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Achievements from the Agroecosystem Research Station of

Shandong Agricultural University

1 前言 /Introductio
n 山东农业大学和中国科学院植物研究所的专家,根据长期的定位研究,
即“畜南下、禽北上”。为此,他们分别在内蒙古正蓝旗巴音胡舒嘎查 (2000-)
和山东平邑县蒋家庄村 (2005-) 建立了两个村 ( 嘎查 ) 级的试验示范基地进行
报道 (Science, 317: 314-316, 2007) 。
本定位站是在山东农业大学和平邑县人民政府大力支持下,于 2008 年 5
月 27 日正式建立的。旨在通过严格的科学试验和长期定位研究 ,探索国家粮
态学与现代农业相结合等自然与社会问题的解决途径 ;核心思路是充分利用生
态学原理,而非单一技术提升农业,实现农业可持续发展。这里展示的是,自 20
05 年以来,山东农业大学作物栽培与耕作学 “泰山学者 ”研究团队和定位站研
A team of scientists from Shandong Agriculture University (SDAU) and Chinese Academy o
f Sciences have found the solution for stopping land degradation of grassland ecosystem and s
talks burning in rural China. The main idea, which is based on a long term of observation an
d real demonstration projects, is that the animals now raised respectively in steppe and agric
ultural areas should be exchanged with their habitats. We called this model as “Poultry in the
North and Cattle in the South”. To test such an innovative hypothesis, two demonstration bas
es were established respectively in Bayinhushu Gacha (Since 2000) of Inner Mongolia and Jia
ng Jiazhuang Village of Shandong Province (Since 2005), both achieving remarkable results.
The Bayinhushu case was officially reported by Science magazine (Science, 317: 314-316, 200
The Agroecosystem Research Station of Shandong Agricultural University was founded
on 23 May, 2008, with the assistance and founding from both SDAU and Pingyi County Gove
rnment of Shandong Province. The mission of the station is to explore the ecological strategie
s for food safety, agricultural environmental protection and rural new energy exploration, wh
ich are profound for China’s natural and social sustainable development. Our main approac
h is trough the full utilization of ecological principles rather than the merely simple technolog
y to advance the modern agriculture.
We exhibit here with plentiful scientific and social information to demonstrate the result
s of the Taishan Scholars’ Team of Crop Cultivation and Farming System (main researches c
ome from the research station), especially the achievements from the investigations on ecologi
cal farming, lower carbon agriculture, rural energy and crop ecological physiology. Most of t
he results are dated back to 2005.
山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 蒋高明制作 /Designed by Professor Jiang Gaoming
2 山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站简介 /Introduction t
o the Agricultural Ecosystem Research Station of SDAU

山东农业大学作物栽培学与耕作学泰山学者团队,于 2008 年 5 月 23 日在山东省平邑县建立科

和食物,并带动周边 4000 亩耕地和 700 农户的良性生态循环;用秸秆机械生产“微储鲜秸草”
包草 ) ,解决作物秸秆变废为宝、资源循环利用重大问题,为农民增收,农业增效,转变农业经
济增长方式,寻找新出路。定位站已吸引含 1 名德国博士生和 2 名法国本硕连读生在内的 16 名

Aiming at long-term agricultural studies and providing valuable information for decision makers, the Agroecosyste
m Research Station of Shandong Agricultural University was established in Pingyi County, Shandong province. The s
tation centralizes functions of ecological circle, crop ecophysiology, organic farming, soil nutrition dynamics. We sup
port the station by station itself using ecological principles, help the nearby 700 farmers and their 4000 mu land to de
velop organic farming system. We have found a new way to solve the problems of crop residue burning by reusing the
m to make “bread grass”. By now, we have 16 researchers conducting their research here, including students from S
DAU,CAS, HBAU, and 1 Germany PhD and 2 French M.S. students.

① ②
③ ④

① 山东农业大学平邑县人民政府社会主义新农村建设示范基地启动仪式现场 /Opening ceremony of the New Village Constru

ction Base with Pingyi Government
② 山东农业大学党委书记盖国强、平邑县委书记王林山为社会主义新农村建设示范基地揭牌 /Opening Ceremony speech by
Mr Gai Guoqiang, the president of SDAU and Mr Wang Linshan, the governor of Pingyi County.
③ 山东农业大学副校长董树亭,平邑县人民政府副县长刘玉山签订社会主义新农村建设示范基地合作协议 /Mr Dong Shuting
from SDAU and Liu Yushan from Pingyi Signing the cooperation contract.
④ 山东农业大学副校长董树亭,平邑县人民政府副县长刘玉山为定位站揭牌 /Opening ceremony of the research station
山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 吴光磊制作 /Designed by Wu Guanglei
3 定位站所在村庄基本情况 /Introduction of Jiangjiazhuan
g Village in which the station locates


蒋家庄地处山东沂蒙山区,位于平邑县城东部 32km ,卞桥镇驻地南部 1.5km 处;总户数 248 户,人口 9

23 人。全村耕地总面积 68 公顷;人均耕地 0.073 公顷 (1.097 亩 ) 。粮食作物播种总面积 31.33hm2 ;经济
作物总面积 33.33hm2 ;林果总面积 1.33hm3 ,是以种植业为主,第三产业为辅的典型农业村庄, 2007 年
度上报人均纯收入约 4156 元 / 人。恢复高考制度 30 年以来,该村籍考入大专院校学生达 85 人,其中硕士
以上学历 2 人,博士 1 人。目前该村走出的人才中有博士生导师 1 人,副厅级干部 1 人,正科级以上 10
余人。该村为沂蒙山区长寿村之一,至今健在的老人年龄 105 岁。

Jiangjiazhuang Village of Pingyi County is situated in the Southeast of Shandong province. 32 km away fr
om the city of Pingyi and 1.5 km from Bianqiao Town, the village hosts 248 families and 923 people. In the p
ast 30 years, about 85 college students have emerged from this village, with 2 Masters and 1 doctor tutor pro
fessor. The total arable land is 68 hm2, 0.073 hm2 per capita. The grain crop land is 31.33 hm2, together with
33.33 hm2 land for economic crops, forest, and 1.33 hm2 land for fruit production. It is a typical farming st
yle village in Shandong Province. The net income in 2007 reaches to 4156 Yuan per person, according to off
icial statistics. The longest living person in this village ages 105 by the year of 2008.

500 5000

Net income per capita

Net inc om e per capita (yuan)

0-18岁 Gross output value
14% 450 Gross output value of agriculture
Total inc om e (14 yuan)

400 4000



36-60岁 19-35岁 250

40% 22%
200 0
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


① 蒋家庄人口年龄结构图 /Age struct

ure in the village

② 蒋家庄经济状况图 /Economic statu


③ 蒋家庄百岁老人周蒋氏 (105 岁 )/T

he longest living person ages 105

④ 蒋家庄村容俯瞰图 /Bird-viewing th
e village

③ ③ ④

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 郑延海、李宗奉制作 /Designed by Dr Zheng Yanhai & Li Zongfeng

4 泰山学者团队 / Membership of Taishan Scholars’ Team
课题 24 项,到位经费 1807 万元;发表学术论文 35 篇,其中 SCI 论文 27 篇;申请实用新型专利

项;出版专著两部; 成功申请国家级精品课程《农业生态学》。蒋高明教授被中共北京市门
of Taishan Scholars’ Team of Crop Cultivation and Farming System includes, Professors Jiang Gaoming
Wang Kongjun, He Mingrong, Chen Yuhai, Associate Professors Ning Tangyuan and Zhang Jiwang. Since founded,
The team has now successfully applied 24 scientific projects with 18.07 million RMB research funds. Some 35 research
papers and 2 books have been published, including 27 SCI papers. One utility model patent and 1 National Top Quality
Curriculum (Agroecology) has been achieved. Prof. Jiang Gaoming was especially awarded as Contributive Expert by
the Government of Mentougou District of Beijing City. Prof. Wang Kongjun, who was the key member of Yangtze
Scholars’ Innovation Group, was awarded special subsidy of State Council and funded by National Talent Supporting
Project from Ministry of Education of China.

