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International- WHO,UNFPA,UNDP, World
Bank, FAO, UNICEF, DANIDA, European
Commission, Red Cross, USAID, UNIESCO,
National:- Indian Red Cross, Indian Council
for Child Welfare, Family Planning Association
of India , Tuberculosis of India, Hindu Kusht
Nivaran Sangh, Central Social Welfare Board,
All India Womens Conference, Blind
Association of India etc.

Voluntary health agency is defined as, an
organization that is administered by an
autonomous board which hold meeting,
collects funds for its support from private
source & expends money with or without paid
workers, in program directed firstly to further
public health by providing health scheme or
education or by advising research or legislation
for health or combination of this activity

Objectives: - health promotion Health
Functions: - Supplementing work of govt.
Agencies Pioneering- Eg. Research work
Education Demonstration- Eg. Bore hole latrine
Guarding the work of govt. Agencies Advising
health legislation

W.H .O WHO is the United
Nations specialized agency for
Health. Its origin in April 1945.
It is an inter-governmental
organization and works in
collaboration with its member
states usually through the
Ministries of Health.

WHOs objective is the attainment by all
people of the highest possible level of health.
WHO's Secretariat is staffed by health
professionals, other experts and support staff
working at headquarters in Geneva, six
regional offices and country offices. In carrying
out its activities, WHO's secretariat focuses its
work on the following six core functions:

Mission :
The attainment of the highest possible level of
health by the people of India.

Vision :
Build a strong, proactive, technically excellent
and dedicated WHO country team, part of a
global network; provide leadership in health;
and collaborate with governments, civil society
and other partners.
In India, WHO provides technical assistance
and collaborates with the Government of India
and major stakeholders in health development
efforts. It assists notably in Policy
Development; Capacity Building and
Advocacy. Technical assistance to the
Government is provided through the

Communicable Diseases and Surveillance
including Leprosy; Malaria; Filariasis;
Tuberculosis; HIV/AIDS and International
Health Regulations.
Evidence & Information for Policy
including National Health Accounts; Policies;
Medical Ethics; Information System; Burden of
Diseases; Essential Drugs and Medicines;
World Health Survey; Health Finance; Trade
Agreements and Reform Issues.

Family and community health including
reproductive health and research ;child and
adolescent health ;gender and women health
;immunization and vaccine development
including hepatitis B ;nursing and midwifery
nutrition and development .
Social change and non communicable diseases
Sustainable development and healthy
environment including chemical safety ;
emergency and humanitarian action; healthy
cities ;food safety ;health and environment
environmental epidemiology and water
National polio surveillance and programme
Revised national tuberculosis control
Emergency and humanitarian action in gujarat
and rajasthan
Commission on macroeconomics and health ,3
by5 for HIV/AIDS
Leprosy elimination

Roll back malaria
Tobacco free initiative
Lymphatic filariasis
Health internet work.
Administrative structure of WHO is
comprised of;
The World Health Assembly
The Executive Board and
The Secretariat

This is the general body comprised by
delegates representing member states. It is the
supreme Governing body. It performs the
following function
Formulates International health policy and
Reviews the work done in the previous year
and evaluates the achievements
Sanctions the budget for the coming year

Elects member states to designate a person to
be on Executive Board for three years
Replaces retiring members
Appoints Director General nominated by the
Executive Board.
Holds Technical discussion on topics of interest
at large.

The Executive Board : the Executive Board is
composed of 31 members who are qualified in
the field of the health. They designated
members by member states who are elected by
World Health Assembly. These designated
members do not represent member states.
Their term is for 3 years. One third of the
membership is reviewed every year.

The Executive Board : the Executive Board is
composed of 31 members who are qualified in
the field of the health. They designated
members by member states who are elected by
World Health Assembly. These designated
members do not represent member states.
Their term is for 3 years. One third of the
membership is reviewed every year.

The main function of theexecutive board is to
see to the implementation of decisions taken in
the World Health Assembly. It also has the
power to take action during emergency
situation such as floods, earthquake, epidemics

The executive Board meets twice a year. Once
in the beginning of the year i.e. in January and
second time in May soon after the World
Health Assembly. It can meet more than twice
if there is an urgent and emergency situation.

