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How to Win Friends

& Influence People

by Dale Carnegie
Is a book first published in 1937
relevant for the student in 2009?
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then you tell me!
Over 15,000,000 copies sold
Translated into nearly every language
Author uses real life examples to illustrate common sense
Dale Carnegies writings and courses have changed lives
the principles he teaches have truly helped people win
friends and influence people in both their personal and
professional lives and they are easy to learn and
implement in your own life.
Do YOU want lasting friendships?
Do YOU want to be successful?
Then, Learn These Fundamentals
Techniques for Dealing with People
How to Make People Like You
How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
Be a Leader
Part 1 Fundamental Techniques in Dealing with People
Lessons from
Abraham Lincoln
Abe Lincoln was once challenged to a duel to the death
after a letter was published in which he ridiculed and
criticized a fellow politician. The duel was stopped at the
last minute, but Mr. Lincoln was forever changed by this
event. From that point on in his life, Mr. Lincoln almost
never criticized anybody for anything. (Carnegie, 1936, p.38)
Remember, Any fool can criticize, condemn and
complain---and most fools do. But it takes character
and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.
(Carnegie, 1936, p.42)
President Lincoln is historically known as Honest Abe
Let his face on the $5.00 bill be a reminder to you --
give honest and sincere appreciation to others.
(Carnegie, 1936, p. 82)

Part 1 Fundamental Techniques in Dealing with People

Understanding What People Want
We all NEED to feel important!

According to Dale Carnegie (and many others), the basic things
most people want include:
1. Health and the preservation of life
2. Food
3. Sleep
4. Money and the things money will buy
5. Life in the hereafter
6. Sexual gratification
7. The well-being of our children
(Carnegie, 1936, p.48)
Part 1 Fundamental Techniques in Dealing with People

Understanding What People Want
Can you MAKE people do what YOU want?

Consider this illustration
If you go fishing on the lake and you only
thought about what you liked, perhaps
you would bait your hook with steak and
potatoes or strawberries and cream
BUT in order to catch a fish, you have to
think about what the fish WANTS and
you will bait your hook with worms or
lures in order to catch them! (Carnegie, 1936, p. 61)
Understand peoples desires, wants
and needs.
Part 2 How to Make People Like You
Smile (and people will smile back)
Part 2 How to Make People Like You
In your dealings with people,
remember, its not about you
Its about sincerely valuing and
uplifting other people
Part 2 How to Make People Like You
Remember Peoples Names
Part 2 How to Make People Like You
Did you look for your name first?
Peoples names are important to them. (Carnegie, 1936, p. 113)
Part 2 How to Make People Like You

Be a Good Listener
Make the Other Person Feel Important
(Carnegie, 1936, p. 142)
Part 3 Win People to Your Way of Thinking
Honestly try to see things from the
other persons point of view(Carnegie, 1936, p. 202)

Buddha said: Hatred is
never ended by hatred
but by love, and a
misunderstanding is
never ended by an
argument but by tact,
diplomacy, conciliation
and a sympathetic
desire to see the other
persons viewpoint.
(Carnegie, 1936, p.148)

Part 3 Win People to Your Way of Thinking
Avoid arguments even if you win, you lose
Theres magic, positive magic, in
such phrases as I may be wrong.
I frequently am. Lets examine the
facts. (Carnegie, 1936, p. 152)

A man convinced against his will
Is of the same opinion still. (Carnegie, 1936, p.
Part 4 Be a Leader
A leader will sincerely inspire,
motivate, challenge, praise,
encourage and respect
those he or she is leading.

In his book, How to Win Friends & Influence People are proven
common-sense strategies and illustrations of how you can be
even more successful in your personal and business
relationships more importantly, applying the principles from
this book will make you a better person. I hope you will now
agree that this book is relevant for the student of 2009.

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