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Process Confirmation

Accounts Payable
Project XYZ Initiative
, 2008
Team Presentation Contents
Key Count Summary
Process Summary and Objectives
Leading Practices and Key Features
Process Optimization Opportunities
As-Is and To-Be Significant Process Changes
Identified Gaps
Policy Impacts
Change Impacts
Controls Framework
As-Is and To-Be Significant System Changes
To-Be Application Architecture Overview
Key Potential Development Objects
Support Required from the Steering Committee
Implementation Challenges
Key Count Summary
Item Count
Processes: 1
Tasks: 16
Worksteps: 126
Roles: 12
Key Potential Development Objects:
(excluding reports)
13 ReadSoft
10 SAP
SMAs: 62
Review Sessions: 12
Validation Sessions: 1
Summary P-080 Enable Payment
This process deals with all aspects of Accounts Payable, the final step in the Procure-To-Pay process. It includes
an accounting view of the Vendor Master Data, the introduction of Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
technology for invoice processing, approval workflows, payment process, period close activities and reporting.
This process utilizes Leading Practices to consolidate/centralize processes pertaining to Accounts Payable and
ensures that all controls are in place to pay the Districts vendors


Create an efficient process of scanning invoices and utilizing OCR technology for data capture of information
from the invoice
Create an efficient process of requesting vendor add/change requests by introducing Workflow technology to
Procurements Vendor Master Data group
Introduce Workflow technology for discrepancy resolution including Quantity, Price, charges on invoice not on
PO and Signature Approvals
Establish a Payment Process which allows for all District related payments (P-Card, Payrolls Third Party
Vendors and Accounts Receivable Customer Refunds) to be generated from the Accounts Payable process
Increase the frequency of payments and consolidating the Payment Process including Check Printing and
Disbursements into Accounts Payable
Establish procedures for periodic processing (i.e. monthly, fiscal year end and calendar year end)
Improve reporting capabilities by allowing real-time, on-line queries
Process Summary and Objectives
Process Summary and Objectives
Tasks associated with the Process

Receive Invoices P-080-010
Scan Invoices P-080-020
Process Invoices Through ReadSoft OCR P-080-030
Manage Vendor Accounting View P-080-040
Invoice Verification (3-Way Match) P-080-050
Invoice Verification (2-Way Match) P-080-060
Resolve Invoice Verification Errors P-080-070
Manage Non-PO Invoices P-090-080
Post Invoice in SAP P-080-090
Manage Procurement Card P-080-100
Process Procurement Card Transactions P-080-110
Process Payment P-080-120
Manage Checks P-080-130
Generate Form 1099 P-080-140
Conduct Periodic Processing P-080-150


Summary P-080-010 - 030 Receive/Scan/Process Invoices Through ReadSoft OCR

This process describes the steps to receive invoices into Accounts Payable, prepare them for scanning and the
process that ReadSoft utilizes in processing the invoices

ReadSoft is a certified business partner with SAP and is utilized as a Bolt-On software product in the front end
of the SAP Accounts Payable module. The aim is to facilitate the automatic posting of error-free data records
and to support the process of identifying and amending documents that contain errors


Establish an efficient process for handling invoices received in paper format, fax, email and CD

Define the process for preparing invoices to be scanned

Establish an efficient process for handling transactions that are not recognized by the OCR technology
Process Summary and Objectives

Summary P-080-040 Manage Vendor Accounting View

This process describes the actions taken to resolve a vendor not on the Master Database or for address

AP determines that the Vendor Master Database needs to be updated to either add a new vendor or update an
existing vendor. Once determined, AP will trigger a Workflow to Procurements Vendor Master Data Group to
take appropriate action

Once Procurement updates the Vendor Master Database Accounts Payable will update the Invoice in ReadSoft
with the appropriate Vendor Number


Provide for an efficient process pertaining to Vendor Master Data additions or changes
Process Summary and Objectives
Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-050 Invoice Verification (3-Way Match)

3-Way Match incorporates matching the invoice to an approved on-line PO and Goods Receipt. This avoids
paying for items that have a price discrepancy or have not been received. Any criteria that does not match will
utilize Workflow to create an efficient error resolution process


