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Introduction to People Development-

Corporate Social Responsibility


Mr. Paolo Mendioro
Social responsibility is the exercise of authentic human
relations and the pursuit of the COMMON GOOD

Done primarily as an INDIVIDUAL and then as an

There has been heightened interest in corporations to be
sensitive to social, economic, and environmental issues.

The proper role of the corporation in society can therefore be
defined as:

its continuing commitment to behave ethically and contribute to
economic development while improving the quality of life of the
workforce and their families as well as of the local community and
society at large (World Business Council for Sustainable

IPD-CSR is a non-academic, 3 unit course that focuses on the study of
the proper role of corporations in society.

How it can contribute to economic, social and environmental

The course framework is anchored on the social doctrine of the

Throughout the course, students are expected to:
Understand and appreciate social responsibility concepts and
Gain exposure to various social responsibility issues and cases in
corporate settings, both in the Philippines and abroad;
Develop concrete plans / strategies addressing actual CSR concerns of
corporations as a way of translating their understanding and exposure
to social responsibility concepts and cases.
Reflect on the meaning of personal integrity, family responsibility,
civic responsibility and universal charity as an expression of the
culture of excellence

Component Weight (% of Final Grade)
Attendance, Class Discussion,
Midterm Exam 20
Group Report* 20
Group Paper** 30
Total 100
* Group Report : Film Review and Case Study Analysis on the
following topics: (1) Financial Crisis, (2) Corporate
Governance, (3) Consumer Safety & Company Liability, (4)
Ethics in Marketing & Advertising, and (5) Workplace Safety
& Environmental Management

** Group Paper: A CSR Review of a corporation in a
particular industry (e.g., Banks and Financials,
Conglomerates, Commercial and Industrial, Consumer,
Telecoms & Property). Present the CSR initiatives of the
corporation and analyze their viability and authenticity given
your understanding of what CSR is really all about.

Raw Score Grade Point Range
97-100 1 1.12-1
93-96 1.25 1.37-1.13
89-92 1.5 1.62-1.38
85-88 1.75 1.87-1.63
80-84 2 2.12-1.88
75-79 2.25 2.37-2.13
70-74 2.5 2.62-2.38
65-69 2.75 2.87-2.63
60-64 3 3-2.88
Below 60 3.5 3.5-3.26
FDA 3.5
General Guidelines
GRADING: There will be NO INCOMPLETE GRADE; failure to submit
assignments, reports, take quizzes, and the likes on agreed deadlines
and without valid reasons* will automatically earn the student a
failing mark for that specific requirement.

ABSENCES: Failure due to absences (FDA) policy is applied both for
excused and unexcused absences. Make up quizzes and examinations
are provided only for excused absences. In the summer term, a
maximum of three (3) absences are allowed.

SUBMISSIONS: All papers (individual / group) must be submitted
through Edmodo following this format: (1) Paper Size: letter size (8.5 x
11); Font: Garamond, Font Size: 12; Font Color: Black; Title Page:
None, just place your name/s on top of the first page, left side; Paper
Title: In Bold, Centered, leave one space before the first line of the
paper; Line Spacing: 1.5; Paragraph Alignment: Left, not justified;
Citation: APA format, footnotes or endnotes may be used as deemed
necessary. Works caught to be plagiarized and those obtaining
information from unreliable sources (e.g., Wikipedia) will
automatically merit a grade of 3.5.

PRESENTATIONS: During class presentations or reporting, the
assigned groups must see to it that the desired pieces of equipment
(e.g., LCD projector, microphone) have been ensured for availability
on the day of the presentation.

Preferably by appointment; possible schedules are as follows:
Monday-Friday, 4:00-5:00 PM (1600-1700H)

You may contact me via this e-mail address:

Edmodo group: IPDCSR-PSM code-6ysmr2 (join within 10 days of
class start)
Argandoa, A. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility in the Encyclical Caritas in Veritate.
Working Paper. IESE Business School University of Navarra.
Equal Work. (2008). Corporate Social Responsibility: Definitions and meanings. European Social
Fund Initiative (ESF).
Fontaine, C., Haarman, A., & Schmid, S. (2006). Stakeholder Theory. Edalys Le Developpement
Durable Au Coeur de la Strategis D Enterprise. France.
Hervada, J (1995). The Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Taken from: on June 8, 2011.
Kennedy-Glans, D. & Schulz, B. (2005). Corporate Integrity: A toolkit for managing beyond
compliance. John Wiley & Sons, Canada, Ltd.
Thomas, G. & Nowak, M. (2006). A working paper on Corporate Social Responsibility: A definition.
Graduate School of Business, Curtin University of Technology.
Shaw, W. H. & Barry, V. (2010). Moral Issues in Business. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Belmont,
Tonello, M. (2011). The Business Case of Corporate Social Responsibility. The Harvard Law School
Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.

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