P-N Junction Diode & Diode Characteristics

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 The most basic property of a junction diode is that it
conducts an electric current in one direction and
blocks it in the other. This behavior arises from the
electrical characteristics of a junction, called a p-n
junction. fabricated within a semiconductor crystal.
The most commonly used semiconductor material is
silicon. The junction diode is useful in a wide variety
of applications including the rectification of ac
signals (producing dc from ac), the detection of
radio signals, the conversion of solar power to
electricity, and in the generation and detection of
light. It also finds use in a variety of electronic
circuits as a switch, as a voltage reference or even
as a tunable capacitor. The p-n junction is also the
basic building block of a host of other electronic
devices, of which the most well-known is the
junction transistor. For this reason, a study of the
properties and behavior of the p-n junction is
A p-type block of silicon can be placed in perfect contact with an
n-type block. Free electrons from the n-type region will diffuse
across the junction to the p-type side where they will recombine
with some of the many holes in the p-type material. Similarly,
holes will
diffuse across the junction in the opposite direction and
T h e re co m b in a tio n o f fre e e le ctro n s a n d h o le s in th e vicin ity
o f th e ju n ctio n le a ve s a n a rro w re g io n o n e ith e r sid e o f th e
ju n ctio n th a t co n ta in s n o m o b ile charge . This narrow region
w h ich h a s b e e n d e p le te d o f m o b ile ch a rg e is ca lle d th e
 d The
e p le diffusion
tio n la ye rof
. holes from the p-type side of the depletion
layer leaves behind some uncovered fixed negative charges
(the acceptor ions).
Similarly, fixed positive charges (donor ions) are uncovered on
the n-type side of the depletion layer. There is then a separation
of charges: negative fixed charges on the p-type side of the
depletion layer and positive fixed charges on the n-type side this
separation of charges causes an electric field to extend across
the depletion layer. A potential difference must therefore exist
across the depletion layer.

The uncovered charges give rise to a built-in potential of V_i_

volts. For a typical silicon p-n junction, V_i_ & ap; 0.6 to 0.7 volts
It varies with doping levels and temperature. The significance of
this built-in potential is that it opposes the flow of holes and
electrons across the junction. For this reason, the built-in
potential is called a potential barrier.

 In practice, a p-n junction is formed within a single

crystal rather than simply joining two pieces together.
Electrical contacts on either side of the crystal enable
connection to an external circuit. The resulting device is
called a junction diode.


Junction Diode Behaviour

The most important property of a junction diode is its ability to
an electric current in one direction only. If the diode is connected
a simple circuit consisting of a battery and a resistor.
When the p-type region of the p-n junction is connected to the
positive terminal of the battery, current will flow. The diode is sa
to be under forward bias. However, when the battery terminals
are reversed, the
p-n junction almost completely blocks the current flow. This is
called reverse bias. If the diode is not connected at all, it is said
to be open-circuited and of course no current can flow through
the diode.
Forward bias

The application of a forward bias voltage V to a junction diode

reduces the built-in potential from V_i_ to V_i_ - V.
The reduction in the built-in potential is due to the applied
voltage forcing more electrons into the n-type region and more
holes into the p-type region, thus covering some of the fixed
charges and narrowing the depletion layer. Since the total
uncovered charge is reduced, the built-in potential must be
lower. Remembering that the built-in potential opposes the flow
of majority carriers across the junction, a reduction in that
potential makes it easier for holes in the p-type region to cross
the junction and for electrons in the n-type region to cross the
junction in the opposite direction. As the forward bias voltage is
increased, the current through the junction becomes greater.
Reverse Bias
The application of a reverse voltage V_R_ extracts holes from the
p-type region and free electrons from the n-type region and so
uncovers more bound charges near the junction, as shown in
Figure 12. The depletion layer therefore widens and the height of
the potential hill is increased to (V_i_ + V_R_ ) volts. Majority
carriers are thereby further inhibited from crossing the junction.
As the reverse voltage is increased, the current is reduced to
almost zero
However, a very small reverse current does flow. This reverse
saturation current depends only on the thermal generation of
holes and electrons near the junction, not on the height of the
potential barrier. In practice, this reverse saturation current is
quite small but it increases with increasing temperature.


A.J. Diefenderfer, Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, Saunders,
1979 (Chapter 5).
H.V. Malmstadt et al., Electronic Measurements for Scientists,
Benjamin, Menlo Park, 1974 (Section 2-1).
J. Millman and C.C. Halkias, Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital
Circuits and Systems, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1972 (Chapters 1 and 2).
R.J. Smith, Electronics: Circuits and Devices, Wiley, N.Y., 1973 (Chapter
P.A. Tipler, Physics, Worth, N.Y., 1976 (Section 34-5).
R.J. Tocci and M.E. Oliver, Fundamentals of Electronic Devices, Fourth
Edition, Merrill, N.Y., 1991, (Chapter 5).



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