Procurement authorizes expenditure by having a fully approved PO on-line
The worksite acknowledges the Goods Receipt on-line
Invoices presented for payment are validated against the PO and the Goods Receipt
Minimize intervention in the payment of invoices by:
Notifying via email Vendors of invalid/expired POs
Notifying via workflow:
Worksite to verify if goods were delivered
Procurement for:
Vendor Master Data adds or changes
Invoice Price greater than PO Price
Vendor billing for items not on PO (i.e. Freight, Hazardous Materials, etc.)
Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-060 Invoice Verification (2-Way Match)

2-Way Match incorporates matching the invoice to an approved on-line PO for price verification and obtaining
authorization from the originating worksite administrator verifying that the services have been rendered. This
avoids paying for services that have not been provided. Examples include Food, Construction, Professional
Services, etc.

Procurement authorizes expenditure by having a fully approved PO on-line
The worksite acknowledges services rendered through on-line approval
Minimize intervention in the payment of invoices by:
Notifying via email Vendors of invalid/expired POs
Notifying via workflow:
Worksite to verify if services were rendered
Procurement for:
Vendor Master Data additions or changes
Invoice Price greater than PO Price
Vendor billing for items not on PO

Modify the Food Service process by continuing Exception Based Payments. Rather than process the total
amount per week, each invoice will be processed individually. Eliminates an Excel Spreadsheet to the vendor
and Food Service Accounting. Vendor knows which invoice is being paid and cost are charge directly to School
when invoice is processed
Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-070 Resolve Invoice Verification Errors

This process describes the steps taken from the responses to the Workflow notifications pertaining to

Affirmative responses to Workflow notifications will automatically run through ReadSofts matching logic and
transfer the invoice to SAP once all discrepancies are resolved (i.e. generation of a Goods Receipt, Signature
Approval, Price increase on PO Line Item, creation of a new PO Line Item)

Negative response to the above will require manual intervention by Accounts Payable to resolve the
discrepancies (i.e. obtain proof of delivery, short pay a line item on invoice, etc.)


Provide for an efficient process with minimum intervention to resolve invoices with discrepancies
Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-080 Manage Non-PO Invoices

Non PO related invoices are for goods/services not sourced through the Procurement Process. These
transactions will require a Funds Reservation to be created in Funds Management prior to the invoice being
processed for payment


Reduce the number of Purchase Orders generated for Non-Bid, Non-Sourced transactions. Utilize Funds
Reservation in Funds Management for transactions that have to be paid (i.e. Utilities, Legal Services, Tolls,
Charter Schools, etc.)

Utilize the Recurring Payment process to set up a Master Lease record and have the system create the payment
based on due date and dollar amount

Process each Utility bill individually, charging each worksite directly at time of invoice processing. This
eliminates the need for cost allocations after the fact
Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-090 Post Invoice in SAP

This process systematically transfers fully approved invoices from ReadSoft into SAP AP for payment


Utilizing ReadSoft as the front end of AP simplifies the process by only allowing fully approved invoices to be
entered in SAP AP, thus reducing the need to park invoices and the process steps associated with releasing
the park transaction
Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-100 Manage Procurement Card

The P-Card process is integrated with the Accounts Payable module. It allows authorized employees to acquire
small dollar materials and supplies, as needed for operations, with minimum delay

The procedure for applying for, issuing and cancelling P-Cards remains the same


Define the process for central maintenance of the P-Card master data elements (i.e. P-Card number, Card
Holder, Agent ID, Location, default account coding block, etc.)

All P-Card master data will be maintained by the P-Card Department

Summary P-080-110 Process Procurement Card Transactions

Facilitates the approval of every P-Card purchase prior to acquiring the goods. The Cardholders designee
(Agent) will create a Funds Reservation with line item detail of the purchase including account coding block and
line item descriptions of the purchase

Once the Funds Reservation is saved, a Workflow notification is sent to the Cardholder

Cardholder approves the Funds Reservation authorizing purchase to be made.

