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Present by :
1. Marawia (110 208 08 )
2. Hardianty (110208 083)
3. Fitriani (110 208 )
Diaper rash also known as diaper rash,
diaper dermatitis or napkin dermatitis
depicting inflammatory eruption in the area
covered diaper on the thigh, buttocks, and
anal. This disease is one of the most
common skin disease that occurs in infants
and children that his diaper is always wet
and rarely replaced, can also occur in
patients who require incontinence diapers
to hold urine or feces
Diaper dermatitis is one of the many skin
problems that occur in infants and children due
to the use of diapers, which is about 7-35% in
Diaper rash is caused by a fungus called Candida
infection and many of them children. Candida
can live anywhere in the environment, can
thrive well in warm, humid as under a diaper.
Causal Factor
Degree of moisture
Increased pH
The colonization of microorganisms
(Staphylococcus aureus or Candida)
Family history of primary dermatological
conditions (psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis

Clinical Diagnosis
Predilection is most often in the gluteal,
genitals, lower abdomen, pubis and upper
thighs. Irritant diaper dermatitis
effloresensi appeared in the form of local
erythema, moist and sometimes occur in
the genital and gluteal scales, which
initially arose in the area are more
frequent contact with diapers
irritants in the diaper area of erythema in skin folds
Differential Diagnosis
1. Infantile seborrheic dermatitis
2. Zinc deficiency (acrodermatitis
3. Napkin Psoriasis
4. Langerhans cell Histiositosis

Supportive Examination
1. Laboratory examination
Routine blood
Serology examination
Serum levels of zinc
2. Skin craping examination
3. Histopatology examination
keep clean and dry diaper area.
Complications of diaper rash is a punch-out
ulcer or erosion by rising edge (Jacquet
erosive dermatitis diaper), papules and
nodules pseudoverucous and violaceous
plaques and nodules (granulomas gluteale
Jacquet erosive dermatitis diaper
Diapers should be changed as soon as the take
urine and feces to limit the amount of these
irritants and prevent mixing of feces and
urine. The use of diapers to reduce moisture
absorption strong in the diaper area.
Protective preparations used consisted of a
lotion, cream or ointment, containing
emollients can be coupled with the kaolin, talc
or zinc oxide
Diaper rash is almost always show a good
response to therapy and most cases can be
improved if you are not wearing diapers in a
period of a few weeks.

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