蒋高明 教授 博导 贺明荣 教授 博导 陈雨海 教授 博导 宁堂原 副教授

张吉旺 副教授
植物生理生态 小麦高产优质栽培 节水农业研究 农业生态学
Prof. Jiang gaoming Prof. He mingrong Prof. Chen yuhai Dr Ning tangyuan Dr Zhang jiwang

① ②

① Science 报道泰山学者蒋高明教授在内蒙古浑善达克沙地进行的连续 5 年沙尘暴治理试验效果 / Experiment on Sands

torm controlling conducted by Prof. Jiang Gaoming and his team in Hunshadake Sandland, Inner Mongolia was report
ed by Science magazine (Science, 317:314-16,2007).
② 山东省人民政府“泰山学者”特聘教授 / Professor Dr Jiang Gaoming was appointed as Taishan Scholar by Shando
ng Province Government.
③ 团队负责人蒋高明教授、著名三农问题专家、中国人民大学温铁军教授,九三学社窦观一先生联合成功申报 “新
农业革命模型体”专利 /Patent of New Agricultural Revolution Model was jointly invented by Prof. Jiang Gaoming an
d the famous farm expert Prof. Wen Tiejun and Mr. Dou Guanyi.
山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 吴光磊制作 /Designed by Wu Guanglei
5 定位站一线研究人员 /Research members in the station

蒋高明 教授、站长 /Professor Jiang Ga 李宗奉 博士研究生 副研究员 /As

oming, Head of the Station sociate Professor Li Zongfeng, Ph.D.
植物生态学、生态农业 /Plant ecology 复合生态系统 /Complex ecosystem
, organic farming

吴光磊 硕士、站长助理 /Mr Wu

郑延海 博士后、副研究员 /Dr Zheng Guanglei, Head assistant
Yanhai, Post Doctor of IBCAS
乡村新能源开发 /New energy in rural ar 农业生态学 /Agroecology
ea and biogas generation
李勇 硕士研究生 /Mr Li Yong, M.
冯素飞 硕士研究生 /Miss Feng Sufei, S. candidate
M.S. candidate
应用农业生态学 /Applied Agroecology 植物生理生态学 /Plant Ecophysiolo

李彩虹 硕士研究生 /Miss Li Caihong, 贺新华 硕士研究生 /Miss He Xinh

M.S. candidate ua, M.S. candidate
环境昆虫资源 /Environmentally hea
植物生理生态学 /Plant Ecophysiology lth insect resource

乌云塔娜 硕士研究生 /Miss Wuyu

池云花 博士研究生 /Ms Chi Yunhua, P n Tana, M.S. candidate (HBU)
hD candidate (CAS)
动植物关系、有机种植模式 /Plant-a
能源植物、植物生理生态学 /Energy Cr nimal relationship, organic farming
ops, Plant Ecophysiology
苏本营 硕士研究生 /Mr Su Benyin
刘慧 硕士研究生 /Miss Liu Hui, M.S. c g, M.S. candidate
andidate (CAS) 禽粮互作模式 /Crop-poultry intercr
竞争生态学 /Plant competition opping model
现留学英国 /Now in Sheffield University

苏怡 巴黎农业科技大学本硕连读
丁莉 博士研究生 /Miss Ding Li, Ph.D. 生 / Zoë Lefort, AgroParisTech
candidate (CAS)
植物生理生态学 /Plant Ecophysiology
森林生态学 /Forestry Ecology
现留学加拿大 /Now in Canada

卢马瑞 德国雅申大学博士生 /Mar

马兰 巴黎农业科技大学本硕连读 io Lucas, PhD candidate in Aarshen
生 /Margot Régolini, AgroParisTech University (Germany)
森林生态学 /Forestry Ecology 中国乡村能源问题研究 /Rural ener
gy utilization in China

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 郭立月制作 /Designed by Guo Liyue

6 中国农村生物质资源分布及利用:以秸秆为例
Distribution and utilization of bio-resource in rural China: With special references of crop residues

来,中国秸秆年均产量 6.3 亿吨左右,是粮食产量的 1.3 倍,草原干物质量的 2.
1 倍。 50% 的秸秆资源分布于中国东部和中南部两地区。利用现状为:收集损
失和还田 15% 、粗饲料 23% 、工业原料 4% 和生物质能源 37.5%(37% 生活燃
料、 0.5% 沼气 ) ,废弃 20.5% 。研究认为秸秆开发潜力在于: 1) 降低直接燃
烧部分,发展生物质能产业 ( 秸秆发电、秸秆气化等 ) ,改善中国的能源结构;
2) 发展畜牧业,农牧结合,实现生物质循环利用。秸秆资源综合开发,对促进
中国农业可持续发展和自然生态环境改善有重大作用 (Ren. Sust. Ener. Rev., 12: 140
2-1418) 。
As the largest developing country in the world, China has plentiful bio-energy resource. Liu H.
et al. (2008) reported that, in the past decade, the amount of crop residues amounted to 0.63 bill
ion ton, about 1.3 fold of grain or 2.1 fold grassland’s dry matter. Some 50% of the crop residue
s are distributed in East and mid-east China. Utilization structure of crop residues is, 15% lost
during collection, 23% used for forage, 4% for industry materials, 37.5% left for bio-energy (37
% directly combusted by farmers and 0.5% for biogas), with the rest 20.5% being discarded or
directly burnt in the field. Reasonable adjustment of the utilizing pattern and popularization of
the recycling agriculture are essential for the out-ways of residues. We therefore suggested that
, 1) decreasing the proportion of direct combustion and 2) the development of livestock are urge
ntly necessary for Chinese government. Comprehensive development of crop residues could not
only bring ecological and social benefits, but also accelerate the sustainable development of Chi 500

na’s agriculture system (Ren. Sust. Ener. Rev., 12:1402-1418). 400

E nergy(M tce)

. 300


Total energy for rural livelihood

① 作物秸秆的消费结构比例 60
Energy from crop residue
(% )

/Composition of crop residues utilization 50

P rop ortion


② 人均耕地及秸秆产量趋势 15% Collection lost and return to field

23% Rough forage
Energy from crop residue/ Total energy
Crop residue for combution/ Total crop residue
4% Industrial material

① ③
37% Livelihood combustion

/Dynamics of crop land area per capita and crop 0.5% Biogas 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004
20.5% Waste

200 0.16 150 35

③ 生活能源需求及秸秆所占比重
Cattle number
Farmland area per man (ha)
Total farmland area (106 ha)

150 0.14 30
Population (millon)

145 Crop residue for forage/ Total crop residue


100 0.12
/Livelihood energy in rural area and the percent


50 0.10 140 20
age of crop residues
200 Total farmland area
Farmland area per man

0 0 0.08
135 15

700 B

④ 牛存栏量及作物秸秆作为饲料的比例

Yield (106 ton)

/The amount of cattle in China and the percenta 300

125 0
② ④
Crop yield

ge of crop residues for forage 100

Crop residue yield
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Year Year

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 郑延海制作 /Designed by Dr. Zheng Yanhai

7 农村生物质能源开发利用研究 /Study on the bio-energy
utilization in rural area: a case study in Shandong Province
县沼气村工程项目,蒋家庄沼气户已发展 120 多户,占全村户数的 48.3% ,年产沼气 8 万
多立方米,约折合 4 万吨标准煤。
Energy crisis is a curtail challenge for the whole world. Fully explore bio-energy resource in rural China is vit
al for its sustainable economic development. There exists plentiful crop residues existed in rural China, unfortu
nately, most of them were directly combusted in the field. In this study, an exact ecological cycling of element a
nd energy flux was designed, with cattle dung from agricultural circulation being turn into methane through bi
ogas plant. Biogas can be well used as livelihood fuel and illumination energy. With the help of the government
biogas program, the number of biogas house reaches to 100 about 48.3% of the total houses in Jiangjiazhuang,
where our research station locates. The annual biogas production is over 80,000 m3, equal to about 57.1 ton sta
ndard coal.
4500 120000
4000 我国农村用电量

3500 山东农村用电量

3000 80000
1500 40000
① ② 1000
0 0
1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005
③ ④ 年份

⑤ ⑥

⑦ ⑧

① 我国及山东省农村用电量(亿千瓦时) /Rural electron

ic power consumption in China and Shandong

② 1990~2005 年我国发电用煤量 /Power generation by coal

burning from 1990 to 2005 in China

③ 大量作物秸秆在田间被烧掉 /Crop stalks are burning i

n the field

④ 秸秆堆放在房前屋后 /Distribution of stalks in village

⑤ 与沼气池联通的改进简易厕所 /Bathroom connecting t

o the biogas plant in the model village

⑥ 建在房后的沼气池 /Biogas plant in the back yard

⑦ 家庭照明用沼气灯 /Biogas light

⑧ 家庭用沼气燃气灶 /Farmer family’ coking stove with b

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 郑延海 . 李宗奉制作 /Designed by Dr Zheng Yanhai & Li Zongfe
8 秸秆资源化利用:微储鲜秸草加工 /Resource utilization approach
of crop residues through machinery processing
其辛苦种植出来的粮食价值的 3 到 5 倍。而要实现这个增收目标,必须设计严格的试验,并在具体的农村带领
农民来实践。本试验用作物秸秆生产“微储鲜秸草”饲喂肉牛 , 促进秸秆资源化利用 , 探讨带动农民利用废弃

Photosynthetic carbohydrates stored in stalks and leaves can be processed as forage for animals. Unfortunately,
they are seriously neglected as wastes There is some 700 billions kg crop residues produced in China, however,
most of them were useless or burned in the field, causing serious pollution. Here, we demonstrate the achieveme
nt in feeding beef cattle by microorganism depositing greenness crop residues grass, adding crop residue resourc
e value.

