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Guided to:-
Prof. Raj Laxmi Garg
Prof.Jagrati Nagdia
Dept. of Information Technolog
Rendered !:-
"handni Dad#ani
th %em & I.T.


Key eat!re" o "martphone

Genera# $%ea o mo&$#e O'S'






Compar$"$on &et+een ,ar$o!" "martphone"

Top 5 "martphone


*hat $" Smartphone -

A "martphone $" a %e,$(e that #et" yo! ma)e te#ephone (a##". &!t a#"o a%%"
$n eat!re" that. $n the pa"t. yo! +o!#% ha,e o!n% on#y on a per"ona#
%$/$ta# a""$"tant or a (omp!ter--"!(h a" the a&$#$ty to "en% an% re(e$,e e-
ma$# an% e%$t O$(e %o(!ment"'

In the &e/$nn$n/. there +ere (e## phone" an% per"ona# %$/$ta# a""$"tant" 0or
P1A"2' Ce## phone" +ere !"e% or ma)$n/ (a##"--an% not m!(h e#"e--+h$#e
P1A". #$)e the Pa#m P$#ot. +ere !"e% a" per"ona#. porta&#e or/an$3er"' A P1A
(o!#% "tore yo!r (onta(t $no an% a to-%o #$"t. an% (o!#% "yn( +$th yo!r

E,ent!a##y. P1A" /a$ne% +$re#e"" (onne(t$,$ty an% +ere a&#e to "en% an%
re(e$,e e-ma$#' Ce## phone". mean+h$#e. /a$ne% me""a/$n/ (apa&$#$t$e". too'
P1A" then a%%e% (e##!#ar phone eat!re". +h$#e (e## phone" a%%e% more
P1A-#$)e 0an% e,en (omp!ter-#$)e2 eat!re"' The re"!#t +a" the

Operat$n/ Sy"tem

*e& A((e""

7*ERTY Key&oar%


Genera# I%ea O Mo&$#e O'S'

BlackBerry OS i% a proprietar mo'ile operating %%tem& de(eloped

' Re%earch In )otion *RI)+ for it% !lac,!err line of %martphone handheld
de(ice%. The operating %%tem pro(ide% multita%,ing and %upport% %peciali-ed input
de(ice% that ha(e 'een adopted ' RI) for u%e in it% handheld%& particularl the
trac,#heel&trac,'all and mo%t recentl& the trac,pad and touch%creen.

The !lac,!err platform i% perhap% 'e%t ,no#n for it% nati(e %upport for
corporate email& through )IDP ../&#hich allo#% complete #irele%% acti(ation and
%nchroni-ation #ith )icro%oft 0xchange.

Android i% a Linux-'a%ed operating %%tem de%igned for mo'ile de(ice% %uch

a% %martphone% and ta'le computer% utili-ing 1R) proce%%or%.

It i% de(eloped ' the 2pen 3and%et 1lliance& led ' Google.

Google relea%e% the 1ndroid code a% open-%ource& under the 1pache Licen%e.

1ndroid Inc #a% founded in Palo 1lto of "alifornia& 4.5. ' 1nd Ru'in& Rich
miner& Nic, %ear% and "hri% 6hite in 7//8.

Google ac9uired 1ndroid Inc. on 1ugu%t .$& 7//:& ma,ing 1ndroid Inc. a #holl
o#ned %u'%idiar of Google.

2n No(em'er :& 7//$& the 2pen 3and%et 1lliance& a con%ortium of %e(eral

companie% #hich include Google& 3T"& Intel& LG& )otorola&5am%ung
0lectronic% and Texa% In%trument% un(eiled it%elf.The goal of the 2pen 3and%et
1lliance i% to de(elop open %tandard% for mo'ile de(ice%.

8The /oa# o the An%ro$% Open So!r(e Pro9e(t $" to (reate a "!((e""!#
rea#-+or#% pro%!(t that $mpro,e" the mo&$#e e:per$en(e or en% !"er"';
*IN1O*S O'S'

The Window !"one o#era$in% y$e& i% the ne#e%t of the

four main %martphone %%tem%.

It $" (hara(ter$3e% &y $t" #$,e t$#e $ntera(e (a##e%

<Metro< +h$(h $" a ra%$(a# %epart!re rom a## pre,$o!"
(on(ept"' There are no $(on". o#%er". or e:ten"$,e

The #$,e t$#e" are a(t$,e. an% t$#e" p$nne% to the "tart
"(reen +$## !p%ate yo! +$th $normat$on ma)$n/ open$n/
(erta$n pro/ram" "!(h a" +hat=" the +eather ore(a"t
or %o I ha,e any ne+ 4a(e&oo) me""a/e". or &a"$(

The i!"one i% a line of %martphone% de%igned and mar,eted
' 1pple Inc. The fir%t iPhone #a% un(eiled ' 5te(e Jo'%&
then "02 of 1pple& on Januar ;& 7//$&and relea%ed on June
7;& 7//$. The mo%t recent iPhone& the :th generation iPhone
<5& #a% relea%ed in 2cto'er 7/...