On a daily basis the Bank will send a file of purchases made that have been paid for. The system will process
the file generating a Blocked invoice for payment and will create an accounting transaction looking for the
matching Funds Reservation

Example: Funds Reservation created for $50.00 for Card Holder X with account coding block to supplies
1) A Blocked invoice to Vendor (Mellon Bank) that: Debits P-Card Clearing Credits Vendor
50.00 50.00

2) An using the Funds Reservation to: Debits Supplies Expense Credits P-Card Clearing
50.00 50.00

Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-110 Process Procurement Card Transactions

If a matching Funds Reservation is not found, a workflow will be triggered to the Cardholders Agent to
Adjust Funds Reservation Amount
Create Funds Reservation
Report Fraudulent Charge

The P-Card Department monitors the P-Card Clearing Account by utilizing various reports and is able to track
the timeliness of discrepancy resolution

Once the Bank is ready to be paid, the P-Card department will compare the monthly statement to the open items
for the vendor (Mellon Bank) and release the Block from the invoices that are to be paid. Once the Block is
removed, the invoices will generate payment to the bank in the next payment cycle
Process Summary and Objectives
Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-110 Process Procurement Card Transactions


To reserve the funds prior to P-Card purchase being made

Simplify the monthly P-Card reconciliation by:

Systematically matching and clearing purchases via the Bank file to the Funds Reservation
Cardholder or their Agent involved in resolving exceptions via Workflow
Worksite generates report listing their Funds Reservations per period to compare to Bank Statement
Worksite Administrator signs monthly reconciliation form, attaches Funds Reservation per period report and
forwards to P-Card Department for verification of reconciliation and payment of Monthly Master Statement

Establish a process to ensure that all transactions are accounted for on a timely basis by utilizing the default
accounting code block on the P-Card Master for un-timely discrepancy resolutions

Ability to report and perform analytics on all P-Card purchase details via BI

Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-120 Payment Process

All District related payments will be processed through Accounts Payable, including Payrolls 3
Party Vendors,
Accounts Receivable Customer Refunds and P-Card Purchases

AP Check Coordinator will run a payment proposal, utilizing various selection parameters, that will select
invoices due for payment.

A separate payment proposal will run for Fund 9 transactions for review and approval by the AP Supervisor

Once reviewed, the AP Payment Coordinator will run the AP Payment run. This Payment run will generate
Checks, ACHs and transmit the Positive Pay File to the Bank

The AP Payment Clerk will print the checks, ensuring that all printing and signatures occurred properly and is
responsible to mail/distribute the checks

Ensure that all Grants Liquidating are paid by the Liquidation Date


Create an efficient and controlled process for generating payments on a daily basis

Ensure that all Fund 9 transactions are recorded properly

Obtain a listing of open invoices against Liquidating Grants and change the Payment Terms on the invoice to not
exceed the Liquidation date

Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-130 Manage Checks

This process describes the controls that will be in place for managing the check stock

Ensures that sufficient supply is on hand and monitors when ordering needs to occur

Describes the process for Voids, Stop Payments and Stale Dated checks processing


Create an efficient and controlled process for managing check stock

Ensure that all Voids, Stop Payments and Stale Dated check processing is processed and booked appropriately

Ensure that adequate controls are in place for the review and processing of Voids, Stop payments and Stale
Dated Checks
Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-140 Generate Form 1099

This process facilitates the IRS requirements of generating 1099 forms to vendors who meet the 1099 reporting

Vendors will be flagged as 1099 vendors via the Procurement Vendor Master Data creation process

Each October the AP Department will verify if any changes have been made to the IRS form and if so, update
the SAP Smart Form 1099

The AP Department will run preliminary reports to ensure accuracy of data

Reports will be run against vendors not flagged as 1099 vendors with payments greater than $600 to ensure that
the Procurement set-up process is accurate. Should a vendor be determined to be subject to 1099 reporting, the
invoices processed against that vendor will run against a 1099 Update Program to be included in the generate
Form 1099 reports


Ensure that all payments meet the IRS 1099 reporting requirement
Process Summary and Objectives
Summary P-080-150 Conduct Periodic Processing

As General Accounting reconciles the GR/IR Account, any outstanding items will be given to Accounts Payable
to resolve

The year-end process describes the steps that AP will take to ensure all liabilities are recorded properly

For transactions where Goods Receipt has already occurred, no additional action is needed as expense is
debited at time of receipt

For invoices in Discrepancy in ReadSoft, a report will be generated for General Accounting to enter a non-Funds
Availability Control JV Accrual

Invoices dated June 30
and prior received in the department in the new Fiscal Year can be processed in period
12, if so determined, until the Office of the Controller indicates that closing is over


