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In 1983, Brown and Chow discovered the first calcium phosphate cement
(CPC). This discovery opened a new era in the use of calcium phosphates
(CaP) as bone substitute
The first commercial CPC have now been introduced, and porous CaP
with totally new properties should follow soon. In this article, the CaP
traditionally used in spinal surgery are compared with these new CaP.
Particular emphasis is placed on the use of CPC for bone
Molecular formula CaH

Molar mass 234.05 g/mol
Density 2.220 g/cm

Melting point 109 C
Boiling point 203 C (decomposes)
Solubility in water 2 g/100 mL
Solubility soluble in HCl, nitric acid,acetic acid
Refractive index(n
) 1.5176

Chemical Name: Dihydro Calcium Phosphate, Monocalcium Phosphate

Formula: Ca(H2PO4). H2O; Ca(H2PO4)

Molecular weight: 252.07

CAS NUMBER :7758-23-8

Appearance :white powder

Mono Calcium Phosphate is crystal powder

Easily soluble in hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, soluble in water and almost
insoluble in alcohol.

It loses crystal water at 109C and decomposes into Calcium Meta phosphate
at 203c.

Storage: Avoiding rain, moisture and insolation stockpiled at shaded,

ventilated and dry place.
Package: Inner polyethlene bag and outer woven bag, Net weight: 25kg or 5
0kg bag
Fr act i on of t ot al phosphor ous ( i n t er ms of P) , %, not
l ess t han
22, 3
Fr act i on of t ot al phosphor us sol ubl e, % of t ot al
phosphor us:
- In 2-% ci t r i c aci d, not l ess t han
- i n wat er , not l ess t han

Fr act i on of t ot al cal ci um, %, not l ess t han 15, 0
Fr act i on of t ot al f l uor i de, m, no mor e t han 2000
Fr act i on of t ot al ar seni c mass, m, no mor e t han 10
Fr act i on of t ot al l ead mass, m, no mor e t han 15
Fr act i on of t ot al cadmi um, m, no mor e t han 10
Fr act i on of t ot al mer cur y, m, no mor e t han 0, 1
Fr act i on of t ot al moi st ur e mass, ( at t 105 f or 3
hour s) ,
%, no mor e t han
4, 0
Fr act i on of t ot al i nsol ubl e i n HCl , %, no mor e t han 2, 0
Hydr ogen i on act i vi t y i ndex ( 1% sol ut i on) , 3, 5-4, 5
Par t i cl e si ze : - >3 mm, % 0
- 0. 2 mm 2. 0 mm, %, not l ess t han 80
- 0. 2 mm, %, not mor e t han 20
Item Standard
Total P: 22%min
Water-soluble P: 20%min
Calcium: 13%min
As F Unit: 0.18% max
As As Unit: 30PPM max
As Pb Unit: 30PPM max
PH 3min
Water Content: 4%max
Particle size
Particle size pass500m 90%min
Particle size pass10-60mesh 90%min
Feed phosphate is feed supplement which is prepared by the reaction of
phosphate with phosphoric acid.
These products are gaining importance due to various functions such as
growth promotion, development of bones and enhancement of digestibility.
The feed phosphate market is growing at a healthy rate and the market is
expected to grow in the future due to the increasing demand for meat, pork
and poultry around the globe.
The growing demand for livestock and healthy breeds of animals has led to
the increase in demand over supplementing animals nutritiously in their
meals, for good growth and development.
Asia-Pacific and North America are the top two consumers of feed phosphates in the
world together accounting for more than 65% of the consumption.
Asia-Pacific is estimated to be the fastest growing region in terms of revenue.
Growth is particularly high in emerging countries such as China, India, and Brazil
because of rising per capita meat consumption. Poultry market has the largest in the
market followed by pork.
The driving factors of the global animal feed phosphate market are rise in global
meat consumption, industrialization of pork and poultry industry and focus on
continuous development of best breeds of animals.
The restraints of the market are the increasing raw material costs and scarcity of raw
However, the use of phytase is hampering the growth of the feed phosphate market.
Leading manufacturers are focusing on expansion across regions and setting up new
plants for increasing production capacity as well as strengthening the product line

MCP makes animals
tooth and bones
MCP is costliest.
the market is expected
to grow in the future
due to the increasing
demand for meat, pork
and poultry around the
unavailability of MCP.
Mono Calcium Phosphate


Per Ton



ic Acid


0.40-0.45 Tons
35-40 Kg
1 Ton

The mono calcium phosphate market is comparatively smaller .

Is projected to grow at the highest of 3.6% from 2013 to 2018.

The feed phosphate market is projected to reach $5,328.3 million by 2018.

THE report analyzes the market, segmented with respect to the main regions
of the world.

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the feed phosphate market.

