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Fueling for Success

Steve Kinley
Electrolyte Replenishment
Fueling Requirements
Race Fueling Strategies
Your body is like a car engine
It Needs
Coolant - Hydration
Oil - Electrolytes
Fuel - Nutrition
Without the proper plan
You will burn out early

Hydration - Coolant
Your body is ~60% water
a drop in body water as small as 2% can lead
to significant drops in performance
a drop of 15-20% can be fatal
What does water do for us?
transports nutrients and oxygen
lubricates joints
maintains body temperature & electrolyte

Effects of Dehydration
Reduced skin blood flow
Reduction in stroke volume
Increased core body temperature
On average lose one liter per hour
To maintain proper hydration:
Drink body weight (lbs) per day (oz). Example: 150
lb person needs 75 oz fluid.
Avoid caffeinated, carbonated, and alcoholic
During an event drink 16-28 oz every hour
You CAN drink too much
Drink BEFORE you are thirsty
American College of Sports Medicine experts Thirst
alone is not the best indicator of the bodys fluid


Water bottle = 21-24 oz 1- 1.5 hours

Hydration pack = 50-100 oz 2.5 5 hours

Electrolytes - Oil
Electrolyte minerals maintain smooth performance
of vital functions such as muscle contraction.
Important in all temperatures
Salt tablets alone cannot sufficiently satisfy
electrolyte requirements
Balanced blend of minerals Calcium,
Magnesium, Potassium, SodiumChloride
Dont wait for cramping before using. By the time
you cramp your body has been compromised for
some time
Nutrition - Fuel
Energy for sports comes from
carbohydrates (glycogen) and fat stored in
the body
Glycogen is a form of energy stored in
Simple vs. Complex Carbs
Simple Sugars
= ose (fructose, sucrose, glucose, dextrose), also
Low absorption rate, weak concentrations
required, 6-8%
Higher concentrations not effective, body still
absorbs at lower rate
May cause stomach distress and cramping as
body diverts water and electrolytes from other
areas to help dilute concentrations

Simple vs. Complex Carbs
Complex Carbs
Maltodextrins, glucose polymers (not the
same as glucose)
Rapidly absorbed at higher concentrations,
Empty the stomach at same rate as normal
body fluids but provides up to 3X more
Protein - Soy vs. Whey
Soy protein is best used prior to and during
exercise, primarily because it has less potential
for producing ammonia, a primary cause of
muscle fatigue.
Each scoop of Hammer Soy provides 25 grams
of the highest quality 100% GMO-free
(genetically modified organism) soy protein,
without any fillers, added sugar, and artificial
sweeteners or flavoring. Add Hammer Soy to
juices, smoothies, or other soy-based drinks to
make a satisfying and healthy meal.
Protein - Soy vs. Whey (cont)
Whey proteins amino acid profile contains the highest
percentage of essential amino acids, 25% of which are
the BCAAs (branched chain amino acids) leucine,
isoleucine, and valine, the most important for muscle
tissue repair. Each scoop of HAMMER WHEY also
contains six grams of glutamine, providing even more
muscle rebuilding and immune system enhancing

Whey protein concentrate contains anywhere from 35% to
80% actual protein, the remainder being fat and lactose.
Isolate, on the other hand contains 90% - 97% protein,
with little, if any lactose or fat, making it the purest form of
whey protein available. Because isolate contains almost
no lactose, even those with lactose intolerance find it an
easily digestible protein source. Hammer use only isolates
in all their whey containing products.
How Much is Enough?
Average calories burned in a MTB XC race
= 500-800 calories/hour
But we can only digest up to 240-280
calories per hour (guideline)
Excess calories may result in gastric
distress, poor performance
Do not overcompensate if fall behind in
fueling plan
Result of improper caloric intake
Result of improper caloric intake
Real gain of exercise occurs during
recovery body rebuilds itself more fit
than before
Replenishment of complex carbs and
Maximum glycogen replacement rate
occurs within 1
hour after exercise
Recovery drink within 30 minutes of
stopping exercise
Race Nutrition Strategies
Pre-race Fueling
Events longer than 90 minutes - limit food to 3 hours prior
If not possible have a small amount (100-200 calories) of
easily digested complex carbohydrates 5-10 minutes prior to
the start. (1-2 pkts Hammer Gel)
Events less than 90 minutes - small amount of fuel an hour or so
prior to the start or sip on a bottle of HEED in the hour leading
up to
the race
Focus on complex carbs, starches, and a little protein for your
pre-race meal.
Avoid high fiber, simple sugars, and high fat in your pre-race
Drink 12-17 ounces fluid each hour up to 30 minutes prior to the
start (24-34 ounces total fluid intake)

