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The FMS & Cell Grouping

Nilesh J. Shirbhate
Mechanical Engineering Department
Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Types of Manufacturing Systems
 Mass Production
 Capability of producing large volumes of a product at a
lower cost, but very inflexible in terms of the product
types which can be produced (e.g., transfer lines).

 Batch Production
 Capability of producing a variety of different product
types, but at a high cost (e.g., Process shops).

 Job Production
 Capability of producing one job at a time. Facilities are
arranged to produce specialize job.

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Batch Production
 Types of Layouts
 Process Layout

 Cell Layout

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Definition of FMS
 Refers to a set of computer
numerically control (CNC) machine
tools and supporting workstations that
are connected by an automated
handling system and are controlled by
a central computer (Askin, 1993)

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What is an FMS?
 A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is
a manufacturing system in which there is
some amount of flexibility that allows the
system to react in the case of changes,
whether predicted or unpredicted.
 Two categories of flexibility
 Machine flexibility, covers the system's ability
to be changed to produce new product types, and
ability to change the order of operations executed
on a part.
 Routing flexibility, which consists of the ability
to use multiple machines to perform the same
operation on a part, as well as the system's ability
to absorb large-scale changes, such as in volume,
capacity, or capability.

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 Early FMSs were large and very complex, consisting
of dozens of CNCs and sophisticated material
handling systems. They were very automated, very
expensive and controlled by incredibly complex
software. There were only a limited number of
industries that could afford investing in a traditional
FMS as described above.
 Currently, the trend in FMS is toward small versions
of the traditional FMS, called flexible
manufacturing cells (FMC).
 Today two or more CNC machines are considered a
flexible cell and two more more cells are considered a
flexible manufacturing system.
 Thus, a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)
consists of several machine tools along with part and
tool handling devices such as robots, arranged so that it
can handle any family of parts for which it has been
designed and developed.

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The Manufacturing Cell
 A flexible manufacturing cell (FMC)
consists of two or more CNC
machines, a cell computer , material
handling equipments, measurement
equipments and a robot.
 The cell computer (typically a
programmable logic controller) is
interfaced with the microprocessors of
the robot and the CNCs.

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Fundamental Issue in Cell Development
 Main issue with FMC is design of cell.
 Cells are arranged on the basis of part
 Part family is group of parts to
manufacture, which posses some
design or manufacturing similarities.
 Part Families share set-up ideas and
equipment (Family Fixtures).
 Member of part family visits cell.

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What is group technology?
Group technology (GT) is a manufacturing philosophy
that seeks to improve productivity by grouping parts and
products with similar characteristics into families and
forming production cells with a group of dissimilar
machines and processes.

 Group technology was introduced by Frederick Taylor in

1919 as a way to improve productivity.

 One of long term benefits of group technology is it helps

implement a manufacturing strategy aimed at greater

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Building the FMC Facility



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Grouping Methods
 Using Process Similarity methods:
 Create Machine – Part Matrices
 Compute machine ‘pairwise’ Similarity
Coefficient comparisons:

Sij =
(x ij + x jj )

xij is # of parts (in matrix) visiting

both machines of the pair

is # of parts visiting one but not both machines

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Part ‘Number’

X 1 2 3 4 5 6
Machine ID

A 1 1

B 1 1

C 1 1

D 1 1 1

E 1 1 1

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Computing Similarity Coefficients:
 Total Number of similarity coefficient
 [(N-1)N]/2 = [(5-1)5]/2 = 10
 For 25 machines (typical number in a small

Job Shop): 300 Sij’s

 Here they are:
S AB = = .33
1+ 2
S AC = =0
S AD = = .67
2 +1

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S AE = =0 Here, if the similarity
0 coefficient is 0 .33 consider for
S BC = =0 grouping (clustering)
2 This criteria means clustering:
S BD = = .67
2 +1 A&D, A&B, B&D
S BE = =0 C &E
0 Declustering:
SCD = =0
0+5 A&C, A&E, B&C, B&E and C&D,
2 D&E
SCE = = .67
2 +1
S DE = =0

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 Examining our Matrix and our freshly
clustered ‘machine cells,’ we develop 2 part
 For the Cell A/D/B: Part Numbers 2, 3 & 5
 For the Cell C/E: Part Numbers 1, 4 & 6
 Care must be taken (in most cases) to
assure that each cell has all the machines it
needs – sometimes a couple of families need
a key machine
 In this case, the manager must decide to either
replicate the common machine or share it
between the cells creating a bottleneck and
scheduling problem for each cell
 This is typically one of the cost problems in CMS

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 Make Machine/Part Matrix
 Compute Similarity Coefficients
 Cluster Machines with positive (0 .33) Sij’s
 Determine Part Families for the clusters
 Decide if machine replication is cost effective
 Re-layout facility and Cross Train workforce
 Court customers to grow part families on
Cell-by-Cell basis

