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What is the basic difference

between a NEED & WANT?
A. A NEED is a basic requirement whereas
a WANT arises when needs are
B. A WANT is a basic requirement whereas
a NEED arises when WANTS are
C. Both NEEDS & WANTS are basic
requirements of customers.
D. none
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 1
2. Social marketing is a key concept that firms
adopt to ensure long term profitability. Which of the
following alternative explain the social marketing
concept in the most appropriate manner?
A. Initiatives to satisfy customer needs &
B. Initiatives for product promotion &
C. Initiatives to offer better quality product
at minimum price
D. Initiatives to maintain & improve
societal wellbeing.
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 2
3. Theodore Levitt recommended certain ways to
overcome marketing myopia. Which of the following is NOT
one of his recommendations?
A. Be customer led & not product oriented
B. Market orientation should prevail through out
the organization
C. Products should be promoted in a more
socially acceptable manner
D. Managers should be more proactive &

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 3

4. Low cost airlines have changed the face of airline travel
in India. In this scenario, which of the following strategies
cannot be considered a good marketing strategy for an
airline like Air Sahara ?
A. Remove non-value-added costs
B. Provide better service quality
C. Stop special offers and discount
D. Develop trade alliances with travel

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 4

5. Mr. Maninder Singh resident of a small village
near Amritsar, purchased tractor a few months
back. He is happy as the tractor enables him to
plough the fields, carry produce to the market, and
also serves as a means of transportation. What
kind of economic utility is the tractor providing to
Mr. Singh?
A. Form utility
B. Time utility
C. Place utility
D. Possession utility

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 5

6.What is benchmarking?
A. A performance appraisal system
B. A measure of productivity
C. It is a standard against which
performance is measured
D. A process where a firm sets a target for

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 6

According to Arthur D Little, there are a number of
factors that influence performance of businesses.
Identify the factors.

A. Stake-holders
B. Processes
C. Resources
D. organization

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 7

8. Customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is the
feeling derived by the consumer on comparing the
product’s actual performance with the performance
that is expected of it. Which of the following is NOT
a factor that influences customer expectation

A. Promises of marketers
B. Past buying experience
C. Advice of reference group
D. Product quality

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 8

9. Which of the following statements relating
to a value chain are true?
A. Value chain is a chain of activities that adds
value to the products
B. Value chain consists of primary and secondary
C. Monitoring value chain gives the firm a
competitive advantage
D. A company’s operations should be viewed as a
single activity or business process in order to
conduct a value chain analysis

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 9

10.Buying and bringing raw materials is one of the
primary activities of a manufacturing concern. What
is the specific term used for this activity in

A. Procurement
B. Logistics
C. Outbound logistics
D. Inbound logistics

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 10

11. Attracting customers is not adequate unless
one knows the art of keeping them. Which of the
following situations will not arise, in situation where
the company keeps losing customers?

A. Increase in goodwill of the company

B. Negative opinion about the company &
its product
C. Customers will no longer but the
products of the company
D. Increase in sales for the competitors

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 11

12. Attracting & retaining customers is necessary
to survive in a competitive environment. Which of
the following statements on this issue is incorrect?
A. Listening to customer queries helps retain
B. The company must try to attract new
customers instead of retaining customers
C. Word of mouth is the strongest medium of
communication and this can help in attracting
D. A loyal set of customers keeps the cost of
selling down
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 12
13. The marketing department of Marico
industries Ltd has been planning to exert further
effort to retain customers. Which one of the
following is NOT a direct benefit of customer

A. Increase in revenue
B. Decrease in cost of selling
C. Increase in share prices
D. Increased possibility for cross-selling

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 13

14. The cost of acquiring the product involves not
only the cost of the product but also other
economic & non-economic costs. The customer is
happiest in which of the following conditions?
A. The gap between the derived benefits &
cost of acquisition is absent
B. The gap between the derived benefits &
the cost of acquisition is large
C. The gap between the derived benefits &
the cost of acquisition is small
D. The gap between the derived benefits &
the cost of acquisition is negative
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 14
15. What is the type of marketing in which the
company salesperson contacts the customer from
time to time with suggestions about improved
product uses or helpful new products?
A. Reactive marketing
B. Basic marketing
C. Accountable marketing
D. Proactive marketing

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 15

16. According to Michael Porter’s value chain
model, which of the following is a primary activity?

A. Inbound logistics
B. Procurement
C. Human resource management
D. Technology development

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 16

17. The environment consists of certain forces
external to the marketing function of the
organization, which influence its marketing abilities.
Which of the following alternatives is not a
characteristic feature of such external forces?
A. They can be controlled by the
B. They usually affect the industry as a
C. They are usually dynamic
D. They are divided into micro and
macro environmental forces
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 17
18.Which one of the following is NOT a
characteristic of a monopoly?

