AutomationTesting On Selenium by Quontra Solutions

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Basic Software Testing Concepts

Types of Testing

Introduction to Automation

Pros and Cons

Some light on WHITE Framework- Windows Automation


Some light on Selenium- Web Automation


What is Testing: Software testing is the process of evaluation of a
software item to detect differences between actual and expected
output on given input.

The purposes of testing are:

Quality assurance, Verification and Validation,
To find the bugs before the product is released to customer.
To improve the quality of the product
To evaluate that the product is according to requirements.
Software Testing is the process of assuring that product which is
manufactured by developer is meeting the user requirement. The
motive to perform testing is to find the bugs and make sure that
they get fixed.
Manual testing: This type includes the testing of the Software manually i.e.
without using any automated tool or any script.
A manual tester would typically perform the following steps for manual
Understand the functionality of program
Prepare a test environment.
Execute test case(s) manually
Verify the actual result
Record the result as Pass or Fail
Make a report of the Pass and Fail test cases
Publish the report
Who does testing: Following professionals are involved in testing of a
system within their respective capacities:
Software Tester
Software Developer
Project Lead/Manager
End User
When to Start Testing?
Testing is done in different forms at every phase of SDLC like during
Requirement gathering phase, the analysis and verifications of
requirements are also considered testing.
Pros - Cons
Manual testing can be use in both small and big project.
We can easily reduce and add our test case according to project movement.
Easy to learn for new people who enters in manual testing.
Manual testing is more reliable then automated (in many cases automated
test not cover all cases) .
* Disadvantage:-
GUI object size difference and color combination etc is not easy to find out in
manual testing.
Actual load and performance is not possible to cover in manual testing for
large number of users.
Automation testing
Automation testing: Automation testing which is also known as Test
Automation. In this testing, the tester writes scripts and uses another software
to test the software. There are many Tools are use in automation Testing.

Software testing tools:
HP Quick Test Professional
Test stack.White
Testing Anywhere
Pros - Cons
Easy to cover up all cases in a limited time period.
You can perform different types of testings like load testing, performance testing
using tool.
Automated testing can be performed on different operating systems.

Purchase a tools and Maintenance.
Automation testing is more expensive work as comparing with manual testing.
Language wise there are many tools to test various type of software, means all tools
will not support to all software which are developed in different languages.
Software Development Life Cycle:
There are six type of SDLC.
Requirement phase
Design phase
Coding (programming)
Release (Production)
Maintenance (Support)
Software Testing Life Cycle: There
are seven type of STLC.
Requirement Study
Test Planning
Writing Test Cases
Review the Test Cases
Executing the Test Cases
Bug logging
Close or Reopen bugs
Black Box Testing: The technique of testing without having any knowledge of the interior
workings of the application is Black Box testing. The tester is oblivious to the system
architecture and does not have access to the source code. It is also called behavioral,
functional and close box testing.

White Box Testing: White box testing is require understanding of internal logic and
structure of the code. White box testing is also called glassbox testing or open box,
structural,clearbox testing.

Different types of software testing:
Unit testing
Smoke testing


Functional testing
Integration testing
Regression testing
System testing
Load testing
Stress testing

Performance testing
User acceptance testing
Black box testing
White box testing
Alpha testing
Beta testing


Sample of Test case:

Test Case
d Result
Bug Life Cycle: There are six phases of Bug Life
a. New
b. Assigned
c. Resolved
d. Verified
e. Closed
f. Reopen
Sample of Bug :
Bug Name: Application crash on clicking the SAVE button.
Bug ID: (It will be automatically created by the BUG Tracking tool once you save this bug)
Area Path: USERS menu > New Users
Severity: High (High/medium/Low)
Priority: High (High/medium/Low)
Assigned to: Developer-X
Reported By: Your Name
Reported On: Date
Reason : Defect
Environment: Windows 2003/SQL Server 2005
Bug detailscontinued
Severity: Describes the bug in terms of functionality.
Priority: Describes the bug in terms of customer.
High Priority and Low Severity: Company logo is not properly displayed on their website.
High Priority and High Severity: Suppose you are doing online shopping and filled payment
information, but After submitting the form, you get a message like "Order has been cancelled."
Low Priority and High Severity: If we have a typical scenario in which the application get crashed,
but that scenario exists rarely.
Low Priority and Low Severity: There is a mistake like "You have registered success" instead of
successfully, success is written.

Windows Application Automation
using WHITE Framework
Need for Automation in any Windows Application
Repetitive and Multiple actions as a part of Functional
Parallel verifications in third party applications
Post every deployment in the environment, smoke tests to
have health check.
Type of testing tasks that are routine while doing Verifications.
Some light on WHITE Framework
Framework for automating rich client applications based on
Win32/Win Forms/WPF/ Silverlight, Java platforms
.NET based and does not require the use of any proprietary scripting
Open Source
Custom Commands, Custom Controls and performs complex actions
of any windows application
Integration with SELENIUM is hassle free
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Some light on Selenium
Web testing framework
Runs in a browser
HTML & Java script
Open Source
Selenium is a robust set of tools that supports rapid development of test automation
for web-based applications.
Selenium operations are highly flexible, allowing many options for locating UI
elements and comparing expected test results against actual application behavior.

Selenium Features
Supports Cross Browser Testing. The Selenium tests can be run on multiple browsers.
Allows scripting in several languages like Java, C#, PHP and Python.
Assertion statements provide an efficient way of comparing expected and actual results.
Inbuilt reporting mechanism.

Some light on
Selenium Flavors
Selenium IDE
Selenium Remote Control
Selenium Webdrivers

Multiple browser support (supports almost all browsers)
Ease in Custom Control Identification
Test playback is very fast.
Very easy to get your initial tests running.
Highly in-built interface and Good workflow since it is
visible side-by-side with your browser.
Test script is easily readable/understandable
Tests can be exported in many different programming languages

Seleniums Advantages over other tools
Custom Controls identification was difficult

Browser compatibility Issues.

Tool tips were not recognized.

Maintaining the single UI Map was a bit difficult.

Few controls were recognized on the basis of
coordinates on the browser which is not supporting our
scripts on different screen sizes.

Few Common Challenges during Automation
Steps to start with Selenium!
Selenium Remote Control (RC)
Download and add ThoughtWorks.Selenium.Core dll to C# solution
Download Run Selenium server in your system
Create a test script in C# and run it.
Once the Selenese script is converted into
your preferred language you can run them
using Selenium Server.
For running the script you also need the
client driver for that particular language.
Selenium Test Automation Process
And Some Limitations
No support for https on Google chrome in Selenium.

Selenium is only for Web Test Automation

Sometimes issues with object identification
Queries/Suggestions- Lets discuss

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