Unit Ii: Enabling Technologies of World Wide Web

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Internet Client Server Application
Internet users interact through client server application

In a CSA Two major classes of software

Client Software Exists on an end users desktop

Server Software Exists on Work station or server class machine

Protocol: A protocol is a special set of rules that enable communication
between two computers
Application Protocol Purpose
World Wide Web Hypertext Transport
Offer access to hypertext
documents, executable
programs, and other internet
E-mail Simple Mail Transport

Post Office Protocol
version 3 (POP3)

Multipurpose Internet Mail
Transmission of text
messages and binary
attachments across internet
File Transfer File Transfer Protocol(FTP) Upload and download files
Chat Internet Relay Chat
Users talk real time over the
internet. The real time chat
groups are called channels.
User Net Newsgroups Network News Transfer
Discussion forums users
can post and read messages
E mail allows exchange mails world wide

Quick reach within seconds

Options to send electronic files to a persons e-mail

Non ASCII files, known as binary files , may be
attached to e-mail messages
ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

Computers can only understand numbers, so an ASCII code is the
numerical representation of a character such as 'a' or '@' or an action of
some sort.

ASCII file is a file with nothing but letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.
(No font specifications, bolding, or other attributes)

If someone says they want your CV however in ASCII format, all this
means is they want 'plain' text with no formatting such as tabs, bold or
underscoring - the raw format that any computer can understand.

This is usually so they can easily import the file into their own
applications without issues.

Notepad.exe creates ASCII text, or in MS Word you can save a file as
'text only'
Binary/ Non- ASCII
Spreadsheet files, database files, images, and,
perhaps not so intuitively, word processor files (or
documents), are all binary files

Probably every file you deal with on your computer is
a binary file(unless you are a programmer).

Non-binary files are created by programs known as
"text editors"; the "edit" program that comes with
DOS is a good example.
Program that allows you to log into computers on
internet and use online databases, library catalogs, chat

One should know the address to telnet to a computer

Some services may require connection to a specific port on a remote

E.g., telnet dte.vsnl.net.in
File Transfer Protocol
Method used to transfer files between computers on the

Allows user to transfer files from thousands of host computers
on the internet to their personal account.

Process is quite rapid

Transfers can be performed even without any special software

Retrieving files use search engine such as FAST FTP search,
located at http://ftpsearch.lycos.com

Chat on the web
E-mail, internet, web one side communication pulled or pushed
to the end user

Chat engage customers in a dialogue and create virtual

E.g. America Online topical chat rooms

Instant Messaging : real-time direct text-based communication
between two or more people using personal computers or other
devices, along with shared clients. The user's text is conveyed over
a network, such as the Internet. More advanced instant messaging
software clients also allow enhanced modes of communication, such
as live voice or video calling.
Internet Relay Chat

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a form of real-time Internet text messaging
(chat) or synchronous conferencing.

It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums,
called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private
message as well as chat and data transfer, including file sharing.

IRC was created in 1988.

IRC Client software is now available for every major operating system that
supports Internet access.

As of April 2011, the top 100 IRC networks served more than half a million
users at a time, with hundreds of thousands of channels

operating on a total of
roughly 1,500 servers out of roughly 3,200 servers worldwide.

As the name implies, ICQ or 'I Seek You' is simply a way
of getting in touch with people and friends.

ICQ makes it easy to find people with similar interests
across the globe, to establish new friendships, to
communicate with colleagues, family members and
friends no matter when or where they are.

And once friendships and connections have been
established you just need to go online to get in contact
without the geographic and time related limitations of
the offline world

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

Refers to an official Internet standard that specifies how messages
must be formatted so that they can be exchanged between different
email systems.

MIME is a very flexible format, permitting one to include virtually
any type of file or document in an email message. Specifically,
MIME messages can contain text, images, audio, video, or other
application-specific data.

E.g. in a http, if you are sending a GIF, the image can be identified if
MIME is present else it will flash an error message.

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