BC1 1 IntraP Comm 28062013

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IMT-N-I- BC1-2013

Business Communication I
Session 1
June 28

Learning Objectives
Business Communication I
Course Alignment

Intrapersonal Communication
What- Modes
Why- Utilities

Effective Listening & Interpersonal Communication

Intrapersonal Communication
Communication within an individual
Analyzing situation
Clarifying ideas & concepts

Helps in evolution of
Mental Statements that may be concerned with any facet of life
Learned predisposition favorable or unfavorable toward an object
Individuals convictions about way of living in a specific cultural

Modes of Communication
Internal Discourse
Analysis of inputs
Listening, reading, observation, creative inputs
Concentrating/ thinking- try sitting idle
Solo Vocal Communication
Speaking aloud to oneself
App- Digital Voice Recorder
Solo Written Communication
Personal writing as in journal/ diary
App- Checklist- To do list

Intrapersonal Communication
Applications- Utilizing intrapersonal communication
Inner directed- Self Concept
Self images- How a person sees him/herself
Effects individuals behavior & self esteem
Determines the external orientation of individual

Outer directed- Perception Formation
Perception of the outside world around us
Rooted in beliefs, attitudes & values
Figurative Patterning- Gestalt Psychology

Analytical- Expectations Management
Prepares an individuals expectations/ life scripts
Future oriented messages with LT/ST roles
Eg- prioritizing daily tasks
Intrapersonal Communication
Self Concept- Different Self-Images
How we see ourselves Actual Self-Image
How we would like to see
Ideal Self-Image
How we feel others see us Social Self-Image
How we would like others to see
Ideal Social
How we expect to see ourselves in
the future
Traits that we must possess Ought-to self

Perception Formation
a mental process in which we select, organize and
interpret the many stimuli we receive

Gestalt Psychology
we process information
in the easiest form
for us to understand
based on our world view

Law of Proximity- Figure & Ground
Law of Similarity- Grouping
Principle of Closure- Closing/ compacting info
Expectations Management
Managing our tasks from small to big
Ready analysis about things, people & ourselves
Self Fulfilling Prophecy
We are what we believe we are
Our own expectations influence behavior/ outcome
Other persons expectations influence an individuals behavior

Factors That Hinder Active Listening
Many factors hinder Active Listening
Here are a few noises from intrapersonal commn.

Thinking about other people, places or things
Paraphrasing excessively
Preparing our responses ahead of time

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