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A Mi nor

Proj ect
Sukhjit Singh UE109073 Sukhbir Singh UM10911
Sahil Jindal UE109064 Satnam Singh UM109066
Supervisor Dr. Manu Sharma
Water is used for a variety of purposes i n our day to day life
l i ke bathing, cooki ng , cl eaning etc.

Temperature of water needs to be appropriate so that i t can
be used easi ly.

Duri ng summers water i n the overhead tank gets overheated
and this water cannot be used for bathi ng and cleaning

Duri ng wi nters water gets overcooled and i t s temperature
drops sharpl y and i s not appropri ate for use.

Thi s i s the maj or probl em faced by maj ority of our peopl e.

So there is a need to empl oy a system i n water tank that
regulates the temperature of water according to requi rement.

People can get cool water for bathing duri ng hot summer and
warm water duri ng wi nters.

We are tryi ng to build a system that can regulate water
temperature and solving the problem of overheati ng as well
as overcooli ng of water i n overhead tank.

I t must be ef fi cient as well as economical so that it is withi n
the reach of common man.

Vari ous methods can and have been used to regulate the
temperature of water i n the overhead tank.

Heat exchanger i s used i n some places to keep prevent
heating of water i n the overhead tank.

But heat exchanger i s costly and so i t i s not economical to
empl oy such system as i ni tial cost would be high and we want
our system to be economi cal .

We can encl ose the tank i n some ki nd of i nsulati ng material
l i ke thermocol .
Reflective col ors have been used to reflect a l arge part of the
thermal radi ation

Chi l ler uni t has been used to regulate temperature of water.

This is si milar to havi ng some ki nd of cooli ng coil as i n ai r
condi ti oner i n whi ch water mai n li ne i s passed through uni t
and i s capable of reduci ng the incomi ng temperature from
overhead tank to as l ow as 20 degree Cel sius.

The mai n drawback of thi s system i s that i t is costly and i ts
cost i s approximately around 50, 000 rupees.

Another maj or drawback i s the high operative cost- the uni t
will work at not less than 12- 15 amps so electri ci ty bi lls are
to be watched.

Another method i s evaporative cooli ng as has been used al l
over the world for centuries. Wrap the tank i n a couple of
layers of Burlap bag materi al , and keep that wet wi th water
whi ch wi l l evaporate, thus actually cool i ng the tank.

Alumi nium foil applied to the tank outer surface usi ng a water
resi stant or waterproof adhesive. This would reflect most of
the di rect sunl i ght.

Water i n an ordi nary overhead tank gets heated due to direct
rays of sun fal l ing on tank.

Di sadvantages of such tanks are that duri ng summers tank
water temperature goes up and duri ng wi nter water
temperature drops down.

So it cannot be used for household purposes , but people buy
such tanks because they are cheap and easi ly avai lable.

An or di nar y
water t ank i n
use i n
househol ds
Our moti vati on comes from thi s problem that we feel
uncomfortable while usi ng tank water ,when duri ng summers
temperature of water rises to as high as 40-50Celsius but
duri ng wi nters temperature of water drops to as l ow as 5-

So we propose to build a tank that can overcome these
problems and we get water at normal temperature i n all
weather condi ti ons.

Geysers can be used to heat water in wi nters but i t consumes
a l ot of electri ci ty and there i s a need to i nvent such a system
that wi l l mi ni mize energy usage.

Our very first idea was to cover the tank wi th i nsulati ng
materi al to regul ate the water temperature, but it i s just a
conventi onal techni que and complete temperature control is
not possi ble.

Next idea about whi ch we thought about was to change the
col or of tank from black to whi te as white i s a very good
refl ector of radi ations, but we want to add something more.

So the next step was to appl y evaporative cooli ng i n this
method we would fi rstly cover the outsi de porti on of tank wi th
porous type i nsulati ng material havi ng fi ns on the outside
surface. A small pump would be used which would sprinkle
water on fi ns and this system would be completel y controlled
by a control l oop system.

Due to evaporati on of water from fi n material i t would yield
cooli ng ef fect , same as when sweat i n summers evaporates
from our body and our body feels cool i ng ef fect.

