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Technische Universitat Berlin Technische Universitat Berlin

Invitation to the Erasmus Course

Vibration based structural health Vibration based structural health
monitoring monitoring
On June 23-28, 2008 by
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pelin GND! Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pelin GND!
BA"#$ BA"#$

Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Istanbul e!hni!al "niversity Istanbul e!hni!al "niversity
ur#ey ur#ey
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Pelin GUND% BA"#$
Pelin Gundes Ba&ir is an $sso!iate %rofessor of
&tru!tural 'e!hani!s in the Department of Civil
Engineering of Istanbul e!hni!al "niversity( &he
has re!ieve) her Diploma *DIC+ an) 'asters
)egrees from the Civil Engineering Department of
#m'erial (ollege) Universit* of +ondon an)
obtaine) her %hD in &tru!tural Engineering from
#stanbul Technical Universit*( &he ,or#e) as a
post-)o!toral fello, in "atholie&e Universiteit
+euven, -elgium from 2003 to 200.( &he is the
author of /0 referee) international 1ournal papers, 2
boo#s an) more than 33 international !onferen!e
papers( 4er resear!h interests !over )amage
)ete!tion by vibration monitoring, finite element
mo)el up)ating, inverse problems in me!hani!s,
optimi5ation, earth6ua#e engineering an) nonlinear
)ynami! analysis( %elin 7un)es is in the E)itorial
-oar)s of the $!ousti!s Journal *2000-+,
$tmospheri! &!ien!e Journal *2000-+, an) the
&$'%E Journal of $)van!e) 'aterials *2003-

(ontents (ontents
+ecture ,
Ob1e!tives for vibration monitoring, monitoring earth6ua#e sha#ing in
buil)ings, steps in instrumenting a stru!ture, sele!tion an) installation of
instruments, maintenan!e, )ynami! !hara!teristi!s of linear systems,
&DO8 systems, 'DO8 systems, impulse response fun!tion, fre6uen!y
response fun!tion
+ecture -
Digital signal pro!essing, signal types, typi!al signal pro!essing
operations, 8ourier series e9pansion
+ecture .
8ourier ransforms, Dis!rete 8ourier ransform, 8ast 8ourier ransform
+ecture /
%roblems asso!iate) ,ith analog-to-)igital !onversion, sampling,
aliasing,lea#age,,in)o,ing, filters, pro!essing of strong-motion
+ecture 0
Inverse problems in me!hani!s, )amage )ete!tion by finite element mo)el
up)ating, estimation te!hni6ues an) numeri!al optimi5ation:one
)imensional minimi5ation an) lo!al un!onstraine) optimi5ation te!hni6ues
+ecture 1
Estimation te!hni6ues an) numeri!al optimi5ation: lo!al !onstraine)
optimi5ation te!hni6ues,global optimi5ation te!hni6ues, !omparison of the
numeri!al )ata ,ith test results, 'o)al $ssuran!e Criterion *'$C+
+ecture 2
8inite element mo)el up)ating, )ete!tion, lo!alisation an) 6uantifi!ation of
)amage in stru!tures by finite element mo)el up)ating
+ecture 3
;ibration instrumentation, strong-motion instrumentation, e9!iters,
trans)u!ers,performan!e spe!ifi!ation,)ata a!6uisition systems
$A%4U% Teaching (ourse 5une -.6-1) -773

Time schedule 8,- hours9
< %la!e:" -erlin,8a!hgebiet &tati# un) Dynami# 7ustav-'eyer-$llee 23, &e#r( I-/--3/3333 23, -erlin
<Course ,ill be in English(
June 23 June 22 June 23 June 2.

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