Glycogen and Endurance Exercise
Race Nutrition Strategies
Events Less than 2 Hours
Hammer Gel 100% carbs, 90 calories per
HEED 100 calories per scoop, 100% carbs,
also provides a complete and easily assimilated
electrolyte profile . Contains L-Carnosine and
Chromium Polynicotinate help to buffer lactic
Endurolytes - Full spectrum electrolytes in
balanced formula
*Race Tip you have approximately 60 - 90 minutes of muscle
glycogen, your premium fuel available before needing to replenish.
Race Nutrition Strategies
Endurance Events
*Race Tip Use multi-hour fuel bottles, keep hydration separate
Perpetuem provides maximal benefits at an aerobic pace (under 70%
MHR). Contains 75% carbohydrates ( no added simple sugars), 13%
fatty acids, and nearly 10% soy protein. A small portion of fat cues
your body to more liberally release its fatty acids stores, which
account for up to 70% of one's energy requirements in long bouts of
exercise. A little fat in the fuel also slightly slows the rate of digestion
and thus promotes "caloric satisfaction". Contains Carnosine to
buffer lactic acid.
Endurolytes - Full spectrum electrolytes in balanced
Sustained Energy - contains about 87% carbohydrates (no added
simple sugars) and about 13 % isolated soy protein. The ideal
combination to use when rate of exercise is between 70-85% MHR
in sustained efforts lasting anywhere from 3-12 hours. Contains
Carnosine to buffer lactic acid.
Race Nutrition Strategies
Post Race Recovery
Supplies carbohydrates and protein in an ideal 3:1 ratio for
superior glycogen synthesis and muscle tissue rebuilding,
the two main components of recovery. Minimize post-
exercise muscle soreness
Neutralizes free radicals to help protect your immune
system, enhance circulation, and accelerate recovery,
thus preserving all the hard-earned gains made in
Contains a metabolically active form of vitamin
B12 plus folic acid in an ideal 1:4 ratio. Aids in
red blood cell production and the
manufacturing/resynthesis of RNA, both crucial
components for increased aerobic capacity and
muscle repair/building.
Daily Essentials
Premium Insurance Caps - Formulated with Optimal
Daily Intake (ODI) amounts of the highest quality
vitamins and minerals, along with an array of super
foods, digestive enzymes, and amino acids

vegetable capsule

Multi Vitamin
micro process
lower quality for cost
bonding agent
Daily Essentials (cont.)
Mito Caps - helps mitochondria (the thousands of
energy-producing furnaces in the cells of your body)
work more efficiently and stay healthier
Race Cap Supreme - important substrates (spark plugs)
necessary for the efficient production of energy from your
food and oxygen intake. Several ingredients are superb
antioxidants and key nutrients for cardiovascular health.
1. Keep fluid intake during exercise between
16-28 ounces per hour
2. Restrict caloric intake to 300 cal/hr during
3. Avoid simple sugars in your fuels; use
complex carbohydrates only.
4. Exercise over two hours requires protein,
5. Use soy, not whey, during exercise.

Summary (cont.)
6. Use liquid fuels as your main energy
source, even during prolonged training and
7. Remember to replenish electrolytes during
8. Don't rely on salt tablets to fulfill electrolyte
9. Don't use any new supplement or fuel, or
supplement/fueling protocol, in a race
without having first tested it in training.

Summary (cont.)
10. Replenish your body with carbohydrates and
protein as soon as possible after each exercise
11. Don't over-consume food the night before the
race in the hopes of "carbo loading.
12. Finish a pre-race meal three hours prior to the
start of the race.
13. Don't sacrifice sleep to eat a pre-race meal.
14. Consume appropriate amounts of high quality
food for your pre-race meal.

Endurance Athletes Guide to Success

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