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Computer Network

Computer Network
A collection of autonomous computers
Interconnected wired or wireless by a single
Share hardware or software resources
Few terms related to Computer Network
Broadcast links: It has a single communication
channel that is shared by all the machines on
the network by using a special code in the
address field.
Multicasting: Subset of broadcasting can be
said as multicasting.
Unicasting: Point-to-point transmission with
one sender and one receiver is sometimes
called as Unicasting.
Classification of networking(in distance)
Internet and Intranet
Internet: A collection of interconnected networks is called
an internetwork or internet.
Intranet: intranet is also a network which is used for
private purpose by a specific business/ organization/
corporate/ entities... users of this network is only the
authorized, allowed and internal members of the
Extranet: extranet is also a network that is used privately
and needed some security, and privacy control. It is the
extension of intranet that it is extended to outsiders users
with required security name and password.
Few Terminology(Networking software)
Protocols: A set of rules or agreement
between the communicating parties on how
communication is to be proceed.
Interface: Between each pair of adjacent
layers is an interface. The interface defines
which primitive operations and services the
lower layer makes available to the upper one.
Few Terminology(Networking software)
Error control: It is an important issue because
of data loss in physical data transmission.
Many error-detecting and error-correcting
codes are known by which both ends of
connection must agree on which one is being
Flow control: By flow control, sender and
receiver agree on transmission rate.
Difference between TCP/IP and OSI
Services, interface and protocol three
concepts are central in OSI
TCP/IP never clearly distinguish between
In OSI, protocols are well hidden. Services
never depends on protocols.
It is protocol driven. Model is just a
description of the existing protocols.
It has seven layers It has four layers
Network layer support both connection
oriented and connection less services.
It has only one mode in network
layer(connection less)
It supports only connection-oriented
services in transport layer
It support both
Connection oriented and connection less services
Datagram Service
A service mode in which a packet-switched
network routes each datagram without regard to
any other datagrams that might have preceded it
or that might follow it. Datagram service is
connectionless, meaning that there is no need to
set up a predetermined path for the packets to
travel through the network. Rather, each packet
in a stream of datagrams can take an entirely
different route from originating host to
destination host.As a result, the datagrams can
arrive at the destination host out of sequence.
Different protocols in TCP/IP
Terminology in Internet
ARPANET(Advanced Research Project Agency)
First developed internet among few universities(1967, Larry Roberts)
NSFNET(National Science Foundation)
Extended version of ARPANET with six supercomputers. Each
supercomputers were supported by an LSI-11 microcomputer called a
X.25-First public data network, where a computer
established a connection to the remote computer.
Frame Relay: X.25 was replaced by frame relay, a connection
oriented network with no error control or no flow control

De Facto and De jure
De facto: These standards are those that have
just happended without any formal plan.
Example: TCP/IP Model
De jure: These standards are formal, legal
standards adopted by some authorized
standardization body. Ex: OSI model

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