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GT Ch.18

Alex Kane 1 IRPGEN422  Investments
The hardest Conflict: Management Vs. Shareholders
• First theoretical thesis: Jensen and Meckling,
Theory of the firm: managerial behavior, agency
costs and ownership structure, 1976
• Took more than 10 years to penetrate management
programs, even today, not many treat in depth
Issues: how decision should be/are made in view of:
– Whose interests is management actually looking after?
– Diffused ownership -- difficulty in oversight
– Management with controlling shares -- potential abuse?
(international studies of corporate governance and
– Managerial control and capital structure
– Executive compensation
Alex Kane 2 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
How effective is the market discipline?
• GT: Text with copyright of 2002 (written in 2000-1
and published by 8/01) suggests:
• “Although these incentive issues probably cannot
be eliminated, financial markets have evolved in
recent years in ways that lessen the more significant
problems.” (Points to outside directors)
• We have seen that the interaction of better market
discipline combined with regulatory failure can
exacerbate the problem
• The principle of second best welfare plans
Alex Kane 3 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Management Constituents
• Who do they represent beside shareholders?
– Themselves
– Other constituents: debtholders, employees
• Public believes(?) employees must take top priority
• Behaviorists hypothesize: people with whom they
have most contact: employees (?) institutional
shareholders (?) suppliers/customers (?) Long-
serving mangers more inclined to balanced views
• Difference concept of management from the
Japanese quickly disappearing structure

Alex Kane 4 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Management ownership and control
• Median ownership of CEOs (1990) 0.25%. 80% of
of CEOs own less than 1.4%
• Outside shareholders even more diffuse creating a
free-rider problem as to monitoring. Reason?
diversification. Value of control may be less than
cost of non-diversification
• Proxy fights are not efficient (stacked against shs)
• Who protects shs?
– Institutional investors like CALPERS (few)
– Takeover threats (subject to social debate and policy)
Alex Kane 5 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Diversification and Monitoring (Ex.18.1)
• John can increase Axel Inc.’s value by $60M (from
$300M) over the next 5 years.
• Required investment: His entire wealth of $60M to
purchase 20% of the stock. IRR = rE + 4%
• Axel SD: 40%, Mkt Pf SD: 20%, rM –rf = 8%
• Reward-variability (Sharpe) measure:
• M: 8/20, Axel: (beta*8+4)/40
• Investment not acceptable, monitoring cost high

Alex Kane 6 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Improvement in corp governance
• Changes in early 1990s
– fuller disclosure of compensation
– shs access to copr shareholder files -- makes proxy
fights easier
• Greater emphasis on outside directors
– majority of outsiders up from 71% in 1979 to 86%
in 1989
– directors prob to be terminated 1983-1994 doubled
from 1971-1982, terminated directors more likely
from outside the corp
Alex Kane 7 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
International perspective and current issues
• Governance is shown to affect value world wide
• Studies show that legal protection of shareholder
rights significantly affect share value
• However, even in the most advanced systems there
is a long way to go
– conflict of interests in the auditing business
– conflict of interests in investor services (exacerbated by
pricing difficulties)
– unsatisfactory transparency, e.g., SPEs, exacerbated by
Alex Kane 8 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Where do we find mgt with large holdings?
• Founders of corporations may hold large blocks of
shares despite diversification motive
– Tax issues (Gates)
– in countries where lack of legal protection makes it
difficult to find buyers (Mexico)
– in industries with greatest potential for management
incentive problems (media)
– industries with uncertainty about future create signaling
problems. Sale of stock signals disappointing future
(technology, computers)
Alex Kane 9 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Inside Ownership and Firm Value (Ex.18.2)
• Bates owns Bates Inc. Value tied to Bates efforts
– Bates wants to sell large fraction of shares
– Current value $100M
– Bates sells >50% => value falls to $80M
– Bates sells <33% => value falls to $90M
• How much will Bates sell?
– Sell 50% => get: cash=$40M stock=$40M
– Sell (1/3) => 30M 60M
– Depends on
– Interest in putting efforts into the firm
– Risk aversion
• Empirical evidence: entrepreneurs selling smaller
fraction receive higher price/share
Alex Kane 10 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Managers with Large Holdings
• The incentives argument
– These managers will try harder
• The abuse argument
– These managers have a better chance of creating
• Question: Can we identify companies with
easier/harder access to slack? If so, will we find
managers with larger holdings and slack in
companies with easier access to slack?