The Secretariat: the secretariat sees to the day
to day technical and administrative work of the
organization. It provides member states the
technical and managerial support for their
national health development programme. The
secretariat is headed by Director General who
is the chief technical and administrative officer.
The Director General is assisted by 5 Assistant
Director General and a number of secretariat
staff. Assistant Director Generals are assigned
responsibilities of specific divisions by the
Director General.
Epidemiological surveillance and Health
situation and trend assessment
Communicable diseases
Vector biology and control
Environmental health
Public health
Public information and education for health
Mental health
Diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative
Strengthening of health services
Family health
Non Communicable Diseases
Health Manpower Development
Information system support
Personnel and general services
Budget and Finance.

Providing leadership on matters critical to
health and engaging in partnerships where
joint action is needed;
Shaping the research agenda and stimulating
the generation, translation and dissemination
of valuable knowledge;
Setting norms and standards and promoting
and monitoring their implementation;
Articulating ethical and evidence-based policy
Providing technical support, catalysing change,
and building sustainable institutional capacity;
Monitoring the health situation and assessing
health trends.

World health day 2011-antimicrobial resistance;
no action today no cure tomorrow
World health day 2010-1000 cities-1000 lives
2009-focussed on the safety of health facilities
and the health workers who treat those affected
by emergencies .
2008-focussed on the need to protect health
from the adverse effects of climate change.

2007-international health security
2006-working together for health
2005-make every mother and child count
2004-road safety
2003-shape the future of life
2002-move for the health
2001-mentalhealth ;stop exclusion dareto care.

United Nations Children's Fund was
created by the United Nations General
Assembly on December 11, 1946, to provide
emergency food and healthcare to children
in countries that had and its name was
shortened from the original United Nations
International Children's Emergency Fund.
Headquartered in New York City, UNICEF
provides long-term humanitarian and
developmental assistance to children and
mothers in developing countries.

UNICEF works in close collaboration with
WHO, and the other specialized agencies of the
United Nations like UNDP, FAO and
UNESCO. In early years, UNICEF and WHO
worked together on urgent problems such as
malaria, tuberculosis and venereal diseases.
Later, its assistance to countries covered such
fields as maternal and child health nutrition,
environmental sanitation, health centers and
health education and programmes which
would directly or indirectly benefit the child.

The head quarters of the south asia is in
kathamandu to which india belong. the
country head office is in india.there are 10
regional offices in india. they are in in
bhopal,patna,lucknow,jaipur,bhubaneswar and
Health sectors
Water and sanitation sector
Information communication external relation
Educational sector
Community development .
Providing basic education infrastructure to the
Increasing child survival rate in the developing
countries .
Gender equality through education for girls
Protection of children from any form of
violence and abuse

Protecting and advocating the rights of
Immunization of children for different diseases
Provision of adequate nutrition and safe
drinking water to children.
Procurement services provides
technical assisstance, management services
and supply services. These services combines
global reach with local knowledge managed
Mosquitoes nets,insecticides ,malaria
Vaccines and safe injection materials
Cold chain equipment
Medical devices consumables and equipment
HIV relatedmediciness and diagnostics
Water and environmental sanitation.

UNICEF is the leading agency for vaccine
procurement .it also promotes vaccine security
by working with manufacturers
The current focus on auto disposable
syringes ,or single dose syringes, pre filled
injection devices.
UNICEF Supports the government in its
objectives to reduce and prevent malnutrition
,and to improve the development of children
three years old, especially those in
marginalized enhance the quality of
various ways;-
Improvingthe training of anganwadi worker
Developing innovative communication
approaches with mother
Helping to improve monitiring and reporting
Providing essentials
Providing community based early child care
Vitamin A and anemia programme are
strengthened .
The training of field workers and the support
of programme management
It encourages the universal use of adequately
iodized salt by educating.
It also supplies macro-nutrients to mal
nourished children

It was developed WHO and
Has been adapted .The package focuses on the
New born and under-three child .it promotes
home visting
care at birth