Till now we have controlled the temperature to some extent
but we observe that i f we take two tanks one i s full of water
and another partially filled , we observe that the temperature
of water i n partiall y filled tank i s much higher than a
completely filled tank (no air space above water level), the
mai n reason was the hot ai r above water level i n partiall y
filled tanks whi ch get heated up due to trappi ng of radi ations
i n tank , same as trappi ng of sun rays i n a car standi ng i n
sunl i ght and resul ts i n hi ke of temperature i nsi de car.

So we want to remove thi s hot air, for thi s we will use a smal l
i ntake fan at the top of tank, whi ch would admit fresh air into
the tank and force the hot ai r to be expelled.


By designing new scienti fic tank we can eradi cate these
probl ems.

Vari ous concepts of engi neeri ng like conducti on, convecti on,
radiati on and control theory wil l be used in analyzi ng the
probl em and fi ndi ng i t s sol uti on.

This project will help people on a large scale. Detailed
anal ysi s af ter desi gning wi l l bri ng new resul ts.

The project we propose to build is environment friendly and it
uses a renewable solar power energy source and i t s utili ty
wi l l be 24 hours i n a day.

Project will i ncrease comfort level of the people and thi s
common problem of overheati ng and cooli ng of water will be

Project i s innovative and can be put i nto use i n the near

Vari ous approaches that have been used are formulated
keepi ng i n mi nd that project should be i nnovative as wel l as
economi cal .

The Water Tank Cool i ng System shall consi st of the following
mai n components:

Water Tubes

Insulating Padding

Aluminium Foil

Solar Panel


Electrical Wires

Relay Switch

Water Tank

Temperature Sensor

Water Level Sensor

PLC Controller

I/O Modules

Submersible Pump

Intake Fan

The Water Tank Temperature Regulati on System would cool
water by compensati ng for three modes of heat transfer to
water during the i ntense heat of the summer days i .e.
radi ation, convecti on and conducti on.

The water tank would be covered by a layer of i nsulati ng
paddi ng on the exterior and alumi nium foil on the i nteri or

The i nsulation paddi ng would reduce the heat transfer due to
conducti on while the alumi nium foil would act as a radiation
shi eld decreasing the heat transfer due to thermal radi ation.

The exteri or surface of the water tank would be whi te for
hi gher refl ectivity of thermal radi ation.

Al umi ni um f oi l ,
t he oper at i ve
mat er i al i n
Radi ant Shi el d,
r ef l ect s t her mal
r adi at i on v er y
wel l . I n f ac t , when
f ac i ng an ai r
s pace, t he f oi l
s ur f ac e c an r ef l ect
up 94% of t he
r adi ant heat
ener gy t hat i t
enc ount er s.
I ns t al l i ng Radi ant
Shi el d r es ul t s i n a
mor e c ompl et e
i ns ul at i on s y s t em
t hat addr ess es al l
t hr ee modes of
heat t r ansf er .
While the above methods would suf fice to obtai n water of
moderate temperature but heat l oss due to convecti on poses
an obstacl e for further cool i ng of water contai ned i n the tank.

To overcome the heat l oss due to convecti on a control loop
system would be i nstalled based on a Programmable Logi c
Control l er (PLC) i ntegral wi th i nput/output modul es.

I t would consist of two sensors Water Temperature Sensor
and Water Level Sensor, and operate two machi nes
Submersible Pump and Exhaust Fan.

The out put of t he
s y s t em y ( t ) i s f ed
bac k t hr ough a
s ens or
meas ur ement F t o
t he r ef er enc e v al ue
r ( t ) . The c ont r ol l er C
t hen t akes t he er r or
e ( di f f er enc e)
bet ween t he
r ef er enc e and t he
out put t o c hange
t he i nput s u t o t he
s y s t em under
c ont r ol P. Thi s i s
s hown i n t he f i gur e.
Thi s ki nd of
c ont r ol l e r i s a
c l os ed- l oop
c ont r ol l e r or
f eedbac k c ont r ol l er
The temperature sensor would be fi tted near the outlet pipe of
the tank and woul d determi ne the temperature of water
supplied by the tank to the bui lding.