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Other Grouping Methods:
 Rank order Clustering (grouping)
 This method automates the cluster study by
computing Binary weights from a machine –
part matrix
 It orders parts and machine cells
‘automatically’ by structuring and computing
the matrix with binary weights
 It implies a computer algorithm for solving the
clustering problem
 It may not solve if machines are needed by
more than one family – forces intelligence in
application and hand scanning after several
ordering iterations

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Rank Order Clustering Method:
1. For each row of the machine/part matrix (M/P/M)
read the pattern of cell entries as a binary word.
Rank the rows by decreasing binary value. Equal
values stay in same order.
2. Ask if newly ranked rows in the matrix are the same
as previous order? – Yes (STOP) No (continue)
3. Re-form the M/P/M with rows in new descending
order. Now rank the columns by decreasing binary
word weight. Columns of equal weight are left where
they are
4. Are current column weights the same as current
column order? Yes (STOP), No (continue)
5. Re-form the matrix column order per rank order
(highest to left) and return to #1.

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Lets try it with our earlier problem:

Part ‘Number’
X 1 2 3 4 5 6
Machine ID

A 1 1
B 1 1
C 1 1
D 1 1 1
E 1 1 1

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Step 1:
Machine ID Part Numbers D. Equiv Rank

1 2 3 4 5 6
B. Wt: 25 24 23 22 21 20

A 1 1 23+21 = 5
B 1 1 24+23 = 4
C 1 1 25+22=36 2

D 1 1 1 24+23+21 3
= 26
E 1 1 1 25+22+20 1

Step 2: Must Reorder!

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Step 3:
Part Number
B. WT. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Machine ID
E 24 1 1 1
C 23 1 1
D 22 1 1 1
B 21 1 1
A 20 1 1
D. Equiv 24+23 22+21= 22+21+ 24+23= 22+20= 24=16
= 24 6 20=7 24 5

Rank 1 5 4 2 6 3

Step 4: Must Reorder

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Back at Step 1: Cluster


Part Number D. Eqv Rank

1 4 6 3 2 5
B Wt: 25 24 23 22 21 20
Machine ID

E 1 1 1 25+24+ 1
C 1 1 25+24= 48 2

D 1 1 1 22+21+ 20 3
B 1 1 22+21=6 4
A 1 1 22+20=5 5

Order stays the same: STOP!

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Alternative means to Develop
 Most often companies rely on Classification
and Coding (C&C) systems for analyzing
their part mix
 These codes can be general purpose or
company specific

Name of
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Classification and Coding Schemes

. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

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The Cell Controller
 The functions of the cell controller
include work load balancing, part
scheduling, and material flow control.
 The supervision and coordination
among the various operations in a
manufacturing cell is also performed by
the cell computer.
 The software includes features
permitting the handling of machine
breakdown, tool breakage and other
special situations.

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The Cell Robot
 In many applications, the cell robot
also performs tool changing and
housekeeping functions such as chip
removal, staging of tools in the tool
changer, and inspection of tools for
breakage or expressive wear. When
necessary, the robot can also initiate
emergency procedures such as system

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FMS Components
 Most FMS systems comprise of three
main systems
 Work machines (typically automated CNC
machines) that perform a series of
 An integrated material transport system
and a computer that controls the flow of
materials, tools, and information (e.g.
machining data and machine
malfunctions) throughout the system;
 Auxiliary work stations for loading and
unloading, cleaning, inspection, etc.

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FMS Goals
 Reduction in manufacturing cost by lowering
direct labor cost and minimizing scrap, re-
work, and material wastage.
 Less skilled labor required.
 Reduction in work-in-process inventory.
 Reduction in production lead time permitting
manufacturers to respond more quickly to
the variability of market demand.
 Better process control resulting in consistent

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Benefits of GT and FMS (Companies
 20% Report reduction in floor space
 45% Report reduced scrap
 80% Report reduced production and
quality costs
 69% Report reduced set-up time (cost)
 70% Report reduced throughput time
(even more report better predictability
of delivery)

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 82% Report reduced numbers of
overdue orders
 42% Report reduced raw-materials
 62% Report reduced WIP
 33% Report increased employee
output/time unit (productivity

Note: ‘Reported’ by companies in a survey of adopters of GT by R. R. Lindeke, PhD,2005

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Advantages of FMS
 Faster, lower- cost changes from one part to
another which will improve capital utilization
 Lower direct labor cost, due to the reduction
in number of workers
 Reduced inventory, due to the planning and
programming precision
 Consistent and better quality, due to the
automated control
 Lower cost/unit of output, due to the greater
productivity using the same number of
 Savings from the indirect labor, from
reduced errors, rework, repairs and rejects

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Disadvantages of FMS
 Limited ability to adapt to changes in product
or product mix (e.g., machines are of limited
capacity and the tooling necessary for
products, even of the same family, is not
always feasible in a given FMS)
 Substantial pre-planning activity
 Expensive, costing in millions
 Technological problems of exact component
positioning and precise timing necessary to
process a component
 Sophisticated manufacturing systems

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Thank you

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