Maintain a periodic process of reconciling the GR/IR account

Create an efficient process for generating Year End Accruals
Role Role Description
Accounts Payable Fiscal
Processes invoices, oversee Workflow, Vendor Add/Changes and Optimize
in ReadSoft Process
Accounts Payable Configurator

Set up Profile in ReadSoft for Optimizing in Scanning process

ReadSoft Systems User Automatic process within ReadSoft with ability for manual override
AP Fiscal Assistant Verifier Verifies information and transfers workflows in ReadSoft
User Department Creates Fund Reservations for Non-PO invoices
P-Card Administrator Maintains P-Card Master Data and authorizes payment to Bank
P-Card Analyst Runs reports and reconciles P-Card Suspense Account
Roles within Accounts Payable
Role Role Description
AP Check Coordinator Responsible for stop payments, void checks and reissuance of checks, as well
as managing check stock and running pre-trial check run
AP Payment Coordinator Responsible for executing check run and generating checks, ACH and Positive
Pay File
Accounts Payable
Has override abilities in ReadSoft Process.
Responsible for year-end accrual processes as well as generating 1099 forms
P-Card Holder Approves the purchases and maintains P-Card
P-Card Designee Creates Funds Reservation and reconciles discrepancies from Bank File
Roles within Accounts Payable
Leading Practices and Key Features
All processes generating payments to vendors funnel through Accounts Payable

Improve the quality of data by utilizing OCR technology to reduce data entry errors

Utilize Workflow to resolve discrepant transactions in a timely basis

Allow for On-Line signature approvals for Non 3-Way match transactions

Pre-Authorizing all P-Card purchases to ensure Funds Availability and to perform analytics at the line item

Payments generated on a daily basis to facilitate the capturing of discounts

Reduce the amount of after-the-fact allocations by charging expenses directly to the Cost Center at time of
invoice input, i.e. Food Service and Utilities

Provide standard reports and on-line access to query data, for self service with drill down capabilities,
including accessing the Invoice Image

Process Optimization Opportunities
Current Delivery Model

Currently, invoices are handled multiple times from mail room, entering into AP Doc, generating bar Code
given to staff for payment preparation, sent to worksite for receipt verification or signature approvals, sent
back to AP to go through mail room and back to staff for final payment preparation. Once entered into
MSAF they are handed off to Treasury who verifies the invoices processed are on the check and then
placed in the vault for retrieval purposes

Proposed Service Delivery Model

Opportunities exist to significantly reduce the number of touch points to that of the mail room, prepping for
scanning and then scanning. This facilitates electronic routing from that point on, reducing the lead time
from each touch point

Process Optimization

Increased efficiency and control resulting from scanning, retrieval and storage of invoices and invoice

Workflow enable process electronically routes the transaction to the next level reducing time delay and
manual tracking of invoices

Improved visibility of invoice processing within ReadSoft and SAP

Other Efficiencies:

Real time drill down capabilities, with the ability to view the invoice image, across the entire District for ad
hoc queries
As-Is and To-Be Significant Process Changes
Invoices are received, sorted by vendor, entered
into AP-Doc for tracking purposes, scanned and
delivered to AP Clerks for processing

3-Way Match invoices with discrepancies have a
manual form filled out and mailed to either vendor,
worksite or Procurement.

2-Way Match invoices received without written
authorization have a manual form filled out and
mailed to worksite for signature authorization

Excel Spreadsheet created and sent to Food
Service Accounting to enter amount paid by
school for P&L statement

DB4 database maintained for tracking Retainage

District payments require a Purchase Order

P-Card transaction does Funds Availability Control
once a month at the time the requisition is created
Invoices are received, sorted by document type,
single or multiple pages, scanned, and
processed by ReadSoft

Utilizing email ReadSoft will email vendor of
invalid or expired POs, and utilizing Workflow
notify worksite or Procurement for resolution of

Utilizing Workflow, ReadSoft will notify worksite
for verification of services and on-line

Invoice cost will be charged directly to school at
time of processing invoice for payment

Retainage charged directly to Retainage account
at time of invoice processing

Non-bid, non-sourced transactions utilize Funds
Reservation through the Funds Management

P-Card purchases funds reservation created and
approved prior to purchase being made
As-Is and To-Be Significant Process Changes
As-Is To-Be
No reporting capabilities for details of P-Card

