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Preparing yourself for the

Process of Publications
Satyadhar Joshi
Rohit Pathak
Presentation Uploaded on:
(Kindly Cite this work as: Satyadhar Joshi, Rohit
Pathak; “Intro to Research” Online document
Available at http:; July 2009)
• Introduction to Publication
• Importance of Publication for a UG Student
• Publishing: Research vs. Survey Papers
• Survey Papers – Some important concepts
• Relation with scholarship, ranking and grants
• How to begin & How I did it
• Time to Publish an article or paper
• Selecting the right place to publish your work
• Terms Frequently used in Research Community
• Digital Libraries
• Myths that you need to set right
• Examples
What, Why, Who and
How about Publications ??
• Have you ever heard about anyone publishing his work ?
In fact it’s the goal of each scholar in any field whether technology or
management is to publish, it’s the sole way of contributing to the field
• Is it like only MS / Phd students only publish their work ?
Generally UG students under-estimate the importance of publishing is
the reason we see less publication from their side
• Who can publish ?
Absolutely anyone from any background can publish his idea, there is
no constrains in this matter. You don’t need anyone (Profs, Scientist
or Member), all you need is an idea
Publication –Its Relation with you
your Research career
• Publishing you work in a peer reviewed conference or Journal
is known as research publications
• It’s the requirement for a PHD to have couple of papers in the
top 10 Journals of his subject (of course no in our State)
• Research results are published so the scientific community
benefit from it and we can move forward in the area
• The quality of publication reflects the quality of research so its
a kind of benchmark
• It’s the way Science and Technology develop ex Einstein
published his work on Relativity in the top Journals of his age
• Formal & informal definitions (just google....)
Relation of Publication to
• Funding is given for research projects in top
universities which publishes a part of result in
the best Journals
• Endowment for the top 10 Universities is on an
average 8 Billion $ which it invest in research
infrastructure and development
• Example NNI National Nanotechnology
Initiative of US seeds major universities grant to
do R&D in Nanotech
Funding : A Global Scenario
• Each professor who receives grant has to submit a
yearly report of the results he get and publishes it
in the top 10 Journals, so this is a matter of
importance for him (try to understand his needs)
• Research Assistantships can vary for 500 to 1800$
in US which is the most easy and profitable part
time (best value for time)
• Thus to have some knowledge about Research
Publication would benefit you the most
Publication and Ranking
of a University
• Publicati0n is one of the main criteria of University
Ranking and thus it focuses a lot on Research
• Grants ($$$) that a University Gets is based on the
number and quality of publications
• Publication attracts more private-university
collaborations for solving the industrial problems ($$$)
• Ranking also depend on impact factor of the articles
published (number of articles published / no. of times
they re referred)
• It gives fame and honor to the university, gives a global
repute as the articles are read all over the world
What to Publish
• Research vs. Survey
Either a Novel work or
a State of Art Survey –
which is better ?
You get equal credit for both
Research is contributing your new idea or a new solution of the
current problems
Survey papers covers the recent work which is from the major
quality peer reviewed literatures
As per the taste and style it matter: like Dravid makes it safe,
Sehwag goes insane
Survey Papers-
Keep these things in Mind
• Citation plays a very important role in a survey papers, you
need to properly cite the references
• References should be latest and from the highest quality
• Framing and design of paper plays an important role, since
the idea is to give all the idea about recent work in the area
• Proper citation of Formulas and results, with in depth
content of the referred paper in the sweetest possible way
Referring and Citations
• Cite from Nature and Science : the two best
journals which reports informally the work going
on, they are kind of magazines
• Don’t commit any formatting error, make the
paper very sleek
• Choose the very right journal or conference to send
the paper
• Don’t be too much slow, get things going from the
point its practical to leave the paper………..
How I did it, the ideal process of
moving ahead
• How to search and gather quality literature:
Google vs. technical search(DLs)
• Reading papers is the most important part in any research
• State of art Literature Survey is a must and be very careful about references
• Finding the “future score” from the papers
Step 1. Read Classical Books on the subject-may be two or three
Step 2. Read 50-100 Journal Papers
Step 3. Search for problem statements in the papers you read
Step 4. Make a proposal, Implement it and note the results
Step 6. Frame the paper in correct formatting and submit for a conference or
Where and When did I publish
• Time taken by me in recent publishing my article
• I wrote an article on “Carbon Nanotube” which was published in
IEEE Xplore IEDST 2009 (Acceptance Rate 30%, Reg fee Rs 500/-)
• Literature survey (Aug 08-Dec08)
• Choosing the right conference, means it has registration fee 500/-
and was a special international conference organized by Electron
Device Society of IEEE in IIT Bombay (Jan 09)
• Submitting the paper (Feb 09)
• Acceptance (April 09), Conference date (June 09), Venue: IITB
• Indexed in IEEE Xplore (August 09)
• Total TTP = 1 year
Time Line for a Publication for a
Conference, Hurry up !!!
• Call for Papers – 6 months before the conference
• Submission dates – 3 months before conference (submission)
• Camera Ready Submission (CRC) and copyright transfer - 2 months before conference
• Conference organized (Event occurs)
• Indexing in Online DL - 2 months post of Conference
Total time to get your paper in DLs is 8 months so start your work today !!!!
Where to publish ?
Research Conferences & Journals
• IEEE / ACM Conferences or Sponsored Conference (Websites)
• Who is publishing the proceedings, is it indexed online with
DOI, ISBN and other indexing services?
• Registration cost may vary from Rs 500 to Rs 20,000 (but
both solve the same purpose), so keep that point in mind
Website to Search for Conferences
• Its take 2-3 month of review and 1 month to get
the proceedings to get to DL (for a conference),
whereas for a journal it just the double

