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• A resistor is an electrical component with a known

specified value of resistance it is probably the

most common component in all kind of electrical
equipment ranging from a small radio to a colour
television receiver
• A resistor resist or opposes the flow of current
through it.resistance is necessary for any circuit to
do useful fact without resistance,every
circuit would be a short circuit
• The two main characteristics of a resistor are its
resistance and power rating .
• Resistor can be connected in the circuit in either
direction because they have no polarity.

Electrical resistance is a measure

of the degree to which an object
opposes the passage of an
electric current. The SI unit of
electrical resistance is the ohm. Its
reciprocal quantity is
electrical conductance measured
in siemens.
• Georg Simon Ohm was born on
March 16, 1789 in the city of
Erlangen in Bavaria, which is now
in Germany. He died on July 6,
1854 in Munich, Bavaria,
Germany. All u know he govern
the laws on resistance .
DC resistance
As long as the current density is totally
uniform in the conductor, the DC resistance
R of a conductor of regular cross section can
be computed as

l is the length of the conductor, measured in
A is the cross-sectional area, measured in
square meters
ρ (Greek: rho) is the electrical resistivity
(also called specific electrical resistance) of
the material, measured in ohm · meter.
Resistivity is a measure of the material's
Causes of resistance:
In metals
A metal consists of a lattice of atoms,
each with a shell of electrons. This can
also be known as a positive ionic
lattice. The outer electrons are free to
dissociate from their parent atoms and
travel through the lattice, creating a
'sea' of electrons, making the metal a
conductor. When an electrical potential
difference (a voltage) is applied across
the metal, the electrons drift from one
end of the conductor to the other
under the influence of the electric field
In a metal the thermal motion
of ions is the primary source of
scattering of electrons (due to
destructive interference of free
electron wave on non-
correlating potentials of ions) -
thus the prime cause of metal
resistance. Imperfections of
lattice also contribute into
resistance, although their
contribution in pure metals is
The larger the cross-sectional
area of the conductor, the
more electrons are available to
carry the current, so the lower
the resistance. The longer the
conductor, the more scattering
events occur in each electron's
path through the material, so
the higher the resistance.
variation of resistance due to
temperature t,
Near room temperature, the
electric resistance of a typical
metal conductor increases
linearly with the temperature:
R=R. (1+at)
where a is the thermal
resistance coefficient. ,
When a current, I, flows
through an object with
resistance, R, electrical energy
is converted to heat at a rate (
power) equal to
P is the power measured in
I is the current measured in
R is the resistance measured in
This effect is useful in some
applications such as
incandescent lighting and
electric heating, but is
undesirable in power
transmission. Common ways to
combat resistive loss include
using thicker wire and higher
voltages. Superconducting wire
is used in special applications.
Devlopment of resistor
• .teacher
Ohm was sent to Switzerland where, in September 1806, took up a post as a mathematics
in a school in Gottstadt bei Nydau.
Ohm continued working for several other Universities throughout Bavaria and published several
papers. In two important papers in 1826, Ohm gave a mathematical description of conduction in
circuits modeled of Fourier's study of heat conduction. These papers continue Ohm's deduction of
results from experimental evidence and, particularly in the second paper, he was able to propose
laws which went a long way to explaining results of others working on galvanic electricity. This
second paper certainly was a first step in a comprehensive theory which Ohm was able to give in
his famous book published in the following year called "Die Galvanische Kette, mathematisch
bearbeitet" (1827) which means "The Galvanic Chain, Mathematically worked" and contained what
is now know as the 'Ohm Laws' and they are for voltage: E=IxR, current: I=E/R, resistance: R=E/I,
power: P=E 2/R, also P=I2*R or P=E*I
In 1849 Ohm took up a post in Munich as curator of the Bavarian Academy's physical cabinet and
began to lecture at the University of Munich. Only in 1852, two years before his death, did ohm
achieve his lifelong ambition of being appointed to the chair of physics at the University of Munich.
you can 'create' your own resistors. not difficult. Here is how to do it:
• Draw a line on a piece of paper with a soft pencil, HB or 2HB will do
fine. Make the line thick and about 2 inches (5cm) long. With your
multimeter, measure the ohm's value of this line by putting a probe
on each side of the line, make sure the probes are touching the
carbon from the pencil. The value would probably be around the 800K
to 1.5M depending on your thickness of the line and what type of
pencil lead is used. If you double the line the resistance will drop
considerably, if you erase some of it (length-wise obviously!) the
resistance will increase. You can also use carbon with silicon glue and
when it dries measure the resistance, or gypsum with carbon mixed,
Sample of resistor
When two or more resistor is in
series connection
When two or more resistance
be in // connection
•Resistors are electronic
components used extensively on
the circuit boards of electronic
equipment. They are color coded
with stripes to reveal their
resistance value (in ohms) as
well as their manufacturing
This is the sample for
explaning the color coding
Color of code

• For knowing about color coding first u

should know about color involved in
• So,there is mainly 11 color in which
10 ,I am giving here. All the color
have its own code
• Remember all the code of different
color .
Multiplier in color coding
• After knowing about color&its code
we should know about this,
• This is also based on code of
color ,we multiply by the 10th to the
power of the code of color .
Tolerence of resistence
For tolerence there is also different
color coding which is given hear.

it is not enough for denoting the

the tolerence but it is basic
&important .

Something more we will discus

Now know about color
• See this figure
Types of color coding

• OnThird
the basis of band it is of mainly
–band resistor color
four type

Four-band resistor color codes

Five-band resistor color codes

In case of third band resistor
color code
• 1st &2nd band gives simply the 1st &2nd
digit of number
• 3rd one is multiplyer
• 4th gives the tolerence 20%
Four band resister color


Yellow, is:-
Green, Orange, Silver
Yellow and green represent 4 and 5,
respectively. Those consist of the first and
second digits, so it will be 45. The third band is
orange. As a multiplier, it is × 1000, so you will
calculate 45 × 1000; therefore, the resistance
is 45,000 Ω. The forth band, silver, represents
the tolerance, so the final expression of the
resistance is 45,000 ± 10% Ω.
6) Decode the resistor. Brown,
Black, Brown, Gold
Value: _________
Tolerance: _____

7) Decode the resistor. Red,

Red, Brown, Silver
Value: _________
Tolerance: ______
Five band resister color
Example :-
• Resistance is:-
Yellow, White, Yellow, Brown, Gold
Yellow, white and yellow represent 4, 9
and 4, respectively. Those consist of the
first, second and third digits, so it will be
494. The forth band is brown. As a
multiplier, it is × 10, so you will
calculate 494 × 10; therefore, the
resistance is 4,940 Ω. The fifth band,
gold, represents the tolerance, so the
final expression of the resistance is
4,940 ± 5% Ω.
Six band resister color
Brain teaser:-
• Resistance is

Violet, Grey, Green, Red, Silver, Brown

Violet, grey and green represent 7, 8 and 5, respectively.
Those consist of the first, second and third digits, so it will
be 785. The forth band is red. As a multiplier, it is × 100,
so you will calculate 785 × 100; therefore, the resistance
is 78,500 Ω. The fifth band, silver, represents the
tolerance, 10%. The sixth band is the temperature
coefficient of the resistor. Brown represents 100ppm/K.
Namely, the final expression of the resistance is 78,500 ±
10% Ω with Temp. Coeff. 100 ppm/K.

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