凡是有条件的地方,都要把秸秆过腹还田作为实现农业可持续发展的一件大事来抓 /W
e must take it as the most urgent task in realizing the crop residuals into fertilizers thou
gh feeding animals.

李鹏 /Premier Li Peng

决秸秆焚烧问题 /The Scientific and Technology Ministry should solve such problems in
the Tenth-five Years Plan.

朱镕基 /Premier Zhu Rongji

予以重视,在总结经验的基础上继续研究治本的措施 / We have stressed the harm of bu
rning crop residuals, why on earth can’t we solve such problems? We must find a outlet
for them.

温家宝 /Premier Wen Jiabao

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 冯素飞制作 /Designed by Fe

ng Sufei
9 微储鲜秸草饲喂肉牛效益分析 /Efficiency analysis of beef cattle
feeding on microorganism depositing greenness crop residues
随机选择 15 头夏洛莱肉牛进行试验。 3 种处理分别为处理 1 ,不带粒的微贮鲜秸草和花生秸;处理 2 ,干玉米秸和
花生秸;处理 3 ,微贮鲜秸草。试验进行了 7 个月,饲养前肉牛平均重量 200 公斤, 7 个月后达 420 公斤。由结果
可知,处理 3 转化效率最高,处理 1 采食量最大、生长最快,增肉最多 /We randomly chose 15 beef cattle of Charo
lais variety for experiment, with the feeds being grouped as: Treat 1, microorganism depositing greenness crop residue
s with peanut residue; Treat 2, corn residue without treatment; Treat 3, microorganism depositing greenness crop resi
dues . The result demonstrated that Treat 3 had the highest transformation efficiency. While Treat 1 displayed the hig
hest feed and grew swiftly with more beef produced.
采 食 量 ( kg)

玉 米面
非粮精 料
8 处理一粗料采食

A 不同处理肉牛采食量变化 /Feed changes in different treatment on beef ca

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 月 份
B 肉牛日增重变化 / Average daily weight gain of beef cattle
C 肉牛累计增重变化 /Accumulative weight gain of beef cattle
重 量 (kg )

1.6 处理二日增重
处理三 日增重


表 1 饲料中营养物质含量 (%)/Nutrition content of feed (%)




.4 种类 含水量 粗蛋 中性洗 酸性洗涤 灰分

.2 白 涤纤 纤维
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
月 份 面包草 74 8.5 72.5 13.1 8.1
花生糠 9 10.5 94.2 45.3 80.7
重 量 ( kg)

干秸秆 11 6.8 72.3 45.2 32.1
玉米面 12 9.3 96.0 11.8 1.0
棉籽饼 9 36.1 45.3 16.3 6.4
麸子 10 18.3 65.7 16.3 6.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 月 份

表 2 饲料 : 肉牛活重比 7 个月变化 /Feed-weigh ratio changing within seven experim

ental months
水平 第一期 第二期 第三期 第四期 第五期 第六期 第七期 均值

处理一 9.5+0.02 9.9+0.29 9.5+0.24 8.8+0.15 8.9+0.07 9.5+0.07 9.9+0.07 9.4

处理二 11.9+0.62 12.0+0.3 10.8+0.2 10.3+0.0 10.1+0.1 10.4+0.1 10.9+0.1 10.9

9 4 8 3 9 5

处理三 10.8+0.42 10.5+0.3 9.7+0.49 8.4+0.56 8.1+0.69 7.3+0.96 8.3+0.38 9.0


显著性 极显著 极显著 显著 极显著 显著 极显著 极显著

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 冯素飞制作 /Designed by Feng S

10 蝗虫资源化养殖技术 /Utilization of grasshopper and the techn
ology on artificial feeding

见效快。作为一种生物转换器,蝗虫一生可取食 80 克“杂草”,养殖蝗虫可把田间杂草
Locust, also called grasshopper, used to be captured and killed as agricultural harmful insect. However, the locust r
esource is of high value usage. Especially, the artificial cultivated grasshopper has high protein and low fat without a
ny pollution. Simultaneously, the locust cultivation, as a emerging industry with simplicity of operating and low inves
tment may be one kind of income generation for the farmers. As an ideal biological switch, locust can turn the field w
eed into advantageous resources. It can possibly eat 80 gram weeds in its whole life. Along with the grasshopper ente
rprise’s development, the locust takes one kind of insect industry with high protein. And It can partially substitute fis
h meal. Therefore, feeding grasshoppers might have a bright future in the market prospect.

① ② ③ ④


Preu fish powder 表 1 蝗虫体内氨基酸含量 (%)

Oxya Serville powder
Table 1 Quantitative analysis of amino acid i
60 n grasshopper body
氨基酸 氨基酸 氨基酸
Content (%)

天冬氨酸 9.3 蛋氨酸 0.75 谷氨酸 14.3

苏氨酸 4 异亮氨酸 5.3 脯氨酸 7.2
丝氨酸 5.1 亮氨酸 8.7 甘氨酸 5.3 ⑤
酪氨酸 7.3 丙氨酸 7.7 组氨酸 1.1
并赖氨酸 4.4 半胱氨酸 1.3 精氨酸 6.6
赖氨酸 5.7 缬氨酸 5.1
Crude protein Phosphorus Calcium Fat


图 1 蝗虫与鱼粉营养物质含量对比
Fig.1 The quantitative analysis of severa
l major nutrient components ⑥
① 即食蝗虫食品 Instant food of grasshopp ④ 速冻蝗虫 Quick-frozen grasshopper
er ⑤ 蝗虫迁飞危害 Migratory flight of
② 蝗虫罐头 Grasshopper can grasshopper
③ 大棚内人工养殖蝗虫 Artificial Cultur ⑥ 田间杂草 Field weeds
e of grasshopper
山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 贺新华制作 / Designed by He xinhu
11 有机种植模式下”害虫”和“杂草”防治技术
Controlling of insect and weed under organically farming condition
本实验验证“三种一养四收”模式。利用高秆作物 ( 玉米 ) 空间饲养柴鸡,选择黑光
This experiment was designed to control both insect and weed under organically farming condition. We utiliz
e the space under crop canopy to feed 100 chickens in 1334 km2 corn field, and the photokinesis of insect to ca
tch them. As designed, the chicken would control the numbers of insects, which disserve crops seriously, even
weed whiles fertilize the crop. More importantly, much of the feed for the chicken was saved because of plenti
ful insects consumed. Thus, we would achieve organic food without worrying about food pollution as none of
the chemical pesticide and herbicide are used.