A. Presence of a single dominant firm

B. The dominant firm controls the price of
the product/service
C. The dominant firm controls the entire
supply of product/service
D. Entry barrier is low

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 18

19. Marketing and advertising are the key features
of such markets. Companies have to invest
extensively on branding and advertising to remain
in this market. Identify the type of market.
A. Monopoly
B. Oligopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. Pure competition

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 19

20. Economies of scale refers to…
A. A decrease in average cost incurred in
production of goods in large numbers
B. A decrease in fixed costs incurred in
production of goods in large numbers
C. An increase in variable costs incurred in
production of goods in large numbers
D. An increase in average costs incurred in
production of goods in large numbers
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 20
21. Marketing cost often remain hidden costs

A. They are incurred after products are

made available for sale
B. They are not recorded in inventory costs
C. They do not directly impact the publicity
of the business
D. They do not form a part of the product

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 21

22. which of the following concepts is directly
related to how individuals make decisions on
spending available resources on consumption of
related items?
A. Marketing research
B. Strategic planning
C. Organizational buying behavior
D. Consumer buying behavior

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 22

23. Consumer buying behavior is affected by
various factors that determine the product and
brand preferences of consumers. Which of the
following factors does not exert a significant
influence on consumer buying behavior?

A. Cultural influence on consumers

B. Social influence on consumers
C. Geographical location of producers
D. Psychological factors

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 23

24.Pantaloons offered a ‘set mundu’ (traditional
dress) free on purchase of two trousers during the
Onam season in different cities of Kerala. Which
factor might have influenced Pantaloons to
undertake such promotion?

A. Psychological factor
B. Social factors
C. Cultural factors
D. Personal factors

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 24

25.Identify the alternative that is not a
characteristic of secondary reference group.
A. It includes religious groups, professional
association and trade unions
B. The member comes into regular and
informal contact with the group
C. It has its own set of reference leaders
D. None of the above

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 25

26. What term is used to denote a
person who chooses where, when,
why and how to buy a product?
A. Maintainer
B. Decider
C. Buyer
D. user

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 26

27. Consumer buying behavior is based on the
degree of buyer involvement and the degree of
differences an individual perceives among brands.
In which of the following types of buying behavior
do customers spend the least time in purchase
decisions before buying the product?
A. Routine-buying behavior
B. Variety-seeking behavior
C. Extensive problem-solving buying
D. Impulse buying behavior

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 27

28. The buying decision process can be divided
into five stages. Arrange them in correct sequence

A. Problem recognition-information search- evaluation of

alternatives- selecting the best possible alternative-
post purchase behavior
B. Problem recognition- information search- evaluation of
alternatives- purchase decision- post purchase
C. Information search- identification of problems-
evaluation of alternatives- purchase decision- post
purchase behavior
D. Problem recognition- information search-evaluation of
alternatives-selecting the best possible alternative-
purchase decision

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 28

29. It consists of all the groups that have a
direct or indirect influence on person’s
attitudes or behavior. What is it?
A. Reference group
B. Membership groups
C. Social groups
D. All the above

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 29

30. Rajneesh bought a new motorcycle for
Rs.45000/- . A month later he gets some negative
feedback from his friends. Besides, some new
models with better features have been launched for
the same price. This leads to dissatisfaction in
Rajneesh. What is this dissatisfaction known as in
consumer behavior?
A. Post purchase dissonance
B. Satisfaction-seeking behavior
C. Informed behavior
D. Impulse behavior

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 30

31. The concept of organizational buying is quite
different from that of consumer buying. Identify the
alternative which is definitely not a characteristic of
organizational buying.
A. It involves thorough and deep analysis
B. The purchase manager’s experience
influences the decision-making process
C. It involves an unsystematic decision
making process
D. Managers deal with personnel with varied
responsibilities, before actually buying a
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 31
32. Organizational markets can be segmented on
the basis of certain factors. Which of the following
is not a major factor for segmenting such markets.

