Tristan Nguyen and Andrew Phan

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Tristan Nguyen and Andrew Phan

Traditional Canadian Pancakes, Eh.
*(not as pictured)
Ingredients (four servings), Eh.
1 cup flour , eh.
About 1 tablespoon
baking powder,eh.
1 cup milk,eh.
3 egg yolks,eh.
3 egg whites,eh.
Step 1, Eh.
In a medium bowl, combine flour and baking
powder, eh. Stir in milk and egg yolk until
smooth, eh.
Step 2, Eh.
In a large glass or metal
bowl, beat the egg whites
until stiff peaks form,eh.
Fold about of the whites
into the batter, then
quickly fold in the
remaining whites until no
streaks remain,eh.
Step 3, Eh.
Heat a griddle or pan over medium high
heat,eh. Pour or scoop the batter onto the
griddle using about a cup for each
Step 4, Eh.
Cook until bubbles form in the center, then
flip and cook the other side,eh. Remove the
pancake from the heat,eh.
Share your pancakes with
all your chums, eh?
Oh, Im so sorry! Dont forget
your maple syrup,eh.
Enjoy :), Eh.
Significance, Eh.
Pancakes are served as a breakfast meal,
Originated from Ancient Greece, called
tagenias, eh.
Maple syrup, the common pancake topping
originated from Northeastern North

Fun Facts, Eh.
Quebec, a major Canadian city is the worlds
largest producer of maple syrup,eh. It
produces about 73% of the worlds syrup,
while all of Canada produces about 80%,eh.
Canada is the second largest country in land
size, the first is Russia,eh.

Kaiserschmarrn (huehuehue)

From Germany
Heil Hitler
Ingredients (four servings)
1 cup milk
5 eggs (maybe less, dont overdo them)
cup white sugar
teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup all purpose flour
2 tablespoons butter
cup confectioners sugar
Step 1
In a medium mixing bowl, beat in all the
things! (milk, eggs, white sugar, vanilla, salt)

little too much egg

Sorry Mr. Lunow!
Step 2
Melt two tablespoons of butter over medium
heat. Pour the batter onto the skillet and
cook until the batter is golden brown. Flip it
over and cook until this side, coincidentally,
is also golden brown!
Step 3
Using forks and stuff, rip all the pancake
things into bite-size pieces.
Smother, er, sprinkle the pancake things
with confectioners sugar (powdered sugar).
(optional) Decorate your plate of pancake
things with pretty fruits and berries.
Heil kaiserschmarrn.

Results may vary;

Batteries not included.
Popular as a breakfast meal or a dessert.
Though it is eaten in countries like Austria,
South Germany, Hungary, the Czech
Republic, Slovenia, and northern Croatia, it
actually came from Emperor Francis Joseph
I of Austria, a neighboring country from
Pun Facts
Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party rose from
Germany. I bet JEW did NAZI that coming!
Germans are the second largest consumer
of beer. ANNE FRANKly the largest is
Though fast speeds are out of MEIN
KAMPFort zone, 65% of the Autobahn, a
highway, has no speed limit.

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