Maintaining platforms and drainage around
hand pumps to protect vulnerable water
Focus on home hygiene practices including
propagating the sanitary use of toilets and
washing soaps

It works with govt NGOS and
communities to assess needs and procure
education supplies such as exercise books and
text books and other kits of a.v aids.
Malaria related commodities
insecticide treated nets
anti malarial medicines
Protective environment to children to
study with rights
the principal goal of UNICEF Emergencand
response programme in india preparedness
A}Primary prevention among young people is
the greatest hope to defeat the virus
C}Pediatric HIV/AIDS
D}Protection care and support for affected
E}Communication and advocacy on hiv aids

It is the united nations
global development network .it advocates for
changes and connects countries to kowledge .
Experience and resources to help people build
a better life.
headquarters is in New york city,it is
funded by entirely by voluntary contributions
from member nations. It has 166 offices entirely
to work in collaboration to meet the
millennium development goals
1.Democratic governance UNDP supports
national democratic transitions by providing
policy advice and technical support.
2.UNDP pays attention towards to the needs
of disadvantaged groups
3.It enhances citizens monitoring capacities
,through the use of public disclosure tools such
as audit
UNDP Helps countries to develop Strategies
to combat poverty by expanding access to
economic opportunities and resources linking
poverty programs with countries larger goals
and policies and ensuring a greater voice for
the poor.
UNDP also works at the macro level to reform
trade encourage debt relief and foreign
investment and ensure the poorest of the poor
benefit from globalization.
UNDP works with countries to strengthen their
capacity to address global environmental
UNDP works with the natinal AIDS Control
Organization to respond to HIV and AIDS In

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
began operations in 1969 as the United Nations
Fund for Population Activities (the name was
changed in 1987) under the administration of
the United Nations Development Fund In 1971
it was placed under the authority of the United
Nations General Assembly.

The agencys main goals are:
Universal access to reproductive health
services by 2015
Universal primary education and closing the
gender gap in education by 2015
Reducing maternal mortality by 75 per cent by
Reducing infant mortality
Increasing life expectancy
Decreasing HIV infection rates
voluntarily plan and have the number of
children they desire and to avoid unwanted
undergo safe pregnancy and childbirth
avoid spreading sexually transmitted infections
decrease violence against women
increase the equality of women

ve health
s and
g to the
The definition of the World Bank specifies: A
bank with a mission to aid developing and
under-developed nations of the world to:
Reduce poverty.
Develop an investment-environment.
Increase job opportunities.
Work towards sustainable economic growth.
Promote socio-economic growth through
Strengthen governments with education.
Empower the development of legal and judicial
systems, business opportunities and protection
of individual rights.
Benefit from micro credit as well as large
corporate undertakings.
Combat corruption.
Promote research and training opportunities

Achievement of the Millennium Development
Increase lending to middle-income countries.
Develop and forward easily payable interest
Generate low or no interest loans to under-
developed countries.
Increase periodic grant-investments by
member countries.

comprises the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development or IBRD and the
International Development Association or IDA.
It is also responsible for the working of the
International Finance Corporation, Multilateral
Investment Guarantee Agency and the
International Center for Settlement of Investment
The primary role of the World Bank is the
unbiased distribution of funds for economic
upliftment of the international community.
It bears the responsibility of ensuring aid to settle
investment disputes and facilitate fiscal and
infrastructural reconstruction, worldwide.

United Nations that leads international efforts
to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and
developing countries
16 October 1945 in Quebec City, Quebec,
1. Administration and Finance,
2. Agriculture and Consumer Protection,
3. Economic and Social Development,
4. Fisheries and Aquaculture,
5. Forestry,
6. Knowledge and Communication,
7. Natural Resource Management and Technical

1. Putting information within reach
2. Sharing policy expertise
3. Providing a meeting place for nations
4. Bringing knowledge to the field
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, set up
to provide humanitarian help and assistance in
developing countries.

Educate people from Danish priority countries
in the region;
Develop and update curricula within three
focal areas: integrated watershed development
management, integrated tropical coastal zone
management, modelling tools for
environmental and resources management;

Maintain and strengthen the educational and
research capacity within water quality
management and waste water treatment.

