Gensym G2: Jaimin Parekh Hardik Thakkar Ruchir Zalani Sandeep Reddy

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Jaimin Parekh
Hardik Thakkar
Ruchir Zalani
Sandeep Reddy
Why use G2
G2 Features
Whats new in v 8.2

A leading provider of rule engine software and services for mission-
critical solutions that automate decisions in real time.
Gensym's flagship G2 software applies real-time rule technology for
decisions that optimize operations and that detect, diagnose, and
resolve costly problems.
With G2, the world's largest organizations in manufacturing, utilities,
communications, transportation, aerospace, finance and government
maximize the agility of their business and achieve greater levels of
Major users include ABB, Alcan, BP, Dow Chemical, DuPont, El Paso
Energy, Eli Lilly, Ericsson, ExxonMobil, Ford, Hitachi, HP, JEA, Lafarge,
Motorola, Nokia, Panama Canal, Siemens, Tokyo Electric and Power,
Toyota, the U.S. government and many others.

G2: Real-Time Business Rules Engine (BRE) for Mission-Critical Applications
The G2 platform uniquely combines real-time reasoning technologies,
including rules, workflows, procedures, object modeling, simulation, and graphics,
in a single development and deployment environment.
G2 transforms real-time operations data into automated decisions and
actions, all in real time. G2 applications work in concert with existing operational
systems, including enterprise systems, databases, automation systems, data
historians, network management systems, telemetry systems, and many more.
With G2, application builders can use Gensym's Xtreme Consulting methodology
to rapidly design using prototyping and simulation, develop iteratively, deploy,
and continuously adapt their reasoning-driven solutions.
G2 is the BRE platform of choice for a wide variety of real-time, mission-critical
solutions offered by Gensym's expanding network of OEM, VAR, SI, and
Guru partners.

What is G2
Today's business rule engines evolved from artificial intelligence (AI) and
expert system technologies.
Business rule engines, which apply decision-making logic, enable
automation of activities that have historically required the direct attention
of human specialists.
Since 1988, Gensym has extended the AI and expert system roots of G2
into the world's leading business rules engine platform for real-time,
mission-critical operations.
G2 has been proven time and again for the most demanding applications
that emulate the real-time reasoning power of human experts as they
assess, diagnose, and respond to unusual operating situations or as they
seek to optimize operations.

From AI to Expert Systems to Business Rules Engines

G2 Gensym Programming leverages the unique extreme programming
capabilities of the G2 real-time rule engine platform. G2 empowers
developers with the ability to define, validate, deploy, and continuously
improve applications within a single environment. With G2 Gensym
Programming, application developers tightly control project scope and results
by rapidly planning, continuously assessing progress, and adapting rule-based
logic on the fly without stopping to compile or relink. All phases of
development are extremely iterative, rapid, and agile - for instance first
prototypes are usually up and running within days.
Gensym's G2 Gensym Programming achieves results by:
Assessing detailed user feedback at each step
Allowing for logic changes whenever needed
Intensely iterating with many deliveries
Writing tests before coding
Building prototypes and running simulations within days
Encouraging self organization of development teams
Documenting the why of the code - not just the what

G2 Gensym Programming

G2 ReThink for Rule-Driven
Business Process Management
DNA structures the logic of rule-driven, real-time decision
management applications.
With G2 DNA, application builders architect their G2 solutions to deliver the
following functionality:
Detect - Detection of a real-time operational process event
Diagnose - From an event, a diagnosis of the situation assesses the root
cause, severity, and impact of potential problems. s
Respond - For problems with costly impacts, reaching a timely
decision for the appropriate response is critical.
Model - Decision logic and decision making is all enabled by rich
object-oriented models that encompass both the operational
process and the underlying rule logic. G2GL
Optimize - Through the combination of real-time rule logic and
optimization, G2 makes online, real-time optimization practical.

G2 DNA-Decision Now Architecture


G2 delivers competitive advantage through smarter real-time operational
decisions and by cutting application project risks.