3.5 800
Cumulative food of chicken
3.0 insect eaten by chicken 700

Cumulative food weight of chicken(Kg)

weight per chicken
Insect /chicken weight (kg)



0.0 夺食 Dispute for insect
-.5 100

-1.0 0
7/29 8/8 8/18 8/28 9/8 9/18 9/28


图 1 :上图显示了鸡重量、食用粮食及食用捕获昆虫重量随时间的变
化。以 10 天为一期,在鸡食用的粮食相差不大的情况下,当昆虫数量
轴) /Changes of feeds and insects along with experiment process. Note
that chicken’s weight increase so little when insect’s weight drop sharpl
表 1 不同时期鸡进食量鸡重量对比表( kg ) /Dynamics o
f feeds and weight of chicken
诱杀 Light attracts insects
日期 鸡平重量 小麦 玉米面 糠 捕虫量
(date) (average w (wheat) (maize p bra (weight
eight of ch ower) n of insec
icken) t)

7 月 29 0.64

8月8日 0.71 37.8 2.7 0.34

8 月 18 0.865 40.5 5.2 0.46

8 月 28 1.01 37.5 2.7 2.92

9月8日 1.06 23.2 32 2.5 散步 Taking a walk

9 月 18 1.21 22.2 38.4 3.8

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 乌云塔娜制作 /Designed by WuYuntana
9 月 28 1.35 21 47.4 8.2
12 增施有机肥可减少一半化肥用量并维持最高玉米产量
Increased organic fertilizer could maintain the highest yield of maize simultaneously reduci
ng the applying amount of chemicals
后的有机肥还田是重要途径。本试验以普通夏玉米 (Zea mays L.) 郑单 958 为供试材料,在大田条件下,将化肥用
量在目前基础上减半再减半,所亏欠的营养元素通过有机肥弥补。有机肥料梯度为 0 (M1), 75 (M2), 150 (M3) t · h
m–2 ;化肥用量 (kg · hm–2) 为, F1 (N 84 ; P2O5 28 ; K2O 67 ) 、 F2 (N1 68 ; P2O5 56 ; K2O 134) 、 F3(N 336 ; P2O5
112 ; K2O 268) 。研究表明施有机肥的 M2 和 M3 处理的叶面积指数、干物质积累量显著高于不施有机肥 M1 处理
;在有机肥用量为 75kg·hm-2 时,常规化肥用量减半不会降低玉米成熟期的干物质积累,并获得最高籽粒产量 128
84.4 kg·hm-2 ;本研究可为国家在保证粮食安全基础上,合理施用化肥,减少耕地污染,提供参考依据 。 ( 本文
已被《生态学报》接受发表 )
Excessive consumption of chemical fertilizer and pesticide leads to serious environmental pollution, while reduced the quality o
f agricultural ecosystem. To decrease the side-effect of chemical fertilizer and maintain or improve the crop yield, manure is one
important approach. The objective of this research were to investigate the effects of reducing the application rate of chemical fer
tilizer associated with amending different levels of manure on the growth and yield of Zea mays var Zhengdan 958. The levels of
manure were included: 0 (M1), 75 (M2), 150 (M3) t · hm–2, while chemical fertilizer gradient was F1 (N 84 ; P2O5 28 ; K2O 67 )
、 F2 (N168 ; P2O5 56 ; K2O 134) 、 F3(N336, P2O5 112 ; K2O 268) t · hm–2. Leaf area index and biomass in M2 and M3 treatments
were significantly higher than in M1 (P<0.05). In the combination of 75kg·hm-2 manure and F2 chemical fertilizer, it had not onl
y the highest biomass but also the highest grain yield (12884.4 kg·hm-2) among the treatments. This research might provide a use
ful approach for using chemical fertilizer reasonably and alleviating the risk of environmental pollution but not reduce the grain
yield. 表 1 干物质积累量变化动态
14000 Table 3 Changes of dry matter accumulation
籽粒产量Grain Yield( -2 )


10000 处理 大喇叭口期 Flare 抽雄期 成熟期

Treatment opening Teaseling Maturity

8000 M1F1 87.5 eF 103.3 fF 311.0 eD

M1F2 88.9 eF 127.2 eE 335.2 dC

M1F3 107.5 cD 136.5 dE 383.8 cB

4000 均值 Mean 94.6 122.3 343.3

M2F1 99.2 dE 165.3 cCD 388.1 bcB

2000 M2F2 136.5 aA 187.8 aA 401.1 abAB

M2F3 126.5 bBC 174.6 bBC 401.5 abAB

均值 Mean 120.7 175.9 396.9
M1F1 M1F2 M1F3 M2F1 M2F2 M2F3 M3F1 M3F2 M3F3
M3F1 133.3 aAB 164.1 cCD 389.4 bcB

2005-2006 2006-2007 M3F2 122.9 bC 159.2 cD 418.0 aA

图 1 不同配施处理对籽粒产量的影响
Fig.1 Effects of different treatments on grain yiel M3F3 136.6 aA 177.5 bAB 401.8 abAB

均值 Mean 130.9 166.9 403.1


1 )测光合去 /Prepare to measure t
he photosynthesis
2) 讨论试验 /Happy with the data
3 )田间间苗 /Crop field manageme
4 )有机肥高产玉米田 /high yield c
orn field organically fertilized
③ ④

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 吴光磊制作 /Designed by Wu Guangl

13 臭氧污染与作物响应控制试验 / Ecophysiological
responses of crops to ozone pollution
本实验选用对臭氧污染敏感性不同的冬小麦品种北京 6 号 ( 抗 ) 和济麦 22( 不抗 ), 利用开
顶式同化箱 (OTC) 对冬小麦进行臭氧熏蒸。实验共设对照 (-O3, <40ppb) 和污染处理 (+O3, 1
00ppb) 两个臭氧水平,每天 9:00 到 16:00 进行臭氧熏蒸,并连续向 OTC 内鼓入空气保持空
气流动。臭氧熏蒸 30 天后,分别测定小麦地上部、地下部干物质积累与分配;叶片气体交
Seeds of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), B6 (ozone tolerant) and J22 (ozone sensitive), were sown in 6 open-t
op chambers (OTCs), which were randomly divided into two groups receiving different O3 concentrations (+O3,
100ppb) and control (-O3, <40ppb). The OTCs were ventilated continuously with air and O3 was pumped into ele
vated O3 chambers for 7 h day-1 (9:00-16:00). After exposure to O3 for 30 days, winter wheat were sampled for as
say. Dry matter accumulation and distribution of shoot and root, gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence par
ameter, anti-oxidative enzyme of membrane-lipids were measured to study the ecophysiological responses of win
ter wheat to ozone.
① 地球臭氧浓度分布 / O3 distribution on the Earth
② 近地面臭氧二次污染的形成过程 / Formation of
secondary pollutant O3 near surface
③ 开顶式同化箱示意图 / Schematic diagram of OTC
④ 受臭氧胁迫小麦与正常小麦对比 / Wheat exposure t
O3 and ambient air
⑤ 不同臭氧熏蒸时间的小麦幼苗 / Wheat seedlings wit
h different O3 exposure time
⑥ 开顶式同化箱内的小麦 / Wheat in the OTC
① ⑦ 测定冬小麦光合 / Measurement of photosynthesis of
⑧ 开顶式同化箱内的大豆 / Soybean in the OTC
⑨ GFS-3000 便携式光合仪 /GFS-3000 portable photosyn

thesis system

Ozone concentration in OTCs

O zo n e c o n c en tra tio n (p p b )

Ozone concentration in ambient air








900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Time (h)

图 1 处理与对照 OTC 内臭氧浓度的日变化

Fig.1 Daily changes of ozone concentration
③ ⑤ in treatment and control OTCs.

⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 李勇制作 /Designed by Li Yong

14 冬小麦对臭氧污染的生理生态响应 /Ecophysiological re
sponse of Chinese winter wheat to ozone pollution

研究了中国不同冬小麦品种对臭氧的敏感性。试验材料为过去 60 年来中国北方推广的 20 个冬小麦品种,试验处理:对照

( CF , [O3]<5ppb );臭氧处理( +O3,[O3]=82ppb,7h d-1 )共处理 21d 。同时探讨了不同倍性小麦对臭氧的响应差异。试
One of the experiments explored the genotypic variations in O3 sensitivity in 20 Chinese winter wheat cultivars released over
the past 60 years, highlighting O3-induced mechanisms. Different responses of wheat with different nuclear genome type to oz
one were also experimented. Wheat plants were exposed to elevated O3 (82 ppbO3, 7h-1) or charcoal-filtered air (﹤5ppbO3) for
21 days in open top chambers. ①
表 1 20 种小麦栽培品种生化含量、气体交换和生长参数相
① 暴露在臭氧中与对照 0.0

对变化的相关性 /Correlations among relative changes in bi (a)

中植物的气孔导度和抗坏 -0.1

ochemical, gas exchange and growth parameters in 20 wint -0.2

血酸盐、可溶性蛋白、丙 r = -0.76***

er wheat cultivars -0.3

POD Soluble MDA Asat

Chls Ci 二醛的变化的函数关系 /
Rd Shoot Root
mass mass
-0.4 Asat

POD 0.53** -0.65** 0.42*
Functionalrelationships b
0.54** 0.74** -0.59** 0.75** 0.50* -0.72** 0.46*
0.44* -0.52* 0.41*
0.58** 0.61** 0.65**
0.59** 0.27 0.32
Soluble protein
etween stomatal conducta
-0.71** 0.79** 0.74**-0.82** 0.64** 0.81** 0.82** 0.82** 0.84**