The Commission has undertaken a significant
effort to improve the quality of the planning
and organisation of its work

The Commission drafts proposals for new
European laws and manages the day-to-day
business of implementing EU policies and
allocating EU funds. It also makes sure that
everyone abides by the European treaties and

Exiting the economic crisis and creating
sustainable growth and jobs
Enhancing the rights and security of European
Strengthening Europe's role in the world
Central Library
European Anti-Fraud Office
Historical archives
Joint Research Centre
Publications Office
Secretariat General

Bureau of European Policy Advisers
European Commission Data Protection Officer
Human Resources and Security
Infrastructures and Logistics - Brussels
Infrastructures and Logistics - Luxembourg
Internal Audit Service
Legal Service
Office For Administration And Payment Of
Individual Entitlements

The Red Cross is a volunteer-led, humanitarian
organization that provides emergency
assistance, disaster relief and education inside
the United States. It is the designated U.S.
affiliate of the International Federation of Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

The red cross supplies roughly 44% of the
donated blood in the united states
The red cross provided allograft tissuse for
First aid, CPR,AED,water safety and life
guarding baby sitting disaster preparedness
Training programmes for lay persons and also
for youth
It provides food shelter health mental

The Red Cross, as part of the International Red
Cross and Red Crescent Movement and its
nearly 100 million volunteers, educates and
mobilizes communities to overcome life-
threatening vulnerabilities.
global health,
disaster preparedness and response,
and Restoring Family Links and
International Humanitarian Law
The Red Cross is involved with many
international projects, such as the Measles
Initiative, malaria programs in Africa,
Emergency and non emergency services to the
united states military. The most notable service
is emergency family communications, where
families can contact the Red Cross to send
important family messages (such as a death in
the family, or new birth).
Is the United States federal government agency
primarily responsible for administering civilian
foreign aid. President John F. Kennedy created
USAID in 1961 by executive order to
implement development assistance programs
in the areas authorized by the Congress in the
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 An independent
federal agency,
Goals include providing "economic,
development and humanitarian assistance
around the world in support of the foreign
policy goals of the United States". It operates in
Sub-Saharan Africa; Asia and the Near East,
Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and

Disaster relief
Poverty relief
Technical cooperation on global issues
U.S. bilateral interests
Socioeconomic development

The Colombo Plan is a regional organization that
embodies the concept of collective inter-
governmental effort to strengthen economic
and social development of member countries in
the Asia-Pacific Region. The primary focus of
all Colombo Plan activities is on human
resources development

The organization was born out of a
Commonwealth Conference of Foreign
Ministers, held in Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri
Lanka), in January 1950. At this meeting, a
Consultative Committee was established to
provide a framework within which
international cooperation efforts could be
promoted to raise the living standards of
people in the region

The "Plan" is not meant to be an integrated
master plan to which national plans were
expected to conform. It is, instead, a framework
for bi-lateral arrangements involving foreign
aid and technical assistance for the economic
and social development of the region.

To promote interest in and support for the
economic and social development of Asia and
the Pacific;
To promote technical cooperation and assist in
the sharing and transfer of technology among
member countries;

To keep under review relevant information on
technical cooperation between the member
governments, multilateral and other agencies
with a view to accelerating development
through cooperative effort;
To facilitate the transfer and sharing of the
developmental experiences among member
countries within the region with emphasis on
the concept of South-south cooperation

The Colombo Plan has 4 permanent
Programme for Public Administration &
Environment (PPA & ENV)
Programme for Private Sector Development
Drug Advisory Programme (DAP)
Long-Term Scholarships Programme (LTSP)

Cooperative for Assistance and Relief
Everywhere (CARE) is one of the largest private
international humanitarian organizations in the
world. World-wide staffing exceeds 12,000, most of
whom hale from the nation they assist.
CARE was founded in 1945 to provide relief to
survivors of World War II. The relief came in
CARE Packages, which were U.S. Army surplus
10-in-1 food parcels left over from the planned U.S.
invasion of Japan. The service let Americans send
the packages to friends and families in Europe.