A. Operating variables
B. Situational factors
C. Demographic factors
D. Purchasing approaches

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 32

33. It is a process in which an organization
selects only one supplier for its entire raw
material requirement. What is it known as?

A. System buying
B. Industrial buying
C. System selling
D. Customized selling

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 33

34. About……. of all manufactured goods and
about……….. of all agricultural products, minerals,
forest and sea-based products are sold to the
industrial market. Find the right pair of alternatives.

A. 20%,90%
B. 50%,80%
C. 80%,50%
D. 80%,20%

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 34

35. …………… is a method for maintaining
minimum inventory of raw materials and finished
A. Material requirement planning
B. Supply management orientation
C. Just-in-time
D. Value analysis

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 35

36. To ensure better quality raw materials,
organizations now adopt strategies like reverse
marketing. Identify the alternative that best
describes this strategy of reverse marketing
A. A process in which a seller directly sells all the
raw materials needed by a customer
B. A process in which an organization selects
only one supplier for all its raw material
C. A process in which the firm specifies the
quality of raw materials required from suppliers
and suggests that the later take sufficient steps
to conform to quality
D. None of the above
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 36
37. Samsung procures mobile parts from number
of electronics manufacturing service (EMS)
providers and assembles them into branded
mobile sets. What is the term used in the producer
market for a company like Samsung?

A. Original equipment manufacturer

B. Reseller
C. Industrial users
D. None of the above

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 37

38. Which of the following is the single most
important factor that drives sales and brings
profitability to reseller?

A. Price
B. After sales service
C. Buying approach
D. Channel length

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 38

39. What efforts are made by organization to
improve its overall value chain starting from the
supplier’s supplier to the customer’s customer?

A. Materials requirement planning

B. Just-in time approach
C. Supply management orientation
D. procurement

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 39

40. Decisions such as what type of product should
be purchased in future and how many suppliers
need to be maintained pertain to what kind of
decisions in the product purchase process?

A. Strategic
B. Tactical
C. Operational
D. None of the above

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 40

41. During the organizational buying process, a
panel of senior managers evaluates the need to
purchase a product or service and approves the
proposed decision. Who plays this role in the
buying process?

A. Initiator
B. Influencer
C. Approver
D. Gatekeeper

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 41

42. In which of the organizational markets
are products purchased to sell directly to
other customers without modifications?

A. Producer market
B. Reseller market
C. Institutional market
D. Government market

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 42

43. Which of the following characteristics of
organizational markets contrast sharply with
consumer markets?

A. Fewer buyers
B. Geographically concentrated
C. Derived demand
D. All of the above

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 43

44. The people who decide on product
requirements of on suppliers are known as

A. Deciders
B. Approvers
C. Gatekeepers
D. Influences

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 44

45. Marketing research design is broadly
classified into three categories. Which one of the
following alternative is not a type of marketing
research design?

A. Causal research design

B. Sampling research design
C. Descriptive research design
D. Exploratory research design

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 45

46. Britannia industries Ltd plans to conduct a
market research to find out its market share in the
northern and western regions of India. What are
the resources of data available for the company to
prepare their research report?

A. Primary source
B. Secondary source
C. Classified source
D. Primary and secondary source

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 46

47. Which research design helps managers
select a particular strategy?

A. Causal research design

B. Exploratory research design
C. Descriptive research design
D. Sampling research design

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 47

48. That portion of the population that
researchers need to target and that
represents the entire population is called

A. Sample unit
B. Sampling procedure
C. Sample size
D. Sampling process

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 48

49. Which of the following are non-
probability sampling methods?

A. Simple random sampling

B. Judgment sampling
C. Stratified sampling
D. Convenience sampling

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 49

50. Evaluating data is last step in the marketing
research process. Identify the correct sequence of
steps involved in this step.

A. Editing data-coding data-tabulating data-

preparing research report
B. Coding data-editing data- tabulating
data-preparing research report
C. Editing data-coding data-tabulating data
D. Coding data- tabulating data- preparing
research report
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 50
51. The MkIS supplies various types of
information to the marketing department.
What are they?