Food Service invoices processed as 1 transaction
(statement) per week per vendor and Excel
spreadsheet generated for vendor to apply payment
and for Food Service Accounting to allocate costs to

A consolidated payment is made to utilities and cost
charge to the worksites in an allocation program
after the fact

1099 generation includes only District payments
and Gaming officials

Year-End cutoff requires system to be unavailable
for AP processing for approximately 2 weeks

Extensive manual process for accruing prior year
invoices not entered by year end

Details of purchases entered on Funds
Reservation Request and available for tracking
and reporting in BI

Food Service invoices processed individually.
Vendor knows which invoices are being paid for
and cost charged directly to school at time of
invoice processing

Each utility invoice is processed individually.
Vendor knows which invoices are being paid for
and cost charged directly to school at time of
invoice processing

1099 generation includes District payments,
Gaming officials as well as transactions
processed through the Internal Fund process

Year-End cutoff allows continued processing by
having a new accounting period opened for AP

Prior year invoices segregated and processed
into special period based on Office of the
Controllers guidelines

As-Is and To-Be Significant Process Changes
As-Is To-Be
Payments generated once a week
Payments generated daily
Identified GAPS
Gap Description Mitigation Strategy
Process Gap - Ability to Lock-out a worksite from
entering requisitions

Accounts Payable notifies worksite of an issue with
an invoice and worksite has 2 weeks to respond. If
no response, location is locked-out from the
requisition process

This lock-out restricts all district offices from
entering requisitions for the worksite
1) Working with Security and Controls to determine if
functionality can be achieved through roles
process or

2) SAP introduces escalation notification process
where no response sends email to worksite
administrator and if no response work worksite
administrator to escalate to the next level. This
notification should facilitate the resolution process
and improve the timeliness of worksite resolution
Policy Impacts
Establish policy and procedure For Funds Reservation creation for Non-PO
Related Invoices

Acceptance of electronic signatures for 2-Way Match and Non-PO related

Acceptance of charging P-Card purchases to Card Holders default account in
the event of un-timely resolution of discrepancy

Change Impacts


Elimination of entering invoices in AP Doc and generating Bar Codes for each invoice
Simplified process for opening mail and preparing for scanning
Introduction of Workflow for discrepancy resolution, Non-PO Related invoices and
electronic approvals
Pre-authorizing P-Card purchases through Funds Reservation ensures that funds are
available at that time vs. determining at month end
Simplified monthly reconciliation process at worksite for P-Card Transactions
Transfer all payment generation responsibility from Treasury to Accounts Payable for
All reporting requirements for 1099 generation controlled by Accounts Payable
More efficient year-end accrual process


Enhanced reporting capabilities supports the Districts invoice life-cycle, as each
worksite has input into the payment process via Goods Receipt or electronic approvals

Change Impacts contd


Real-time access to information with drill down capabilities down to the invoice image
Significantly reduce the discrepancy resolution time line by utilizing Workflow
Ability to capture cash discounts, if offered
Department becomes more analytical than transaction based
Availability of Funds check for P-Card purchases ensures funds are available at the time purchase
is made rather than at month end
Simplified Year-End process

Risks Associated with Change

End-Users have to become proficient in using ReadSoft/SAP
Delay in responding to Workflow notifications adds to the invoice life-cycle

Implementation Requirements

End-User training is mandatory for access to the system
Change Impacts contd

Impacted Audience

Procurement Department
Every worksite in the District generating requisitions, goods receipts and invoice approvals
P-Card Department
General Accounting
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable

Level of Impact
High End-User training, Workflow notifications and wide impacted area
Controls Framework
Segregation of duties in Accounts Payable. Staff involved in Invoice Processing will not have
access to Payment Generation processes or check distribution and vise versa

Workflow will be leveraged to ensure only authorized individuals may approve invoices

Workflow will be leveraged to ensure only authorized individuals may approve P-Card purchases

Embedded audit trail for tracking date, time and users involved in every process of Enable

As-Is and To-Be Significant System Changes

Invoices entered in AP-Doc for
tracking purposes

Inability to systematically capture
discounts when offered

Retainage managed in a DB4

1099 process excludes Internal
Funds transactions except for
Gaming Officials

Invoices scanned directly into ReadSoft for
tracking purposes

Flexible process for capturing discounts

Retainage managed in General Ledger

1099 process includes all Internal Funds
To-Be Application Architecture Overview
Invoice Data
Invoice Number/Amount
Invoice payment data
Discrepancy Invoice data
SQL Database
Web Cycle
(Archive Link Certified)
Verify Operators