Alex Kane 11 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Managers with Large Holdings: Random?
Type of business affects 
holdings and incentives (1990) 
Best incentives

Worst incentives

Alex Kane 12 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Empirical Evidence on Managerial
Control and Value of Shares
• Studies point out that
– Up to concentration of about 5% value increases
– Beyond about 5%, value falls with concentration
– Suggesting that greater control leads to abuse
– Criterion used is market-to-book value, sensitive to
tangibility of assets
• Closed-end funds
– Average fund discount is 14.2%
– Absent large shareholders, fund discount only 4.1%
• International studies: where abuse is easier, large
shareholders control decisions
Alex Kane 13 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Managerial Control and Investments
• Control of corporation beneficial to managers.
Hence, executives will choose investments that
enhance and preserve control
– Invest in business requiring their expertise (??)
– Implicit contracts (with key employees or Spielberg:-)
– Investing in fun business (Bronfman of Seagram)
– Short-term projects create quick recognition and slack
– Minimize risk (including sigma): bad outcome may cost
job (only 43% of CEOs and 46% of directors keep job in
– Large empires: invest in projects that increase size and
decrease sigma risk. Pay less dividends and reinvest

Alex Kane 14 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
RJR Nabisco
• This large company emerged from the merger of
the tobacco (RJR) and food (Nabisco) giants
• A few years later it was taken private by its
management in a famous LBO
• Prior to the LBO, the company invested $2.8B in
a cost saving project at IRR≈5%
• After the LBO (management owns the firm), the
project was scaled back

Alex Kane 15 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Impact of Large, Outside Shareholders
• Incentives to affect investments that neutralize
management biases
• Allied Industry example: Choose the capital
intensive process that limits flexibility
• Flexibility is a valuable asset the greater the
corporate risk. Hence, significant loss of NPV
• Alternative: improve monitoring of management
• Result:
– benefit of discretion greater with uncertainty
– Monitoring preferred to discretion with less uncertainty
Alex Kane 16 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Debt and the Conflict between
Management and Large Shareholders
• Risk averse mangers will limit debt
• Large shareholders prefer more debt
– To avoid management over-expansion of firm (create
debt overhang)
– Increase motivation to take risk
– Increase incentives to perform (avoid BR)
• In a study of 124 manufacturing firms, positive
relationship between leverage and % of
– Compensation tied to performance
– Equity owned by management
– Investment bankers on the board of directors
– Ownership by large outside shareholders
Alex Kane 17 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Higher leverage to control CEO
• Tom and Charley want to invest in real estate
• Tom will manage the project, Charley in charge of
• Both have resources hence can choose how large a
mortgage to take
• This decision is to be made by Charley
• Should Charlie go for higher or lower leverage?
• To limit Tom’s slack, choose higher leverage

Alex Kane 18 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Leverage Choice Problem (Ex. 18.3)
• Initial investment $100M. One year later, an
additional $100M may be needed for expansion
Value in State (mil.)
Good Medium Bad
Value with project 250 175 125
Value w/o project 50 50 50
Project NPV 100 25 –25
• New manager is expected to fund project
regardless of state of the economy
• How can financing of initial investment prevent
such outcome?
Alex Kane 19 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Choosing Appropriate Financing
• Project has negative NPV if economy is bad
• If initial investment is financed with equity,
manager can fund project with debt even in bad
economy (why?)
• The idea is to finance initial investment with
senior debt, so lenders will not buy junior debt
• Issue $25–75M of 2-year, senior debt (why?)
• Project can be financed in all but bad economy
• Note: Problem solved only if there are no
sufficient internal funds to finance the project
Alex Kane 20 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Persistence of Problem (Ex. 18.4)
• Suppose there are internal funds generated
Value in State (mil.)
Good Medium Bad
Value with project 250 175 125
Value w/o project 50 50 50
Internal CF 100 25 100
• The assumption is not much of a stretch, bad
economy may lead to liquidation of assets etc.
• Can senior debt financing of initial investment
solve this problem?
Alex Kane 21 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Limitation of Debt Financing
• To counter internal funds, need to issue 1-yr debt
• Suppose the firm takes on:
– Short-term (one-year) debt of $100M
– Long-term (two-year) senior debt of $25–75M
• Management will not fund the project in the bad
state. Why isn’t this a solution?
• Because management will also fail to fund in the
medium state when NPV is positive
• Result: Debt ratio is important, but cannot by
itself replace monitoring
Alex Kane 22 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Banks Vs. Diffused Bondholders
• Re-negotiation of debt is an important way to
resolve conflicts in bad states
• When debt is diffused, re-negotiation is
impossible because of the free-rider problem
• Result: A firm may not be able to sell desired-
size bond issue to the public
• Banks may be able to solve this problem
• Problem in example 17.4 could be solved if it
were understood that debt would be negotiated in
the medium state
• Banks are also an alternative to a large outside
shareholder monitoring management. They also
neutralize the asset substitution problem
• Banks can be trusted with confidential info.
Public debt requires prospectus
Alex Kane 23 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
The Principal Agent Problem
• The elements
– Uncertainty
– Unobservable efforts
– Agency cost: value of perfectly managed firm less actual
• Oldest solution: share cropping. Optimal?
• Only if farmer risk-neutral and has subsistence
• Contemporary solution: Design incentive contracts
• Example: Should you equalize risk of agent to
• Answer: No! Principal’s wealth and risk sharing
• Question: is stock compensation adequate? No.
It’s amazing how pervasive this solution is!
Alex Kane 24 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Executive Compensation and Share Value
• The elements: Fixed, profits and stock returns
• The study of 2505 CEOs over 1974-1988 shown
in Exhibit 18.1
• Fact: Corp jet costs $10M, it cost to:
– Wasserman of MCA = .0701x10M = $701,000
– To Chandler of Kodak = .00008x10M = $800
• Question: will Wasserman avoid the purchase?
• Study conclusion: too little performance
compensation, not too much

