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TCSS 360, Spring 2005

Lecture Notes
Design Patterns:
Factory, Command
What are design patterns? Why should we
study them?

List of all design pattern names and categories

Factory pattern

Command pattern
Design challenges
Designing software for reuse is hard; one must find:
a good problem decomposition, and the right software abstractions
a design with flexibility, modularity and elegance

designs often emerge from an iterative process (trials and
many errors)

successful designs do exist
two designs they are almost never identical
they exhibit some recurring characteristics

The engineering perspective: can designs be described, codified
or standardized?
this would short circuit the trial and error phase
produce "better" software faster
Design patterns
the concept of a "pattern" was first expressed in Christopher
Alexander's work A Pattern Language in 1977 (2543
in 1990 a group called the Gang of Four or "GoF" (Gamma,
Helm, Johnson, Vlissides) compile a catalog of design

design pattern: a solution to a common software
problem in a context
example: Iterator pattern
The Iterator pattern defines an interface that declares
methods for sequentially accessing the objects in a
More about patterns
A pattern describes a recurring software structure
is abstract from concrete design elements such as problem domain,
programming language
identifies classes that play a role in the solution to a problem, describes
their collaborations and responsibilities
lists implementation trade-offs
patterns are not code or designs; must be instantiated/applied

the software engineer is required to:
evaluate trade-offs and impact of using a pattern in the system at hand
make design and implementation decision how best to apply the pattern,
perhaps modify it slightly
implement the pattern in code and combine it with other patterns
Benefits of using patterns
patterns are a common design vocabulary
allows engineers to abstract a problem and talk about that
abstraction in isolation from its implementation
embodies a culture; domain specific patterns increase design

patterns capture design expertise and allow that
expertise to be communicated
promotes design reuse and avoid mistakes

improve documentation (less is needed) and
understandability (patterns are described well once)
Gang of Four (GoF) patterns
Creational Patterns
(concerned with abstracting the object-instantiation process)
Factory Method Abstract Factory Singleton
Builder Prototype

Structural Patterns
(concerned with how objects/classes can be combined to form larger structures)
Adapter Bridge Composite
Decorator Facade Flyweight

Behavioral Patterns
(concerned with communication between objects)
Command Interpreter Iterator
Mediator Observer State
Strategy Chain of Responsibility Visitor
Template Method
Pattern: Factory
(a variation of Factory Method, Abstract Factory)
a class used to create other objects
Problem: Bulky GUI code
GUI code to construct many components quickly
becomes redundant (here, with menus):
homestarItem = new JMenuItem("Homestar Runner");

crapItem = new JMenuItem("Crappy");
another example (with buttons):
button1 = new JButton();

button2 = new JButton();
Factory pattern
Factory: a class whose sole job is to easily create and
return instances of other classes

a creational pattern; makes it easier to construct
complex objects
instead of calling a constructor, use a static method in
a "factory" class to set up the object
saves lines and complexity to quickly construct /
initialize objects
examples in Java: borders (BorderFactory), key
strokes (KeyStroke), network connections
Using existing factories in Java
setting borders on buttons and panels
use built-in BorderFactory class

setting hot-key "accelerators" on menus
use built-in KeyStroke class

Factory implementation details
when implementing a factory of your own:
the factory itself should not be instantiated
make constructor private
factory only uses static methods to construct
factory should offer as simple an interface to client
code as possible
don't demand lots of arguments; possibly overload factory
methods to handle special cases that need more arguments
factories are often designed for reuse on a later
project or for general use throughout your system
Factory sequence diagram
Factory example
public class ButtonFactory {
private ButtonFactory() {}

public static JButton createButton(
String text, ActionListener listener,
Container panel)
JButton button = new JButton(text);
return button;
GoF's variations on Factory
Factory Method pattern: a factory that can be
constructed and has an overridable method to create
its objects
can be subclassed to make new kinds of factories
Abstract Factory pattern: when the topmost
factory class and its creational method are abstract
Pattern: Command
objects that represent actions
Open-closed principle
Open-Closed Principle: Software entities like
classes, modules and functions should be open for
extension but closed for modifications.

The Open-Closed Principle encourages software
developers to design and write code in a fashion that
adding new functionality would involve minimal
changes to existing code.
most changes will be handled as new methods and new
designs following this principle would result in resilient code
which does not break on addition of new functionality
Bad event-handling code
public class TTTGui implements ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
if (event.getSource() == view1Item){

// switch to view #1 ...

else { // event source must be view2Item

// switch to view #2 ...

in this code, the "master" TTT GUI object is in charge
of all action events in the UI
is this bad?
what could happen if we add another action event source?
Common UI commands
it is common in a GUI to have several ways to activate
the same behavior
example: toolbar "Cut" button and "Edit / Cut" menu
this is good ; it makes the program flexible for the user
we'd like to make sure the code implementing these
common commands is not duplicated
Solution: Action,AbstractAction
Java's Action interface represents a UI command
a UI command has a text name, an icon, an action to run
can define multiple UI widgets that share a common
underlying command by attaching the same Action to them
These Swing components support Action
JButton(Action a) JToggleButton(Action a)
JCheckBox(Action a) JMenuItem(Action a)
JRadioButton(Action a)

AbstractAction class implements Action and maintains
an internal map of keys to values
each key represents a name of a property of the action (e.g. "Name")
each value represents the value for that property (e.g. "Save Game")
can be used to ensure that all UI components that share a common UI
action will have the same text, icon, hotkey
ActionListener and Action code
reminder: interface ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

interface Action extends ActionListener
adds property enabled
isEnabled() / setEnabled(boolean)

abstract class AbstractAction implements Action
you must still write actionPerformed
AbstractAction members
public class AbstractAction implements Action
public AbstractAction(String name)
public AbstractAction(String name, Icon icon)
public Object getValue(String key)
public boolean isEnabled()
public void putValue(String key, Object value)
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)

AbstractAction object maintains an internal map of
keys to values
each key represents a name of a property of the action (e.g. "Name")
each value represents the value for that property (e.g. "Save Game")
Using Action, example
define a class that extends AbstractAction:
public class CutAction extends AbstractAction {
public CutAction() {
super("Cut", new ImageIcon("cut.gif"));

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// do the action here ...

create an object of this class, attach it to UI objects:
CutAction cut = new CutAction();
JButton cutButton = new JButton(cut);
JMenuItem cutMItem = new JMenuItem(cut);

now the same action will occur in both places; also,
changes to the action will be seen on both widgets:
Action and Swing components
Other uses: properties of the action can be set
"Cuts the selected text");
will use this label for the tooltip text

cut.putValue(Action.NAME, "Cut");
will use the text label "Cut" for the name of the command

new Integer('T'));
will underline 't' in "Cut" as a mnemonic hotkey for the command

cut.putValue(Action. ACCELERATOR_KEY,
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('X', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK));
will use Ctrl-X as an accelerator hotkey for the command
Command pattern
Command: an object that represents an action
sometimes called a "functor" to represent an object
whose sole goal is to encapsulate one function

Java API examples:
ActionListener, Comparator, Runnable / Thread
Command pattern applications
command objects serve as a "model" of commands:
separates the user interface from them
each model can support multiple views
each action can support multiple widgets

use the Command pattern when you want to:
implement a callback function capability
have several UI widgets that cause the same action to occur
specify, queue, and execute requests at different times
support undo and change log operations
Java API pages

Cunningham & Cunningham OO Consultancy, Inc.

Design Patterns Java Companion

Design Pattern Synopses

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