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Structure & Function of

Nucleic Acids
Biology, Campbell & Reece; 7th Edn. Ch 16, pp. 293-305, Ch 19, pp. 359-361


Dr Mohamed Abumaree
Molecular Reproductive Biology & Immunology
College of Medicine
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Science

DNA Structure
 DNA: a polymer of
nucleotides: consists
1. A nitrogenous bases:
A, T, G & C

1. A pentose sugar

2. A phosphate group
 DNA is made up of 2
 Sugar–phosphate
backbones outside DNA
 Hydrophobic bases in DNA
 Bases are paired in the
complementary strand:
 A with T & G with C

So, A amount = T amount &

G amount = C amount
Pairs of bases
are held together
by hydrogen

A forms 2
hydrogen bonds
with T
G forms 3
hydrogen bonds
with C
DNA Replication
 DNA is doubled & distributed equally to 2 daughter
 DNA replication is remarkable in its speed &
 >12 enzymes & proteins participate in DNA
 DNA replication is more known in bacteria than in
 DNA replication is similar for prokaryotes &
 The parent molecule
has 2 complementary
strands of DNA 1

 Each base is paired by

hydrogen bonding

The first step in

DNA replication is 2
the break of bonds
and the separation of
the 2 DNA strands
Each parental strand
determines the order of
nucleotides a long a 3
new complementary

 Nucleotides form the

backbones of new
 Each daughter DNA 4
molecule consists of one
parental strand & one
new strand
Replication Origins
 Bacterial chromosome (circular) has a
single replication origins (a stretch of a
specific DNA sequence) where proteins
recognize & attach to separate the 2
strands & open up a replication “bubble”

 DNA replication proceeds in both

directions until the entire molecule is

 In contrast to a bacterial chromosome, a

eukaryotic chromosome have
100s/1000s of replication origins 8
Replication begins at specific sites
where the two parental strands
separate & form replication bubbles 1

The bubbles expand laterally, as

DNA replication proceeds in both 2
Eventually, the replication bubbles
fuse & synthesis of the daughter 3
strands is complete

 In eukaryotes, DNA replication begins at many sites

along the giant DNA molecule of each chromosome
 At each end of a replication bubble is a replication fork
(Y–shaped region) where the new strands of DNA are
New DNA Strand Elongation
 DNA polymerases
catalyze the new
DNA elongation at a
replication fork
 DNA polymerase
adds nucleotides to
the growing end of
the new DNA strand

As each monomer joins the growing end of a DNA

strand, it loses 2 molecules of P–Pi , which is then
hydrolyzed to 2 molecules of Pi
Antiparallel Elongation
 2 ends of a DNA
strand are different
 2 strands of DNA are
 So, 2 new strands
formed during DNA
replication must also be
antiparallel to their
template strands
 DNA polymerases add nucleotides only to the free 3′
end of a growing DNA strand, never to the 5′ end
 So, a new DNA strand can elongate only in the 5′ →
3′ direction
 Along one template
strand, DNA
polymerase synthesize a
complementary strand
continuously by
elongating the new
DNA in the mandatory 5′
→ 3′ direction
 DNA polymerase continuously adds nucleotides to the
complementary strand (leading strand) as the fork
 To elongate the other new
strand of DNA in the
mandatory 5′ → 3′
direction, DNA polymerase
must work along the other
template strand in the
direction away from the
replication fork. This
mechanism is called lagging

 Synthesis of leading & lagging strands occur

concurrently & at the same rate
 Lagging strand synthesis is slightly delayed relative
to leading strand synthesis, because each new
fragment cannot be started until enough template is
exposed at the replication fork

 The leading strand elongates continuously,

continuously the
lagging strand is synthesized as a series of segments

 Once a replication bubble opens far enough,

enough a DNA
polymerase attaches to the template of lagging strand &
moves away from the replication fork to synthesize a
short DNA segment
 As the bubble grows, another segment of the lagging
strand can be made in a similar way

 These segments of the lagging strand are called

Okazaki fragments

 The fragments are about 1,000 to 2,000 nucleotides

long in E. coli & 100 to 200 nucleotides long in

 DNA ligase joins the Okazaki fragments to form a

single new DNA strand
Priming DNA Synthesis
 DNA polymerases cannot initiate the synthesis of a
polynucleotide, but only add nucleotides to 3′ end of an
already existing nucleotide chain (primer), which
consist of DNA/RNA that can initiate the replication of
cellular DNA
 Primer is a short stretch of RNA with an available 3′
 Primase can start an RNA chain from scratch
 Primase joins RNA nucleotides together one
at a time, making a primer complementary to
the template strand at the location where
initiation of the new DNA strand will occur

 Primers are generally 5 to 10 nucleotides long

 One primer is required for DNA DNA

polymerase to begin synthesizing the leading
 For synthesis of the
lagging strand,
strand each
Okazaki fragment must be
primed separately

 Another DNA
polymerase replaces the
RNA nucleotides of the
primers with DNA
versions adding them onto
the 3′ end of the adjacent
Okazaki fragment
(fragment 2)
 DNA polymerase cannot
join the final nucleotide of
this replacement DNA
segment to the first DNA
nucleotide of the Okazaki
fragment whose primer
was just replaced (fragment