For real-time, mission-critical operations, G2 applications:

Maximize performance through smarter decisions that increase throughput,
quality, and efficiency
Improve availability of assets and services by proactively detecting and
resolving problems
Increase operational agility through better coordination and scheduling of
Increase application agility through immediate, real-time updating of
application logic
Improve decision making through dynamic modeling and simulation of
alternative operational configurations and decision logic

Why use it?
For application builders, G2 cuts project risks by:
Embracing an iterative, Xtreme Consulting methodology that yields rapid
prototypes and short times-to-completion of deployed applications
Boosting developer productivity vs. traditional programming through its
comprehensive development and deployment environment and its non-stop
coding, which applies all logic changes immediately in real time
Readily integrating and embedding with real-time operational systems
through high-performance APIs and off-the-shelf drivers that support the
most common IT standards
Improving application quality by testing logic prior to deployment through
Protecting application investments through support of Windows, UNIX, and
Linux operating systems and a tradition of forward compatibility

Why use it?
G2 is a powerful platform for
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs),
value-added resellers (VARs),
system integrators (SIs).

consultants, and end users. Using G2, organizations:
Rapidly prototype solutions with end users
Achieve faster time-to-completion of projects
Work with smaller development teams
Lower software-maintenance costs
More easily integrate with enterprise systems, applications, and
Quickly port across Windows, UNIX, and Linux systems

Powerful Real-Time Technology
G2's rules, procedures, and object models all work efficiently in real time to enable rapid
execution of operational decisions and actions.
Standards-based Integration and Embeddability
G2's rule-engine logic, objects, data structures and UI readily integrate with operational
systems and embed within third-party applications through support of standards including
ActiveX/COM, .NET, Java RMI, SQL, ODBC, JMS, OPC, XML, HTTP, and others.
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation
G2 dynamically models and simulates systems and processes for what-if analysis of
alternative operational designs and real-time rule logic. Simulations can be run online to
detect problems by comparing theoretical to actual conditions. And by testing applications in
simulation mode prior to deployment, developers ensure application quality by finding and
resolving problems before going online.

Flexible Deployment across Operating Systems
G2 runs on Microsoft Windows NT/2000/2003/XP, Red Hat Linux and Linux Enterprise, Sun
Solaris SPARC, IBM AIX, HP-UX, and Compaq Tru64 UNIX. G2 applications are immediately
portable across each of these operating systems.


Intuitive User Interface
G2's highly interactive, graphical, and intuitive user interface is seamlessly
integrated into the G2 environment to simplify prototyping, development,
and online deployment of solutions.
Productive Development Environment
G2's comprehensive software environment enables high levels of developer
productivity versus traditional programming. The environment features
intuitive graphical, object-oriented modeling; understandable natural
language rules; generic rule-based and procedural logic; built-in
understanding of time; immediate programming changes without stopping
to compile or relink code; and numerous developer tools and utilities.

Prediction and control Accurately predict and control difficult-to-measure
process variables, such as quality or consumption, to eliminate costly decision
delays and remove dependence on hardware-based measurements.
Process optimization Determine optimal settings for achieving quality and
process targets based on economic objectives within hard and soft constraints.
Sensor validation Compare soft-sensor values to hardware sensor values to
guide operators when sensors drift or fail.
Sensor backup When hardware sensors fail, use predicted values to maintain
Process knowledge Analyze model sensitivities to gain new insights into the
true significance of each process variable.
G2 NeurOn-Line for Real-Time
Performance Management
Greater control of combined rule and procedural logic flows.
Enhanced rule analysis

a) Enhanced security
Simplified XML imports, execution, and exports.

Enhanced organization of views
Enhanced navigation
More ease-of-use for dialogs
Simplified help displays on clients
Greater control of Windows views
Easier-to-use message board and logbook
Informative mouse cursors
2-D, 3-D Chart, native Windows UI examples

It supports the Business Process
Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL)
Additional synchronization of process flows
Greater control of execution threads
More expressive language
Improved XML integration
Customizable G2GL icons
Expanded data structures

REVIEW ABOUT G2 8.2:- G2 8.2 delivers a unified foundation for a wide range
of reasoning-driven products and solutions available from Gensym and its
partners that improve the design, performance, resilience, and agility of
business-critical operations.

G2GL:- G2 Graphical Language
G2 8.2s many UI improvements and additions enhance
application navigation, organization, and presentation with a
common UI to boost usability for both end users and developers.


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