architecture
Key Development Objects
GL-Journal voucher
upload from Excel
sheet to SAP
Upload of journal vouchers from excel spread sheet to SAP
(TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0021)
Inbound Interface
Cost Center Master
Data Upload
Upload the fields needed for Cost Center master data in SAP using a
LSMW (TM Conversion ID: LD_CONV_0001)
General Ledger Master
Data Upload
Upload the fields needed for General Ledger master data in SAP using a
LSMW (TM Conversion ID: LD_CONV_0002)
General Ledger
Account balances
Conversion of general ledger account balances (includes GL, Fund and
Grant balances) (TM Conversion ID: LD_CNV_0011)
Summary Expenses or
Upload for Summary of Expenses/Revenues
(TM Conversion ID:LD_CNV_0012)
Journal Voucher
All journal vouchers must be reviewed and approved prior to posting it in the
system (TM Workflow ID:LD_WKF_0001)
Funds Reservation
All the funds reservation created by different user departments must be
approved by the head of the department
Interfaces (Inbound
and outbound) from
SAP to Legacy Sub
All the legacy sub systems will be interfaced to SAP and vice versa for
consistent and accurate financial reporting. All the potential interfaces are
listed in the Appendix
Support Required from Steering Committee
Support the team on the proposed business process of a centralized accounting
group responsible for managing financial master data and GL transactions

Support mandatory training for all the users within the district who require system
access based on their job responsibilities

Support of the policy for master data, journal voucher approval process , and
master data approval process

Establish a stringent policies on the maintenance, integrity, accuracy of data
across the legacy subsystems for a successful interface of data to SAP to reduce
reconciliation issues during period-end closing process

Support the team on the proposed centralized closing process for a faster closing
and accurate financial information provided at period-end

Assist in gaining District-wide acceptance for a standardized reporting process

Allocate and encourage Client X resources for active participation in project

Implementation Challenges
User training and education on SAP functionality and integration points specially at

Participation of key Client X resources in the different project activities

Legacy systems data must be cleaned-up and reconciled with subsystems prior to
migrating to SAP

Availability of proper testing environment of legacy systems that will interface with

User training and education on data processing, audit, and correction capabilities

Adoption of new system tools by M-D personnel
Potential Key Development Objects (Appendix)
GL - S & D
Commodities JVs
S & D Commodities JVs to SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 39) (AS-IS Ref. No. 2) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0001)
Inbound Interface
GL - S&D, Expenses
and Adjustments
S&D, Expenses, Adjustments JVs to SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 40) (AS-IS Ref. No. 2) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0002)
Inbound Interface
GL - S&D, Expenses
and Adjustments
S&D, Expenses, Adjustments JVs to SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 41) (AS-IS Ref. No. 2) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0003)
Inbound Interface

GL - Textbooks JVs S & D Textbooks JVs to SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 3) (AS-IS Ref. No. 1) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0004)
Inbound Interface
GL - Food Service
Commodities JVs
Food Service Commodities JVs to SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 4) (AS-IS Ref. No. 1) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0005)
Inbound Interface

GL - Food Service
Accounting JVs
Food Service Accounting JVs to SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 5) (AS-IS Ref. No. 1) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0006)

Inbound Interface
GL - Food Service
Accounting JVs
Food Service Accounting JVs to SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 7) (AS-IS Ref. No. 1) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0007)
Inbound Interface

GL - Transportation
Fuel Dispensation
Transportation Fuel Dispensation JVs To SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 6) (AS-IS Ref. No. 2) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0008)
Inbound Interface
GL - Transportation
Cost Distribution JVs
Transportation Cost Distribution JVs to SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 11) (AS-IS Ref. No. 2) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0009)
Inbound Interface
Potential Key Development Objects (Appendix)
GL - Compass Cost
Distribution JVs
Compass Cost Distribution JVs to SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 8) (AS-IS Ref. No. 2) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0010)
Inbound Interface

GL - Compass Work
Orders Expenses &
Adjustments JV
Compass Work Orders, Expenses, Adjustments JVs to SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 10) (AS-IS Ref. No. 2) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0011)
Inbound Interface
GL - TWS transactions TWS transactions to SAP to create an ETF file
(ERP No. MSAS - 104) (AS-IS Ref. No. 7) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0013)
Inbound Interface
GL - Payroll
Payroll Transactions To SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 54) (AS-IS Ref. No. 32) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0014)
Inbound Interface
GL Payroll
Payroll Transactions To SAP
(ERP No. MSA - 55) (AS-IS Ref. No. 32) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0015)

