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Helps you determine what you already know about the
topic and how much you need to learn.
Helps you plan how to break the reading assignment into
manageable chunks so that you use your time efficiently.

How do I do that?
Read the table of contents to understand the
topics of each chapter and how they relate to
each other.
Read all the headings and subheadings.
Learn all you can from pictures, maps and
Read the questions or problems at the end of the
Divide the assignment into smaller chunks and
begin reading.
use your highlighter cautiously!

If youre going to highlight, make sure you use your highlighter
sparingly to identify the really important main ideas.

Best Way?
Write short summaries, questions or comments in the
margin of the text.
helps you to engage with the text and gives you a running
record of your understanding
Or . . .
Take notes in a separate notebook
Remember you are synthesizing and summarizing, not
True or False?
Without ongoing review we lose 98% of the total sum of
ideas entering the mind within a 4 week period of time.
Review your class notes within 24 hours in
order to transfer what youve heard from your
short term to long term memory

Take a few minutes each day to skim through
your notes, fill in information you missed, and
identify questions you have.

Not all exam questions are created equal.

Modify your study strategies to reflect the
type of thinking skills required on the exam.

Have a sense of how many questions will be on
the exam so that you can allot enough time to
each question.
Sound familiar?

You have a Psychology midterm tomorrow, but
you feel confident that you know the material.

Youve read all the chapters and reviewed your
lecture notes.

You take the exam and it seems as though the
questions dont represent the information you
were told to study.

What went wrong? . . .

So, how do I do that?
Draw diagrams or charts representing relationships between

Work through practice problems and old exam questions

Create a study group and quiz each other

Cover up your notes and talk through a concept as though you
were teaching it to someone else.

Make flash cards or study sheets and review them regularly.
. . .you didnt study actively.

Some facts about study groups:
greater opportunities to question, review, clarify,
and discuss.
an audience to read, respond to, and discuss their
drafts of their papers.
Encourage a variety of problem-solving
reduce procrastination
increase motivation
ease anxiety.

IMPORTANT! Set an agenda to make sure your study
session doesnt become a social session
Practice problem-solving techniques
Practice teaching one another
Test each other
Compare class notes
Have each group member take responsibility for
leading a discussion on one part of an assignment
Gives you more control over your use of

Write due dates on a monthly or semester
Create a weekly schedule with designated
study times.
Make to do lists cross off items when you
complete them
Keep your calendar and to do lists in a highly
visible spot refer to them regularly
Can mean the difference between productively
completing an assignment and staring blankly into
level of background noise
level of comfort
types of distractions.
Time of Day
Study your most difficult subjects when you
are most alert, whether that be at 7am or
Instead of staring at a blank screen, just start
typing whatever comes into your head
Once youve had a chance to purge, begin
directing your freewriting to ideas that are
relevant to your paper.

What if that doesnt work?
Discuss your ideas with a friend
Ask your friend to just listen and write down what
you say so that you have a record of your
thoughts to use as the basis for your paper.
Theyre experts in the content of the course
Theyve studied this material themselves
Theyre well-positioned to help you develop effective
study strategies in that particular course/discipline
The more they know you the more they can help you

Visit office hours BEFORE you begin having
Make an appointment at the beginning of the semester
so that your professors and TAs know who you are
and how they can help you.

Meet with a Learning Instructor to learn
more about how to integrate these 10
strategies into your study repertoire:
Call 09849171547 to make an appointment, M-F,
Come to walk-in hours, M-F, 12-3pm.
Visit our website and download self-helps and
learning tools,


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