• Where to search the conferences?
Advantages of Publication
• Advantages that you are going to get are many
• Online indexing makes it easy for professor to know what you
worked in the project
• Your paper will be read by all researchers and it will get
citations to you work
• You can attach a link of your home page or resume, so it looks
• Your name comes in Google Scholar, and all indexing services
• You get the patent kind of thing for your work so that you can
claim if someone uses that idea to publish
Digital Libraries - What are they ?
• They have all the papers published till date of the publishers, the
count is in millions
• Is that paper published by one of them ?
Find that out and then decide, because you send multiple entries
• The four largest DLs of the world are:-
IEEE Xplore (Worlds Biggest for articles)
ACM DL (Worlds oldest)
Springer-Link ( World largest Book publisher)
Science Direct (Worlds Largest Journals Publisher)
• (covers 80% of the literature)
• Advantages like Global Coverage, Citation and easy to manage online
makes DLs the most important feature for a Publisher
Terms often used in Research
• ISSN (Journal, used for anything that is period
sometimes used for conferences also)
• ISBN (Book)
• DOI (Digital Object identifier, for any document which is
• Indexing Services (Indexes paper from all places,
example: google scholar)
• Impact Factor (number of paper cited / total number of
• TTP (Time to publish, for a conference its between 5-8
months whereas for a journal it is over 12 months)
Myths – Just be careful not get
carried away
• All International Conference have high registration fee
Registration may vary from 500 – 20,000
• All international conferences have paper published with IBSN and
Its not true in fact 80% conference in India don’t
• I have to have a detailed paper over 6000 words to get selected?
No, you may send papers in category of small, normal or poster
• All international conferences are of the same quality
No, anyone can organize and international conference
• All conferences of abroad are good whereas any conferences in
India is not so good
• No, it depends on who is publishing the proceedings
Process for Sure shot Rapid Publication
Things to do for the next month if I want to get rapid publication
• Choosing the right conference, means in case you want to get the job
cheaply then see the registration
• Deciding the length of the paper (2000-6000 words)
• Analyzing TTP for a conference (TTP = time to publish)
• Work in a team so that things go fast (Team work helps)
• Talk to the experts about the value of the conference
• Don’t make paper over detailed or over long and waste time
• The number of people sending entries and the acceptance rate of the
conference (Acceptance 20- 70%) matters
Examples of Papers IEEE Xplore &
Springer-Link DLs
About the Author’s

• Satyadhar Joshi and Rohit Pathak

They have been one of the most active research
students of the city. They have 13 papers indexed in
IEEE Xplore, Springer and ACM. They presented their
paper abroad in IEEE Conferences in Thailand and
Malaysia in front of Global Audience in May and July
2009 respectively. Also papers were published in
IEEE International Conference in South Korea and
Our Startup
• About Tri Nano
• “Tri Nano” came out as company from an idea in 2007 when
Satyadhar & Rohit won consolation in an International B-plan
competition in Shaastra IIT Madras. The company was also
presented in IIT Kharagpur in Business Plan competition (KTJ
Feb 2008) and later on it was selected as the 15 best startups
in Asia, E-Summit in IIT Bombay Jan 2009. It also won
Mentoring from international CEOs and Professors including
Wharton, LSB and was exhaustively mentored in IIT Bombay
in E-Summit January 2009.
More Places to read on the Subject
and contacts
• Subscribe to my mailing list on the area by
sending your applications
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