R esponse to ozone
MDA -0.69** -0.37 0.62** -0.73** -0.60** -0.58** -0.62** -0.62**
Asat 0.45* -0.68** 0.65** 0.63** 0.69** 0.68** 0.66** 0.3 r = -0.64**
nce(gs) in O3 andchanges
-0.62** 0.46* 0.79** 0.52** 0.57**
-0.58** -0.74** -0.69** -0.66
-0.76** 0.2
Rd 0.64** 0.72** 0.73** 0.68**
Shoot mass
Root mass
in ascorbate (AsA), solubl
0.70** 0.73**

e protein and malondiald

Root/shoot 0.79**
ratio (c)
ehyde(MDA) in O3-expos -0.05

表 2 臭氧对整株、地上部和地下部相对生长速率及异 ed(+O3) and control (CF)

r = -0.61**
比系数的影响 / Effects of O3 on relative growth rate of

-0.25 Chls

whole plants (RGR), relative growth rate of shoot (RG -0.30

0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28

Rs), relative growth rate of root (RGRr) and allometric ② 暴露在臭氧中与对照 gs in ozonated plants

coefficient (K) in wild and cultivated species of winter w 中植物的气孔导度和净光

heat 合速率、暗呼吸及叶绿素
物种 染色体组 RGR (mg g-1 plant d-1) RGRs (mg g-1shoot d-1) RGRr (mg g-1root d-1) K

粗山羊草 ¶ 野生种 DD
CF O3 %
90.43 33.15 -63***
CF O3 % CF O3 %
91.33 37.22 -59*** 87.20 16.85 -81*** 0.97
总量变化的函数关系 /Fu 0.2
101.13 30.70 -70***
65.46 39.12 -40
99.63 34.74
70.07 43.46
-65*** 104.78 16.30 -84*** 1.05
-38 68.21 20.20 -70*** 1.18
nctional relationships bet 0.0
46.30 -42
36.92 -45
79.26 51.25
65.49 41.25
21.93 -72*** 0.99
19.44 -72*** 1.08
ween stomatal conductan r = -0.76***
49.13 -32
48.39 -41
65.08 56.03
79.04 54.81
17.10 -80*** 1.35
23.02 -73*** 1.15
-43** ce
圆锥小麦 ¶
48.82 -34
35.32 -51
75.26 58.10
67.09 41.28
-23 69.78
-38*** 80.62
25.98 -63** 0.99
15.10 -81*** 1.20
-44*** (gs) in O3 and changes in -0.4


平均值 78.09 40.87 -48*** 76.92 46.46 -40*** 81.40 19.55 -76*** 1.11 0.43 -62*** (b)
P 值 (物种) 0.001 0.298 0.007 0.243 0.048 0.836 0.221 0.379 light saturated net photos
Response to ozone


ynthetic rate -0.2

表 3 臭氧对不同染色体小麦光合作用的影响 /The effe r = -0.90***

cts of O3 to the photosynthesis of wheat with different (Asat), dark respiration -0.3

(Rd) and total leaf chloro -0.4 Soluble protein

nuclear genome type 0.8

phyll (Chls) in O3-expose

-2 -1 -2 -1 -1
物种 染色体组 Asat (µmol m s ) gs (mol m s ) Ci/Ca ITE (µmol mmol ) (c)
CF O3 % CF O3 % CF O3 % CF O3 %
粗山羊草 ¶ 野生种 DD 14.79 6.70 -55*** 0.35 0.35 0 0.81 0.89 10 3.59 1.63 -55* 0.6
野生一粒 野生种 AA 15.59 9.71 -38*** 0.31 0.42 35 0.76 0.88 16** 4.37 1.93 -56*** d (+O3) relative to control 0.5 MDA
小黑麦 原初栽培种 RR 15.07 6.47 -57*** 0.32 0.29 -9 0.79 0.89 13 3.74 1.86 -50*
r = 0.74***
14.31 8.26 -42***
10.79 8.32 -23
0.24 0.27
0.19 0.26
4.74 2.87 -39*
4.59 2.58 -44*
(CF) plants. 0.3

提莫非维 原初栽培种 AAGG 11.92 9.05 -24 0.22 0.27 21 0.76 0.81 8* 4.39 2.72 -38 0.2

波兰小麦 原初栽培种 AABB 14.44 10.09 -30** 0.28 0.29 2 0.75 0.84 12 4.85 3.57 -27 0.1
AABB 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28
圆锥小麦 ¶ 原初栽培种 14.06 10.41 -26* 0.27 0.26 -5 0.76 0.84 10 4.71 3.47 -26
普通小麦 当前栽培种 AABBDD 14.54 10.06 -31*** 0.26 0.30 15 0.78 0.85 9*** 4.56 3.10 -32*** gs in ozonated plants
平均值 13.94 8.79 -37*** 0.27 0.30 11* 0.76 0.85 11*** 4.44 2.75 -42***
P 值 (物种) 0.001 < 0.01 0.001 0.012 0.487 0.022 0.064 0.003

白和细胞膜完整性造成较高的氧化伤害。臭氧对冬小麦光合和生长的影响存在着显著的种间差异 (J. of Experimental Botan
y, 59: 951-963, 2008), 原初栽培种表现出最大的抗性,当代品种次之 , 而野生种对臭氧最为敏感 (Global Change Biology 14,
46-59, 2008).
Higher sensitivity to O 3 in the more recently released cultivars was induced by higher stomatal conductance, larger
reduction in antioxidative capacity and lower levels of dark respiration leading to higher oxidative damage to proteins and
integrity of cellular membranes. Winter wheat exhibited significant interspecies variation in the impacts of elevated O3 on
photosynthesis and growth. Primitive cultivated wheat demonstrated the highest relative O3 tolerance followed by modern w
heat and wild wheat showed the lowest.
山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 李彩虹制作 /Designed by Li Caihong
15 杨树人工林生态学问题及其对策 /Ecological inventory on popla
r single forestry: A case study in Pingyi County, Shandong

Study main goal : to underline the mains problems due to nonspecific culture of poplar trees in Shandong province
from an example with the village of Jiangjiazhuang, Pingyi County, Shandong Province. Taking important data on p
oplar trees : height, diameter, density, environment, pollution etc. to have an accurate inventory in an certain area. In
terviewing were taken on farmers, leaders of the village, the town, the county and members of the forestry administra
tion at different scales to know why there is so many poplars in Shandong plains.

- 农民需要快速经济回报 /farmers need fast income
- 当地板材厂只要小树 /the local factory only buy
young trunks
年龄 /Age

不成森林 /Poplars
are very young =>
no real forets =>
low biodiversity in
BUT: popular fields
- 农民不知道怎样对付病虫害 /farmers do not know how to cure it
- 他们不理睬病虫害,认为对幼树危害不大 /farmers do not care 病虫
so much because the disease does not decrease poplar growth 害 /Leaves
in the young age disease

害 /Monospecifi
c plantation
increases the
propagation of
poplar leaves

环境污 BUT :
染 /Pollution -农民在林下覆盖农膜种地 /farmers need plastic
杨树林环境污 crops to increase agricultural production
染 /Poplars fields are -人们不关心林下废弃物 /people do not care so much
seriously polluted by
about wastes
plastic crops and

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 /Designed by Margot Régolini

16 中法乡村比较研究 /Comparison for agriculture and village b
etween China and France
面积: 552 000 km2 面积: 9 596 960 km2

54% 为农耕地 /Farmland 15% 为农耕地 Farmland(1

(295 000 km² ) 439 544 km² )
耕地 / 居住地 Farmland/inhabitant 耕地 / 居住地 Farmland/inhabitant
: 5 000 m²/ ha : 1095 m²/ha
第一个农产品出口国 /1st country 谷物与土豆第一大国 /1st country
for agricultural processed products for cereals and potatoes yield

•农业市场遵循许多规 河 • 村民的土地每 10-20 年一
定 /Farmland on the market, with 流 /Riv 动 /Farmland layout for farmers of
special regulations er each village, re-distribution each 10-

20 years
• 环境法 /Environmental rules
• 有许多环境法但农民不关
• 如守法可获法国政府和欧盟多种
草带 /Grass strip 农 心 /Farmers don’t care
资助 /Lot’s of aids for farmers, from 田 /Fi Environmental rules
government and from the Common eld
Agricultural Policy (Europe), if • 中央政府惠农政策资金很难到农
farmers respect some rules, e.g for 民手里 /Government aids difficultly
environnment (fallow, grass strips
法国农田有天然植被保 reach farmers’ hands
near the river…) 护 /Example of environmental
rules : grass strip near a river

法国乡村 /French village 中国乡村 /Chinese village

劳动力投入 /Labour force

• 农村务农比例 /% of farmers in country
labour force
中国 /China : 46.9%
法国 /France : 3.6%

• 人工耕作面积 /Area per farm worker

中国 /China : 3 900 m²/worker
法国 /France : 330 000 m²/worker

原因分析 /Why such differences?