A. Recurrent information
B. Monitoring information
C. Requested information
D. None of the above

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 51

52. MkIS has four components. Identify the
alternative that is not one of those four

A. Marketing decision support system

B. Marketing research system
C. Management information system
D. Marketing intelligence system

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 52

53. Coca cola expects to implement a marketing
intelligence system within a few months. What is
the basic objective of this component of the MkIS?

A. Obtain a scientific solution for marketing

B. Developing constant interaction between
the company and sales team
C. Generates reports at short notice
D. Provide relevant information to analyze
the marketing environment
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 53
54. What is sales quota?

A. It is sales target set for a particular set

for a particular marketing parameter
B. It is fund allocated for sales
C. It is a profit target set for a particular
marketing segment
D. It is the amount of sales force appointed
to a particular product segment

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 54

55. The market share of company’s product
is dependant on which of the following?

A. The company’s advertising efforts with respect

to its competitors
B. The company’s marketing efforts with respect
to its competitors
C. The company’s promotional efforts with
respect to its competitors
D. The company’s research and development
efforts with respect to its competitors

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 55

56. Prior to the launch of a range of sugar boiled
sweets, candico industries made the products
available in Bangalore for a fortnight to obtain a
consumer response. What marketing activity did
the company perform?

A. Exponential smoothing
B. Sales reporting
C. Test marketing
D. Target marketing

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 56

57. A firm sees its competitors as companies that
are vying with it for the same consumer dollars.
What kind of competitive scenario is described

A. Brand
B. Industry
C. Form
D. Generic

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 57

58. Michael E. Porter has developed a
framework known as five forces model.
Identify the alternative that is not one of the
five forces mentioned in the model.

A. Threat of forward integration

B. Bargaining power of buyers
C. Bargaining power of suppliers
D. Rivalry among existing players

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 58

59.Food world plans to enter the retail sector in
Philippines. The retailer has decided to undertake
a competitor analysis. What are the advantages it
could expect from conducting a competitor
analysis well in advance?

A. Identify competitors
B. Develop strategies to market products and
counter competitive strategies
C. Identify strengths and weaknesses of
D. Identify opportunities and threats in the market
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 59
60. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses
of a firm helps in narrowing down the choice of
alternative strategies. Which of the following
cannot be considered as one of the sources of
strength or weakness for a company?

A. Facilities
B. Brand image
C. Competitor strategies
D. Marketing skills

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 60

61.Which of the following strategies cannot
be adopted to overcome intense rivalry in a

A. Differentiating products in terms of

features & benefits
B. Keeping the prices of products different
from that of competitors
C. Creating entry barriers
D. Utilizing distribution channel

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 61

62. which of the following alternative is an
entry barrier for new entrants into a

A. Concentration ratio
B. Economies of scale
C. Learning curve
D. Government policies

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 62

63. Pepsi co. & coca cola offer similar soft drink
products to the same segment of the population at
about the same rate. What kind of competition is
present in the soft drink market?

A. Generic competition
B. Form competition
C. Industry competition
D. Brand competition

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 63

64. Which of the following is not a
characteristic of the focus strategy
specified by porter?

A. The firm serves a specific segment of the

B. Entry barrier is high
C. Low level of customer loyalty
D. Chance of pricing the product higher

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 64

65. A competitor who reacts swiftly and
strongly to any assault is known as

A. A laid back competitor

B. A selective competitor
C. A tough competitor
D. An unpredictable competitor

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 65

66. What is the term given to a company
that serves a small market segment that is
not being served by the market leader?

A. Market follower
B. Market nicher
C. Market challenger
D. Market leader

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 66

67. A company attacks the market leader
and other competitors in an aggressive bid
for more market share. What strategy is the
company adopting?