1n iPhone can function a% a (ideo camera& a camera phone&

a porta'le media plaer& and an Internet client #ith email
and #e' 'ro#%ing capa'ilitie%& can %end text% and recei(e (i%ual
(oicemail& and ha% 'oth 6i-=i and cellular data connecti(it.
The u%er interface i% 'uilt around the de(ice>% multi-touch
%creen& including a (irtual ,e'oard rather than a ph%ical one.

Third-part a% #ell a% 1pple application %oft#are i% a(aila'le

from the 1pp 5tore.

There are fi(e generation% of iPhone model%& each accompanied

' one of the fi(e major relea%e% of i25.The iPhone 8G5 added a
compa%%& fa%ter proce%%or and higher re%olution camera&
including (ideo recording .

The iPhone < ha% a rear-facing camera and a front facing

camera&for =aceTime (ideo calling and for u%e in other app%
li,e 5,pe.
Compar$"$on Bet+een Smartphone

The pros:

?er cu%tomi-a'le.

2pen %ource operating %%tem i% ea%il changed& hac,ed& manipulated& and molded
to fit #hate(er functionalit ou had in mind. =ound on all platform% for all price%
depending on #hat hard#are and %oft#are (er%ion #e are intere%ted in.

5econd large%t app %tore.

The 'atter i% u%uall replacea'le.

The cons:

2pen %ource operating %%tem i% great for de(eloper% 'ut not good for %ecurit.

)an report% of potential %ecurit threat% at thi% time. 2n that note update% are
'eing relea%ed (er fre9uentl to fix hole% in the %%tem

The 1ndroid mar,et i% 'eing chec,ed regularl for potential threat%'

T"e #ro and con(

The fir%t #ide %pread PD1 de(ice.

4%eful for chec,ing email.

!lac,'err u%e% their o#n %er(er% %o the are (er %ecure.

Due to 'eing the mo%t %ecure the are excellent for 'u%ine%%
#here extra frill% are not nece%%ar or contractuall not

3o#e(er #hen the ha(e a %er(er pro'lem it i% #ide %pread

and can ta,e da% to fix large area% of %er(ice.

Tring to ,eep up #ith iPhone and 1ndroid.

6e' 'ro#%ing i% o, at 'e%t.

Limited app%.

4%er interface i% lo(e@hate.

The pros:

The fir%t %martphone that #a% actuall %mart. 1l#a% turn%

on and al#a% #or,%.

The %creen ha% the mo%t pixel den%it. 3ard#are i% made for
1pple to 1pple %pec% and cannot 'e changed.

3a% the large%t app %tore.

)o%t phone acce%%orie% are made for iPhone ranging from

alarm cloc, doc,ing %tation% and credit card %canner% to %tun
gun%. No other phone ha% the acce%%or capa'ilit that the
iPhone ha% due to manufacturer intere%t.

"lo%ed platform.

Thi% create% a (er %ecure and %ta'le en(ironment

T"e con(

It>% not a(aila'le on all carrier% 'ut thi% i% expanding.

The 'atter i% not replacea'le #hich i% #h all the iPhone u%er% ou ,no# ha(e it
plugged in all the time a% the 'atter degrade%.

5ame operating experience on all iPhone%.

The pros:

)ix of clo%ed and open %ource. 1ll app% mu%t 'e created #ith the end u%er in mind
in term% of functionalit. Program% are arranged in alpha'etical order.

)u%t 'e full 'ooted in 8/ %econd% or le%% from the time ou pre%% the po#er
'utton or it #ill not meet 6indo#% Phone %pec.

!atter i% replacea'le on mo%t hand%et%. 5ame operating experience on all

6indo#% Phone%.

Partner%hip #ith No,ia

Li(e tile% do not open to icon% 'ut actuall di%pla information.

5malle%t 'ut fa%te%t gro#ing app %tore.

T"e con(

Ne# %%tem ha% %ome maturing to do.

)icro%oft>% ne# mo'ile 25 doe%n>t ha(e cop@pa%te capa'ilitie%.

5econd on the li%t of mi%%ing 6indo#% Phone $ feature% i% true multita%,ing.

The third de'ated feature o(er%ight for 6indo#% Phone $ i% the lac, of 1do'e
=la%h& 5il(erlight& or 3T)L: %upport in the 'ro#%er.
TOP ? Smartphone"

5am%ung Galax %8 - 8A///R%.@

1pple Iphone <% - <:&://R%.@

3T" 2ne B - 8A.//R%.@

No,ia C/C Pure ?ie# - 88&C;;R%.@

!lac,'err !old Touch ;;// - 7C&;:/R%.@


1ndroid ha% occupied the :;D of the mo'ile phone mar,et..

1nd that i% truth #ith it% rea%ona'le price and mar(ellou%

feature% a(aila'le it% con% are negligi'le and can 'e a(oided'

T31NE F24

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