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Presented By:
Lohitakksh Chauhhan
By the end of this session you will be able to:
State the reasons for providing professional
telephone service to both internal and
external callers
Provide a suitable greeting and farewell to
Use the telephone effectively
Transfer and/or place a call on hold
Take a written message
Prior to Answering
the Telephone
Be prepared
pen and paper
telephone extension list
Avoid chewing, eating,
drinking or smoking
Use correct posture
Answer the call
with a smile on
your face!
Answering the Telephone
Focus on the caller
Answer promptly,
maximum within three rings
Answering the Telephone
Provide a greeting
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Answering the Telephone
Identify the department
Business Center
Front Desk
Answering the Telephone
Identify yourself
Lohitakksh speaking
Pooja speaking
Answering the Telephone
Offer assistance
How May I Help/Assist You?
Answering the Telephone
Good Morning, Business
Center, Mike speaking,
How May I help you?
Good Afternoon,
Finance, Aseem speaking,
How May I help you?
Transferring or
Placing Calls on Hold
Handle calls yourself where possible
Transfer calls directly to the
correct extension
Transferring or
Placing Calls on Hold
Always ask if you can put the person on hold
and wait for the answer
Ms Dabra,the extension is busy,
May I please place your call on hold?
Transferring or
Placing Calls on Hold
Explain delays
Thank you for holding, Ms Dabra, the extension is still
busy, would you like to continue holding or
shall I ask Ms Dabra to call you back
as soon as his extension is free?

Transferring or
Placing Calls on Hold
Let the caller know
why you are
transferring the call
who they are
being transferred to
Ms Dabra, I am Lohitakksh transferring
Im transferring your call to Mr X
who will be able to assist you in this regard.
Transferring or
Placing Calls on Hold
Always stay on the line until the transfer is complete
Explain to the person receiving
the call
why you are transferring
the call
who the caller is

Transferring a Call
Lohitakksh, this is Immanuel, I have Ms Dabra on
the line who needs some information about Corporate
Room Rates.
Good morning, Ms Dabra, this is Lohitakksh. I
understand that you would like to know about our
Corporate Room Rates, is that correct?
Transferring a Call
Use guests name (personalize the call)
Confirm understanding of the reason for the call
Ask a closed question for
Taking Messages
Message for
Name and title of caller
Company name
Telephone number
Time and date of call
Taking Messages
Action required
Name/initials of person
taking the message
Repeat the message
Ending the Call
End the conversation on a positive note
Thank the caller
Use the callers name
Ending the Call
Thank you for calling Ms Dabra,
Thank you for the booking,
Ms Dabra, we look forward to
seeing you.
Goodbye Ms Dabra
and thank you for calling.

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