•中国传统农业为主 /More traditional farms
in China
• 法国公司制机械化 /In France, all farms are
mechanized, and many have company status

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 /Designed by Zoë Lefort

17 弘毅生态农场 /Hongyi Organic Farm
( 含水面 ) 面积 6424 m2, 饲养哺乳动物 4 种,家禽 2 种,昆虫 1 种,淡水鱼 5 种;自然分布草本植物 50 多种
、昆虫 100 多种。利用牛粪制造沼气,用沼渣沼液作优质有机肥并发展有机农业,建立可持续生态农场。目
前,该农场已有 6 类产品具有经济回报,分别为育肥牛、柴鸡、蚂蚱、淡水鱼、有机粮食、有机蔬菜。 2008
年度,已卖出育肥牛 73 头 ( 规模 200 头 ) ,纯收入 103833 元;散养鸡 100 只,预计纯收入为 1482 元;鱼 12
00 尾,年度获益 8400 元;蚂蚱销售三批,收入 6750 元;有机玉米及花生可收益 2000 元;藕 4000 元 ; 售牛
粪 3200 元,总收入 129665 元。另外,农场种植了 12 种有机蔬菜满足定位站工作人员需要,同时农场带动农
民就业 4 人。
Follow the biodiversity theory, we designed the artificial food chain in order to turn weeds and insects into pro
tein resourcs. Hongyi Organic Farm has a green area of 6424 m2, 6 kinds of animals, 100 kinds of insects, more
than 50 kinds of native plant species. To establish a sustainable agro-ecosystem, we use feces as fertilizer, and p
roduce biogas energy through biogas plant. 129665 Yuan is achieved in the year of 2008 through selling the org
anic products such as cattle, chicken, fish, and grasshoppers. Four employees are working now in the 1.1 hectar
e farm.

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 乌云塔娜制作 /Designed by WuYuntana

18 社会影响 /Social impact
德副委员长、许嘉璐副委员长、路甬祥副委员长、刘淇书记、于幼军省长等领导批示。 2007 年 7 月 19 日,关
于禽类食品安全问题的采访文章获温家宝总理批示 。山东农业大学农业生态系统定位站取得的示范效果在社会
县长陈一兵等各级领导等多次赴现场参观指导。 2008 年 5 月,平邑县供销合作社依托该定位站,成立了“平邑
Since 2005 , as a Taishan Scholar, Professor Jiang Gaoming have offered a number of advices for high leveled poli
cy makers. The topics included how to handle the crucial environmental issues such as sandstorm, water source, Be
ijing Olympic Games, natural reserve construction, etc. Some suggestions were denoted by top leaders, such as pre
mier Wen Jiabao and vice premier Hui Liangyu etc. For example, on July 19, 2007, the article published by South
China Weekend on poultry food security was denoted by Premier Wen Jiabao. On May 23, 2008, Pingyi County H
ongyi Cattle Feeding Association was established by Pingyi County Supply and Marketing Cooperation, based on

the achievement of our research station.

① ②
③ ④

① 中国民主促进会主席、全国人大副委员长许嘉璐会见蒋高明教授 / Mr. Xu Jialu, the Chairman of

Chinese Democracy Promotion Committee discussing with Professor Jiang Gaoming.
② 全国人大常委会副委员长、中国科学院院长路甬祥会见日本皇室成员,团队负责人蒋高明教授陪同 /Mr Lu Yongxiang, the P
resident of the Chinese Academy of Science meeting with Professor Jiang Gaoming and others.
③ 山东农业大学农业生态系统定位站研发的产业化模式吸引了国内多家企业前来寻找合作机会。图为湖南天方绿化实业有限公
司董事长唐爱民和天津明堂集团总裁王明堂考察育肥牛项目 /Mr Tang Aimin from Hunan Tianfang Company and Mr Wang M
ingtang from Tianjin Younaite Agricultural Machine Company visiting Hongyi Organic Farm.
④ 山东省人才领导小组《泰山学者工作动态》专文介绍泰山学者蒋高明带动农民致富消息,并呈报中组部、省委书记等领导 /Th
e Shandong Province Talent Management Office sufficiently affirmed the achievement of the station. It reported our activities to
some important leaders, for both national and provincial decision makers.

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 吴光磊制作 /Designed by Wu Guanglei

19 发表文章 /Related papers (1)
学术论文 /Research papers
1. Biswas D.K., Xu H, Li Y.G., Liu M.Z., Chen Y.H., Sun J.Z. & Jiang G.M. 2008. Assessing the genetic relatedness of
higher ozone sensitivity of modern wheat to its wild and cultivated progenitors/relatives. Journal of Experimental B
otany, 59: 951-963.
2. Biwas D. K., Xu H., Li Y. G., Sun J. Z., Wang X. Z., Han X. G., Jiang G. M*. 2008. Genotypic differences in leaf bioc
hemical, physiological and growth responses to ozone in 20 winter wheat cultivars released over the past 60 years.
Global Change Biology, 14: 46-59.
3. Ding L., Wang K. J., Jiang G. M*., Li Y. G., Jiang C. D., Liu M. Z., Niu S. L., Peng Y. 2006. Diurnal variation of gas e
xchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and xanthophyll cycle components of maize hybrids released in different years. P
hotosynthetica, 44: 26-31.
4. Ding L., Wang K.J *., Jiang G.M*., Jiang C.D., Liu M.Z., Niu S.L., Yu S.L., Gao L.M. 2005. Post-anthesis changes in
photosynthetic traits of maize hybrids released in different years. Field Crop Research, 93: 108-115.
5. Ding L., Wang K.J*., Jiang G.M*., D.K. Biswas, Xu H., Li L.F., Li Y.H.. 2005. Effects of nitrogen deficiency on photos
ysthetic traits of maize hybrids released in different years. Annual of Botany, 96 : 925-930.
6. Ding L., Wang K.J.*, Jiang G.M*., Liu M.Z. and Gao L.M. 2007. Photosynthetic rate and yield formation in different
maize hybrids. Biologia Planrum, 51: 165-168.
7. Ding L., Wang K.J., Jiang G.M*., Biswas D.K., Xu H., Li L.F., Li Y.H. 2008. Photosynthetic responses to water stress
and re-watering in maize hybrids released in different years. Cereal Research Communications (publishing online)
8. Fang Q.X., Yu Q., Wang E.L., Chen Y.H., Zhang G.L., Wang J. and Li L.H. 2006. Soil nitrate accumulation, leaching
and crop nitrogen use as influenced by fertilization and irrigation in an intensive wheat– maize double cropping syste
m in the North China Plain. Plant Soil, 284:335-350.
9. Fang Q.X., Yu Q., Zhu O.Y., Li Q.Q., Yu S.Z. 2007. Much Improved Irrigation use Efficiency in an Intensive Wheat-
maize Double Cropping System in the North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49: 1517-1526.
10. Jiang C.D., Gao H.Y*., Zou Q., Jiang G.M., Li L.H. 2006. Leaf orientation, photorespiration and xanthophyll cycle pro
tect young soybean leaves against high irradiance in field. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 55: 87-96.
11. Jiang C.D., Gao H.Y., Zou Q., Jiang G.M., Li L.H.. 2004. Enhanced photoprotection at the early stages of leaf expan
sion in the field-grown soybean plants. Plant Science, 168: 911-918.
12. Li Q. Q., Chen Y. H., Liu M. Y., Zhou X. B., Dong B. D., Yu S. L. 2007. Effect of Irrigation to Winter Wheat on the S
oil Moisture, Evapotranspiration, and Water Use Efficiency of Summer Maize in North China. American Society of
Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 50:2073-2080.
13. Li Q.Q., Chen Y.H*., Liu M.Y., Zhou X.B., Yu S.L., Dong B.D. 2008. Effects of irrigation and straw mulching on micr
o-climate characteristics and water use efficiency of winter wheat in north China. Plant Production Science,11:16
14. Li Q.Q., Chen Y.H., Liu M.Y., Zhang X.B., Dong B.D., Yu S.L.. 2008. Water potential characteristics and yield of su
mmer maize in different planting patterns. Plant Soil Environ, 54: 14-19.
15. Liu H., Jiang G.M*., Zhuang H.Y., Wang K.J.. 2007. Distribution, utilization structure and potential of biomass resour
ces in rural China: With special references of crop residues. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 12:140
16. Wang R.F., Wang K.J., Jiang G.M*.. 2008. Leaf photosynthesis is enhanced in normal oil maize pollinated by high oi
l maize hybrids. Industrial Crops and Products (accepted).
17. Wang Y.J., Jiang G.M., Wang K.J*., Yuan C.P., Dong S.T., Xu H., Zhang X.Y. 2006. Compensation growth of a C4 h
erbage (Euchlaena mexicana) at different clipping frequencies in a temperate farmland. Grass Forage Science (in
18. Xu H., D. K. Biswas, Li W.D., Chen S.B., Zhang L., Jiang G.M*., Li Y.G. 2007. Photosynthesis and yield responses o
f ozone-polluted winter wheat to drought. Photosynthetica, 45: 582-588.
19. Zheng Y.H., Jia A.J., Ning T.Y., Xu J.L., Li Z.J., Jiang G.M. 2008. Potassium nitrate application alleviates sodium chl
oride stress in winter wheat cultivars differing in salt tolerance. Journal of Plant Physiology, 165: 1455-1465.
20. Zheng Y.H., Wang Z.L., Sun X.Z., Jia A.J., Jiang G.M*., Li Z.J.. 2008. Higher salinity tolerance cultivars of winter wh
eat relieved senescence at reproductive stage. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 62: 129-138.
21. Zhou X.B., Li Q.Q., Yu S.Z., Wu W., Chen Y.H. 2007. Row spacing and irrigation effects on water consumption of wi
nter wheat in Taian, China. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 87: 471-477.
22.吴翠平、贺明荣、张宾、张洪华、刘永环 . 2007. 氮肥基追比与灌浆中期高温胁迫对小麦产量和品质的影响 . 西北植
物学报 , 27:734-739.
23.周勋波、孙淑娟、陈雨海、李全起、杨国敏 . 2007. 冬小麦种群不同分布方式下水分特征与产量构成关系 . 水土保持
学报 , 21: 78-81.
24.姜闯道、高辉远、邹琦、蒋高明 * 、李凌浩 . 2005. 叶角、光呼吸和热耗散协同作用减轻大豆幼叶光抑制 . 生态学报 ,
25: 313-325.
25.庄克章、郭新宇、王纪华、王空军、吴正锋、刘鹏、董树亭、张吉旺 . 2007. 高油 115 籽粒灌浆期光能利用效率 . 作
物学报 , 33:230-235.
26.王晓英、贺明荣 *. 2007. 水氮耦合对济麦 20 籽粒蛋白质组分及品质的影响 . 作物学报 , 33:126-131.
27.王晓英、贺明荣、李飞、刘永环、张洪华、刘春刚 . 2007. 水氮耦合对强筋冬小麦子粒蛋白质和淀粉品质的影响 . 植
物营养与肥料学报 , 13:361-367.
28.王空军、张吉旺、郭玉秋、胡昌浩、董树亭、蒋高明 . 2005. 我国北方玉米品种个体产量潜力与氮利用效率研究 . 应
用生态学报, 16: 879-884.

