Analysis of Manufacturing and Processing Company

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Presentation on Statistical

Analysis of
Manufacturing and Processing

By Group :- B Date :- 15
July 2013
Introduction to manufacturing company
Objectives of the study
Variables under study
Net worth per share
Net profit
Paid up capital

Null hypothesis: There is no significant impact of Net
Profit and Paid up capital on Net worth per Share.
Alternative hypothesis: There is significant impact of
Net profit and Paid up capital on Net worth per Share.
Level of significance: 5%

secondary information and data

Descriptive statistics is the discipline of quantitatively
describing the main features of a collection of data or
the quantitative description itself.
Some measures that are commonly used to describe a
data set are measures of central tendency and
measures of variability or dispersion.
Standard deviation

Box-plot summary
A box plot provide a graphical representation of the
data based on five number summary.

Q1= -9.145 Q2= -0.62 Q3=19.0825

It indicates that it is right skewed. It is because the distance between
the median and the highest value is greater than distance between
the lowest value and the median value. Right tail is longer than the
left tail.

Coefficient of variation (C.V)
The coefficient of variation measures the scatter in the data relative to the
mean. It is the measure of consistency of the data. The coefficient of
variation denotes the variation or riskiness.
Skewness is the measure of asymmetry of the probability distribution of a
real-valued random variable. It can be positive or negative, or even
undefined. Skewness is an important consideration when examining
investment returns
Kurtosis measures whether the data is sharp or flat relative to a normal
distribution. It focuses on how returns are ranged around the mean.

Descriptive statistics
Net worth per share Net profit Paid up capital
Mean -24.72 39.53 148.08
Standard Error 145.43 37.80 42.53
Median 83.10 -0.62 106.54
Mode N/A N/A N/A
Standard Deviation 503.79 130.95 147.34
Sample Variance 253800.19 17147.55 21710.41
Kurtosis 4.91 10.37 -0.43
Skewness -1.66 3.15 0.89
Range 2117.39 494.46 421.62
Minimum -1370.27 -50.42 12.93
Maximum 747.12 444.04 434.55
Sum -296.69 474.37 1777.01
Count 12.00 12.00 12.00
Net worth per share
The mean is -24.72
The median is 83.90
The standard deviation is 503.79,
The skewness is -1.66, which shows that the data is left skewed.
The minimum is worth per share is -1370.27
The maximum worth per share is 747.12.
Since frequency is not available, mode cannot be calculated.
The kurtosis is 4.91, which shows leptokurtic distribution.

Net profit
The mean is 39.53
The median is 0.62
The standard deviation is 130.95
Since frequency is not available, mode cannot be
the minimum profit is -50.42 and maximum profit is 444.04
The skewness is 3.15, which shows that the data is right
The kurtosis is 10.37, which shows leptokurtic distribution.

Paid up capital
The mean is 148.08
The median is 106.54
The mode cannot be calculated here because of
unavailability of frequency.
The standard deviation is 147.34
The skewness is 0.89 which shows that the data is right
The kurtosis is -0.43, which shows plautikurtic distribution
The minimum value is 12.93 and the maximum value is

correlation matrix

Net worth per share Net profit Paid up capital
Net worth per share 1
Net Profit 0.54 1
Paid up capital 0.04 -0.21 1
Calculation of Variance Inflation Factor (VIF):

Between paid up capital and net profit
VIF = 1/ 1-r

= 1/ (1- (-0.21)

= 1.05
Since VIF between net profit and paid up capital is less
than 10 the multi-co-linearity does not exist. Therefore
we now compute the regression equation.

Regression is a way of describing how one variable, the outcome, is
numerically related to predictor variables.
Y = +

Regression table
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value
Net worth per share -192.20 205.90 -0.93 0.37
Net profit 2.21 1.08 2.04 0.07
Paid up capital 0.54 0.96 0.56 0.59
The estimated regression equation :
Y= +

Y= -192.20 + (2.21*X
) + (0.54*X

(-0.93) (2.04)
Note: * signify the significance level at 1%.

= -192.20. It indicates that when net profit and paid up capital are
zero, the net worth per share is -192.20 which indicates there is
negative net worth per share or decreasing net worth per share.

1=2.21 indicates that if net profit is increased by 1 more unit then
the net worth per share increases by 2.21 unit keeping paid up
capital at its constant level.

2=0.54 indicates that if paid up capital is increased by 1 more unit
then the net worth per share increases by 0.54 unit keeping net profit
constant at its same level.

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.56
R Square 0.32
Adjusted R Square 0.17
Standard Error 460.32
Observations 12
Df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 884743.40 442371.70 2.09 0.18
Residual 9 1907058.67 211895.41
Total 11 2791802.08
R= 0.56 means the multiple correlation between the net worth
per share and net profit and paid up capital is 56%.
= 0.32 means 32% of variation in net worth per share is
explained by linear relationship of net profit and paid up
capital, while 68% of variation remains unexplained.
F= 2.09 using the 0.05 level of significance from the table the
critical value of F distribution is more than the F statistical
value, we accept the null hypothesis and conclude that the net
worth per share is significantly related to the net profit and
paid up capital.

P value of x variable 2 i.e.: Paid up capital is greater than the significance
level so there is no significant relation between Paid up capital and Net
worth per share.

P value of x variable 1 i.e.: Net Profit is greater than the level of
significance so there is no significant relation between Net Profit and Net
worth per share.

Since R2=32% these two factors are responsible to describe 32% of change
in return other remaining (68%) remains unexplained.

Now from the ANOVA table, we have F=2.09 which is smaller than the
F(table)=4.26 hence Null hypothesis is accepted.

Since there is no significant linear relationship between dependent variable
(Return) and independent variables (Net Profit and Paid Up Capital) Null
hypothesis is accepted.

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