A. Market leader strategy

B. Market nicher strategy
C. Market follower strategy
D. Market challenger strategy

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 67

68. An organizational chart that depicts the
array of products offered in a given market;
identify the concept define here

A. Product hierarchy
B. Product personality
C. Product classification
D. Product policy

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 68

69. Based on durability and tangibility,
products can be classified into three groups.
Which of the following is not one of the

A. Non-durables
B. Durables
C. Intangibles
D. services

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 69

70. HLL has introduced a toothpaste brand
“morning fresh” which of the following
strategies can HLL adopt to market the

A. Make it available at many locations

B. Advertise heavily
C. Provide warranties
D. Charge a small markup for the product

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 70

71. Consumer products can be further
divided on the basis of purchasing habits of
the consumer. Which of the following types
of consumer products are usually bought
with minimum thought & effort?

A. Convenience product
B. Shopping product
C. Specialty product
D. Unsought product

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 71

72. A group of products that are closely related
because they perform similar functions, sold to the
same customer groups, marketed through the
same channels and fall within a particular price
range is known as

A. Product mix
B. Product length
C. Product width
D. Product line

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 72

73. Ramsay systems has launched an external
storage drive( magic pen) that can be plugged into
the USB port of a computer. In which stage of
product life cycle is magic pen likely to generate
the maximum revenue for the company?

A. Growth stage
B. Introduction stage
C. Decline stage
D. Maturity stage

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 73

74. All of the following are company strategies in
declining stage of the product life cycle, except
one. Identify the odd one out.

A. Increasing the firm’s investment to dominate

the market or strengthen its position
B. Maintaining the firm’s investment level until the
uncertainties about the industry are resolved
C. ‘milking’ the firm’s investment to recover cash
D. Increasing prices

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 74

75. Which strategy is appropriate to a situation
where the market is large, customers are unaware
of the product, buyers are price sensitive, there is
strong competition between brands and unit
manufacturing costs fall as the company attains
economies of scale due to experience?

A. Rapid skimming
B. Slow skimming
C. Rapid penetration
D. Slow penetration

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 75

76. The customer usually purchases this
frequently, immediately, and with minimum
effort’; which type of consumer products is
being referred to?

A. Shopping goods
B. Specialty goods
C. Convenience goods
D. Unsought goods

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 76

77. cars, photographic equipments, and
men’s suits come under which classification
of consumer goods?

A. Unsought goods
B. Specialty goods
C. Convenience goods
D. Shopping goods

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 77

78. Amway corporation generated sales of $6.4
billion in 2005. thanks to the unique direct selling
approach that saw it reaching customers directly in
a personalized manner. What type of
differentiation strategy did Amway adopt?

A. Product differentiation
B. Personnel differentiation
C. Channel differentiation
D. Image differentiation

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 78

79. The BPL group plans to differentiate itself from
competition by way of customer service. The
company plans to differentiate service on the basis
of how customers want to make a purchase. What
are the different options available to BPL?

A. Focus on ease of ordering for customers

B. Focus on satisfactory performance of the
C. Focus on how well the product has been
delivered to the customer
D. Focus on installation service
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 79
80. Which of the following is an act to design a set
of meaningful differences to distinguish the
company’s offerings from competitor’s offerings?

A. Positioning
B. Differentiation
C. Value proposition
D. None of the above

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 80

81. A consumer perceives diamond rings from De
Beers as very expensive. But in reality the
company offers a range of rings for all prices. This
is an example of which type of positioning error?

A. Under positioning
B. Over positioning
C. Confused positioning
D. Doubtful positioning

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 81

82. A company gaining a strong competitive
advantage through better trained people is

A. Service differentiation
B. Personnel differentiation
C. Channel differentiation
D. Image differentiation

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 82

83. The development of new products is
carried out in different stages. Which step
comes after concept testing and business

A. Commercialization
B. Idea generation
C. Product development
D. Idea screening

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 83

84. Product testing is a stage in new product
development where product characteristic and
functional performance of the product are
evaluated. Out of the various tests used in this
stage, which of testing is least expensive?

A. Alpha testing
B. Beta testing
C. Gamma testing
D. Alpha & beta testing

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 84

85. Maruti udyog plans to launch a new mid-
segment car in the market. However, before this
the company wants to undertake test marketing.
What aspects should Maruti consider as part of
test marketing?

A. Time taken to carry out the test marketing

B. The number of cities in which product is to be
C. Name and geographic locations of the cities
D. All the above

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 85

86. Nokia wants to introduce new handsets
in the market. The company wishes to lay
grater emphasis on idea screening. What is
the main purpose of idea screening?