山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 乌云塔娜制作 /Designed by Wu yuntana

20 发表文章 /Related papers (2)
29. 王空军 . 2007. 玉米产量潜力与突破途径研究 . 推动农业产业升级,促进现代农业发展 . 济南:山东科学技术出版

社, 82-94.
30. 蒋高明、郑延海、冯素飞、唐爱民、王明堂、吴光磊 . 2008. 农业与低碳经济:生态学主导的新农业革命与大粮食
安全 . 见张坤民主编 : 低碳经济论 . 北京:中国环境科学出版社 .
31. 许宏、杨景成、陈圣宾、蒋高明、李永庚 . 2007. 植物的臭氧污染胁迫效应研究进展 . 植物生态学报 , 31: 1205-
32. 黄振喜、王永军、王空军、李登海、赵明、柳京国、董树亭、王洪军、王军海、杨今胜 . 2007. 产量 15 000 kg/ha
以上夏玉米灌浆期间的光合特性 . 中国农业科学, 40 : 1898-1906.
科普文章 /Popularizing articles
38.Jiang Gaoming. 2008. Chinese consumers must reject polluted food. Chinadialogue, February 5.
39. Jiang Gaoming. 2008. Consumers must say no to additives. Chinadialogue, September 26.
40. Jiang Gaoming. 2008. Land reclamation: tread carefully. Chinadialogue, March 11.
41. Jiang Gaoming. 2008. Organic food at a crossroads. Chinadialogue, August 14.
42. Jiang Gaoming. 2008. The countryside is being forgotten. Chinadialogue, June 12.
43. Tang Aimin, JIang Gaoming & Dou Guanyi. 2008. New thinking on “new villages”. Chinadialogue, March 31.
44. Wu Yong. 2007. Playing with nature or helping it is the question (Jiang Gaoming’s point). China Daily, August 22,
45.曹锋涛 . 2005. 中国环保讲科学了吗 ( 蒋高明部分观点 )? 财富时报 8 月 18 日 .
46.邓爱华 . 2007. 关注中国生态安全――访中国科学院植物研究所研究员蒋高明 . 科技潮 , (1): 26-30.
41.邓爱华 . 2007. 呼唤生态学的绿色革命――访中国科学院植物研究所研究员蒋高明 . 科技潮 , (5): 26-29.
42.窦观一、蒋高明 . 2008: 以生态修复型“光伏农场”破能源危机 . 科学时报 , 7 月 19 日 , A4 版 .
43.江鑫娴 . 2007. 食品安全存五害,转基因乃潜在杀手 ( 蒋高明观点 ). 文汇报 ( 香港 ), 6 月 19 日 , A11 版 .
44.蒋高明、冯素飞 . 2008. “ 畜南下”可保障大粮食安全 . 科学时报 , 5 月 16 日 A4 版 .
45.蒋高明、高吉喜 . 2007. 中国高速发展的环境代价 , 中外对话 , 1 月 13 日 .
46.蒋高明、高吉喜 . 2008. 必须高度警惕生态危机 . 科学时报, 8 月 22 日, A4 版 .
47.蒋高明、李彩虹 .2007. 抗虫棉缘何也要打农药 . 中外对话 , 9 月 12 日 .
48.蒋高明、李先恩 . 2005. 山银花不是金银花,农民种植要小心 . 人民日报 , 7 月 15 日第 6 版 .
49.蒋高明、乌云塔娜 . 2008. “ 害虫”和“杂草”也是资源 . 科学时报, 9 月 26 日, A8 版 .
50.蒋高明、张传领 . 2008. 恢复生态学 . 见戈锋 : 生态学 . 北京:科学出版社, p533-552.
51.蒋高明 . 2005. 保护乡村生态、停止大树进城 . 科学时报 , 10 月 21 日 B2 版 .
52.蒋高明 . 2005. 脆弱的生命 . 科学时报 , 11 月 11 日 B2 版 .
53.蒋高明 . 2005. 给生命绿色的保护 . 生命世界 , (190): 106-106.
54.蒋高明 . 2005. 何时才能吃得放心 ? 百科知识 , (316): 42-43.
55.蒋高明 . 2005. 寂静的乡村 . 科学时报 , 8 月 15 日 B2 版 .
56.蒋高明 . 2005. 流动在地图上的颜色 . 生命世界 , (186): 86-86.
57.蒋高明 . 2005. 美国人怎样守护家园 . 百科知识 , (328): 34-35.
58.蒋高明 . 2005. 能在天外再造一个家吗?生命世界 , (187): 102-102.
59.蒋高明 . 2005. 潜藏在果园中的杀手 . 百科知识 , (312): 21-22.
60.蒋高明 . 2005. 人类属于大地,大地不属于人类 . 新京报, 2 月 4 日 A03 版 .
61.蒋高明 . 2005. 烧掉秸秆“种”出电来 . 生命世界 , (188): 91-91.
62.蒋高明 . 2005. 我们从那里来 . 生命世界 , (185): 106-106.
63.蒋高明 . 2005. 一场生态和文化保卫战 . 科学时报 , 7 月 15 日 B2 版 .
64.蒋高明 . 2005. 只有敬畏自然才能保护自然 . 人民日报 , 1 月 25 日 .
65.蒋高明 . 2006. 分类治理我国退化的生态系统 . 自然之友通讯 , (3): 14-16.
66.蒋高明 . 2006. 何时吃得放心 . 人与自然 , (12): 86-87.
67.蒋高明 . 2006. 建设新农村,先护古村落 . 新京报 , 6 月 17 日 A03 版 .
68.蒋高明 . 2006. 建设新农村先护古村落 . 人与自然 , (9): 21-22.
69.蒋高明 . 2006. 将秸秆变成牛羊的“面包” . 人民日报 , 6 月 22 日第 16 版 .
70.蒋高明 . 2006. 我国荒漠化治理存在三大误区 . 人民日报 , 3 月 30 日第 16 版 .
71.蒋高明 . 2003. “ 人退”才能“沙退” . 人民日报 , 2 月 21 日,第 14 版 .
72.蒋高明 . 2002. 治理沙尘暴从何处入手 . 人民日报 ( 内参 ), (37): 22-24.
73.蒋高明 . 2006. 秸秆畜牧业富国利民 . 新京报 , 11 月 26 日 A03 版 .