The increasing demand for meat and industrialization of pork and poultry
meat sectors, has accelerated growth of the feed phosphate market.
Phosphate chemicals are used commercially in fertilizers, animal feeds and
industrial products, and as additives in food.
Overall, animal feedgrade phosphates are estimated to account for only 5% of
world phosphate consumption.
The largest applications for phosphates are agricultural fertilizers (80%),
detergents (12%) and specialty applications (3%). This report focuses on their
use as feed supplements for livestock, poultry and pets.
Overall growth for these products is forecast at 2.7% annually during 2012
2017, led by monocalcium phosphate (MCP) at 3.8%, dicalcium phosphate
(DCP) at 2.3% and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) at 1.6%.
In 2012, MCP and DCP accounted for 91.7% of world feed-grade calcium
phosphate usage, while TCP accounted for the remaining 8.3%. A blend of MCP
and monodicalcium phosphate (MDCP) is growing in importance because of its
higher P content. It provides a higher biological value (digestibility) and is more
compatible with science-based improvements in animal genetics and nutrition.
MCP results in faster-growing animals requiring less feed

Market details file:

defluorinated feed phosphate is used as a food supplement for livestock and
poultry. Monocalcium phosphate acts as a restorative to the mineral deficiency
(phosphorous and calcium) in the diet of cattle. They facilitate the metabolism
of livestock and poultry, strengthening their immune and reproductive

As a rule livestock and poultry receive less phosphorous than they need. The
phosphorous content in plant feed covers only 30% of their requirements.
Furthermore, only 50% of this amount is digested, as plant and animals require
different forms of phosphorous.

According to research, phosphorous from monocalcium phosphate is digested
better by animals than from other feed phosphates. In addition, it ensures that
the organism is saturated with calcium. Monocalcium phosphate added to feed
mix accelerates weight gain in livestock and poultry by 5-12%. It is far more
effective than similar additives used in agriculture.

Monocalcium phosphate is used as an animal or bird
feed additive. This feed additive supplements the feed
with phosphorus and calcium that are very important
for skeletal development and formation of strong
bones as well as normal functioning of energy, protein
metabolism, neural, immunity and reproduction
systems. This kind of mineral feed additive is
especially beneficial for herbivorous animals

Phosphorus, which is found with calcium in the bones and teeth of
animals, has a role in every phase of animal growth and production.
It has many biological functions and is a key component in energy
Its required for cells to divide, a heart to beat, and for milk, meat
and wool to be produced.
Phosphorus plays a role in acid-base buffering in blood and other
bodily fluids, along with being a component of tissue cell walls.
It is used as leavening agent, dough regulator, buffer, modifier,
solidification agent, nutritional supplement and chelating agent.
Fermenting agent for buffer, fruit acid solidification in bread and

Forecast growth in the world consumption of MCP is led by China at
10.3%, followed by Central and South America at 5.0%, the United States at
3.0%, and Africa and the Middle East at 3.0% annually during 20122017.
The United States is the leading consumer at almost 37%, followed by
China at about 16%, Central and Eastern Europe at approximately 12.5%,
Western Europe at 11.0%, and Africa and the Middle East at about 8.5%.
DCP consumption has been declining, particularly in the United States,
where decreasing amounts of DCP are produced, but being replaced by
monodicalcium phosphate (MDCP).
MDCP contains 4060% MCP, 2540% DCP, and the remainder
noncalcium phosphates.
Growth in the consumption of TCP is forecast at 1.6% annually during
20122017. Central and Eastern Europe is the leading consumer at about
40%, the United States at almost 22%, China at about 17%, Japan at about
13%, and Central and South America at 9.5%.
Growth will be led by China at 10.0% and Central and South America at
2.0% annually during 20122017.
Consumption in most other regions is declining.
Most of the consumption is for poultry.

The following key factors determine the level of consumption of
organic and inorganic phosphate supplements:

Production levels of poultry, pork, beef, milk and eggs
The differing nutrient requirements of poultry, swine and cattle,
depending upon the type of animal, its life stage and its purpose
The price and availability of the feed ingredients used to meet the
energy, protein, phosphorus and calcium requirements of the
different animals
Consumption of inorganic calcium phosphates has been
declining in recent years in developed countries in part as a
result of the following:
Increased cost of inorganic feed phosphates
Increased phytase consumption
Usage of other forms of protein in feed diets
On the other hand, calcium phosphate consumption has been
growing in developing countries in part as a result of the
Increased disposable income
Increased consumption of meat

India imported monocalcium phosphate worth USD
13,829,351 with total quantity of 35,040,036.
United States is the largest supplier of monocalcium
phosphate accounting for imports worth USD 6,666,090
followed by China and Tunisia which exported
monocalcium phosphate worth USD 4,807,404 and USD
1,868,404 respectively.
Chennai Sea accounted for 30.3% of imports followed by
Vizac Sea and Kakinada which account for 28.5% and 19.9%
of imports respectively.
Average price of monocalcium phosphate per unit is USD
0.39 and average value per shipment is 82,318.

In terms of geography, the report is segmented into
North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America,
and the Middle East & Africa.
With a huge market potential in new product lines
such as dairy products, convenience food and other
lifestyle products such as sauces, condiments, salads,
etc. and a growing preference for products with an
extended shelf life, the market is likely to witness a
substantial growth over the next few years.

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