The water level sensor would be placed i n the head of the
tank and would determi ne the level of water or the volume of
ai r cavi ty present at the top of the tank.

The submersible pump would be i nstal led at the bottom of the
tank si nce the water l evel of the tank woul d vary.

The i ntake fan would be i nstalled i n an i nlet duct cut i nto the
l ower part of the tank head and would be accompanied by an
outl et duct on the hi gher part of the tank head.
Di agr am
showi ng
wor ki ng of
el ect r oni c
water l evel
The temperature sensor would determi ne the temperature of
water bei ng supplied and generate an anal og signal whi ch
woul d be transmitted to the i nput modules of the PLC chi p.

The i nput module would convert the anal og signal i nto digital
form which would be processed by the controller. The PLC
controller would be programmed to generate a digi tal output
i f the temperature ri ses above say 30 C.

The digital output would be converted i nto anal og signal by an
output module. Thi s anal og signal would operate the
submersible pump through a relay switch whi ch woul d run for
certai n durati on of ti me say 30 seconds as programmed.

The control l oop woul d be repeated af ter say 15 mi nutes.


I nput modul es
conver t r eal
wor l d vol t age
and cur r ent s to
si gnal s t he PLC
can under st and.

Out put modul es
t ake a si gnal
f r om a PLC and
conver t i t to a
si gnal t hat a
f i el d devi ce
needs to
oper ate.

Water Level
0-15V DC
220V AC
The pump would ci rculate a small quanti ty of water via a pipe
to the top openi ng of the tank. The pipe would form a ci rcular
l oop around the openi ng cover of the water tank and would
contai n smal l hol es i n i t.

The water would trickle down on all sides of the exteri or
surface of the tank. The i nsulati ng pad would be act as
adsorbent and would retai n most of the water drippi ng down
from the pi pe.

Under the intense heat of the sun the water droplets would
evaporate providi ng a cooli ng ef fect. The i nsulati on paddi ng
would be textured whi ch would ef fectively i ncrease the area
available for evaporati on and ensure more uni form
di stribution of water dropl ets.

Hence the outer surface temperature of the water tank would
be brought down consi derably.
When war m ai r
passes over t he
evapor at i ve
paddi ng soaked
wi t h water i t get s
cool ed as water
dr opl et s absor b
heat f r om
sur r oundi ngs to
evapor ate. The
sur f ace
temper at ur e i s
al so r egul ated.
I n the warm and humid weather the relative humidity i s high
so the evaporati on rate would be low. Hence the previ ous
soluti on needs to be supplemented by another method
i nvol vi ng the water l evel i ndi cator and i ntake fan.

The water level sensor would generate an i nput signal whi ch
would be interpreted by the PLC controller usi ng an i nput
module. The control ler would be programmed to generate an
output signal to run the i ntake fan when both the temperature
rises above say 30 C and water level fall s below say 3/4
the ful l water l evel .

The fan would then run until the temperature fall s to say 20C
when the output wi ll be cut of f. The fan will resume its work
when the temperature again cl i mbs to 30C.
The f or ced
convect i on
empl oyed i n t he
pr oj ect woul d
have a si mi l ar
cool i ng ef f ect as
t hi s nat ur al
Wi th the i nfl ow of fresh ai r i nto the tank ai r ci rculation i nsi de
the tank wi l l start. The water at the surface woul d be cool ed
so i t goes down whi le the hot water ri ses up.

The hot ai r and vapors woul d ari se and exi t through the outl et
duct l ocated near the top of the tank. The hot water again
gets cool ed and eventually the enti re quanti ty of water woul d
be cool ed.

Duri ng the wi nter months the PLC system woul d be swi tched
of f. The i nsul ation padding and al umini um foi l woul d provi de
proper i nsul ation and shi elding respectively to prevent passive
cool i ng of the water duri ng the col d wi nter ni ghts. Thi s woul d
provi de water of moderate thermal comfort.


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