74.蒋高明 . 2006. 刻不容缓的古村落保护 . 科技潮 , (8): 20-22.
75.蒋高明 . 2006. 社会主义新农村不应停留在口号 . 人民网 , 3 月 9 日 .
76.蒋高明 . 2006. 社会主义新农村的实现方式在于组织化 . 人民网 , 3 月 14 日 .
77.蒋高明 . 2006. 务实地建设社会主义新农村 . 科学时报 , 4 月 18 日 .
78.蒋高明 . 2006. 新农村建设从哪里突破 ? 人民网 , 3 月 12 日 .
79.蒋高明 . 2006. 新农村建设人才哪里来 . 人与自然 , (11): 42-43.
山东农业大学农业生态系统定位研究站 乌云塔娜制作 /Designed by Wu yuntana
发表文章 /Related papers (3)
蒋高明 . 2006. 新农村怎样才能不“变味” . 新京报 , 4 月 29 日 A03 版 .
81. 蒋高明 . 2006. 拯救地球的两剂“药方” . 科学时报 , 9 月 7 日 .
82. 蒋高明 . 2006. 只有一个中国――评《 2005: 中国的环境危局与突围》 . 中国学术论坛 , 7 月 8 日 .
83. 蒋高明 . 2006. 中国生态环境的突围之路 . 中国经济报告 , (4): 43-46.
84. 蒋高明 . 2007. “ 转基因”还是“生态学”――中国食物生产和能源利用需要质的飞跃 . 科学时报 , 2 月 7 日 A4 版 .
85. 蒋高明 . 2007. 必须高度警惕耕地白色污染 . 科学时报 , 5 月 11 日 A4 版 .
86. 蒋高明 . 2007. 不能对“生态现代化排名落后”无动于衷 . 新京报 , 1 月 30 日 , A2 版 .
87. 蒋高明 . 2007. 不用有机肥,哪来的有机食品 . 新京报 , 12 月 29 日 , A3 版 .
88. 蒋高明 . 2007. 财富的代价不能是生命 . 科学时报 , 2 月 7 日 .
89. 蒋高明 . 2007. 改善生态的绿色革命 . 中外对话 , 1 月 18 日 .
90. 蒋高明 . 2007. 何时驱散田野里的狼烟 . 中外对话 , 10 月 17 日。
91. 蒋高明 . 2007. 秸秆变油:且莫过早叫好 . 科学时报 , 6 月 22 日 A4 版 .
92. 蒋高明 . 2007. 秸秆发电的意义重大 . 新京报 , 1 月 13 日 , A3 版 .
93. 蒋高明 . 2007. 拒绝洋垃圾,必须旗帜鲜明 . 新京报 , 2 月 11 日 , A3 版 .
94. 蒋高明 . 2007. 科学常识缺失给“亿霖”以可乘之机 . 新京报 , 2 月 12 日 , A2 版 .
95. 蒋高明 . 2007. 粮食安全不能忽视空间资源 . 科学时报 , 9 月 21 日 . A4 版
96. 蒋高明 . 2007. 农业的出路在于生态循环 . 科学时报 , 7 月 6 日 A4 版
97. 蒋高明 . 2007. 生态学不是软道理 . 科学时报 , 3 月 16 日 A4 版 .
98. 蒋高明 . 2007. 食品安全五大害 . 科学时报 , 6 月 15 日 A4 版 .
99. 蒋高明 . 2007. 食物安全和生态安全可共赢 . 科学时报 , 8 月 3 日 A4 版 .
102.蒋高明 . 2007. 我国粮食增产的空间在哪里 科学时报 , 11 月 28 日 . A4 版 .
103.蒋高明 . 2007. 养鸡场里的死鸡哪里去了 . 新京报 , 5 月 19 日 , A3 版 .
104.蒋高明 . 2007. 一位县环保局长的困惑 . 科学时报 , 11 月 16 日 . A4 版 .
105.蒋高明 . 2007. 怎样理解生态文明 . 科学时报 , 11 月 2 日 . A4 版 .
106.蒋高明 . 2007. 治理耕地污染要的是行动 . 新京报 , 4 月 24 日 , A2 版 .
107.蒋高明 . 2008. “ 南树北移”让果农雪上加霜 . 科学时报 , 3 月 27 日 A3 版 .
108.蒋高明 . 2008. 从土地“越量越少”到“越量越多” , 科学时报 , 2 月 22 日 A3 版 .
109.蒋高明 . 2008. 反季节蔬菜之反思 . 中外对话 , 2008 年 5 月 25 日 .
110.蒋高明 . 2008. 农村大学生拖垮家庭?科学时报 , 4 月 11 日 A3 版 .
111.蒋高明 . 2008. 乡村悄然消失的湿地 . 中外对话 , 8 月 28 日 .
112.蒋高明 . 2008. 消除白色污染从细节抓起 . 新京报 , 3 月 23 日 , A3 版 .
113.蒋高明 . 2008. 怎样理解生态文明 . 中国科学院院刊 , 23(1) : 5-5.
114.蒋高明 . 2008. 震区家园重建应考虑沼气入农户 . 新京报 , 6 月 15 日 , A3 版 .
115.蒋高明 . 2008. 治理乡村环境危机刻不容缓 . 改革内参 ( 决策版 ), (22): 20-21.
116.蒋高明 . 2008. 中国农业:小农户还是大农场?科学时报 , 1 月 18 日 A3 版 .
117.蒋高明 . 2008.“ 能源草”不是救命稻草 . 中外对话 , 9 月 3 日 .
118.蒋高明 .2007. 过分依赖煤炭不利于全球降温 . 北京科技报 , 3 月 7 日 .
119.蒋高明 .2007. 既要脱贫又需保护生态环境 . 中外对话 , 2 月 22 日 .
120.蒋高明 .2007. 为地球降温:自扫门前“雪” . 中外对话 , 3 月 14 日 .
121.蒋高明 .2007. 新绿色革命应由生态学唱主角 . 北京科技报 , 2 月 7 日 .
122.蒋高明 .2007. 养鸡场的死鸡哪里去了 . 中外对话 ,6 月 15 日 .
123.蒋高明 .2007. 中国必须旗帜鲜明地拒绝洋垃圾 . 中外对话 , 2 月 8 日 .
124.蒋高明 .2007. 中国需高度警惕耕地白色污染 . 中外对话 , 5 月 15 日 .
125.李宗奉、蒋高明 . 2008. 摆脱农村改革中的“黄宗羲定律” . 科学时报 , 6 月 12 日 A4 版 .
126.宁堂原、蒋高明 . 2008. 食物安全用“饭”还是用“药” , 科学时报, 9 月 18 日, A4 版 .
127.唐爱民、蒋高明 . 用创新思路保障粮食和能源安全 . 中国企业报 , 6 月 17 日 , A10 版 .
128.汪永晨、周洪春、张祥平、靳敏、黄平、郑易生、蒋高明、刘并、金晖、汪辉、田松、杜鹏飞、杨东平等 . 2005. 环境生态问题与科学发展观 . 读书 , (311): 38-48.
129.汪永晨 . 2007. 节能不仅仅是为了今天 ( 蒋高明部分观点 ). 新京报 , 5 月 18 日 , A2 版 .

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