A. Filter out less viable ideas so as to reduce

them to manageable few
B. Submit the idea for an external evaluation to
get market feedback
C. To develop, produce and market the new
D. To measure the profitability of the new product
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 86
87. Selecting a brand name is crucial to the
success of a brand. HLL wants to launch a new
brand of bathing soap in the market. What are the
important factors that company need not consider
while selecting the brand name for the soap?
A. Ensure that the brand name is such that it
distinguishes itself from other brand
B. Ensure that the brand name is related in some way to
the products or services the company is offering
C. Ensure that the brand name is able to generate
curiosity when heard
D. Ensure that the brand name is distinct from the
company’s other product offerings

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 87

88. Packaging is an important aspect of
marketing. Why is it given such importance?
A. An aesthetically packaged product attracts the
attention of the consumers
B. The package with its verbal and non verbal
communication makes the consumers aware
of the contents of the product and its attributes
C. An aesthetically packaged product improves
D. All the above
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 88
89. Labeling has become increasingly
important and legally essential, what is
A. A science of signs and/or sign systems
B. It is the process of exhibiting important
information on the product’s package
C. It is process of developing a product that is
closely related to one or more products in the
existing product line but is specifically
designed to meet different consumer needs
D. It is the process of developing a design and a
container for a product
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 89
90. IBM promotes its computers stating that it is
equipped with Intel Pentium processor chips. This
is an example of which type of co-branding
A. Ingredient co-branding
B. Same company co-branding
C. Joint venture co-branding
D. Dual branding

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 90

91. lakme’s products enjoy higher brand loyalty,
name awareness, perceived quality they also
protected from imitation by patent and trademarks,
as applicable. In a nutshell, lakme’s products have

A. High growth rate of sales

B. Good market share
C. Good brand equity
D. Good profitability ratio

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 91

92. The price of the product influences the
demand for it. Match the different factors
affecting price sensitivity with their
respective characteristics

A. Unique value effect

B. Shared cost effect
C. Price quality effect
D. Substitute awareness effect

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 92

93. Tata consultancy services charges tata steel
joint venture in china some amount for consulting
services. What type of pricing policy is followed

A. Psychological pricing
B. Differentiated pricing
C. Transfer pricing
D. Value pricing

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 93

94. Airtel offers subscribers having Rs.199 per
month rental postpaid connection Rs. 50 worth
outgoing local calls free to other network operator.
Outgoing calls beyond this limit are changed. What
type of product mix pricing has telecom service
provider adopted?
A. Optimal feature pricing
B. Two-part pricing
C. By-product pricing
D. Product line pricing

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 94

95. Hewlett-Packard manufactures and sells PCs.
The company offers accessories like printer and
speakers along with the PC for a fixed price.
Identify the product mix pricing method adopted by
the company?

A. By-product pricing
B. Product line pricing
C. Product bundling pricing
D. Captive product pricing

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 95

96. LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. Has
drastically reduced the price of its GPRS-
enabled mobile phones. As a result of this
initiative, there has been an enormous hike
in the demand for these handsets. What
type of elasticity of demand is exhibited
A. Cross elasticity
B. Income elasticity
C. Price elasticity
D. None of the above
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 96
97. A percentage change in quantity
demanded due to a percentage change in
the price of another commodity: which
variation in demand elasticity is referred to

A. Price elasticity of demand

B. Income elasticity of demand
C. Cross price elasticity of demand
D. Inelasticity of demand

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 97

98. In which of the following conditions is
demand likely to be inelastic?

A. There are very few or no substitutes of

B. Buyers do not readily notice the price
C. Buyers are slow to respond to price
D. All of the above
03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 98
99.Depending on the various intermediaries
required at each level, there are various ways of
distributing a product. Which of the following is not
a major option of distribution available to

A. Intensive distribution
B. Selective distribution
C. Exclusive distribution
D. Inclusive distribution

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 99

100. Essel world and Taj group of hotels have
agreed upon a joint marketing strategy to woo
tourists and counter competition in their respective
markets. What type of marketing arrangement is
described here?

A. Contactual vertical marketing system

B. Horizontal marketing system
C. Corporate vertical marketing system
D. Administered vertical marketing system

03/14/2008 THE ONE/MARC IBA 100



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