The Art of Gematria

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What is Gematria

Gematria, also known as numerology, is the calculation

of the numerical equivalence of letters, words or
phrases, and their relationship between words and
ideas. There are different uses for numerology. One
major use is for religious or biblical interpretations, and
another use is for personal readings.
History of Numerology
Numerology can be traced back to the
teachings of Pythagoras. The Pythagoreans
had mysterious ideas about the univerese
and numbers. They believed that all notions
could be reduced to number relations all
things are numbers. This generalization
came from observing music, mathematics,
and astronomy.
Different Kinds of Numerology
The three major forms of numerology are:
Kabbalah (Hebrew Mysticism Alphaet),
Chaldean, and the Pythogrean. Each form has
its own ideas and interpretations of numbers
and the alphabet. Some people believe that by
assigning numbers to their names and using
birth date person can learn more about
themselves, their career, relationships and even
prophesize future events.
Number Symbology
Some cultures and religions put
certain meaning to specific
numbers. For instance the
number seven, in the Bible or
other sacred books is used to
symbolize a mysterious God
force. Ex: creation took seven
days, the seven thrones, the seven
seals, seven churches (hills), the
seven Devas of the Hindus
Bible, The seven angels of
Chaldeans, the seven
Amschaspands of Persian faith,
the seven Sephiroth of the
Hebrew cabala, ect. ect.

Here is an axample of basic numerology, using the Pythagorean chart.
First assign a number to each letter, and then add up all of the numbers. If
you have multiple didits, just keep adding until you have one number.

1 is ambitious, independent, and self-sufficient.
2 is supportive, diplomatic, and analytical.
3 is enthusiastic, optimistic, and fun-loving.
4 is practical, traditional, and serious.
5 is adventurous, mercurial, and sensual.
6 is responsible, careful, and domestic.
7 is spiritual, eccentric, and a bit of a loner.
8 is money-oriented, decisive, and stern.
9 is multi-talented, compassionate, and global.
is enlightened, intense, and high-strung.

As a final note, numerology
can add a little fun to a rainy day, as
long as its all done for entertainment.
Each person is the master of their
own fate, and has the right to choose
how they live their life. Numbers
only have the power that you give
them. You can read what you want to
read in certain numbers and
Works Cited
Carroll, Robert T., Numerology.,
Gal Einai Institute of Isreal, Gematria, Hebrew Numerology.,
Mystical Number Seven., Number Symbology/ Old Testament &
New Testament.
eryl. About Numerology.
Kostura, John. 2 Near the Edge.
Mcduffie, Ch Carroll, Robert T., Numerology.,
Aspire Press, Numerology and the Secrets of Your Name.
Henderson, Janice A. Pythagoras of Samos.

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