Manually Detached
to Server folder
EFT / ACH Positive Pay
Electronic payments
/ Checks
Cashed Checks /
Electronic bank statement
Email Workstation Various Fax Machines Scanner
Scan Workstations
Fax Server
(M-DCPS District)
Invoice Data
Interpreted Invoice data
Potential Key Development Objects - ReadSoft
Name Description Implementation
ReadSoft Workflow
Create Workflow to send Price Differences to Procurement for
Resolution and send resolution back to AP

Determine workflow
setup (trigger/recipient)
ReadSoft Workflow
Create Workflow to send Quantity Differences to worksites for
Resolution and send resolution back to AP

Determine workflow
setup (trigger/recipient)
ReadSoft Workflow
Create Workflow to send Item on Invoice not on PO to Procurement
for Resolution and send resolution back to AP

Determine workflow
setup (trigger/recipient)
ReadSoft Workflow
Create Workflow to send 2-Way Match Authorization to either
Procurement for Price Discrepancies or Worksite for electronic

Determine workflow
setup (trigger/recipient)
ReadSoft Workflow
Create Workflow to send Vendor master add/change to Procurement
for Resolution and send resolution back to AP

Determine workflow
setup (trigger/recipient)
ReadSoft Workflow
Create Workflow for Non-PO related invoices authorization Determine workflow
setup (trigger/recipient)
Potential Key Development Objects - ReadSoft
Name Description Implementation

Create Workflow Triggers: Standard plug-in enhancement that
starts specific workflow and sends it to the determined recipients
ReadSoft configuration
Create enhancement for ReadSoft/Funds Management (FM)
ReadSoft configuration
Create enhancement to process Utility Invoices, and default
accounting structure from customized GL coding table
ReadSoft configuration
Create enhancement to process Retainage line items from
construction invoices
ReadSoft configuration
Create enhancement to read Freight line items from invoices ReadSoft configuration
Create enhancement for Spreadsheet upload. This would allow
departments within the district or even potentially vendors to submit
invoices in a spreadsheet format that could be uploaded into Cockpit
for workflow and processing
ReadSoft configuration
Create enhancement for Tax Code determination. The tax
determination is a normal enhancement to assign proper tax codes
from the invoice to the SAP document
ReadSoft configuration
Potential Key Development Objects - ECC
Name Description Implementation
Create interface to accept Inbound Bank file of P-Card
Determine format and
information from bank file
Create an interface to send file to bank for electronic payments
Determine file transmit
process with bank
Create an interface to send to bank Positive Pay File of AP Vendor
Determine file transmit
process with bank
Create an interface to send 1099s electronically to IRS

Develop electronic files
and print forms for 1099

Create Check form for vendor payments Develop check form
Create 1099 forms Develop 1099 form using
Smart Forms, that meet
the requirements defined
by IRS
Create form (letter) for Stale dated checks communications Develop letter form using
Smart Forms
Create enhancement for Utility Service invoices to store key data
captured by ReadSoft and transfer it to BI for analytical reporting
Develop custom table for
Utility data
Potential Key Development Objects - ECC
Name Description Implementation

Create workflow for P-Card authorization Determine workflow
setup (trigger/recipient)


Create workflow for P-Cards to handle discrepancies Determine workflow
setup (trigger/recipient)

Support Required from Steering Committee
District-wide acceptance for Non-PO related transactions utilizing Funds
Reservations through Funds Management

District-wide acceptance for the P-Card approval process, including charging
default account for untimely discrepancy resolution

Transferring all vendor payment responsibilities from Treasury to Accounts

Generating payments to vendors on a daily basis

End User training is mandatory

Implementation Challenges
Timeliness of training every worksite in the Procure to Pay including P-Card process
prior to Go-Live Date and retaining knowledge learned

Ensure personnel within the Accounts Payable department retain the knowledge
gained in training within ReadSoft and Accounts Payable modules as well as the P-
Card process

There will be a change impact throughout the District pertaining to the electronic
processing of invoices

End-Users will have to diligently adhere to the new policies and procedures

All departments and school sites must be trained in the new process

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