Alex Kane 25 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Executive Compensation and Performance
• Exec promised 30% of k=(E-E*) over next 5 years
• Suppose mangers doubles earnings, as revealed by
first-year results
• Manger’s compensation up in each year by .3k
• Stock will go up by about 100%, then behave
• Result, low correlation between annual
compensation and stock return
• Longer-term study shows sensitivity 10x larger than
the calculation in the Table (Jensen and Murphy)
Alex Kane 26 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Adequacy of pay/performance schemes
• Difficult in large firms. Sensitivity of pay to
performance much larger in smaller firms
• High-growth firm are expected to show higher
sensitivity of pay to performance. But the risk is
too large for managers
• Study (1999) shows that less volatile firms are
more likely to tie pay to performance
• Recent evidence: dramatic increase in
performance compensation, mostly through
Alex Kane 27 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Compensation and Stock Returns
• Event studies examine response of stock prices to
the adoption of performance pay schemes
• 42 plans adopted during 1970s:
– Between 7 months prior to adoption to adoption date
– Stock prices increased by 20% on average
• Cross section relating Market-to-book value to
performance pay plan finds positive correlation
• These studies do not prove causality! It is possible
that such schemes are adopted on the heels of, or
prior to, stock-price increases (Ex.18.5)
Alex Kane 28 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
One Example of
Relative Performance Compensation
• Johnson Controls (JC) plan for two top executives
Annual base amount: A = 300,000 and 100,000 times X
0 < X < 1.50
X = Annual 10-year return on: JC stock/peer group stock
– Peer group: Fortune 500 firms in same business
– $A invested each year in JC stock
– Value of accumulated stock paid out after 7 years
• Problem with such plan: managers gain from losses
of other firms. Incentive for super-aggressive
competition. Reason for scarcity of such plans
Alex Kane 29 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Relative performance
• Study of 177 large U.S. firms shows the
frequency of relative-performance pay
– 25% of the 125 industrial firms
– 57% of the 52 financial service firms
– 42% of utilities
• One reason this scheme is not as prevalent in
industrial firms may be its incentive to hurt

Alex Kane 30 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Stock Based Vs. Earning Based Plans
• Earning-based variables: E, CF, EVA.
• In example 18.6, GT argue that a flaw in stock
based plans is that stock price reflect
expectations from managers prior to hire.
Hence, prices will not reflect year-by-year
• This argument is tenuous. What is wrong with a
plan tied to better-than-expected performance?
• Real problem with stock-based plans is
systematic risk
• Problem with E-based plans: what benchmark?
Was IRR high or was it just scale?
Alex Kane 31 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance
Value Based Management Methods
• Contribution of the 1990s
• The principle is to evaluate performance of a unit
against a charge for capital used
• These methods (although far from perfect) have
the decisive advantage over stock-based plans of
avoiding the unnecessary systematic risk and
pitfalls of stock vs. flow problems associated
with stock-price changes (since compensation is
a flow)
• Compensation is one reason for spin-offs and
undesirability of conglomerates
Alex Kane 32 IRPGEN424  Corporate Finance

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