WOMEN are the heart of the CARE
community based efforts
Improve basic education
Prevent the spread of HIV
increase access to clean water and sanitation
Expand economic opportunity and protect
natural resources
Emergency aided services ,and natural
1. Agriculture and natural resources
2. Cross cutting initiatives
3. Economic Development
4. Education
5. Emergency relief
6. Health
8. Nutrition and water.

The International Labour Organization is the
specialised agency of the United Nations
which seeks the promotion of social justice
and internationally recognised human and
labour rights. It was founded in 1919 and is the
only surviving major creation of the Treaty of
Versailles which brought the League of Nations
into being and it became the first specialised
agency of the UN in 1946.

Promote and realize fundamental principles
and rights at work
Create greater opportunities for women and
men to secure decent employment and income
Enhance the coverage and effectiveness of
social protection for all
Strengthen Tripartism and Social Dialogue

formulate international policies and
programmes aimed at promoting fundamental
human rights, improving living and working
conditions and developing employment
Establish international labour standards
aimed at directing national action towards the
implementation of fundamental principles and
rights at work

Develop a wide technical cooperation
programme at the international level
Implement training, education, research and
publication programmes in support of other
means of action.

1. Nutrition
2. Prevention and control of communicable
3. Environmental sanitation
4. Maternity benefit
5. First aid
6. Creche
7. Mental health
8. Health education

UNESCO is to contribute to the building
peace ,eradication of poverty sustainable
development and inter cultural dialogue
through eradication ,the sciences,
culture,communication and information.
Attaining quality education for all and life long
Mobilizing science knowledge and policy for
sustainable development.
Addressing emerging social and ethical
Fostering cultural diversity ,intercultural
dialogue and a culture peace
Building inclusive knowledge societies through
information and communication.

Has 193 member states and seven associate
members states. it has head quarters in Paris.
The work has five programme
Natural sciences
Social and human sciences
Communication and information.



It was founded in the year 1920, its head quarters in
The vice chair man is elected by the members of the
managing body
The national managing body consists 19 members.
The chair man and6membersare nominated by the
president .The remaining 12 are elected by the states
and union territory branches through an electoral
college and the secretary general.

1-Enhancethecapacity of Indian red cross to
deliver its humanitarian message both with in
and out side.
2-Increase the capacity in disaster
3-Increase the capacity in health and care in
braches and national headquarters.

4-Raise the capacity of the branches and that of
national head quarters in mobilizing
organizing and managing local resources.

A) Relief work
B) Milk and medical supplies
C) Armed forces
D) Maternal and child welfare services
E) Family planning
F) Blood bank and first aid
Promote life and health through training and
education on safety ,primary health care and
healthy living.
Encourage community service through
training and education.
Promote international friendship with activities
that cultivate a humanitarian spirit.

Technical support in the development of youth
programmes, fund raising, identification of
material and human resources.
adolescent also represent a substantial part of
the member ship of red cross for its

It was established in1952.
It is single largest agency in the voluntary
sector engaged in promoting development
services for the child.
To improve the nutritional status of children in
the age group of 0-6years
To lay down the foundations for proper
psychological, physical and social development
of the child.
To reduce the incidence of mortality,
morbidity, malnutrition and school drop out.

To achieve effective coordination of policy and
implementation amongst the various
department to promote child development
To enhance the capacity of the manner to look
after the normal health and nutritional needs of
the child through proper nutrition and health
Indias largest leading reproductive and sexual
health organization, established in 1949 with
head quarters in mumbai.
It supports right of individuals to reproductive
choices , including legal and safe abortion
Population stabilization.
Prevention of unsafe abortion and sex selective
Reduction in IMR,MMR
Reduction in reproductive morbidity of men
and women
Reduction in sexually transmitted diseases
Gender equity and equality
Meeting sexual ,reproductive health needs

It was founded in the year 1925 ON 27 JAN

Production and distribution of health
education and publicity material on leprosy.
Publication of quarterly Indian journal of
Conducting training courses of 9 months on
Organizing the ALL INDIA LEPROSY

Providing assistance to voluntary
Organizing exhibitions on leprosy in delhi
Running of two mobile leprosy treatment units

To function as an organization
dedicated to the upliftment and
betterment of women and children.

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