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Chapter 11 Muscles

 Muscles of facial expression

 Muscles of mastication
 Extrinsic tongue muscles
 Muscles of the neck and throat
 Back muscles
 Deep thorax muscles
 Abdominal wall muscles
 Superficial thorax muscles
 Shoulder muscles
 Elbow muscles
 Forearm muscles
 Hip & knee muscles
 Leg muscles
Chapter 11 Muscles

 You are responsible for muscles described in

– Origin
– Insertion
– Action
– Nerve - innervation (if given)
 Be able to recognize muscles in all diagrams of
Muscles of facial expression

 Orbicularis oculi
– Sphincter muscle of eyelid
– O: frontal & maxillary bones
– I: tissue of eyelid
– Action: closes eye
– Nerve: facial / CN VII

Muscles of facial expression

 Zygomaticus
– O: zygomatic bone
– I: corners of mouth
– Action: smiling
– Nerve: facial / CN VII

Muscles of mastication

 Masseter
– O: zygomatic arch
– I: angle & ramus of
– Action: elevate mandible
– Nerve: trigeminal nerve /
CN V (foramen ovale)

Muscles of mastication

 Temporalis
– O: temporal fossa
– I: coronoid process of
– Action: elevate and
retract mandible
– Nerve: trigeminal n. /

Extrinsic tongue muscles

 Styloglossus
– O: styloid process of
temporal bone
– I: tongue
– Action: retract & elevate
– Nerve: hypoglossal n. /

Extrinsic tongue muscles

 Hyoglossus
– O: hyoid bone
– I: tongue
– Action: depresses tongue
– Nerve: hypoglossal n. /

Muscles of neck & throat
 Digastric
– two muscle bellies with an
intermediate tendon attached to
the hyoid bone
– O: inferior margin of mandible
(anterior belly); mastoid process
of temporal bone (posterior belly)
– I: hyoid bone
– Action: elevate hyoid, stabilize
hyoid, depress mandible
– Nerve: trigeminal n. / CN V
(anterior belly), facial n. / CN VII
(posterior belly)
Muscles of neck & throat

 Stylohyoid
– O: styloid process of
temporal bone
– I: hyoid bone
– Action: elevate & retract
hyoid, swallow
– Nerve: facial n. / CN VII

Muscles of neck & throat

 Sternohyoid
– O: manubrium &
medial end of clavicle
– I: hyoid bone
– Action: depress hyoid

Muscles of neck & throat

 Pharyngeal constrictors
– O: mandible, pterygoid
process, hyoid, laryngeal
– I: posterior medial raphe of
– Action: peristaltic
contraction / swallow

Muscles of neck & throat

 Sternocleidomastoid
– O: manubrium & medial
– I: mastoid process of
temporal bone
– Action: head & neck
flexion, rotate head
– Nerve: accessory n. /
Muscles of neck & throat

 Sternocleidomastoid
Back muscles
 Spinalis
– O: spines of upper
lumbar and lower
thoracic vertebrae
– I: spines of upper
thoracic and cervical
– Action: extends
vertebral column
Deep thorax muscles

 External & internal

– O&I: inferior & superior
border of ribs
– Action: inspiration and

Deep thorax muscles

 Diaphragm
– O: inferior internal
surface of rib cage &
sternum, inferior costal
cartilages, lumbar
– I: central tendon
– Action: flattens on
contraction (inspiration)
– Nerve: phrenic nerves (11.10b)
Abdominal wall
 Rectus abdominis
– O: pubic crest & symphysis
– I: xiphoid process and
costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
– Action: flex & rotate lumbar
vertebrae, fix & depress
ribs, stabilize pelvis during
walking, increase
intraabdominal pressure
– Note: 3 tendinous
insertions, aponeurosis & (11.11ab)
linea alba
Superficial thorax muscles

 Pectoralis minor
– O: anterior surface
of ribs 3-5
– I: coracoid process
of scapula
– Action: with ribs
fixed, pulls scapula
anterior & inferior;
with scapula fixed,
pulls ribs superiorly (11.13a)
thorax muscles

 Serratus anterior
– O: ribs 1-8
– I: vertebral border of
– Action: hold scapula
against chest wall, moves
inferior angle of scapula
lateral & superior
(abduction, pushing,
(11.13a,8.1a reversed)
Superificial thorax

 Trapezius
– O: occipital bone,
ligamentum nuchae, C7-
T12 spinous processes
– I: acromion, spine of
scapula, lateral third of
– Action: stabilize, elevate,
adduct, depress scapula,
extend head
Shoulder muscles

 Pectoralis major
– O: medial clavicle,
sternum, cartilage of
ribs 1-6, aponeurosis
of external oblique
– I: greater tubercle of
– Action: arm-flexion,
medial rotation, (11.13a)
adduction, elevation
of rib cage
Shoulder muscles

 Deltoid
– O: lateral clavicle,
acromion & spine of
scapula (compare to
insertion of trapezius)
– I: deltoid tuberosity
of humerus
– Action: arm-
abduction, flexion,
extension, medial &
lateral rotation (11.13ab)
Shoulder muscles

 Subscapularis
– O: subscapular fossa
– I: lesser tubercle of
– Action: medial rotate
arm, stabilize shoulder
Shoulder muscles

 Infraspinatus
– O: infraspinous
– I: greater tubercle of
– Action: lateral rotate
humerus, stabilized
shoulder joint

Rotator cuff muscles

 Act to stabilize head of humerus in glenoid

cavity and prevent dislocation
 Supraspinatous
 Infraspinatus 
 Subscapularis
 Teres minor
Elbow muscles

 Triceps brachii
– O: long head-
tubercle, lat. & med.
shaft of humerus
– I: olecranon process
of ulna
– Action: extend
forearm, assist
adduction of arm (11.14b)
Elbow muscles

 Biceps brachii
– O: short head-coracoid
process, long head-
tubercle above glenoid
cavity and lip of glenoid
cavity (intertubercular
– I: radial tuberosity
– Action: flex elbow,
supinate forearm, weak
arm flexor
Forearm muscles
 Flexor carpi
(radialis & ulnaris)
– O: medial
epicondyle of
humerus, ulna
– I: metacarpals and
– Action: wrist flexion,
abduct & adduct
– Carpal tunnel
syndrome p. 184 Anterior view
Forearm muscles

 Extensor carpi
– O: lateral epicondyle of
– I: base of metacarpals
– Action: extend, abduct,
and adducts wrist
– Palpate forearm muscles

11.16a Posterior View

Hip & knee muscles
 Quadriceps femoris

– O: anterior inferior iliac

spine, superior margin
of acetabulum, greater
trochanter, shaft of
– I: patella and tibial
tuberosity via patellar
– Action: extend knee, 11.19a
flex thigh
Hip & knee

 Gluteus muscles
– O: ilium, sacrum,
– I: shaft & greater
trochanter of femur
– Action: extend
thigh (climb stairs,
running), lateral & (11.20ab)
medial rotate thigh,
abduct thigh,
steadies pelvis
Hip & knee muscles

 Hamstrings
– O: ischial tuberosity,
shaft of femur
– I: lateral & medial
condyles and shaft of
tibia, head of fibula,
lateral condyle femur
– Action: extend thigh,
flex knee (11.20a)
– Makes touching toes
Leg muscles

 Tibialis anterior
– O: lateral condyle and
shaft of tibia
– I: tarsal and first
metatarsal bones
– Action: dorsiflexion

Leg muscles

 Gastrocnemius
– O: medial & lateral condyles
of femur
– I: calcaneus via Achilles
– Action: plantar flexion, flex
knee (11.23a)

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