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Research Methodology

 Study of Human Body Language

Objective of the Research
 To find out if people consciously use
the body language and other
paralinguistic cues to aid their

Descriptive Research
Questioning Approach was
followed. A structured and non-
disguised questionnaire was
used for a sample size of 100.
Questionnaire was based on the
Likert Scale
Research Design
 A survey of common people with the
help of structured questionnaire
was conducted. In view of time and
cost constraints, a sample size of
100 was considered sufficient.
Secondary Reseaech
 Major source of secondary data collection
was the internet. Following were the
 Paralanguage refers to the non-verbal elements
of communication used to modify meaning and
convey emotion. Paralanguage may be
expressed consciously or unconsciously, and it
includes the pitch, volume and, in some cases,
intonation of speech. The study of
paralanguage is known as paralinguistic's.

 The paralinguistic properties of speech play an
important role in human speech communication.
There are no utterances or speech signals that lack
paralinguistic properties, since speech requires the
presence of a voice that can be modulated. This
voice must have some properties, and all the
properties of a voice as such are paralinguistic.

 Expressive aspects
 The properties of the voice and the way of
speaking are affected by emotions and attitudes.
Typically, attitudes are expressed intentionally and
emotions without intention, but attempts to fake
or to hide emotions are not unusual. Expressive
variation is central to paralanguage. It affects
loudness, speaking rate, pitch, pitch range and, to
some extent, also the formant frequencies.

 Null Hypothesis(H0): Most people
don’t use paralinguistic cues to
bolster the effect of what they are

 Alternative Hypothesis(H1): Most

People use paralinguistic cues to
bolster the effect of what they are
Primary Research
Tools Used: Questionnaire

Sample Size:100

Sapling Locale: Gandhinagar residents and NIFT


Q.1 Use of Tone of voice to enforce
what you are trying to say
Q.2 Not paying attention to what
other person is saying and thinking
about your next sentence
Q.3 Maintain Eye Contact while
Q.4 Do you use your body language to
enforce what you are saying
Q.5 Tendency to interrupt others
Q.6 Recognize when people try to say
same thing but in different ways
Q.7 Observing other people's body
language to frame next sentence
Q.8 Recognize when people use their
hands to enforce what they are
Q.9 Recognize that other person
is listening but not hearing
Q.10 Narrate own experience to let
friends know you understand what
they are going through
Q.11 Actually concerned about what
other person is saying
Q.12 I try to see other person's
point of view
Q.13 I change the way I talk based
on relationship with the other
Q.14 Responding to content rather
than tone of voice
Q.15 To help a person understand me,
I change the way I speak based on
how the other person is talking to
Q.16 Experience ease in getting your
point across
Q.17 I Use my hands for illustrating
my point.
Q.18 Think before you speak??
Q.19 Understand then Respond
Q.20 I rephrase what other person
said to understand better
Q.21 Using tone of voice to calm
people down
Q.22 Ability to redirect the

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