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Net case study

According to vertical movement
Central corridor: Most economical type of high-rise
apartment. Max. Gross floor area with minimum number of of
stairs and elevators. Orientation as major factor for light.
Point block: This type is schematically a square or near
square..Apartments are planned along all sides in a ring
pattern around the core. Its radial expansion is limited. It can
take many shapes (having own inherent limitations)
Multi core: A rhythm created with numbers of point block
types. It is used to satisfy variety of factors like site
condition. It provides a sense of seclusion and improved
surveillance. Undeniably costlier than central corridor and
point block system
4.Exterior corridor system : Apartments can have two exteriors zones due
to form of access. it is Logical if use is in moderate climate as for cross
ventilation. It is not an economical type of housing-each apartment carries
twice the amount of corridor cost of central corridor scheme
5.Skid stop system: Skip-stop- apartment have 2-3 levels with half floor
differences. It is two story apartment with interior stairs. The Stair- the
connector between various levels plays a relatively minor role as an
aesthetic element. There is two level living space for an aesthetic pleasure.
B. According to design
1. Simplex apartments Most common and simplest type. All the
components are in one level. Size varies from Efficiency up to Multi-
bedroom unit. Simplex and most economic to built. Simplified circulation.
Planning can be followed in High-rise as well as in Garden Apartment.
More floor area due to corridors and stairs. The type is usually blend with
other type
2.Duplex apartments located on two levels. Living, dining and kitchen on
one level and sleeping on upper level. Separation of sleeping and living
provides greater privacy. elimination of corridor and elevator as the
economic factor. Both levels can have through ventilation. Need of
interior stair sever problem for handicapped and elderly people. Has
more prestige and values than other. Expensive than conventional
3.Triplex apartments Located on three different levels.-
Functions are similar to that of duplex type Restricted to most
luxurious hi-rise apartment. Greater privacy and livability.-
Interior staircase most be provided
4.Efficiency apartments One large space-living, dining, sleeping,
kitchen and toilet. Apartment for single person, newly married
couple, elderly etc. Referred as STUDIO APARTMENT" when
efficiency units increase. Often less than minimum area is
provided for subsidiary functions

c. According to no. of bedrooms
. Single . Double . 3 bedroom . 4 bedroom

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