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Tools and Equipment

Needed in Food

By: Marielle Juvem Abellera
Tools and Equipment
Needed in Food
Equipment and Tools used in food
preservation are classified according to their
use such as measuring, preparing, packing
or canning or processing. Measuring tools
consist of measuring spoons , graduated
measuring cups, measuring glasses,
weighing scales and food thermometers.
In the preparation of raw materials, the
tools needed are the mixing bowl, colander
or sieve, various kinds of knives, a wire
basket for scalding, funnels, ladles, tongs,
strainers and basins.
For packing or canning, the tools needed are
preserving glass, jars, bottles and tin cans.
Can used in food preservation have special
lids or seal.
Common Tools and Utensils
Needed in Food
To Remember :
Tools and Equipment in food
preservation are classified according
to the following:

Packing or Canning
Self Checking Exercise
Direction: Write T if the statement is True and F
if the statement is False.
1. Cans used in food preservation have special lids
or seal.
2. Mixing bowl is one of the tools needed in
packing or canning.
3. Equipment and tools in food preservation are
classified according to its use.
4. Weighing scale is used in the preparation of
raw materials.
5. Thermometer is one of the measuring tools
used in food preservation.

Principles and Methods of
Food Preservation
Food is Preserved in various ways. Following
are common methods of food preservation:

1. Heating or cooking
destroy the enzymes and microorganisms
that cause spoilage. Boiling temperature
destroys yeast, molds and enzymes.
However, not all bacteria are destroyed in
cooking. Some types of bacteria are
destroyed in cooking. Some types of
bacteria are heat resistant.
2. Pasteurization
is a short term food preservation
method in which food is heated in a
closed system, cooked fast and placed
in a sealed container.

3. Canning
is the process of packing food in
tightly sealed tin cans or canning jars
and heated at high enough temperature
for a sufficient length of time to destroy
harmful microorganisms that cause
spoilage. However, Vitamin C and
Vitamin B1, or thiamine may be lost as
a result of heat processing.
Methods of Canning
a. Open Kettle Method - in this method,
the cooked or heat treated food is
transferred to sterile jars or containers
and sealed immediately and completely
. The method is used for sugar
preserves such as jams, jellies and
b. Raw Method - the food is packed raw
into tin plated can or glass jars using
sealing devices, before processing at a
suitable temperature.
c. Hot packed Method - The food is
thoroughly heated to partially cook it in
syrup, water or juice before packing
into containers such as well sealed tin
4. Refrigeration - This is method of
preservation in which
microorganisms are not destroyed
but retarded by low temperature .
Food keeps at low temperature.
However, refrigeration temperature
between 0C to 7C prevents
spoilage for only short time . Frozen
at 17C for a year . Chilling slows
down the rate of spoilage.
Vegetables and fruits are examples
of raw food that can be frozen.
5. Salting, Drying, Smoking and Curing

Salting is a method
commonly used to preserve meat
and fish . Microorganisms cannot
grow in high concentration of salt.
Salt also remove the water content
of food . The salting method is
combined with other processes such
as smoking, fermenting, drying,
curing in freezing.
Examples of salted and dried fruit in the
Philippines are kamias and santol .
Salting penetrates the food thoroughly
and evenly and draws moisture from it.

Drying is a method used to prevent
the growth of mold, yeast and bacteria in
food by extracting its moisture content to
maintain quality. Food is dried in the sun
or through mechanical devices that do
not depend on the weather condition but
use artificially heated air or air current
that absorbs the air. Commonly dried
vegetables and fruits are beans, peas,
potatoes, mango, prunes, apples and

Smoking this method is usually
combined with salting and drying
and is used to preserved fish and
meat. Fish are usually salted and
smoked. Smoking gives the food a
good appearance flavor and color.
smoked. Smoking gives the food a good
appearance flavor and color.
6. Preservation with Sugar A high concentration
of sugar prevents the growth of molds, yeast
and bacteria. When sugar is added to the fruit,
water is removed which makes the fruit
resistant to the growth of microorganisms.
Following are common sugar preserves:
a. Jelly is prepared by cooking the fruit juice with
sugar until consistent in form. Jellies are
transparent and bright colored.
b. Jams are prepared by cooking crushed or
chopped fruit and sugar together to a fairly
thick and smooth consistency.
c. Marmalade is similar to jam in preparation and
method of preservation. It is usually contains
thin and suspended slices of citrus fruit or peel.

d. Conserves - is a method that uses two or
more kinds of fruit and is similar to jam
in preparation.
e. Candied - in this method, the fruit peel
or fruit is concentrated with syrup. The
sugar content of the syrup increases by
continuously boiling until the fruit is
saturated in the heavy syrup. Then the
candied fruit is then allowed to dry
slowly to prevent stickiness.
f. Glazed - The fruit is first candied, then
dipped in fresh confectioners glucose
syrup to give it a clear, smooth shiny
Other Method of
Certain preservative chemical
are permitted By law to be used to
preserve fruit pulp. The chemicals
decrease microbial attack and
increase the rate of development of
oxidative rancidity. Chemicals are also
used to improve the appearance,
texture, flavor and storage properties
of food
Preservation by Radiation
Foods are also preserved by
subjecting them to x-ray or gamma
rays from a radioactive Cobalt 60
Machine accelerated electron.
Research on this method of
preserving food is being made to be
sure of the safety of the treated

Preservation by Gas
Gas Storage also preserves fruit.
Carbon Dioxide added the
environment of foods increases the
time they can be stored without
spoilage. The Carbon dioxides
prevents the food from drying up fast.
Use of Vinegar and Alcohol
Vinegar and alcohol are used as
preservatives because of their properties
that prevent spoilage:

1. They prevent spoilage by penetrating
liquids and supplanting its natural liquid
2. Alcohol kills microorganisms while diluted
acetic acid prevents their growth.
3. Food may be preserved in vinegar or
acetic acid diluted with water. No
bacteria will grow at pH less than 3.5 .

- Foods preserved in brine or
vinegar with or without spices include
vegetables, fruits, relishes and
chutneys. Ingredients used in pickling
are fruit, vegetables, vinegar, sugar,
spices and other preservatives.

Fermentation - It is the process of
anaerobic oxidation of the
carbohydrates by microbial enzymes
resulting in the production of alcohol
or several kinds of acids. In salt
fermentation, brine solution is used.
Yeast is needed when using sugar in
the fermentation of wine, beer and
vinegar which are examples of sugar
fermented foods. Bagoong, burong
dalag or burong mangga are examples
of salt fermented foods.

Fermentation of Wine
Fermentation of Beer
Fermentation of Vinegar

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