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And their relevance to Muslims

Bear witness that: There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the
Messenger of God.
Oneness (Tawhid)
What does this mean?
2 meanings: (i) belief in one God of the universe and (ii) affirmation
that only this God deserves to be worshipped
ALL is created by God! God creates; He does not beget nor is He
begotten; eternal, absolute and unlike any other
99 Names of Allah (Asma al-Husna)
eg: Allah = The God; Ar-Rahman = The Compassionate; Al-Malik =
The King; Al-Haliq = The Creator; Al-Mumit = The Destroyer, bringer
of death
There are many communities upon this earth and God created
them all, we are all a part of each other, integrated system;

All people are created equal before God and
can establish their own relationship with God
without necessity of any intermediaries

SALAAH (Prayer)
Hadith: Prayer is a stream of sweet water which flows
past your door
Compulsory = 5 times a day; in Makkah and Madinah
the adhaan goes for a 6
prayer ie: Tahajuud
i)Fajr before sunrise
ii) Thuhr lunchtime
iii) Asr mid-afternoon
iv) Maghrib after sunset
v) Eshaa - evening
Number of optional prayers
For prayer:
Call to prayer = ADHAAN and it is made by the MUEZZIN
ADHAAN: Allah is the Great One (4x)
I testify that there is no God besides Allah (2x)
I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah (2x)
Come to prayer (2x)
Come to salvation (2x)
Allah is the Great One (2x)
There is no god besides Allah (1x)
Muezzin is most often a black man to emulate the first muezzin Bilal (from
time of Muhammad)
Ablutions = WUDHU (ritual purification of mind, body [the senses: mouth,
nose, ears and hands & feet] and the prayer cleanses the soul)
Dressed appropriately
Prayer in mosque, home, office, outside (as long as it is clean)
Prayer mat and no shoes
DUAH = informal, personal prayer

Salaah is a formalised, structured routine

1. Standing
2. Ruku = bending
3. Sujud = bowing
4. Together = raka
Muslims all over the world face the same direction:
Makkah where the kaabah is situated; referred to as
the QIBLA (qibla initially was towards Jerusalum until
it was changed during prophethood in Madinah)

Congregation stand in rows (safs) with enough space for
making sujud
Both men and women can pray in a mosque
Women are either in a separate section behind or to the side
of the men or above in a balcony; generally have a separate
Person who leads the prayers is known as: imam or moulana
Anyone can lead the prayers as there is no structured
priesthood/hierarchy in Islam
Criteria for leading prayers: must know Quran (hafez/hafizah)
or should know some Quran (person who leads generally has
the greatest knowledge); pious; good character
Prayer instils discipline, punctuality, community and spirit into
the day

Lunar month therefore dates of Ramadaan will change every year
according the Gregorian calendar
Quran revealed in this month on the Night of Power
Month of fasting from sunrise (dawn) to sunset for 29/30 days
Spiritual and moral training means to nurture the soul and guide it in
further growth
Understanding of what it means to not have food and/or water and thus
one is encouraged to share during this month
Fasting entails abstaining from: food, drink, smoking, sex
Spiritual side: refraining from frivolous and bad thoughts, utterances and
actions; time of dedication and conscientious attendance at the mosque,
reading and memorising the Quran and doing good deeds
Time for giving, sharing and community
Sick, aged and pregnant do not need to fast if it will adversely affect their
health BUT they need to compensate by the obligatory compensation of
feeding someone who does not have food
Quran states that one must give to those who are less fortunate
Those with wealth are to give 2.5% of wealth (money, gold, silver)
Collected in time of Muhammad in the Bait-ul-Maal, but now there are
organisations (SANZAF) that collect the monies and distribute it
Purpose of zakaat = skills upliftment and empowerment
Idea is to raise the position of the poor through the wealthy cleansing
their wealth by paying a tax; its compulsory but there is no one who
oversees such payments;
It works on the knowing of doing what is expected of you as a Muslim; its
about conscience and reward; its about discipline
Its also about being aware of others around you (to be socially
Underlying the practice of zakaat is that the poor are entitled to part of
the blessings which the rich receive from Allah
Nothing belongs to any person; all belongs to Allah and people are His
To be made once in your lifetime to Makkah, IF YOU
Surah 3:97 The stations of Abraham, Whoever enters
it Attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty Men
owe to God, - Those who can afford The journey;
Performed in Dhul-Hijjah
Suspend all worldly activities and concerns
Surrender entire being to God
Physical demonstration of Muslim equality & unity
Only Muslims may enter Makkah
Hajj Rites
Ritual purification before entering special

Aerial view of Haram in Makkah
5 days of Tashreeq (actual days of Hajj)
24-29 October 2012 (8-12 Dhull-Hijjah)
Day of Arafaat is on the 9

Eid-ul-Adha is on the 10

2 days after that /Hajj is completed
Who is one emulating or copying during the
Hajj rites???
Cleansed of all sins
It is said: come back as a new born babe
The Hajj Journey

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