 DNA ligase accomplishes

this task, joining the sugar–
phosphate backbones of all
the Okazaki fragments into
a continuous DNA strand 20
Proteins Assisting DNA Replication
 Helicase untwists the double helix at the replication
forks separating the 2 parental strands to make them
available as template strands
 The untwisting process causes strain ahead of the
replication fork & topoisomerase helps relieve this
 After the separation of the 2 parental strands, a single–
strand binding protein binds to the unpaired DNA
strands to stabilize them until they serve as templates for
the synthesis of new complementary strands
Proofreading & Repairing DNA
 During DNA replication, DNA polymerases
proofread each nucleotide against its template as soon
as it is added to the growing strand
 The incorrectly paired nucleotide is removed & then
synthesis resumes
 Mismatched nucleotides sometimes escape
proofreading or arise after DNA synthesis is completed
 So, these mismatched nucleotides are repaired by
enzymes during mismatch repair process
 Chemicals in the environment or in the cell can
change nucleotides and affecting the genetic
information (harmfully) or

 DNA bases may undergo spontaneous chemical

changes under normal cellular conditions, but
fortunately changes in DNA are usually corrected
before they become self–perpetuating mutations

 Each cell continuously monitors & repairs its

genetic material
 ~ 130 different DNA repair enzymes have been
identified so far in humans

 The segment of the strand containing the damage is

excised by a nuclease (DNA–cutting enzyme)

 Then, DNA polymerase and ligase fill in the gap

with nucleotides properly paired with the nucleotides
in the undamaged strand

 This kind of DNA repair is called nucleotide

excision repair
 DNA repair enzymes in
human skin cells repair genetic
damage caused by UV rays of
sunlight, which is damaging the
thymine bases (thymine
dimers) that is causing DNA to
collapse and interfere with DNA
 This damage gives disorder
xeroderma pigmentosum (in
most cases is caused by an
inherited defect in a nucleotide
excision repair enzyme)

Affected individuals are hypersensitive to sunlight and

may get skin cancer
Replicating the Ends of DNA
 In eukaryote, DNA polymerases cannot
replicate/repair a small portion of the DNA
 Because DNA polymerase only add nucleotides
to the 3′ end of a preexisting polynucleotide
 So, the replication machinery cannot complete
the 5′ ends of daughter DNA strands
 Even if an Okazaki fragment can be started
with an RNA primer bound to the very end of
the template strand

 Because once that primer is removed, it cannot be

replaced with DNA

 Since there is no 3′ end onto which DNA

polymerase can add DNA nucleotides

 So, repeated rounds of
replication produce shorter &
shorter DNA molecules

 Prokaryotes do not have this

problem because their DNA is
circular (with no ends)

Eukaryotic chromosomal
DNA molecules have nucleotide
sequences called telomeres at
their ends
 Telomeres do not contain genes; the DNA consists of
multiple repetitions of one short nucleotide sequence

 In human telomeres,
telomeres the repeated unit is TTAGGG

 Telomere protects the genes from being eroded through

successive rounds of DNA replication
 In addition, telomere & specific proteins
associated with it prevent the staggered ends
of the daughter molecule from activating the
cell′s systems for monitoring DNA damage

 The end of a DNA molecule that is “seen” as a

double–strand break may otherwise trigger
signal transduction pathways leading to cell
cycle arrest or cell death
 Telomeres do not prevent the shortening of DNA
molecules due to replication; they just postpone the
erosion of genes near the ends of DNA molecules
 Telomeres become shorter during replication
 This shortening can be connected to the aging
 Telomerase catalyzes the lengthening of telomeres
to restore their original length & compensate for the
shortening that occurs during DNA replication

 Normal shortening of telomeres
protects organisms from cancer by
limiting the number of cell divisions

 Further shortening would presumably

lead to self–destruction of the cancer

How Eukaryotic Genomes Work
 In all organisms, DNA associates with proteins that
condense it

 In eukaryotes, the DNA–protein complex,

complex called

 Chromatin undergoes condensation process

during the cell cycle to give the characteristic of the
chromosomes (short & thick) to distinguish them from
each other
 Proteins called histones are
responsible for the first
level of DNA packing in

 The mass of histone in chromatin is approximately

equal to the mass of DNA

 Histones have a high proportion of positively charged

amino acids (lysine & arginine), which bind tightly to the
negatively charged DNA
 Unfolded chromatin has the appearance of beads on
a string
 Each “bead” is a nucleosome,
nucleosome the basic unit of DNA
 The string between the beads is called linker DNA
 A nucleosome consists of DNA around a protein core
 The protein core composed of 2 molecules each of 4
types of histone: H2A, H2B, H3 & H4
 The amino end of each histone protein (histone tail)
extends outward from the nucleosome

 A fifth histone, called H1, attaches to the DNA near
the nucleosome when a chromatin fiber undergoes the
next level of packing (condensation)
 The association of DNA & histones in nucleosomes
remains intact throughout the cell cycle
 The histones leave the DNA only transiently during
DNA replication & with very few exceptions, they stay
with the DNA during transcription
 The next level of packing is due to interactions
between the histone tails of one nucleosome & the linker
DNA & nucleosomes to either side
 Types of chromatin: heterochromatin is
more compacted than euchromatin (“true

 Because of its compaction, heterochromatin

DNA is largely inaccessible to transcription
enzymes & thus generally is not transcribed

 In contrast, the looser packing of

euchromatin makes its DNA accessible to

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