Inbound Interface

FM - Online Budget
Check from SDRQ
S&D inventory performs a budget check on available funds in SAP
(TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0016)
Inbound Interface
FM - WCBU On-Line
budget check
WCBU performs a budget check on available funds in SAP
(TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0017)
Inbound Interface

FM WCBU Capital
Budget update
As capital budget entries are performed in WCBU, the update is made
automatically in SAP (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0018)

Inbound Interface

Potential Key Development Objects (Appendix)
Online Budget
COMPASS performs a budget check on available funds in SAP
(TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0019)
Inbound Interface

FM - COGNOS Budget COGNOS Budget is developed in the interfaced system and loaded into
SAP FM as a version, 1, 2 or 3 etc. (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0020)
Inbound Interface
FM - Trust Agencies,
Grants, Food Service
Trust Agencies, Grants, Food Service Budgets
(TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0021)

Inbound Interface
GL -Journal voucher
upload from excel
sheet to SAP
Upload of journal vouchers from excel spread sheet to SAP
(TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0022)

Inbound Interface
FM - VSAM PAC file to
SAP to use in Budget
VSAM PAC file to SAP to use in creating Report Extract File
(ERP No. MSA - 22) (AS-IS Ref. No. 28) (TM Interface ID: LD_INB_0023)

Inbound Interface

GL - Treasury Interface
(TWS transactions)
TWS transactions with Document ID added from SAP to TWS
(ERP No. MSAS -103) (AS-IS Ref. No. 7) (TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0001)

Outbound Interface
Online Budget Check
COMPASS Online Budget Check
(TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0004)
Outbound Interface
Budget for budget
Budget supplements transmitted back to COGNOS for planning purposes
(TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0005)

Outbound Interface

Potential Key Development Objects (Appendix)
FM - ACRS Final
Final expenditures by object will need to be transmitted as part of the feed
(TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0006)
Outbound Interface

GL - Payroll
This file contains the GL information that was sent plus the Pay-in-doc-id
information (TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0007)

Outbound Interface
GL - Document ID's for
payroll documents
Document ID's for payroll documents
(TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0008)

Outbound Interface
GL - Account Centers Client X GL structure dictionary code book process. The file is created for
synchronizing with HR Bas Header (TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0009)

Outbound Interface
FM - Budget Available
balance data
Budget Available balance data
(AS-IS Ref. No. 61) (TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0010)
Outbound Interface
AFR and Budget Entry
to Web Application
AFR and Budget Entry to Web Application
(TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0011)

Outbound Interface
FM - Online Budget
Check for Travel
Online Budget Check for Travel
(TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0012)
Outbound Interface
FM - Budget actual
expense and
Budget actual expense and Commitments from SAP to WCBU
(TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0013)

Outbound Interface

Potential Key Development Objects (Appendix)
GL - Description
information for reports
and accumulators
This file contains the GL accounting structures and their descriptions
(ERP No. MSA -30) (AS-IS Ref. No. 58) (TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0014)
Outbound Interface

GL - Account Centers
validation and
Available Balances
Account Centers validation and Available Balances
(ERP No. MSA -15) (AS-IS Ref. No. 59) (TM Interface ID: LD_OUT_0015)
Outbound Interface
Cost Center master
Data Upload
Upload the fields needed for Cost Center master Data in SAP using a
LSMW (TM Conversion ID: LD_CNV_0001)
Conversion - LSMW
General Ledger master
Data Upload
Upload the fields needed for General Ledger master Data in SAP using a
LSMW (TM Conversion ID: LD_CNV_0002)

Conversion - LSMW
General Ledger
account balances
Conversion of general ledger account balances (Includes GL, Fund and
Grant balances) (TM Conversion ID: LD_CNV_0011)

Summary Expenses or
Upload for Summary of Expenses/Revenues
(TM Conversion ID: LD_CNV_0012)
Journal voucher
All journal vouchers must be reviewed and approved prior to posting it in the
system (TM Workflow ID: LD_WKF_0001)

Funds reservation
All the funds reservation created by different user departments must be
approved by the head of the department (TM Workflow ID: LD_WKF_0002)


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